New to this board...WEBCERTIFICATE?


Earning My Ears
Mar 22, 2001
Hi, I'm fairly new to this website and would like to know what the Web Certificate is that was mentioned in an earlier post? Thanks for the info!
They are probably referring to the webcertificate you can get remdeeming points on a lot of rewards sites. There is a rewards board that explains a lot of the sites that are out there. Basically, when you do a rewards program such as freeride, you get points. When you get enough points, you can redeem it for items. The most popular seems to be a webcertificate. When you get one, they e-mail you your webcertificate. It basically is a mastercard account. gives you a 16 digit account # with exp. date. You can then order anything online from anyplace that accepts MC. Or you can order an actual MC from them for $6.95 and take it with you and use as you like. A lot of people keep adding to their cards and take it to WDW with them for extra money to use. I have been doing programs for 6 months now and i am up to $200 on my card. It will be nice to have that when i go. E-mail me if you need more info Good luc :)



1999 All-Star Music 9/6-9/11
2000 Wilderness Lodge 9/4-9/10
2001 Grand Floridian 9/9-9/12
2001 Wilderness Lodge 9/12-9/16

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