Observations on CMs "assisting" guests

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
On my most recent WDW solo trip. I encountered many CMs who offered me their arm to assist me getting off rides. I noted that they never used there hand and reached for me, but always held out their arm in case I needed it. I wonder if it's a "If anything happens, you reached for me, you can't blame me since I didn't reach for you". Don't misunderstand-I REALLY appreciated the CM's offers of assistance, and told them so, even if I managed without it. Has anyone else encountered this, or was I just super lucky?

Also. I chose to ride 2 rides where you're supposed to transfer to a wheelchair and then have someone in your party push you. Umm-there's no one else in my party, so is this ride out? No, in both cases, a CM happily pushed me in a wheelchair. Then, after one ride, the CM gave me 3 anytime fastpasses just because "you were so nice." ME? What about them? I was so appreciative.
So I know people are going to arguse with me and say you got picie dusted but this is what I have been told by CM while I normily do not have any mobility problems there are times where I am less steady on my feet and do need to use a wheelchair normily it is latter at night and I am fine after I rest back at the hotel. So I tend to do one more ride after the first works ( that is normily space moution) so most of that I am going to say is from space but there is one time at HM the CM did help me.

There have been about 4 times I have needed a wheelchair and went on space mountain the I think it was my first time ( all of those happened over a year ago) I went to the FP line since I use the DAS and a manager or someone in a peanut Buttler coller costume ( a coordinator) was standing there without any question form me he offered to push me I was like wow how mice of you while he was pushing me he got a call on his radio ( he had to stop to take it and said I am doing a code __ whatever it was). I have been told on here a number of times CM are not allowed to push guests and thought he was just doing something very night and question him. he told me that at space since there is such a big hill they Offer to push guests in wheelchair that are alone.

the next time I road with a wheelchair I asked the CM if I could have help she said yeas that she would get someone for me agan while he was pushing me out he got a call and said I am almost done with a code ___ i can be there in a few minutes I was like that is code for pushing someone he said yes and we talked about different codes while we were on the moving walkway out

inbetween this time and the last time I was at the bottom of the first down hill part when people infront of me stoped for something all of a suddden I hear this noise behind me turned a round and a older teeen young 20s girl was going out of control in her wheelchair and hit the railing at the bottem ( I have no idea how she did not hit me) the seeen was not prettty at all her friend that was pushing her let go and she just went.

I think it was that trip or the next trip that was using a wheelchait the CM at the time would not let me in line a lone in wheelchair it took a few extra minutes for them to get someone to push me ( I was fine waiting) and when they did the person pushing me was very sorry it took so long he said something about an accident and I was like oh the one where the girl hit the railing ( we were passing the part as I was saying this ) he was like you know about it I said I was standing right infront of her and have no cluse how she did not hit me he told me this was when they change the police that someone had to push someone in a wheelchair. ( I am not sure if it is still the case)

There have been two times I can remember a CM giving me there arm for support one time I did not need it I was going thought the exit of houttem mansion (I can not handle the inside part of the line due to my disability) and the CM at the walkway gave me her arm and said something like you can hold on my arm I told her I was fine walking.

the ther time was at space one of the times I was using a wheechair the CM on the other side getting in put out her arm for me when getting in the vehical while I did not need this it very helped full the nextday I was her standing out side and asked her about this ( again I have heard on here a number of time CM can not help guest) She told me that is a yes and no answer that the CM are trained to not use more than ( I forgot the % of what they can do) and they can if they think they can offer a guest their arm to help steady while gettting into and or out of rides but do not have too (she went on a little more but it has been maybe 2 or 3 years ago) she also told me that at space there are a few CM that have been traind to push guest that are by then self now if they are there all the time or if this has changed or if there are other rides/ or if each land has someone that could do a little more to help out a single guest in a line I do not know I knew what I heard from a few years ago from maniger ( there was a maniger with her when I was talking with her the next day that was also talking with me, latter found out it was an upper area maniger for all of tommowland and fantisyland and mybe main street)
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So I know people are going to arguse with me and say you got picie dusted but this is what I have been told by CM while I normily do not have any mobility problems there are times where I am less steady on my feet and do need to use a wheelchair normily it is latter at night and I am fine after I rest back at the hotel. So I tend to do one more ride after the first works ( that is normily space moution) so most of that I am going to say is from space but there is one time at HM the CM did help me.

