My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

In 2008 my 8 year old niece and I were staying at OKW and she dropped one of her earrings and it rolled under the nightstand in between the two beds. There wasn't much space between the carved bottom of the nightstand and the floor, but she managed to get her hand a little under to feel around for the earring, but then all of a sudden she pulled out a Playboy magazine! :scared1: I quickly shoved it back under the nightstand and before we left for the parks I called Mousekeeping to tell them and have them throw them away. Whoever I talked to totally misunderstood because about 10 minutes later a Mousekeeper knocked on the door and handed me a Disney Family magazine. I called again and thought the person understood, but when we got back from the parks later the Playboy and another men's magazine were sitting on the table with a towel animal on top! :rotfl:

ETA: I was a little more upset at the time and at this point called the front desk and talked to a manager. He sent Mousekeeping to my room for a full cleaning that we weren't due for because of being on DVC points and gave me a meal voucher for Olivia's.

I have been reading this thread to DD 18 and when I got to this one I could not stop laughing it is just too funny. It took 3 tries to be able to get to the end for her. It must have been so embarrassing to have them think that you wanted all those magazines. At least you got the meal voucher.
Love this thread, here's mine. I was 5 years old, so you have to imagine it from that perspective. My very first ride at Disney was Space Mountain. I insisted on being first in line for my family, and all through the line I kept making sure my parents and brother were behind me because I wanted to be first because I was soooooo brave. Towards the end of the line I notice my Dad had snuck in front of me despite my vigilance. Well I give him a great big old bear hug from behind and said " Dad! I want to be first!" Then the man who is wrapped in my arms looks down behind him and it is NOT my dad but a complete stranger! I was so mortified. I went and hung out behind my brother and parents and refused to be first. I'm over 30 now and still think about this every time I'm in the space mountain line.

Sent from my phone using DISBoards Ap, please excuse any typos and autocorrect mistakes.
On our first trip at All Star Movies we came upon an armadillo. Our natural reaction (as anyone's would be) was to run around during the week, randomly chanting 'it's the Holiday Armadillo!' (Friends tv show reference). A few days into the trip we were getting back to the resort. My husband dropped us off and went to go park. As he was coming up to the building he saw the elevator closing and caught a glimpse of us. Being the oh so hilarious chap he is, my husband ran up the stairs and waited in front of the elevator. The moment the doors opened he did his variation of jazz hands and yelled 'IT'S THE HOLIDAY ARMADILLO!!!'

Sadly for him, we were already on our room. The poor father he had just accosted grabbed his young children in a mixture of fear and defense. Mortified, my husband just sprinted back to our room. We never did see that family again...

Dying. Absolutely hilarious.
Mine was this past April. At the drink vendor outside of Spaceship Earth, I bought a Coca-Cola in a bottle from a CM that was this little skinny kid that looked about 12. I couldn't open it and I asked him, "Would you please open this Coke bottle for me?" Only I didn't say "Coke"..... I said "C*ck." OMG!!! I am in my late 40's, and open Born Again and I don't even SAY that word in my worst moments!!!

The poor kid looked MORTIFIED!!!

My girlfriend burst out laughing and spouted, "Paging Dr. Freud!"

I'm pretty sure the CM is scarred for life.

BTW, it was at least a month before I could even look at a Coke bottle w/o laughing!

Hilarious. :rotfl2:
Love this thread, here's mine. I was 5 years old, so you have to imagine it from that perspective. My very first ride at Disney was Space Mountain. I insisted on being first in line for my family, and all through the line I kept making sure my parents and brother were behind me because I wanted to be first because I was soooooo brave. Towards the end of the line I notice my Dad had snuck in front of me despite my vigilance. Well I give him a great big old bear hug from behind and said " Dad! I want to be first!" Then the man whose wrapped in my arms looks down behind him and it is NOT my dad but a complete stranger! I was so mortified. I went and hung out behind my brother and parents and refused to be first. I'm over 30 now and still think about this every time I'm in the space mountain line.

Sent from my phone using DISBoards Ap, please excuse any typos and autocorrect mistakes.

Sounds like a new limited time magic idea: Limited time hugs from a stranger:hug:
Running to breakfast in flip flops at the POFQ.

Tripped and heavily grazed knees and arms.

That stung the grit got in my arm.
Running to breakfast in flip flops at the POFQ.

Tripped and heavily grazed knees and arms.

That stung the grit got in my arm.


This didn't happen at Disney but I once at the movies accidentally drank not once, not twice, but three times out of the drink of the person next to me.

