Nativetxns at Orlando 3 of 12


<font color=teal>Moderator<br><font color=red>Hono
Feb 15, 2000
March 25th, Saturday

Katholyn: Newly qualified for AARP. Fell in love with Disneyland when it was brand new-decided I loved WDW even more on a short trip in 1982; felt cheated with a 3 day trip in 1991. Will use any excuse to go back again.
Wilgus: My husband who is severely Disney impaired; thought WDW was nice but not interested in ever going back and who I love anyway.
Kim: My sister's 24 year old daughter who is going through a divorce-never been to WDW and can't wait.
Dustin: Kim's 6 year old son and my surrogate grandson-never been to WDW

Kim and I were up at 6:30 for showers, etc. I still can't get over the fact that it takes her at least one full hour to put on her makeup and this is an improvement, it used to take her two hours!

We got Dustin protected with sun block and we were at the bus stop for the first bus of the day. I had bought our 2-day tickets at the hotel so we didn't have to worry with that. My one complaint about Universal is that it is a VERY long way from the bus drop off to the park itself. They do have people movers though and that helped a lot.

ET was shut down for rehab, much to my chagrin, I missed it on my last trip to Universal too. We went directly to Back to the Future and walked right on. Dustin didn't like the noise of this ride and I was so concerned about him, that I didn't pay too much attention to the ride myself, but it was funny when the dinosaur swallowed us though. Dustin liked Jaws though. He also enjoyed the kid area very much and spent a couple of hours playing there. We managed to experience all of the rides at this park.

We enjoyed our day at Universal but there is a lot of walking to be done here. My feet were killing me at the end of the day. There was some sort of Mardi Gras celebration going on that evening and the crowds were huge by 5 PM. We decided to leave the park about 6 and on the way out Kim bought Dustin a water pistol (more about that later). While we were making this transaction, Kim noticed a girl who looked like she was about 11, just standing there looking panicked and sobbing. She was almost hysterical. We couldn't just ignore her, so we asked her what was wrong and she was crying so hard she couldn't speak. I got her to take a few very deep breaths and that calmed her enough that we could at least understand her. It seems that her parents had left her in the kid's area (she was soaking wet from playing in those fountains, etc.) and her mother had told her to meet her in the bandstand area. Well there were about 1000 people in that area, at this point, waiting to hear Smashmouth (whoever that is) sing. There was no way this child was going to find her mother. We couldn't leave her like that so we started back towards the kids area with her, hoping to spot her father. Halfway there, I spotted 2 CM's and explained the situation and left them to handle the problem. They were very empathetic with the girl and treated her nicely.

This was a long day. Because of our rescue effort, we missed the bus we had hoped to catch so we didn't get back to the hotel until 9. My husband was there, working away on some brief he had to write. I discovered when I went to prepare Dustin's fanny pack for the next day, that my husband had eaten almost all of the prepackaged snacks I had bought the day before, instead of calling room service or going out for lunch. Well, at least he had left the animal crackers.

The pool here stayed open until 1:00 am. Dustin wanted to swim and although it was cool, we took him down and watched him swim a while. We soaked our feet in one of the hot tubs.

We were all in bed by 11:00.

The one bad thing about the hotel shuttle to Universal is that after 6pm the busses only run every hour and a half. If you miss your bus, you have a long wait for the next one.
history........My hubby always says I find all the missing kids.....we found one at the Orlando Airport......the little girl was going to start running.....and I told her to hold still and wait......and sure enough four or five minutes later......her mommy arrived.....
Thanks for posting!
We're contemplating going to Universal on our trip this May. I hate to miss a Disney day, though....
Katholyn - your poor feet! I will have to find out what's in your foot supply kit.

The comments about your dh made me laugh. My dh would have done the same thing. :rolleyes:


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