No Work and All Play – Disney on the Company’s Dime! (8/1 There and Back Again)

Nice Photopass shots , the magic shots are soo much fun ! Great pictures of the Studios so far , can't wait to see your Narnia pictures ( just watched the movie for the first time this year & have never toured it at DHS) popcorn::popcorn::
80 minute standby.....No way! My DS stood in a 90 minute line the first year TSM opened. It was exactly 90 minutes from start to exit. But kids, they pass the time by text messaging everyone they know. Not me!

Great pictures. You have some pics of things I've never noticed there. Love that statue!
Oh Narnia! We loved meeting Prince Caspian and exploring that attraction last time. I'll have you do your report first and then be back on to post our picture from that meet and greet. PC stayed in perfect character the whole time. My 11 yr old DD was all too happy to hook on to his arm for a picture. Daddy was a bit anxious about that!
80 minutes- no way Jose! FPs are the only way to go!

My kids are actually watching Prince Caspian right now- perfect timing to ask you how it was. But I suppose that's getting ahead of the game :)
Nice Photopass shots , the magic shots are soo much fun ! Great pictures of the Studios so far , can't wait to see your Narnia pictures ( just watched the movie for the first time this year & have never toured it at DHS) popcorn::popcorn::

Yeah, I love all the magic shots and try to get new ones each trip.
As for Narnia, stay tuned...

Those TSM wait times are the worst! So glad you were able to score a FP! :thumbsup2

I definitely didn't expect there to be any left.
I lucked out this time around!

80 minute standby.....No way! My DS stood in a 90 minute line the first year TSM opened. It was exactly 90 minutes from start to exit. But kids, they pass the time by text messaging everyone they know. Not me!

Great pictures. You have some pics of things I've never noticed there. Love that statue!

I like that statue too - it definitely sets the tone for the park.

Oh Narnia! We loved meeting Prince Caspian and exploring that attraction last time. I'll have you do your report first and then be back on to post our picture from that meet and greet. PC stayed in perfect character the whole time. My 11 yr old DD was all too happy to hook on to his arm for a picture. Daddy was a bit anxious about that!

Caspian was great - but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Stay tuned...

80 minutes- no way Jose! FPs are the only way to go!

My kids are actually watching Prince Caspian right now- perfect timing to ask you how it was. But I suppose that's getting ahead of the game :)

Nice segway.
Let's get right to it!
We missed the Narnia attraction last time with the kids.
They don’t know who Prince Caspian is anyway so it was an easy one to skip when time was getting tight.
I was eager to check it out though as I love the Chronicles of Narnia books – I read them back in elementary school and still have ‘em!
In fact, I’m currently reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with DD in order to get him excited about the franchise.
And he’s not allowed to see the movie until he finishes the book! ;)

So I hopped in the line for the Meet and Greet plus the “attraction” since I wanted to meet Prince Caspian!

He was very much in character and talked like he just walked out of Narnia.
The setting was nicely done and you feel as if you are in a “mini-Narnia.”
Not as big as the room for the Fairies but a nice little area nonetheless.

Caspian spoke very formally as we discussed which realm I hail from and if I was being safe in my travels.
Caspian then made me stand at attention with him for the pictures and I was even able to add some cool Photopass borders afterwards.
With Caspain at my side, I felt like I was being sworn in as a Knight of Aslan:


Too bad I was wearing my Indy shirt and not some chain mail. :lmao:
I had figured this was the best shirt for both Animal Kingdom (thanks to all the snakes) and the Studios (thanks to Indy).

After meeting the Prince, I was ushered to the front of the attraction line and then into a big lobby area.
A flatscreen showed us a preview of the Prince Caspian movie.

