Off to an awful start----LONG!

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if this is done by hand - which according to you it was - do you really thing that top management knows it is being done?

again OKW needs better management!

they don't know that OKW is having these problems unless you tell them. Do you really think the manager is telling his bosses that he can't handle it?

anytime you have to wait beyond 4pm - make sure that DVC knows it.

they can't improve on a situation they don't know exist.

Again love Pop. If that guy can handle that many guests and only have a few customers unhappy - think what he could do at OKW!!!popcorn::

Pop has 2,880 rooms, OKW has 761 villa.

Actually - we were at BWV with the card.

As for POP - my one trip to POP I waited in line to check-in for close to 30 minutes and was given a key to a room that was fully occupied. :eek: I would not call whoever manages POP my hero.

IMHO - VB has the best management - you'll find plenty of stories about them going out of their way to make things right. :thumbsup2
Ok, to answer some questions. First off, my husband is a surgeon and knows what was wrong with him. He kept fluids in. It was not Norwalk virus. Second, no, I do not sanitize the showers, but I do the counter tops, etc. There is no carpet on the first floor of the villa except in the master and a throw rug. He was crawling on the hardwood floor, which should be cleaned between guests.

I think if the room is not going to be available until after 6, then they should have check out later or adjust the points.

As far as our guide, we know he can do nothing, however, after all these years, we are considering getting rid of the points. That is why we are calling our guide. Only those who bought early on know what is different about this place. Even the manager agreed with that statement and he said he is trying to get it back.

So, I would assume by one comment that everyone should hold a crawling infant the whole time you are on vacation. I held him all day in Papa's Den because we did not want him crawling around in the "common areas". Believe me, we are medical people, we know what crawls in common places. I would think a villa should be cleaned between guests just like you would expect any other room to be. To have a hardwood floor filthy to the point of making your feet black and a childs knees black is unacceptable. would you put up with that in your home? Don't they say "Welcome Home"?

We have been around here for many years and know the rooms are not ready when you get here. I don't expect them to be. I just don't like being told something and having the opposite happen.
The management should get their story straight a ever changing string of reasons why the ..... (fill in any issue in your room is not ready yet) ... is always frustrating to me

The dirty (hard surface) floor is just flat unacceptable when the reason you waited was because they were cleaning the villa carpet I can understand it takes time to clean and dry carpet and they were supposedly rushing for you but hard-floors no way shoudl they be dirty right after the villa was prepped for a guest to check-in

Persue the issue while on site get names and contacts to do teh follow-up you are owners make your voice heard
I agree on the point about check in/room ready time. You are paying (points or cash) for a room, and there should be some accountability as far as when you get access to that room. If the room isn't ready until "sometime after 4" then checkout should be "sometime after 11" or you're getting shorted on what you paid for.

That being said, I think 4:00 is the latest I've ever waited for a room, so I have no personal complaint. My parents were kept waiting until after 5:00 (and even then.. there wasn't even a cleaning person/crew at the building they were told they would be in). In that case, the OKW manager gave them a $50 dining credit... which was a nice resolution to the complaint.
I agree on the point about check in/room ready time. You are paying (points or cash) for a room, and there should be some accountability as far as when you get access to that room. If the room isn't ready until "sometime after 4" then checkout should be "sometime after 11" or you're getting shorted on what you paid for.

