Nothing A Little Sangria Can't Fix! A Thanksgiving 2016 Dining Report update 3/21 MK eats

Ok, I won't cancel, but you have me a little skeptical now. Actually, I'm not looking as forward to the food as I am the character interactions. I mean, I'm sure the food will be fine...regular breakfast fare, but I'm not expecting anything as good as Crystal Palace, with all the buffet choices. None of us are cinnamon bun fans so that's not gonna do us any good. And I'm a huge biscuits and gravy lover so there goes that. But bacon, eggs, Mickey waffle should be good. And the boys will have fun with Farmer Mickey and his friends!

Skeptical of New Soarin' too...not from your report but several we'll see how it goes.

On another note, I'm sure you have talked with your sister and know we are about to shut down in How does your sister handle it now? I'm wondering if her perspective is one - different than it used to be when she was a Notherner (lol) and two - if its different than someone like me, who has only lived in the South?
We went to GG a week or two after @ariane37 went and there was a woman with and earpiece and a clipboard that came by periodically to see if we had seen all of the characters. We had a 10am ADR so we were at the tail end of breakfast service but we got to see all of the characters and the character interaction was good. We saw two before she asked then she brought the other chipmunk over after asking and when we were wrapping our meal up she came by again to see if I think Mickey had come yet and he hadn't so she fetched him right away. We didn't wait for him or anything. So it seems like they are aware of their problems in making sure the characters see everyone and maybe that is a recent change that happened between our two trips.

I did CP too and yes, you can't compare the two, but our food was hot and fresh and the bacon was crispy. Maybe if you get limp bacon ask for more and you might get crispy from the next batch. it seems like the stuff they serve at breakfsat can suffer with just a couple minutes over/under cooking and sometimes does.

New Soarin' was awesome!
Ok, I won't cancel, but you have me a little skeptical now. Actually, I'm not looking as forward to the food as I am the character interactions. I mean, I'm sure the food will be fine...regular breakfast fare, but I'm not expecting anything as good as Crystal Palace, with all the buffet choices. None of us are cinnamon bun fans so that's not gonna do us any good. And I'm a huge biscuits and gravy lover so there goes that. But bacon, eggs, Mickey waffle should be good. And the boys will have fun with Farmer Mickey and his friends!
I'm sure you saw @Lisa F 's comment too, so you can definitely and most likely will have a good experience :) BTW Chris loved the biscuits at Capt. Grille breakfast, just something else for you to think about lol!
We've done dinner at CP but never breakfast, and I've heard so many good things about it. I'd love to try it except for the characters......maybe if Chris doesn't request any other character meal on our next trip (which I doubt) I can sweet talk the boys into doing it by showing them the menu.
Skeptical of New Soarin' too...not from your report but several we'll see how it goes.
I'll bet you love it ::yes::

On another note, I'm sure you have talked with your sister and know we are about to shut down in How does your sister handle it now? I'm wondering if her perspective is one - different than it used to be when she was a Notherner (lol) and two - if its different than someone like me, who has only lived in the South?
Um, don't get mad......but we were texting before and making fun of the state of emergency :blush: My nephew is mad is basketball practice tonight and game tomorrow are cancelled lol and I guess it's only raining right now! So her perspective isn't different since she knows how to drive in a foot of snow and is comfortable doing that, but she knows nobody down there-or at least nobody that isn't a transplant from a snowy state-knows how to so it's best she stays off the roads! And even though we make fun we both understand why those of you who have never driven in it aren't comfortable trying. But she hasn't been able to find bread in the stores since Wed. and that's still humorous :P

That stinks that Garden Grill wasn't as great as expected. That's on our list to try in November. I'll keep my expectations low.
I know, we are rarely disappointed with our meals down there and again this could have been much worse, but I wasn't thrilled. However as I told Renee @ArielSRL and as you can see from @Lisa F 's review, it can also be very good! So I'm sure you'll have a better experience :)
We went to GG a week or two after @ariane37 went and there was a woman with and earpiece and a clipboard that came by periodically to see if we had seen all of the characters. We had a 10am ADR so we were at the tail end of breakfast service but we got to see all of the characters and the character interaction was good. We saw two before she asked then she brought the other chipmunk over after asking and when we were wrapping our meal up she came by again to see if I think Mickey had come yet and he hadn't so she fetched him right away. We didn't wait for him or anything. So it seems like they are aware of their problems in making sure the characters see everyone and maybe that is a recent change that happened between our two trips.
Thank you for posting this! I'm glad you had a good meal, sounds like ours last year as far as the food. Also good to hear about management checking to make sure everyone sees the characters-maybe it was a bigger problem than just with my family lol!