There have been about 4 times I have needed a wheelchair and went on space mountain the I think it was my first time ( all of those happened over a year ago) I went to the FP line since I use the DAS and a manager or someone in a peanut Buttler coller costume ( a coordinator) was standing there without any question form me he offered to push me I was like wow how mice of you while he was pushing me he got a call on his radio ( he had to stop to take it and said I am doing a code __ whatever it was). I have been told on here a number of times CM are not allowed to push guests and thought he was just doing something very night and question him. he told me that at space since there is such a big hill they Offer to push guests in wheelchair that are alone.

the next time I road with a wheelchair I asked the CM if I could have help she said yeas that she would get someone for me agan while he was pushing me out he got a call and said I am almost done with a code ___ i can be there in a few minutes I was like that is code for pushing someone he said yes and we talked about different codes while we were on the moving walkway out

inbetween this time and the last time I was at the bottom of the first down hill part when people infront of me stoped for something all of a suddden I hear this noise behind me turned a round and a older teeen young 20s girl was going out of control in her wheelchair and hit the railing at the bottem ( I have no idea how she did not hit me) the seeen was not prettty at all her friend that was pushing her let go and she just went.

I think it was that trip or the next trip that was using a wheelchait the CM at the time would not let me in line a lone in wheelchair it took a few extra minutes for them to get someone to push me ( I was fine waiting) and when they did the person pushing me was very sorry it took so long he said something about an accident and I was like oh the one where the girl hit the railing ( we were passing the part as I was saying this ) he was like you know about it I said I was standing right infront of her and have no cluse how she did not hit me he told me this was when they change the police that someone had to push someone in a wheelchair. ( I am not sure if it is still the case)

There have been two times I can remember a CM giving me there arm for support one time I did not need it I was going thought the exit of houttem mansion (I can not handle the inside part of the line due to my disability) and the CM at the walkway gave me her arm and said something like you can hold on my arm I told her I was fine walking.

the ther time was at space one of the times I was using a wheechair the CM on the other side getting in put out her arm for me when getting in the vehical while I did not need this it very helped full the nextday I was her standing out side and asked her about this ( again I have heard on here a number of time CM can not help guest) She told me that is a yes and no answer that the CM are trained to not use more than ( I forgot the % of what they can do) and they can if they think they can offer a guest their arm to help steady while gettting into and or out of rides but do not have too (she went on a little more but it has been maybe 2 or 3 years ago) she also told me that at space there are a few CM that have been traind to push guest that are by then self now if they are there all the time or if this has changed or if there are other rides/ or if each land has someone that could do a little more to help out a single guest in a line I do not know I knew what I heard from a few years ago from maniger ( there was a maniger with her when I was talking with her the next day that was also talking with me, latter found out it was an upper area maniger for all of tommowland and fantisyland and mybe main street)
This is very interesting, thanks for that. I will be doing a solo trip in a year’s time with an ECV. I ‘can’ walk, but not Disney distances, and standing for long periods totally does my back in. But somewhere on here I read about someone who takes a wheelchair and sometimes uses it as a walker when she wants to move a bit, and then as a wheelchair when she needs to. So I was thinking along the lines of using the wheelchairs on the swap rides like Pirates and Space as walkers for the most part. But if I know a CM may stop me and offer then at least I know there are some who’s job it is to help and won’t feel so guilty.
This is very interesting, thanks for that. I will be doing a solo trip in a year’s time with an ECV. I ‘can’ walk, but not Disney distances, and standing for long periods totally does my back in. But somewhere on here I read about someone who takes a wheelchair and sometimes uses it as a walker when she wants to move a bit, and then as a wheelchair when she needs to. So I was thinking along the lines of using the wheelchairs on the swap rides like Pirates and Space as walkers for the most part. But if I know a CM may stop me and offer then at least I know there are some who’s job it is to help and won’t feel so guilty.
All I can do is speak of space and that was at lest 2 years ago so things might have changed ( I do not think they insets on pushing any more) but this was my experience for space
I'm surprised in a good way. I hope this is a new standard. Maybe, it has something to do with you being solo.
On my most recent WDW solo trip. I encountered many CMs who offered me their arm to assist me getting off rides. I noted that they never used there hand and reached for me, but always held out their arm in case I needed it. I wonder if it's a "If anything happens, you reached for me, you can't blame me since I didn't reach for you". Don't misunderstand-I REALLY appreciated the CM's offers of assistance, and told them so, even if I managed without it. Has anyone else encountered this, or was I just super lucky?