That being said, I think 4:00 is the latest I've ever waited for a room, so I have no personal complaint. My parents were kept waiting until after 5:00 (and even then.. there wasn't even a cleaning person/crew at the building they were told they would be in). In that case, the OKW manager gave them a $50 dining credit... which was a nice resolution to the complaint.
You rent rooms by the night, not 24 hour period, same holds true for DVC you get the room from when you check in until 11am the next day and so on. This is how every hotel I've been to works, no discount for getting in late no matter who is at fault. Some will give a credit or some other perk for an unreasonable delay but 6:00 is not unreasonable for Orlando in July OP was in by 4. A families illness or tired children is not the resposibility of DVC or any other resort / hotel. All WDW resorts offer storage for your luggage and changing rooms so you can get on with your day. Being sick or having tired toddlers is bad enough dealing with both would ruin anyones day but blame can't be dumped on DVC.
OP we had the same thing with the floor happen at a 2br. My nephew who was about 14 mths old was crawling/toddling around and his feet and hands were black! My sister was on the phone in 2 seconds, requesting the carpet be steam cleaned. I only steam clean our carpet (we only have it upstairs) every few months or so, and its never been black, so I can't imagine how long they wait between cleanings! Sorry this happened to you.
You rent rooms by the night, not 24 hour period, same holds true for DVC you get the room from when you check in until 11am the next day and so on. This is how every hotel I've been to works, no discount for getting in late no matter who is at fault. Some will give a credit or some other perk for an unreasonable delay but 6:00 is not unreasonable for Orlando in July OP was in by 4. A families illness or tired children is not the resposibility of DVC or any other resort / hotel. All WDW resorts offer storage for your luggage and changing rooms so you can get on with your day. Being sick or having tired toddlers is bad enough dealing with both would ruin anyones day but blame can't be dumped on DVC.

I know the rules, we joined very early. In fact, I'm amazed at how people don't obey "the rules". I just don't like being told they would accomadate and then not. Would you have wanted your family member throwing up in Papa's Den???? A tired toddler you can get to sleep. You cannot make someone stop throwing up. It is easy to sit back and say things when it wasn't you being told they would help you out. So, in other words, if the room isn't available until oh, lets say, 1 am that is okay because it is still night? We did not ask or receive any "perks". We have 2000 points, we don't need any perks from them, just honesty and a clean room is all we asked for. We have our van, so therefore, we didn't even have to use "their storage". Our toddlers were not tired, they napped while waiting. I stayed with my husband and grandson while the others went "on on with their day".
I agree on the point about check in/room ready time. You are paying (points or cash) for a room, and there should be some accountability as far as when you get access to that room. If the room isn't ready until "sometime after 4" then checkout should be "sometime after 11" or you're getting shorted on what you paid for.

That being said, I think 4:00 is the latest I've ever waited for a room, so I have no personal complaint. My parents were kept waiting until after 5:00 (and even then.. there wasn't even a cleaning person/crew at the building they were told they would be in). In that case, the OKW manager gave them a $50 dining credit... which was a nice resolution to the complaint.

I have to agree with you. I understand that sometimes there are are exceptions to the 4 PM check-in but it should be just that, an exception and not the rule for guests. This is industry standard for hotels. I've rented vacation homes at numerous destinations across the country and it is check-in by 3 or 4 PM, check-out 11 AM. I'm just hoping the OP's expereince was an exception and not the rule for DVC. By 4 PM, we need a place to relax, especially in the summer with the heat or if we were up early for a flight. I'm sure if it was a frequent occcurrence, we would be hearing about it on the DIS!
I'm just hoping the OP's expereince was an exception and not the rule for DVC. By 4 PM, we need a place to relax, especially in the summer with the heat or if we were up early for a flight. I'm sure if it was a frequent occcurrence, we would be hearing about it on the DIS!

Just on a side note, we were not the only people fact, people kept coming in and couldn't believe we were still waiting. I don't think honesty and a clean room is too much to ask for dues of over $700 per month. No matter what amount you pay, you should expect the best Disney has to offer and it just didn't happen yesterday. I don't post often, usually just peruse, but I felt this needed to be told.
I just don't like being told they would accomadate and then not.

So the real issue for you was that the Front Desk CMs said housekeeping was "putting a rush on" your room, but you still didn't get in until 4:30.

Can I ask what time it was when the Front Desk told you that about housekeeping? I'm wondering exactly where the break happened. Could housekeeping have released the room and not gotten the message to Front Desk, or Front Desk got the message and didn't tell you? Certainly someone somewhere must have decided they could hurry up the cleaning.