New Soarin' was awesome!
Totally agree :thumbsup2
That would have annoyed me to have characters walking past and not stopping. Glad you made it onto Soarin' without too much of a wait!
In regards to an adults only trip...I think Matt and I just need to figure out a good time to go. Maybe we can sneak down there this summer when the kids are with their grandparents! I carry the guilt around with me like an extra suitcase...I need to drop it like it's hot and live my own Disney life, LOL!!

And it looks like we had a similar food experience with Garden Grill, unfortunately! It made me sad after so many glowing reviews when it first started up the breakfast service. Oh well! There are so many places to eat in Epcot, it's pretty much a non-issue! There's always the reliable Crystal Palace and Tusker House if we need a good breakfast buffet with characters!
I will say, the tater tots were the winner with our bunch, too! They were perfectly crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. The cinnamon bun thing was ok, but like yours, overdone on the outside, so we picked out the middle.

Also, I really need to stop reading dining reviews while hungry!! I miss Disney food!
We went to GG a week or two after @ariane37 went and there was a woman with and earpiece and a clipboard that came by periodically to see if we had seen all of the characters. We had a 10am ADR so we were at the tail end of breakfast service but we got to see all of the characters and the character interaction was good. We saw two before she asked then she brought the other chipmunk over after asking and when we were wrapping our meal up she came by again to see if I think Mickey had come yet and he hadn't so she fetched him right away. We didn't wait for him or anything. So it seems like they are aware of their problems in making sure the characters see everyone and maybe that is a recent change that happened between our two trips.

I did CP too and yes, you can't compare the two, but our food was hot and fresh and the bacon was crispy. Maybe if you get limp bacon ask for more and you might get crispy from the next batch. it seems like the stuff they serve at breakfsat can suffer with just a couple minutes over/under cooking and sometimes does.

New Soarin' was awesome!
Thanks for sharing!
Yeh, our biggest problem with the weather is the fact that it always either turns to ice or is just ice. Snow isn't really a huge problem. People do tend to freak out over it though. Of course, we only just got a couple snow plows and no one here owns snow shovels or snow tires (is that still a thing?). We just don't have much use for any of that snow boots or snow suits. It snows like once a year! Lol.

I don't think I got this picture! You will have to send it since technology challenged me can't figure out how to save!
Who is the someone of which you speak that would give you a hard time about having a soda for breakfast instead of something delicious like a nice bloody mary? Seriously, who are they? I want to have a good long discussion with this person.

Sorry GG was a bit of a bust, I know you were looking forward to it. We had the same trouble with the cinnamon rolls. My guess is they crank out so many then try and keep them warm that they end up drying out. Crazy you still didn't get to see all the characters. But clearly you must have did something to Dale for him to "dis" you so overtly. Maybe he is this someone of which you speak and was offended by the soda :confused3
Thank you for posting this! I'm glad you had a good meal, sounds like ours last year as far as the food. Also good to hear about management checking to make sure everyone sees the characters-maybe it was a bigger problem than just with my family lol!

Totally agree :thumbsup2
yours is not the first time I have read about that happening... I think it happens a lot. Also I just think in regard to the food, there is such a narrow window of "perfect" in those items that are produced on a mass scale, it must be easy to mess it up :P but if it is AYCTE maybe just ask for more and tell the server you want crisper bacon or whatever. I always hesitate to feeling like I am wasting though.
That would have annoyed me to have characters walking past and not stopping. Glad you made it onto Soarin' without too much of a wait!
Ugh it was annoying, I just tried not to show it so Chris didn't see. I honestly don't think it bothered Chris since at least we saw Chip and they're kind of interchangeable lol, and like I said if it happened once, ok. But twice in the same place is inexcusable.

In regards to an adults only trip...I think Matt and I just need to figure out a good time to go. Maybe we can sneak down there this summer when the kids are with their grandparents!
I really, really hope you do it! That would be a great time when the boys are with their grandparents, you wouldn't have to worry about who would watch them. Believe me, you will NOT regret it and you'll want to plan another adults only trip the minute you get back!