In addition to the flatscreen, there were sketches and paraphernalia scattered across the walls.
After the quick video, we entered the chamber of the Stone Table.
It was very cool but no photographs were allowed.
There, before you, laid the cracked Stone Table right out of the Chronicles themselves.
The room was surrounded by wall carvings which were not what they seemed.
The “carvings” were actually projections on screens which quickly morphed into more clips of the movie.
Very cool effect and I enjoyed the recap.
Although I liked the little attraction they had for “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” better, this was a cute little excursion.

The post-show included some props and costumes from the movie.
Because of the room’s small size, pics were hard to take here (lots of people walking around and not much room to maneuver).
I was able to manage to snap a shot of Susan’s costume (sorry about the flash)

And the White Queen’s sceptre

before it was time to step back through the wardrobe and into Walt Disney World.
After all, Buzz and Woody were about to come out of the Toy Box so I quickly headed back to see their new Meet & Green across from Toy Story Mania.
Grab your favorite toy and join me!
Nice Photopass pictures of you & Prince Caspian , I really like how he had you pose . Your descriptions & the several pictures that you posted have me wanting to visit that area when we go next . I thought I heard that they were doing away with it though , do you know anything about that ?

Can't wait to see your Toy Story pictures ! DS 5 has loved that movie since he was 2 and it's so crazy how many Toy Story souvenirs & attractions they have now then what they had when we took DS at 2 . Glad to see that Disney has included it more than they did in the past !
Nice Photopass pictures of you & Prince Caspian , I really like how he had you pose . Your descriptions & the several pictures that you posted have me wanting to visit that area when we go next . I thought I heard that they were doing away with it though , do you know anything about that ?

Can't wait to see your Toy Story pictures ! DS 5 has loved that movie since he was 2 and it's so crazy how many Toy Story souvenirs & attractions they have now then what they had when we took DS at 2 . Glad to see that Disney has included it more than they did in the past !

The Prince Caspian Meet and Greet has been permanently removed but the "attraction" (if you can call it that) remains.
Like I said, it's basically an extended trailer of the movie.
The "attraction" they had for The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe was better IMHO.
Here is our Prince Caspian picture from two years ago. As I said, my daughter was quite entralled by him. He was so good at staying in character.

Yes, it was the perfect shirt, but only a true DISer would even bother to let that touch the realm of imagination, right??

So, how long would you say one would need to allot to this walkthough?? 10 minutes?? 30 minutes?? I just don't have a good feel for this.
Yes, it was the perfect shirt, but only a true DISer would even bother to let that touch the realm of imagination, right??

So, how long would you say one would need to allot to this walkthough?? 10 minutes?? 30 minutes?? I just don't have a good feel for this.

It's barely a walkthru.
The film in the lobby is a couple of minutes.
Once inside the chamber with the Stone Table, the effects last maybe 5 minutes max.
And then there's a couple of costumes and props in the post room.
I'd say 10-15 minutes max should cover the whole "attraction" easily.
And there's never really any line but I imagine you might have to wait if you just missed a group going in.
After returning from Narnia, I checked my watch.
There was still some time before the toys were due back.
So I headed into the movies instead.
The Great Movies to be exact.

Of course, before I walked in, I needed pics of some of my favorite footprints.
Or should I say flipper prints

And you can never forget a shot of the lovable droids.
Oh, what a blast it would’ve been to be here to watch C-3PO and R2 make these impressions!

Walking through the lobby (there was no line), I noticed the costumes – some more from Narnia as well as some others.
Then, it was on to the movies!

Our guide was a peppy woman who really got into the role.
We headed into Hollywood with her narrating about some of the great movies.
Unfortunately, I was towards the back of the last car.
I noticed throughout the ride, the audio wasn’t timed very well from back here.
Definitely make sure to sit closer to the front next time you ride.

Also before we get going, just a side note – most of these were clipped from short videos I took of the scenes to show the kids when I got home.
They have never been on this before and I thought some videos may entice them to ride it next time.

Anyway, back to the movies, it was time to Sing in the Rain.
This shot was mostly for DD5 whose last recital included a number where she danced to this song – complete with an umbrella.
I made sure to note that we’d have to take her here next time so she can see this one for herself.

