"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

Isabel had her 6 month visit today (a day early).

She weighed in at 14.5 lbs (25th %) and measured 26.5 inches (75th %). I cannot believe she will be turning 6 months old already tomorrow! She's only been BF til now, and tomorrow we will introduce her first food! I'm excited but a little sad too - my baby girl is growing up so fast!
I can't believe how much some of your kiddos are growing!! :scared1: They just get so big SO fast!! It kind of makes me sad to think Emma won't "need" her mommy anymore (although the sweet part of that is she's pretty much sleeping through the night!).

That's great for you girls starting WW! A friend of mine did it before her wedding and lost 20+ lbs! I think I'm just gonna try and monitor what I eat, maybe with a food journal ("I ate how many calories today?!") and will hopefully lose another 10+ lbs before summer! :thumbsup2

Isabel was sleeping 6-7 hours a night at 3 months too - then at 5 months, she reverted back to waking up in the middle of that, ugh! And these last two weeks have been terrible - I feel like I have a newborn again at night! So enjoy it, I hope it lasts, but it may not!
Have they noticed each other yet? Mine didnt for a long time, and now they just fight. But sometimes they sit with each other.. and you can tell they are communicating with each other.. Playing and laughing. TOO CUTE! That great that they are getting so big!!

Oh they definitely notice each other. And since Katie is more mobile than her brother, she usually decides that she wants whatever her poor brother is playing with and mugs him for it. :rotfl: I also think that Katie is sometimes just holding out for mommy. Dylan is still nursing & Katie never did. So I'm thinking that she thinks Dylan is getting more mommy time than she does. Not really, its just that unless I'm not home, I'm the only one who can feed Dylan, whereas Dad and Grandma both are around to give Katie her bottles. :confused3

The one time Dad tried to give Dylan a bottle of milk, (I had taken older DS to a b-day party & nursed right before I left.) he didn't really want it, just chewed on the nipple & gave it back to him, then put himself to sleep. Dad didn't know what to do with the milk, as he knows I DO NOT waste milk. I was all like silly, just stick a new nipple on it & give it to Katie, duh. Probably didn't even need a new nipple. Not like they aren't chewing on all the same toys all day long.
Woohoo, we had our first night of sleeping through the night, which was well needed after a long day yesterday. Elliott ate for the last time about 9:30 last night, I put him down but he woke up right away and fussed for about 5 - 10 minutes, but then went to sleep....and slept all the way until 6:20 this morning!!!
Woohoo, we had our first night of sleeping through the night, which was well needed after a long day yesterday. Elliott ate for the last time about 9:30 last night, I put him down but he woke up right away and fussed for about 5 - 10 minutes, but then went to sleep....and slept all the way until 6:20 this morning!!!

Can I ask how much he is eating and how often? DS is currently at 3oz every 3hrs.
Woohoo, we had our first night of sleeping through the night, which was well needed after a long day yesterday. Elliott ate for the last time about 9:30 last night, I put him down but he woke up right away and fussed for about 5 - 10 minutes, but then went to sleep....and slept all the way until 6:20 this morning!!!

:banana: Congratulations!!! :banana:

What used to crack me up is when DH thought that one night of sleeping through the night was enough to catch up on months and months of no sleep.:lmao:Yeah right! Nice try dear hubby!:rotfl:
You guys are scaring me. I think Owen might be my last. I'm not liking all this talk of months with no sleep (though I'm relatively used to it with insomnia, it'd just be my luck that I'd fall asleep and the baby will wake me up!)

Lucas only ever woke up 1 time during the night for a bottle and went back to sleep afterward...

Oh, the horror ( yet truthful, which makes it that much scarier) stories that you all tell!!

I'm headed to a "Community Baby Shower" with my best friend today! It's for pregnant ladies or those who have a baby under 12 months... so I qualify on 2 fronts, lucky me!~ :rotfl: I think things like this are neat, we're both excited to just spend an afternoon doing something 'different'...
Can I ask how much he is eating and how often? DS is currently at 3oz every 3hrs.

Elliott is my little piggy. Right now he is up to 6 ounces every 3 - 4 hours. He typically gets 6 bottles a day. At birth he was 6 pounds 14 ounces, and at his 2 month checkup he was 10 pounds 14 ounces.
Oh. My. Goodness!!

I poke around the What to Expect boards every once in awhile and one of the little girls (born June 21st) died 4/8. :( She tried to stand up in the tub, hit her head and got knocked unconscious and drowned. They all have pictures of her in their signatures and I seriously don't think I've cried that hard in my life.

Hold your kiddos tight. :sad:
You guys are scaring me. I think Owen might be my last. I'm not liking all this talk of months with no sleep (though I'm relatively used to it with insomnia, it'd just be my luck that I'd fall asleep and the baby will wake me up!)