I once waited for a Marriott Grande Vista room until after 8pm (after checking in at noon) because housekeeping failed to tell the Front Desk they were done.
So the real issue for you was that the Front Desk CMs said housekeeping was "putting a rush on" your room, but you still didn't get in until 4:30.

Can I ask what time it was when the Front Desk told you that about housekeeping? I'm wondering exactly where the break happened. Could housekeeping have released the room and not gotten the message to Front Desk, or Front Desk got the message and didn't tell you? Certainly someone somewhere must have decided they could hurry up the cleaning.

Actually it was almost 5 pm when we got in. Yes, I called to see if the room was available at 1 pm. (We checked in at 9:30 and knew we would have to wait). At 1, I asked if someone could please call housekeeping and see if there was anything they could do, due to the fact that my dh was ill. At that point, she put me on hold, cam back and said she spoke to housekeeping, they would put a rush on it, however, it would take them an hour. We called at 2:15 and that's when they said it wasn't done. By 4 pm, the front desk told us it was clean, however, all managers were in a meeting, and they could not release the rooms until they were checked by a manager. That's when things went downhill rapidly.....and then when we finally got in and it wasn't really "clean" is when we got angry.

Do you like Marriott? We are looking into it....
I know the rules, we joined very early. In fact, I'm amazed at how people don't obey "the rules". I just don't like being told they would accomadate and then not. Would you have wanted your family member throwing up in Papa's Den???? A tired toddler you can get to sleep. You cannot make someone stop throwing up. It is easy to sit back and say things when it wasn't you being told they would help you out. So, in other words, if the room isn't available until oh, lets say, 1 am that is okay because it is still night? We did not ask or receive any "perks". We have 2000 points, we don't need any perks from them, just honesty and a clean room is all we asked for. We have our van, so therefore, we didn't even have to use "their storage". Our toddlers were not tired, they napped while waiting. I stayed with my husband and grandson while the others went "on on with their day".


Again, I am sorry for what happened, and no I wouldn't want to be in that situation. I am sure had they said "sorry, but the room probably won't be ready for hours" you would've or could've found a better way to weather the situation. I can understand the feeling of anger getting stronger as the hours went by. And now that I think about it... had you known how long it would/might take, you likely could've gotten a ready studio (even if by cash) for a day and it probably would have been worth the extra expense.

I hope you don't feel ganged-up on here. We're all well meaning, though we sometimes get carried away with being Monday morning quarterbacks (me especially). Hope you will do as Pat suggests (spiceycat) and address these issues with DVC corporate management while it's hot on the plate, so to speak. If you do, please post about your experience with them.

2000 POINTS! :eek:

Hope the rest of your trip is magical.
No, I don't feel ganged up. I just know no one would want that to happen to them. As I said in an earlier post, we tried to get a studio before we left for the cruise but none were available. So we were thinking ahead and tried. I just don't like dishonesty and a dirty room!

Yes, we bought 2000 points at the very beginning so we would not have to add on. It was truly a different DVC when we bought! Would we do it again? Probably.
By Fishermouse:

You rent rooms by the night, not 24 hour period, same holds true for DVC you get the room from when you check in until 11am the next day and so on. This is how every hotel I've been to works, no discount for getting in late no matter who is at fault. Some will give a credit or some other perk for an unreasonable delay but 6:00 is not unreasonable for Orlando in July OP was in by 4. __________________

Bull! A room NOT ready until 6pm in orlando in July is acceptable? Not on my watch! If that is the case, then it must not bother you, but it would be not ok by ME!! I do not believe that in any way, shape or form.... I know about 100,000 members would be complaining if that was the case-checking in at 6pm!!

No, I don't feel ganged up. I just know no one would want that to happen to them. As I said in an earlier post, we tried to get a studio before we left for the cruise but none were available. So we were thinking ahead and tried. I just don't like dishonesty and a dirty room!

Yes, we bought 2000 points at the very beginning so we would not have to add on. It was truly a different DVC when we bought! Would we do it again? Probably.

