Need B-Day party opinions....


"You have no idea what I'm capable of."-Evil Queen
Jul 31, 2000
We always have afternoon parties for our daughte, and she always goes to parties in the afternoon. But what do you think about a morning party? Maybe 10-12? I thought donut holes and juice, but then it might be too early for cake. I was thinking maybe an earlier party would be better because a.) the weather isn't as hot and showers in FL are usually in the afternoon and b.) maybe parents would prefer it because it would be out of the way early. (or maybe they wouldn't LOL)

What do you think if your child got a b-day party invitation for morning. (maybe lunch?)
I think it's a great idea. Afternoon B-day parties ruin the day. You could do games/crafts first and then around 11;15 do lunch and cake.
I think that is a great idea. Why don't you make a cake by piling up the donuts in some kind of design. Ever see the Krispy Kreme wedding cakes they are now making?
I've never seen a Krispy Kreme cake, but I'd like to!


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