Lucas only ever woke up 1 time during the night for a bottle and went back to sleep afterward...

Are you serious!?! You mean his first few days at home he went to bed at night and didn't get up again till the morning? That is incredible! You are definitely lucky with Lucas!

Scarlett's become my best sleeper yet, but she just now, at nearly 3 months old, is sleeping 10 hour stretches, but it's been 6:30pm-4:30am. She doesn't get up for the day at 4:30, but eats and goes back to sleep till about 6:45. She does some solid napping during the day too (a good 2-3 hour stretch once a day, plus a few 1-1.5 hours throughout the day) so I do get decent breaks then too.

BUT, the first 6 weeks she never slept more than 2-3 hours at a time. Then at 6 weeks she started going 6:30-11:30, and gradually that started lengthening.

Henry was the same way, started doing 6 hour stretches at 6 weeks old, also going to bed at 6:30pm.

My first, however, did not sleep through the night till she was 2 years, 4 months old. Never slept more than 4 hours at a time, and she gave up the naps by 2yo.

That's terrible about the baby on your other board. :sad1: What a tragedy for her family.

I know I haven't been around in ages-getting ready to move, along with life with 3 kids, has kept me beyond busy. And Scarlett's reflux really took its toll on my sleep and sanity, but now we've got that under control with Prevacid and my dairy-free diet.:thumbsup2 I've been trying to read and keep up, but not always successful. I'm thinking once we sell this house and I can stop worrying about cleaning it every minute that I'll have more time and less stress and can get back on here more frequently.
Hope you had fun at the community shower Patsy. I'll have to join the crowd and say you were very lucky with Lucas - it sounds like a mythical ream you're living over there ;)

So sad about that baby - were the parents there when she fell? How quickly can a baby drown? That is scary - to think even if you are watching them?

Justine, welcome back! Hopefully the house thing gets settled for you soon - I can't imagine trying to sell a house and moving across the country with three little ones. I bet you cannot wait to get settled!
I'm not sure, Adi. Those are the only details the mom posted, other than those of the service.

Nah, I should have been more clear. I mean that when he was little (until about 8 weeks) he only ever got up to eat 1 time (each night). He started sleeping straight through the night at about 8 weeks, though. 1 time doesn't mess with you as much as needing fed every 3 hours! My goodness. That is scary to me, lol...

He's always been a great sleeper. Hardest night (other than the night @ the ER but I think thats understandable) was his first night home. As soon as we stuck the radio in his room (night 2) he started going to sleep within 5 minutes of putting him in his crib. He'd sleep about 5-6 hours, wake up about 1-2am, eat and then go back to sleep until about 7:30-8am. We'd just get up with him at that point, so I don't really think of it as a "night feeding"....

I know we got lucky, lucky with him... which is partly why I am so afraid of Owen! :rotfl:
Cathy and I intend to join WW. I'm not looking forward to it.

lol I really like it, but DH would never do it with me. He does play along and eat what I cook though! Of course he grumbles about it not being enough food and eats something else too. :rolleyes:

I know it's a long way away for you, but let me know if you need any help. This is my third time with WW and hopefully the last. The first time I lost 35 pounds, was only 10 away from goal, but I didn't want to keep paying, figured I could do it on my own. HA!

Then I joined to help me get preggers and was only there 6 weeks, before Lily appeared. SO I don't really count that time. :thumbsup2

That's great for you girls starting WW! A friend of mine did it before her wedding and lost 20+ lbs! I think I'm just gonna try and monitor what I eat, maybe with a food journal ("I ate how many calories today?!") and will hopefully lose another 10+ lbs before summer! :thumbsup2

I highly recommend SparkPeople for tracking food. It's the best. I wouldn't bother with weight watchers, but I need the accountability from the meetings and it's the one thing I get to do all on my own each week. :eek:

I have another incredibly said story. My mom told me about a woman she heard about that got pregnant. 3 months in she suddenly developed a severe and extremely rare type of Alzhiemers. :scared1: I guess a gene becomes mutated when you become pregnant. The baby is here now and she doesn't know it's hers, doesn't recognize her DH. Her DH had to put her in a nursing home because he couldn't care for her and the baby. She's 31!! :sad1:

Here's an article about her, if you want to cry!
Rebecca Doig
I have another incredibly said story. My mom told me about a woman she heard about that got pregnant. 3 months in she suddenly developed a severe and extremely rare type of Alzhiemers. :scared1: I guess a gene becomes mutated when you become pregnant. The baby is here now and she doesn't know it's hers, doesn't recognize her DH. Her DH had to put her in a nursing home because he couldn't care for her and the baby. She's 31!! :sad1:

That is so sad! :guilty: I just read the story to DH and he stood there with his mouth open in shock. I can't even imagine....