I think you are probably right about being different today. Our first stay (at BWV in 98) the computer system was down and they couldn't give us a room until about 5pm. We asked if we could go ahead and get our park tickets and GAVE us 4 parkhopper passes for our stay. :eek: Not sure that happens any more. It sure made us happy though.

More and more, I am understanding that not all the resorts are run the same. We have not stayed at OKW, but I know Pat has... and if she is upset then it seems something must be wrong there. Though, Diane seems very happy with OKW, and I never heard her complain... I don't know if it is expectations, knowing how to work the system at a particular resort, but some love OKW and some hate it. I think it is the same with all resorts.

I do know that Starbox is right that VB is just the best when it comes to getting and/or making things right.
By Fishermouse:

Bull! A room NOT ready until 6pm in orlando in July is acceptable? Not on my watch! If that is the case, then it must not bother you, but it would be not ok by ME!! I do not believe that in any way, shape or form.... I know about 100,000 members would be complaining if that was the case-checking in at 6pm!!


I think Fishermouse is correct (technically) we reserve by the night, but I will not stand for a 6 pm check-in either. That means DVC needs 7 hours to clean rooms... not acceptable.
No, I don't feel ganged up. I just know no one would want that to happen to them. As I said in an earlier post, we tried to get a studio before we left for the cruise but none were available. So we were thinking ahead and tried. I just don't like dishonesty and a dirty room!

I think that it is very disappointing that the management at OKW did not intervene with more kindness and consideration. If they could not have gotten you into your room, they could have done things to make you feel like they cared - perhaps even just offered to get soda crackers or a soda. There are little things that mean a lot - sending a CM to check on you rather than making you check on them, offering to arrange transportation to Urgent Care (even if you decline - it's a nice gesture to offer)

I think we'd all like to believe that if we had a health crisis at DVC that TPTB would try to be acommodating rather than sarcastic. If I had an ill child or spouse that was vomiting in Papa's Den, I would not want to be told to "have a magical day" while I waited for a room. That's just plain ugly.

Hope everyone is feeling better now.
I am sorry about your trip, hope it went better. IMHO, AFTER 4 pm (closer to 6pm) is UNACCEPTABLE!! MOST hotels/villas have check in at 4pm. I would like to hear from other people who own OTHER timeshares IF and or WHAT time their check-in time is.... I don't know who to complain too about this.. WHY was it changed from 4pm till AFTER 4pm?? WHEN and WHY was this change made?

We are going to SSR in 5 days, so I will let you know when we check-in. We check-in on a WED, not sunday, so we shall see how fast it is ready...

I think this is pretty crappy on DVC's part. After 4 is not good!!
I am usually one not to complain, but if it is 6pm when I can check in on a WED, you can rest assured I will complain!


I went to SSR on July 1st. Our room was not ready until 6pm. I complained too. I have an Autistic son and a toddler.
I'm going to chime in again to say that I really, really think that I remember being told in June that they no longer were promising your room by 4, that it was now 6pm (the 4 on the card had been scratched out and "6" written in).

We keep discussing the late check-ins as if later than 4 is a violation of the terms of check-in. If those terms have been changed, perhaps we should discuss whether or not that change is okay with us (and if it's not, perhaps a letter should be drafted or it needs to be brought up at an owners association meeting).

OP - I am sorry you had a bad experience with check-in, cleanliness, and illness. There is not much worse than feeling ill and not having a quiet, private place to rest and recover. It sounds like the CMs could have been more sympathetic and less sarcastic - even if they could not have gotten you in a room, they could have at least been kind. Hopefully, DH will be on the mend and everyone else will stay healthy. You may want to ask for housekeeping to come and disinfect the bathroom and etc. after DH starts feeling better. :wizard: pixie dust for a healthy and happy rest of your trip![/QUOTe

I was told the rooms are guaranted at 4pm. I guess this is not the case. It is not fair because you have to check out by 11am. There are no late check outs. This gives housekeeping 5 hours to get the rooms done. It is definately a housekeeping issue. Obviously they are understaffed!
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