Soon we were up on the rooftops for a Supercalifragilisticexpealadocious good time!

John Wayne was also waiting to show us the way, pilgrim…

This ride I was hijacked by the gangster (as opposed to the cowboy) who was also very much in character.
He made some fun quips as we entered the Nostromo.
All was quiet until we noticed Ripley off to the left with a large gun.
It became quite clear what the fuss was once this guy jumped out from the right

Definitely warn the kids if you take the little ones.
This one can be a bit frightening.
Especially once the little guy rears his ugly head from inside the other ugly head:

From sci-fi to adventure, we became Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Come on everybody, hum along :rolleyes1 (don’t you just LOVE John Williams).
Snakes – why did it have to be snakes?
Hey - yet another reason to wear my shirt today! :goodvibes

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view), our gangster guide got too greedy.
After spying another of Indy’s treasures, he lept into action to raid the tomb himself.
He grabbed for the gem

And then went up in a puff a smoke!

When the smoke cleared, he was nothing but bones...

To our surprise (or not), our original guide had returned from getting popcorn and resumed her duties.
Always a fun little bit.
Next up – a quick glance at the Sorcerer’s Apprentice from Fantasia.
Interesting side note – rumor has it that this was supposed to be the twister sequence leading up to Oz but was changed for budgetary and licensing reasons.
But whether it’s via a twister or Fantasmic waves, we next landed in Oz.
Munchkins, rejoice!


Just then smoke filled Munchkinland

It was the Wicked Witch of the West!

Our guide threatened to drop a house on her as well.

“I’ll get you my pretty – and your little dog too!”
And with that, she was gone.
The munchkins came out once again to show us the road – The Yellow Brick Road that is

And then, around the corner, we found Dorothy and the gang reaching the Emerald City.

“There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like Disney World…” :wizard:

After a short sequence of trailers, it was back to Florida.
Our journey into the movies had ended.
But I still had time for a journey into one man’s dreams… :cloud9:
Stay tuned…
The Great Movie Ride has been one of my DHS favorites since my first visit there! We never miss it! The alien pic is :thumbsup2 Very cool!
The Great Movie Ride has been one of my DHS favorites since my first visit there! We never miss it! The alien pic is :thumbsup2 Very cool!

I always like it as well but it's starting to feel very dated.
I noticed this when I came back with the family in Nov.
The kids were clueless to most of the movies on the ride...
Nice pictures of the Great Movie Ride :thumbsup2 I just love the Wizard of Oz section of the ride , so detailed ! Can't wait to see your pictures of One Man's Dream & find out that you thought about it , it's another part of WDW we have never seen . popcorn::popcorn::
Nice pictures of the Great Movie Ride :thumbsup2 I just love the Wizard of Oz section of the ride , so detailed ! Can't wait to see your pictures of One Man's Dream & find out that you thought about it , it's another part of WDW we have never seen . popcorn::popcorn::

Yeah, it was interesting.
I had never seen it either so I was intrigued.
I'll try to post it tonite.

Great photopass shots of you entering the park and with Caspian!

Love the Great Movie Ride!


And like I said, Great Movie Ride is fun.
But I learned on our next trip that it's not as much fun with little kids.
They are mostly confused as they don't know most of the movies.
But that can wait until the next trip report.
In case you wondered, I hummed along one of John William's crowning glories- Raiders. What a legend!! :cloud9:

This reminds me I really need to get myself some Berkeley and Cagney stuff. Never seen anything done by them.

We saw both versions last trip. Asked to wait for the one we hadn't. Worth it? I don't know. A twister leading in would have been really cool!

Yes, finding the right duds to wear is very fun- for sure!

By the way, I gave you a rousing shout out over on my report. Check it out. You may pick up some folks from over there. Hope so- yours is a TR worth spending time in.


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