It was a good movie, she never noticed and I didn't know quite what to say.
On our first trip at All Star Movies we came upon an armadillo. Our natural reaction (as anyone's would be) was to run around during the week, randomly chanting 'it's the Holiday Armadillo!' (Friends tv show reference). A few days into the trip we were getting back to the resort. My husband dropped us off and went to go park. As he was coming up to the building he saw the elevator closing and caught a glimpse of us. Being the oh so hilarious chap he is, my husband ran up the stairs and waited in front of the elevator. The moment the doors opened he did his variation of jazz hands and yelled 'IT'S THE HOLIDAY ARMADILLO!!!'

Sadly for him, we were already on our room. The poor father he had just accosted grabbed his young children in a mixture of fear and defense. Mortified, my husband just sprinted back to our room. We never did see that family again...

:rotfl2: This is absolutely hilarious!!!! Sounds like something that would happen in our family! :lmao:

Love this thread, here's mine. I was 5 years old, so you have to imagine it from that perspective. My very first ride at Disney was Space Mountain. I insisted on being first in line for my family, and all through the line I kept making sure my parents and brother were behind me because I wanted to be first because I was soooooo brave. Towards the end of the line I notice my Dad had snuck in front of me despite my vigilance. Well I give him a great big old bear hug from behind and said " Dad! I want to be first!" Then the man who is wrapped in my arms looks down behind him and it is NOT my dad but a complete stranger! I was so mortified. I went and hung out behind my brother and parents and refused to be first. I'm over 30 now and still think about this every time I'm in the space mountain line.

I can totally relate. I did something similar as a child, though not at WDW. Totally mortifying! :eek:
*Note: Ive never liked HM*
On a family trip 3 years ago, after getting off HM with my also teenage cousins, i was intently texting my boyfriend and walked right into a HM cm. I looked up quickly to apologize, but before I could, he simply said 'boo' and I have no idea why, but that make me shriek at the top of my legs and run 50 feet and ultimately fall over in laughter/crying. Gave the cm and my cousins a good laugh, and he was wonderful enough to come over and make sure I was okay. I don't think my cousins will ever let me forget, nor will I ever leave HM without laughing.

I had a similar experience!

I was with my parents right in front of the (then closed) doors to the Mansion. I turned to say something to my dad, so my back was facing the doors. In that space of time, a cast member had opened the door but hadn't said a word. When I turned around, he was a foot or less in front of me. I shrieked and jumped back a bit, to say the least, to the amusement of my father and I'm sure several guests around us. :rotfl:
This story was relayed to me, so bare with me if the details are sketchy.

A friend of mine was at Epcot during food and wine and park hopped to MK that night to meet up with my wife and I. Apparently on the ride over, she was joined by some unruly & generally classless guests that decided earlier to get their over-fill of "the drink". Well while riding in the same car as my friend, one of them decided to "release the kraken" all over the place and then just simply laughed it off as though it were sorority grab-***-night, without any sort of sincere apology from her or her friends :mad:

Luckily, I don't think my friend was hit (that I recall), but wow talk about stupidly embarrassing. Getting sick is one thing, but that is simply :scared1:
My most embarrassing moment happened this year during our mother and son's annual Spring Break trip. My sweet boy is 16 and towers over me at 6 ft tall now, but he still enjoys hanging out with me! :cool1:
Anyway, within minutes of checking in at our hotel we were out the door and headed to MK. It had been raining off and on, and I should have stopped long enough to change my shoes, but I didn't...mistake! I was wearing flip flops. :rolleyes2
We zipped down Main Street and headed to the Haunted Mansion, our favorite! The queue line was wet but I didn't think much about it. We didn't make it into the mansion in time and the doors closed in front of us . So we waited patiently behind the line. A nice crowd of people started trickling in behind us, no big deal. Until the doors opened, and I started to walk in....well... my right leg went sliding rapidly behind me, I came down on my right knee, while my left leg shot forward! Luckily for me my left flip flop caught the entrance of the mansion or I would have done a split! I heard gasps and OMG's behind me, ugh! My DS grabbed me and yanked me straight up onto my feet. He pulled me over to the side looked down into my eyes and asked me if I was hurt. I think he was checking to see if I was crying. I told him the top of my toes were burning so I probably had scratched them up, but I was ok. Then I told him I probably ruined my toe nail polish, lol!
Then my DS says to me..."That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Mom you just did a Tebow!!" :scared:
I was in a state of mortification because I slipped down in front of 25 strangers, and my boy thought is was cool. :confused3
The only time I can remember being embarrassed at Disney is when I was 13 and wandering around the Morocco pavilion. I was looking at something and when I turned around Aladdin was standing right behind me and it really scared me, plus he was good looking and flirty and it was just so embarrassing for a 13 year old haha
Last summer DD potty trained herself on her 3rd birthday. She woke up on her birthday and said, "Mommy, I Three. I a big girl. I wear panties."

