Need reference to other sites from Budget experts- off the DIS subject


Disney Nana
Feb 27, 2001
Please excuse this off-topic question but...

We're going to Williamsburg for Spring Break. Can any of you Budget experts refer me to resources/sites for planning the trip? We have accomodations (really inexpensive rate); we are driving (almost free); now if I can get good discounts on the rest we'll be back to WDW in November. So this is not really off-topic, right?

We plan two days visiting historic sites and one day at Busch Gardens. Two adults, two children 10 & 13.

Thanks in advance!
Hi! We went to Colonial Willsburg over Christmas. It was beautiful! There were a few websites (I did a search with Alta Vista), but I can't remember any that were great! What kind of information are you looking for.

FYI... Go to Gambles at night (starts at 9:00 pm)... we had a blast!

<font color=red><font size=3.5>Dagny
<FONT size=3> <ITALICS> Co-Host, Budget Board &
One of the Beth's (the one incognito) moderating the Rewards Board :D
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