DD slept through the night 2 nights ago and I thought it was just a fluke, but then she slept through the night again last night from 9pm to 6am! I wish I could have slept all the way through too, but I kept waking up to make sure she was ok! :laughing: I'm still thinking that it is a fluke and that she is still too young to be sleeping through the night (she is 7 weeks today! :goodvibes)

Anyone else have a fidgety baby? I guess that's what I would call it. She flails her arms and legs all about like she is super excited and she breathes in and out really quickly. Arms up and down, legs in and out. Makes for a good time when I'm trying to give her a bottle or change her diaper! :lmao:
Anyone else have a fidgety baby? I guess that's what I would call it. She flails her arms and legs all about like she is super excited and she breathes in and out really quickly. Arms up and down, legs in and out. Makes for a good time when I'm trying to give her a bottle or change her diaper! :lmao:
Lily does that sometimes, especially when she is excited.

There were a few days where she was breathing like that a lot...then she just stopped. :confused3
New to the site... Just wanted to join the mommies group. I am a bit old since I already have a 22 year old, a 14 year old and now I am in the process of adopting a 3 month old little guy. The Lord has truly blessed me and I am starting all over... anything new I need to know...LOL??? Its been a while!
New to the site... Just wanted to join the mommies group. I am a bit old since I already have a 22 year old, a 14 year old and now I am in the process of adopting a 3 month old little guy. The Lord has truly blessed me and I am starting all over... anything new I need to know...LOL??? Its been a while!

:goodvibes Welcome! How awesome! Congratulations!
I'm hoping she won't be so clingy once she gets moving, so I'm sorta jealous of you! Though I know better, once they are mobile so much changes. At this point that really has to be a good thing for us.

She hasn't been as bad this week. This morning she wanted my dad and didn't bat an eye when I left.

I made dinner for the first time in a long time last night without DH watching Lily for me. She cried and was annoyed, but it felt good to get something like that done with her watching. Hopefully she'll get used to it since I joined WW and am all about making my own meals and no more eating out!

(And then a local business brought us a HUGE platter of AWESOME cookies today. :p)

Katie crawling did NOT help with clingyness. She crawls 90 miles an hour straight to me, then pulls up on my legs. Maybe you'll have better luck. I've been waiting for her to walk for a month. She "walks" everywhere holding on to us, the walls, whatever, but won't let go!

Oh. My. Goodness!!

I poke around the What to Expect boards every once in awhile and one of the little girls (born June 21st) died 4/8. :( She tried to stand up in the tub, hit her head and got knocked unconscious and drowned. They all have pictures of her in their signatures and I seriously don't think I've cried that hard in my life.

Hold your kiddos tight. :sad:

I read what you wrote on your later posts, but this is awful! I can't even imagine. I do wonder about the details, and if she was in the tub unsupervised?

lol I really like it, but DH would never do it with me. He does play along and eat what I cook though! Of course he grumbles about it not being enough food and eats something else too. :rolleyes:

I know it's a long way away for you, but let me know if you need any help. This is my third time with WW and hopefully the last. The first time I lost 35 pounds, was only 10 away from goal, but I didn't want to keep paying, figured I could do it on my own. HA!

Then I joined to help me get preggers and was only there 6 weeks, before Lily appeared. SO I don't really count that time. :thumbsup2

I highly recommend SparkPeople for tracking food. It's the best. I wouldn't bother with weight watchers, but I need the accountability from the meetings and it's the one thing I get to do all on my own each week. :eek:

I have another incredibly said story. My mom told me about a woman she heard about that got pregnant. 3 months in she suddenly developed a severe and extremely rare type of Alzhiemers. :scared1: I guess a gene becomes mutated when you become pregnant. The baby is here now and she doesn't know it's hers, doesn't recognize her DH. Her DH had to put her in a nursing home because he couldn't care for her and the baby. She's 31!! :sad1:

Here's an article about her, if you want to cry!
Rebecca Doig

OMG! I can't read it, just the details you posted are awful!

I've been without internet for several days, and I've been going crazy! My modem went out, and ATT told me it would take 5-7 days to get a new one. I checked with Walmart and Radio Shack (next town over) but neither had one. I had to send dh to Best Buy this morning, an hour away, to get one. Now I have to get caught up on school work!
New to the site... Just wanted to join the mommies group. I am a bit old since I already have a 22 year old, a 14 year old and now I am in the process of adopting a 3 month old little guy. The Lord has truly blessed me and I am starting all over... anything new I need to know...LOL??? Its been a while!

Welcome to the DisBoards!

Congratulations on having a 3rd!!! They are a wonder! I wonder how long the process will take until you can hold him in your arms?!?!?!

My kids are 6 and 8 and I cannot believe how info has changed since they came along...cannot imagine what the change must be from 22 years ago!!!LOL



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