Also. I chose to ride 2 rides where you're supposed to transfer to a wheelchair and then have someone in your party push you. Umm-there's no one else in my party, so is this ride out? No, in both cases, a CM happily pushed me in a wheelchair. Then, after one ride, the CM gave me 3 anytime fastpasses just because "you were so nice." ME? What about them? I was so appreciative.
regarding the CM holding out their arm in case you needed it:
- CMs are allowed to offer that level of assistance. Disney calls it ‘offering a steadying hand’. At some attractions - for example getting out of the Jungle Cruise boat, or a very low ride car like Space Mountain - it may be offered to every guest, whether or not the guest appears to ‘need‘ it.
- I don’t recall anyone posting that ‘CMs are not allowed to help a guest.’ People have posted that CMs are not allowed to transfer a guest.
Specifically, what CMs are NOT allowed to do is lift or physically transfer a guest or provide MORE than a steadying hand. CMs have not been been trained to do transfers or lifts. Even if they had been, they do not know the guest, so don’t know how that particular person needs to be transferred. There may be times when a guest is physically stuck in a low ride vehicle; CMs would normally have other members of that guest’s group help them. If more assistance is needed, an evacuation could be called for.
- Offering a steadying hand is the way Health Care Workers are taught to do what’s called ‘stand by assist’ (I am an RN).
There are a couple of reasons a hand is offered rather than reaching for the guest / patient. One is that reaching and touching may startle the person, making them more likely to fall than if no assistance was offered at all.
Another is that offering a hand puts the person who needs assistance in control. That person decides how much or whether assistance/contact is needed.
This is very interesting, thanks for that. I will be doing a solo trip in a year’s time with an ECV. I ‘can’ walk, but not Disney distances, and standing for long periods totally does my back in. But somewhere on here I read about someone who takes a wheelchair and sometimes uses it as a walker when she wants to move a bit, and then as a wheelchair when she needs to. So I was thinking along the lines of using the wheelchairs on the swap rides like Pirates and Space as walkers for the most part. But if I know a CM may stop me and offer then at least I know there are some who’s job it is to help and won’t feel so guilty.
Despite what gap wrote, you did get Pixie dust and I would not plan on getting a CM to push you through any lines. IF there is a CM who is free, they MIGHT offer, but it is not someone’s job or in their job expectation/description to help by pushing a wheelchair in line.
A CM could choose to offer to do it, IF they don’t have any other job assignment at the attraction at the time. Most of the CMs at each attraction have specific job assignments, which they rotate thru - if you’ve ever seen a CM handing the CM where you are a slip of paper, that’s how CMs are informed where their next rotation will be, or things like being relieved for break.
You are more likely to get ’extra’ at certain times - when it’s not busy, when a CM is between specific assignment or if it’s a lead who happened to be free.
If a CM offers to push you, don’t feel guilty - they have chosen to do it.
Regarding CMs pushing a wheelchair in line...
this is not arguing that it happened to anyone, but clarifying it is not policy to push a guest through an entire line.
When it was first posted, I emailed someone in a decision making position for Disability Services for all Disney parks with the particular information that had been posted.
This was the reply I got:

Cast Members at our attractions are not "required" to push Guests in manual wheelchairs who might have transferred from an ECV or might be traveling alone through an entire attractions queue.
What our Cast can do for any Guest who asks is offer their arm for stability getting in or out of an attraction vehicle, maneuver a Guest's wheelchair a short distance to/from the load/unload area to a ride vehicle, and assist in maneuvering a wheelchair up or down an incline leading to or leaving the load/unload area.

I clarified that maneuvering up or down an incline meant the area in the load/unload area, not all the way in or out of an attraction (even if it’s inclined).
I also asked if there is a standard code that means pushing a guest’s wheelchair (in general or specifically for Space Mountain) and was told there is not a specific code for that type of assistance.

I have asked the question each time it’s been posted and always got the same answer and that it has not changed since I last asked. This is consistent with what I posted above and what I have always been told at the parks. The last time I emailed was in mid May 2019.

So, if a CM does more than what it in the italicized text above, consider that you got a nice bit of pixie dust.
Regarding CMs pushing a wheelchair in line...
this is not arguing that it happened to anyone, but clarifying it is not policy to push a guest through an entire line.
When it was first posted, I emailed someone in a decision making position for Disability Services for all Disney parks with the particular information that had been posted.
This was the reply I got:

Cast Members at our attractions are not "required" to push Guests in manual wheelchairs who might have transferred from an ECV or might be traveling alone through an entire attractions queue.
What our Cast can do for any Guest who asks is offer their arm for stability getting in or out of an attraction vehicle, maneuver a Guest's wheelchair a short distance to/from the load/unload area to a ride vehicle, and assist in maneuvering a wheelchair up or down an incline leading to or leaving the load/unload area.

I clarified that maneuvering up or down an incline meant the area in the load/unload area, not all the way in or out of an attraction (even if it’s inclined).
I also asked if there is a standard code that means pushing a guest’s wheelchair (in general or specifically for Space Mountain) and was told there is not a specific code for that type of assistance.

I have asked the question each time it’s been posted and always got the same answer and that it has not changed since I last asked. This is consistent with what I posted above and what I have always been told at the parks. The last time I emailed was in mid May 2019.