And it looks like we had a similar food experience with Garden Grill, unfortunately! It made me sad after so many glowing reviews when it first started up the breakfast service. Oh well! There are so many places to eat in Epcot, it's pretty much a non-issue! There's always the reliable Crystal Palace and Tusker House if we need a good breakfast buffet with characters!
Oh man I'm sorry :( I'll be on the lookout for that now in your TR. It's true Epcot has lots and lots of great places to eat, it's just nice to get in there PPO. I think right now my top 3 Disney breakfasts are TH, Capt. Grille and Trails End, but we've never done CP and we did 1900 PF breakfast so long ago I don't really remember it.

Yeh, our biggest problem with the weather is the fact that it always either turns to ice or is just ice. Snow isn't really a huge problem. People do tend to freak out over it though. Of course, we only just got a couple snow plows and no one here owns snow shovels or snow tires (is that still a thing?). We just don't have much use for any of that snow boots or snow suits. It snows like once a year! Lol.
I remember when my parents lived in Ga. that's what my dad said; the problem was there were just no plows down there. YES snow tires are still a thing lol!

I don't think I got this picture! You will have to send it since technology challenged me can't figure out how to save!
And I meant to send you the picture right after I took it and didn't, then meant to send it to you this morning and didn't! Sending it as soon as I finish answering these posts :thumbsup2

Who is the someone of which you speak that would give you a hard time about having a soda for breakfast instead of something delicious like a nice bloody mary? Seriously, who are they? I want to have a good long discussion with this person.
Then do what I did at Narcoossee's, have a few glasses of wine and then look in a mirror :rotfl2:

Sorry GG was a bit of a bust, I know you were looking forward to it. We had the same trouble with the cinnamon rolls. My guess is they crank out so many then try and keep them warm that they end up drying out
I remember you saying that about your buns. You're probably right about them being made in bulk so to speak. I love me some breakfast so it was disappointing in that respect also; at least we enjoyed Capt. Grille the day before.
ut clearly you must have did something to Dale for him to "dis" you so overtly. Maybe he is this someone of which you speak and was offended by the soda
Ha ha he probably was! When you guys met him there did he do somersaults over to your table and then twerk a little bit in excitement when he got there and saw your beverage?

Hi Ariane! I FINALLY figured out how to post some iphone pics. AND, I started a new trip report...
Found it and commented :thumbsup2

Also I just think in regard to the food, there is such a narrow window of "perfect" in those items that are produced on a mass scale, it must be easy to mess it up :P but if it is AYCTE maybe just ask for more and tell the server you want crisper bacon or whatever.
Yup, I agree with you and Kari. I would have asked for more bacon if Chris wanted me to but he said no so I left it. I'm sure if Steve and Ricky were there we would have asked for more and asked for it well done, because none of us like it limp!
And I meant to send you the picture right after I took it and didn't, then meant to send it to you this morning and didn't! Sending it as soon as I finish answering these posts :thumbsup2
Bahaha too funny. I'm working so I am up all night :hourglass
Bahaha too funny. I'm working so I am up all night :hourglass
Now I went upstairs without sending it and my phone is downstairs, I'm so sorry :o First thing in the morning I promise! Have a good night at work :)
FINALLY here and all caught up after my holiday break from my favorite DISers!!

covered up of course. I do have a little class.
Seriously though, they should outlaw the scent of these unless they're giving them out for free. One of my absolute favorite Disney smells and it's so hard to walk past the smell without picking up some of these. At WL last week they had these IN ROARING FORKS for a snack credit. We used a few credits for properly covered nuts...

since I had nobody to talk to, I decided I'd try to drink enough to talk to myself!
Good call. It's like having a solo trip, but with another solo friend... each in your own world...

as much as I enjoy Narcoossee's I prefer Citricos
Girl I am so with you. Citrico's is a blow-your-socks-off place for me and let's just say our Narcoossee's brunch last week underperformed.

I'm also considering booking another tour :scratchin
DO IT!!! What are you planning?

That is always my fear with cinnamon buns so they are never my top pick. Sorry GG wasn't an A+ experience this time. Just leaves room for another dining experience to move up the ranks, right?!
Hey there! All caught up! Awesome reviews!

