My first Christmas without my mom

The week before Christmas my church has a special evening service known as "Blue Christmas". It focuses on dealing with loss and sadness in the season of "Joy". If a church near you has something like that, I would encourage you to go. It was amazingly helpful the first year without my mom.
Your post made me cry. I've been crying a lot this year. I lost my Mom about 15 years ago and my Dad just 2 years ago...and I'm alone this Christmas for the first time. I find myself reminiscing about my childhood and how lucky I was to have two such wonderful parents. I think about my kids and how much I love and miss when they were little. I don't want you to think I'm a sad, depressed person, because I'm not. It's just that this year seems especially hard. Even though there are so many things to look forward to...there are times when life is just so, so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling all too well.
One thing you could consider is do 1 thing this Christmas season to pay it forward to someone in need. I'm not talking about making a monetary donation to a charity. I'm talking about something that you do for an individual person. For example, maybe there's a homeless person you see begging for money on the street corner every day on your way to work. Go and buy that person a warm sleeping bag and wrap it up in Christmas wrapping paper. Include a gift card for maybe $10-$20 to a nearby store or restaurant...a place where he or she can get something to eat. Or include a clean pair of socks, a toothbrush, and some toothpaste. And walk up to the person and give it to him/her. Wish them a merry Christmas and give them a hug.
I am sorry for your loss - all of you. Its hard losing your parents and the saying that each day it gets a little easier, well it's true, but you probably don't want to hear that. Nothing will take away the empty seat at your dining table so just be kind to yourself during this holiday season and beyond. Keep your traditions or change them up - whichever feels the most comfortable to you. Both of my parents are gone and its sad but we will carry on as they would have wanted us to.

God bless
A suggestion that my therapist gave me for my first holiday after losing my father - Purchase a beautiful scented candle to light around the holidays, with it representing your loved ones. Think of happy times when you light it and the scent surrounds you. It got to the point that when I smelled that candle, it made me feel like he was around me and I was enjoying his presence.
Op, and everyone else who are going through the holidays without your parents I am sorry for your losses. This Christmas will be my father's first as an "orphan" as he jokingly calls himself. My grandfather has been gone for just about 12 years and my grandmother just passed in October though she battled dementia for some time and the last few Christmas's while her body was here my grandmother was not. I see my father struggling but as he was a caretaker for her he knows that she is happier where she is now and no longer suffering so I think he takes some comfort in that. We are trying to keep him busy and to keep things festive but also recognize that he needs to have his time to grieve and be sad so that he can process those feelings.

Allow yourself to be sad, happy, angry, whatever emotion surfaces. Take care of yourself, as other posters have said go to the spa, spend a night in bed watching trashy tv and eating pizza while wearing comfy pjs. It also helps to be around other people, maybe join a book club or go to a painting class. If there was a tradition that you and your mother shared maybe put a new twist on it and start a tradition of your own to honor her.
That is something that all of us, if life goes according to plan, will go through. My Father passed in 1995 and my mother in 2005. Everyone reacts differently to that. My Father died in August and my Mother on the last day of November. She was closer to the holiday. She used to always have a Christmas Eve get together at their house before and after my Father passed away. My sister felt the obligation to continue the tradition as have my children. We still get together on Christmas Eve as well as on Christmas Day.

I am a type of person that easily accepts death as all part of the experience of life. It happens to all of us, so even though I miss people that have gone, I understand that it is part of life. My sister is much more emotional about it and for the first two or three years after my mothers passing, on the table with all the party goodies was a picture of Mom with candles, sort of like a shrine. I have to be honest... I understood the reason the first year, but, after that it just got disturbing. Nothing will take the fun out of a party faster then being reminded of death. My mother also always gave me a box of chocolate covered cherries every Christmas. My sister insisted in sending me the same thing, all wrapped up and signed "From Mom". I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but, that to me was downright macabre. It continued until I found a way to let her know that she no longer had to continue that because my daughter made homemade Cherry Cordials for me every Christmas and that I was having enough problem trying to get my weight down that I didn't need more chocolate.

So the first Christmas is very strange, but, if you feel that they are in a better place, then we can and should honor their memory but in a positive and happy remembrance if we can.
Thanks for all the suggestions and kind words.

I work retail so going out of town at the moment is not doable but my close friends and I have planned a weekend at the local water park for January. Just to get away and not have to worry about things

The closer Christmas gets the more emotional I am feeling but I am allowing myself to feel these emotions. I have a great support system who is there whenever I need an ear and I am so thankful. Without them I would not be getting by.

I have made a few new traditions already. My girlfriends came over the other day for a night of cookie making and Christmas movies.


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