So, if a CM does more than what it in the italicized text above, consider that you got a nice bit of pixie dust.
I did have a CM offer to push me in wheelchair when it would have been 7 and 8 year old grandsons pushing me in a crowded line at Soarin. I am guessing they looked at it from safety of other guests
I did have a CM offer to push me in wheelchair when it would have been 7 and 8 year old grandsons pushing me in a crowded line at Soarin. I am guessing they looked at it from safety of other guests
The point I was making was that guests can‘t expect CMs to push them in an entire line.
It may be offered and a CM may be able to do it if asked, but since they aren’t required, it can’t be counted on.
I’m curious what you did the rest of the day? Were you self propelling a wheelchair all day?
I have seen them offer a hand to my Mom and I a lot too. Especially Mom. Recently at Haunted Mansion Holiday (at Disneyland), we parked the ECV by the ride and transferred to a wheelchair that the cast member grabbed for us. While Mom can walk, the crowds have nearly knocked her down too many times and I cannot get her up and her knees do not bend enough to get up on her own. As soon as she was seated, I was going to push the wheelchair and the cast member just took it and pushed her up the small ramp and asked if I needed help pushing it all the way. It was not needed and I was very surprised as we have never had that offer before.
The point I was making was that guests can‘t expect CMs to push them in an entire line.
It may be offered and a CM may be able to do it if asked, but since they aren’t required, it can’t be counted on.
I’m curious what you did the rest of the day? Were you self propelling a wheelchair all day?
their mother had go back to room with younger brother and it took a couple hours and between self and the boys we made it. I didn't ask there they were like you and them were not going thru line with them pushing o I assumed it was from a safety point as that was only place we were stopped
their mother had go back to room with younger brother and it took a couple hours and between self and the boys we made it. I didn't ask there they were like you and them were not going thru line with them pushing o I assumed it was from a safety point as that was only place we were stopped
thanks. I was picturing you having you push yourself or have the kids do it your whole trip. That would be pretty miserable.

The CM may have offered to push you from a safety standpoint since that queue is pretty much a slight (or sometimes not so slight) downhill slope all the way. Or, it could be that the CM just had some extra time and your group looked like you could use some help.
Regarding CMs pushing a wheelchair in line...
this is not arguing that it happened to anyone, but clarifying it is not policy to push a guest through an entire line.
When it was first posted, I emailed someone in a decision making position for Disability Services for all Disney parks with the particular information that had been posted.
This was the reply I got:

Cast Members at our attractions are not "required" to push Guests in manual wheelchairs who might have transferred from an ECV or might be traveling alone through an entire attractions queue.
What our Cast can do for any Guest who asks is offer their arm for stability getting in or out of an attraction vehicle, maneuver a Guest's wheelchair a short distance to/from the load/unload area to a ride vehicle, and assist in maneuvering a wheelchair up or down an incline leading to or leaving the load/unload area.

I clarified that maneuvering up or down an incline meant the area in the load/unload area, not all the way in or out of an attraction (even if it’s inclined).
I also asked if there is a standard code that means pushing a guest’s wheelchair (in general or specifically for Space Mountain) and was told there is not a specific code for that type of assistance.

I have asked the question each time it’s been posted and always got the same answer and that it has not changed since I last asked. This is consistent with what I posted above and what I have always been told at the parks. The last time I emailed was in mid May 2019.

So, if a CM does more than what it in the italicized text above, consider that you got a nice bit of pixie dust.
Actually, some of this information is outdated now. Having personally spoken with a lead at a few attractions where ECVs are not allowed in the queues and there is no alternate entrance for ECVs (on both coasts), the current information is:
At attractions where ECVs are not allowed in the queue, if you have no one in your party that is capable of pushing you, then they will provide a CM to do so. If it is a mainstream queue, They will not push you through the standby queue though, they will issue you a return time under these circumstances and provide someone when you return and go through the FP queue. If you have someone that can physically push you through the queue, then they expect them to do so.

This is now the official policy and I have been told so by several leads on both coasts, all with the same information as above, so the answer gas been consistent. Again, they won't push you through the standby line and if you can get through in your own power or by someone in your group pushing, they will encourage that first, but if you tell them that isn't an option, they will provide someone to push through the FP queue (or other alternate queue where applicable)

As for assistance with transferring, I am not sure why, but on this last trip I did see CMs assist with transferring a teenage to young adult girl on Spaceship Earth and it seemed odd to me that they would help physically lift her. I do not know the extent of the circumstances that allowed for such assistance, but it definitely seemed out if the norm to me, but the CMs acted like it was perfectly normal. Of course on this last trip, on our fist day, we got to Spaceship Earth about 5 minutes after park closing (although there was no announcement yet) and figured we would ask if we could still ride and they let us, we were the last riders of the night and we fully expected them to say no, but figured there was no harm in asking and they let us since the person that checks the track hadn't started their ride through yet. So it may simply be that the CMs are more accommodating at Spaceship Earth, I am honestly not sure.


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