Nickelodeon show taping ?


Earning My Ears
Feb 19, 2001
We are planning a trip to Orlando in about 5 weeks, and Universal Studios is on our itinerary (we have 2 girls ages 8 and 4, and Nick rules with them!) How does the show tapings work? Do they tape on Saturdays or M-F only? My oldest daughter loves to watch slimetime live and would love to be part of the audience for that especially. Does anyone know how to go about seeing that? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Tammi :D
we just came back. my girls are 8 and 10. we took the tour of Nick studios, but it was the weekend and no one was taping. slimetime is shot on weekdays. they're in the process of taping new episodes right now. I forgot what they said about tickets, though. sorry.

There are several "old" post on this. From what I can remember you got to the Nic studios in the morning find out if they have any tickets and when they will be handing them out. If you get a ticket for Slime time you wait in line I think for 45min to hour to get in the show. They let new groups in every 45min (I think). From what people said it was alot of waiting around and your burn up alot of time standing in line and then only have a short time in the show. Nic uses alot of local kids more so then kids at USF. All the waiting in line turned me off so I am trying, if my DDs let me, avoid it. There are some on these boards that actually have had their kids slimed! They would know it better!!
Tammi, I bumped up a thread called "Can you help with Nickelodeon Shows" that will help answer some of your questions.
Hi Tammi,
I was at US 2 weeks ago and my daughter was lucky enough to be picked for Slimetime. They had a sign saying they would be passing out tickets at 2:00. At around 11:45 am, we were by the sign and they were out looking for kids to take part in the show. They told us to come back at 4:45 pm and that she would be on between 5:30 and 6:30, if we wanted to call home. They also gave me tickets for my husband and son so I wouldn't need to come back and wait in line at 2:00. The age limit is 8 and over which meant my 6 yr. old son couldn't do this. We actually left the park and came back at 4:45 where all the rest of the kids picked ( 12 in all ) for our session were sent with a parent to go over the games to be played and which kids would be in which games. My daughter was lucky enough to be pied and slimed and she won a bike valued at $200. It was a lot of fun being on tv. Hope this helps you and good luck!!
When we were there last week. I didn't so it, but what you had to do was get in line for tickets that they would hand out at 2:00. I think the line started forming well before 1:00. I think if they tape outside they can give out about 150 tickets. You have to be older than 5 years old. If it is bad weather it is inside. I don't know how many tickets they give out then. You then have to come back for the show that is 4:00 - 6:30. It was a big chunk of the day that my kids didn't care if they did so I didn't push it. When we took the studio tour in the morning around 10:00 the producer had any kids over 8 that wanted to be in the show line up outside. they then had about 50 kids scream as loud as they could. They pulled kids out of the line as they were screaming. Maybe about 15 kids. Mine were not picked. I do not know if these kids had to do more stuff or they were on the show. We left after the screaming.
As you enter Universal in the brochure it gives you details about Nickelodeon's slime time live so in case it changes by the time you get there.
Oh and also it is Monday thru Friday.
All the information really helped. I know what to look for now, and before I had no idea! Patio,my daughter probably saw yours on tv! She almost never misses it. Congratulations to her! Maybe Samantha will get so lucky.....! Thanks again everyone! ;)


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