Nativetxns at Orlando 9 of 12


<font color=teal>Moderator<br><font color=red>Hono
Feb 15, 2000
March 30th, Thursday

Katholyn: (newly qualified for AARP) Fell in love with Disneyland when it was brand new-decided I loved WDW even more ona short trip in 1982; felt cheated witha 3 day trip in 1991. Will use any excuse to go back again.
Wilgus: My husband who is severely Disney impaired; thought WDW was nice but not interested in ever going back and who I love anyway.
Kim: My sister's 24 year old daughter who is going through a divorce-never been to WDW and can't wait.
Dustin: Kim's 6 year old son and my surrogate grandson-never been to WDW

Today it's back to Epcot. We arrived at opening and went directly to Fast Track but we weren't nearly quick enough. The wait is already one hour. So we take a fastpass that tells us to return between 10:20 and 11:20. Next we walked right on Space ship earth with no wait at all. Dustin and Kim were both very taken with this ride. After this we walked right into Ellen's Universe of Energy, which all of us enjoyed. Dustin wasn't frightened at all. Finally, it's time to redeem our fastpasses on Test Track. I am primed for this ride. I have read so many things about it. The line for the fastpass return is very long. I switched over to the singles line where I waited almost 45 minutes. The ride broke down 3 times during my wait. I still experienced Test Track before Kim and Dustin who had fastpasses. This was the one time fastpass didn't work well. Dustin really loved this ride.

Review of Test Track: Once again, I was disappointed. Perhaps because I had read so many glowing reviews, I expected more from Test Track. I did not think this ride was entertaining enough for me to stand in line as long as I did. 10 minutes might be a reasonable wait. 45 minutes was not. Again, the 6 year old really loved this ride.

We moved on and enjoyed Body Wars and Cranium Command with virtually no wait in line. Both of these rides were entertaining, but again, I would have been very upset if I had waited in a long line for these, they were not enough fun to justify a long wait.

About 11:30 it was time for our character lunch at the Garden Grille. There were only 3 characters at this meal: Micky, Chip and Dale. The character interaction was excellent but the quality of the food was not as good as that at the Liberty Tree Tavern. Dustin, however, loves catfish and this was available on the kid's menu. We had plenty to eat and the food was not bad, it just was not as good as we expected.

After lunch, we walked around Epcot a little while longer. About 2:00 Dustin asked to return to the hotel to swim. Knowing we had reservations for Cirque du Soleil at 6:00 PM, I agreed and we went back to the hotel. We watched Dustin swim for an hour or two and then went upstairs to get ready to go see Cirque.

Cirque du Soleil was incredible. I saw their show Mystere, in Las Vegas and it was wonderful. This show was also wonderful, although it seemed more circus like than Mystere. I think they put more clowns and circus like acts in this show because so many small children are in the audience. Nevertheless it was a breathtaking production. Kim told Dustin that if he liked something in the show he should applaud. We would be watching the show and all of a sudden, he would start clapping his little hands, even though no one else was applauding. He was quite taken with this show, he particularly liked the trick bike riders and the trampoline artists.

On the way back to the hotel, Uncle Wilgus asked Dustin if he had a good time and Dustin replied, "No, I didn't have a good time, I had a GREAT time. We finally fall into bed and sleep a few hours before the clock goes off at 5:30 AM.

Next: Animal Kingdom
I'm glad to hear that Dustin liked Cirque. I've been trying to decide if my two kids would enjoy the show. I think I'll book my ressies for it now.

Great reports.



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