So excited to see you discovered Schofferhofer! I was the same way. I hate grapefruit, but I LOVE that beer. I can finally get it at multiple liquor stores in my area, so thats a great thing.

I'm glad to see your review of Cape May Cafe. We are eating there for the first time this trip, so your review has me excited!

Your Narcoossee meal looks excellent! I love that cheesecake. It may be my fav dessert ever. we keep debating about adding that ADR for our upcoming trip.
Interesting to read about your GG experience. Totally get you regarding the cinnamon bun vs fruit thing, lol. Too bad the bun was dry. Which reminds me that I haven't been to Cinnabon in a very long time. Mmmmm, those warm cinnamon buns with gooey glaze :love:....
Once upon a time it used to be on my way to the bus stop from work, and I certainly indulged quite a few times, but I moved a few years ago so now I don't pass it at all. Probably a good thing though.

Meeting Farmer Mickey would be kinda cool, but breakfast fare sounds skippable to me. One less restaurant on the never ending next time list...
FINALLY here and all caught up after my holiday break from my favorite DISers!!
Welcome back! I hope you had an awesome trip :goodvibes

Seriously though, they should outlaw the scent of these unless they're giving them out for free. One of my absolute favorite Disney smells and it's so hard to walk past the smell without picking up some of these. At WL last week they had these IN ROARING FORKS for a snack credit. We used a few credits for properly covered nuts...
Right? That's what makes me want them all the time, that SMELL :cloud9: That's fantastic they had them at WL, that's where we're staying in May! Except I'm going to have a hard time choosing between them and those delicious Magic Bars..........

Girl I am so with you. Citrico's is a blow-your-socks-off place for me and let's just say our Narcoossee's brunch last week underperformed.
Citricos is the only place Steve has requested we definitely eat at on our next trip! Uh-oh about Narcoossee's brunch, are you going to do a dining report?

DO IT!!! What are you planning?
Well, we've done KTTK and Undiscovered Futurworld (which was incredible), so it's between Marceline and the DestiNations tour in WS. I think Marceline might win out because it's shorter and Steve said he doesn't want to do a long one, but the DestiNations sounds so great.

Hey there! All caught up! Awesome reviews!
Hi and :welcome: Thank you so much for coming over!

So excited to see you discovered Schofferhofer! I was the same way. I hate grapefruit, but I LOVE that beer. I can finally get it at multiple liquor stores in my area, so thats a great thing.
I am so relieved I found it in one store by us, because otherwise I don't know what I'd do lol.

I'm glad to see your review of Cape May Cafe. We are eating there for the first time this trip, so your review has me excited!
I hope you enjoy it, when is our next trip?

Interesting to read about your GG experience. Totally get you regarding the cinnamon bun vs fruit thing, lol. Too bad the bun was dry. Which reminds me that I haven't been to Cinnabon in a very long time. Mmmmm, those warm cinnamon buns with gooey glaze :love:....
Oh man, we don't have Cinnabon here anymore :( I miss it! There's one about an hour away inside an Arby's, how weird is that? I just don't get there much.

Meeting Farmer Mickey would be kinda cool, but breakfast fare sounds skippable to me. One less restaurant on the never ending next time list...
Yes your list is getting quite long so it's good you can knock one off!
Interesting to read about your GG experience. Totally get you regarding the cinnamon bun vs fruit thing, lol. Too bad the bun was dry. Which reminds me that I haven't been to Cinnabon in a very long time. Mmmmm, those warm cinnamon buns with gooey glaze :love:....
Once upon a time it used to be on my way to the bus stop from work, and I certainly indulged quite a few times, but I moved a few years ago so now I don't pass it at all. Probably a good thing though.

Meeting Farmer Mickey would be kinda cool, but breakfast fare sounds skippable to me. One less restaurant on the never ending next time list...
If I did not have kids it would not be on my list. The lunch/dinner food does not appeal to me at all and breakfast was good for what it was and I'm glad to do it but not something I'm super excited to do again. My son however loved it so it might end up back on the list. Tusker House and Crystal Palace had far more exciting food for character breakfasts. Even just comparing family style to family style I'd pick 'Ohana over GG and probably not do both in one trip again (again unless my kiddo wanted to, I figure as long as he wants to do the characters I'm willing lol). It was not BAD at all but would not make the cut with so many other choices for me. Of course I should just go and write my own damn dining report lol.


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