Need help with a reservation question


Sep 21, 2000
We are planning a trip for August 2002 with another family. We would be arriving 4 days before them. We would like to have sites next to each other. Can I make both reservations explaining that we would not neet the second site until 4 days later or should I make a seperate reservation for the first 4 days?

I want to ensure that we have sites next to each other if at all possible.

Has anybody dealt with this before?

There's really no way to be 100% certain that they'll get a site next to yours. Make the two reservations and note on each that you want to be next to each other. When you arrive call your friends and give them your site number and have them update the information on their reservation. **ALSO** have them call Fort Wilderness for a site assignment 3 days before they'll arrive and give your site number and request again. The worst I can see happening is you may need to change sites when you friend arrives if there's none open next door to you.


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