New Ride to Replace Timekeeper


WDW Sept 2010
Jan 1, 2001
:bounce: So what do you think is going to be the newest attration to replace the timekeeper? Since the timekeeper is going to close down and tommorrowland is the most popular land in the Mk you would think they would put something new in, hopefully. I think that a futuristic 3-D show of tommorrow would fit perfectly in the concept of Tommorrowland. :p

Share your thoughts and ideas!:jester:
I bet that whatever attraction they decide to put in, it will be 3D. Magic Kingdom is the only park without any kind of 3D attraction. So I pretty sure they will do something like that. No idea what kind of movie though.
Cast Members are saying that Timekeeper is only closed for rehab. I don't think it's a permanent closure...
Timekeeper is than a unscheduled closed for rehab. This has happened before. I think the TimeKeeper is GOne!
Timekeeper is a huge success at DP, I hope Timekeeper to continue also at WDW:bounce:
Don't count on Disney replacing the attraction with anything in the short term....

Christ, look how long the lagoon has remained untouched. Just because they close something, it doesn't mean it will be replaced with anything.

If attendance was as bad as reported, then closing Timekeeper should have no effect on the rest of tomorrow land which would require a new attraction.

My guess, if Timekeeper went down for rehab, this is all a moot point. If not, don't plan on ANYTHING going in for at least a few years.
Perhaps if they replaced it with a ride that would draw big crowds, the other rides in Tomorrowland would thin out a bit.:bounce: :confused: :bounce: ;) :bounce:
I wouldn't mind if they replaced Time Keeper since it's an attraction I usually skip over. However, I've noticed a trend of closing a ride, without opening a new one, which floods the popular rides even more! This just plain sucks IMO! :mad:
Perhaps they are just closing for a Rehab. Maybe they will add seating to Timekeeper. We usually skip it because we can't take the stroller in and DS doesn't want to cooperate and let us hold him for the entire show. I love this show though especially Robin Williams!
As I've been saying, this is the type of show that works with the classic Disney World guest who goes maybe once every 4-5 years at most. It just doesn't draw people how go every year. If they do replace it, an appropriate replacement would be some sor tof Jules Verne/H.G. Wells ride/show. I also think they should do something with Issac Asimov. The tomorrowland theme is so fertile, there are some many things they could do that they haven't
Originally posted by sandro
Timekeeper is a huge success at DP, I hope Timekeeper to continue also at WDW:bounce:

Jerry Lewis is also a huge hit in France. There is no accounting for taste.;)
I've always enjoyed the time's one of those rides that you don't have to stay in line forever to ride!
I'm glad to hear they've only closed it for rehab.


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