This was 2 weeks before we went to Disney. She had no accidents in those two weeks. I called Garden Grocer and switched the diapers I had requested to pull ups. I had her wear pull ups on the plane and she was fine, so I started to relax.

Our first day at Magic Kingdom, we got in line for It's a Small World and DD was really misbehaving...whining, crying, etc. I thought it was because she was afraid and didn't remember the ride. (She was afraid of everything that trip.) We make it around the first bend of the ride and DD says, "Mommy I have to go potty." In a RIGHT NOW kind of way. So I say, "Just hold it for 1 minute, I have a pull up!!" But she started immediately all over me.

I told the CM's when we got off and they took that boat out of commission.

I had a change of clothes for DD and she was feeling and acting much better, so we continued to lunch and then headed back to the bus for the resort.

After sitting for a minute on the nice, cool bus (August) a fellow passenger sniffed and made a face. :crazy2: After a second, I realized the horrible smell was me!! :faint: I had dried so fast after the incident that I really didn't think about it. It was sooo gross! :sick:

I took a shower and washed clothes immediately!!:goodvibes

The entire rest of the trip (and even today) whenever IASW or the trip is brought up we all start singing, "It's a Pee Pee World After All!" And DD delights in telling everyone how she peed on me on her favorite ride.:lovestruc

BTW she never had another accident and I am a LOT more aware of making sure she uses the restroom!
I thought of another. We were having dinner at San Angel Inn one night back when my youngest dgd was 3yo. I can't remember if her highchair was just pushed up to the table or if it had a tray but when we sat a plate down on it she totally took that plate, picked it up and tossed it deliberately to the floor. Those floors are tile and that plate shattered loudly when it hit. Everyone in there turned and looked at us. We were mortified. DD took her out of the restaurant and the rest of us shoveled our food down and got out of there.

It's a running joke with here now. She's 9yo and we always kid her and tell her she's banned from Mexico in WS. We tell her they have her pic up in the employee areas. And when she enters the park with her ticket an alarm goes off in Mexico to alert them that she's there.

We have an ADR there on October 8th and I'm going to try to talk to them before we're seated to see if they will play along and have the manager come to our table and say something like "hey aren't you Haley?" Lol
On our first trip at All Star Movies we came upon an armadillo. Our natural reaction (as anyone's would be) was to run around during the week, randomly chanting 'it's the Holiday Armadillo!' (Friends tv show reference). A few days into the trip we were getting back to the resort. My husband dropped us off and went to go park. As he was coming up to the building he saw the elevator closing and caught a glimpse of us. Being the oh so hilarious chap he is, my husband ran up the stairs and waited in front of the elevator. The moment the doors opened he did his variation of jazz hands and yelled 'IT'S THE HOLIDAY ARMADILLO!!!'

Sadly for him, we were already on our room. The poor father he had just accosted grabbed his young children in a mixture of fear and defense. Mortified, my husband just sprinted back to our room. We never did see that family again...

I was reading this at work and I started laughing and crying so hard and trying to read this to my co-worker, but this was hilarious. I can just see members of my family doing this.:laughing:
I thought of another. We were having dinner at San Angel Inn one night back when my youngest dgd was 3yo. I can't remember if her highchair was just pushed up to the table or if it had a tray but when we sat a plate down on it she totally took that plate, picked it up and tossed it deliberately to the floor. Those floors are tile and that plate shattered loudly when it hit. Everyone in there turned and looked at us. We were mortified. DD took her out of the restaurant and the rest of us shoveled our food down and got out of there.

It's a running joke with here now. She's 9yo and we always kid her and tell her she's banned from Mexico in WS. We tell her they have her pic up in the employee areas. And when she enters the park with her ticket an alarm goes off in Mexico to alert them that she's there.

We have an ADR there on October 8th and I'm going to try to talk to them before we're seated to see if they will play along and have the manager come to our table and say something like "hey aren't you Haley?" Lol

LOL "banned from Mexico in WS".:rotfl: you'll have to follow up to see if they do anything. We love that place and have a couple ADRs coming up there too.
The moment the doors opened he did his variation of jazz hands and yelled 'IT'S THE HOLIDAY ARMADILLO!!!'

Sadly for him, we were already on our room. The poor father he had just accosted grabbed his young children in a mixture of fear and defense. Mortified, my husband just sprinted back to our room. We never did see that family again...

This is the best thing I've ever read on the Dis Boards, I'm sure of it. That is *so* something my husband and I would have done, and we totally would have had the wrong elevator, too. We're going for Christmas this year --- I promise to randomly accost someone with a holiday armadillo greeting (no promises on the costume).

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