New Incentive for BCV


DVC Hopeful
Jul 14, 2000
I've heard from my guide and a few other people that there will be some typ of new incentive when BCV begins presales. Does anybody know/want to predict what it will be? Thanks.
I have no clue what the incentive will be. My guide told me they will not announce it until Sunday when they go on sale. She said she will call then. Honestly what's all the hush hush about? It certainly would give us some help in deciding how many points we want if we knew what the deal is. If MB is not it, then I guess I would speculate a special finance offer- low interest rates or no finance charge for x amount of time. What do I wish it would be? Free park passes or significant pass discounts! Doesn't it make you wonder why they are not announcing incentives ahead of the sale date?
Boy, free park passes, I think we'd all buy... that's exactly what they DON'T want to have happen because they'd have nothing on site for 2 years!!!
You're right Chris, I was just fantasizing a little... Scratch that I was fantasizing A LOT!
:D Boy, not a year goes by that I don't fantasize about that same thing... usually the time of year I renew our AP's!!! :D
Details Pluto? What do you mean by free 4 night stay.

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