most rudest, ignorant, disgusting thing at WDW

When we were at WDW in 2001, my DD was 11 months old and spent most of the entire trip in a front snuggly carrier.
Well......we had reservations at CA. Grill in Contemporary and I had my heart set on getting my kids to be able to rind in the cockpit of the monorail. (Since we stayed at WL we didn't use the monorail at all...and the trip to Contemporary was the only time)
Anyways...there was absolutely nobody at the contemporary stop for the monorail, and we asked the CM if we could ride in the front. He said he'd check with the operator...well...the monorail pulls up (green....I and the CM asked if we could ride in front..well the operator say "only 4", so, since my infant was sound asleep in the front pack, we assumed we were all set....NOOOOOOOO...we couldn't ride, because with 2 DS, DH, and me carrying the infant..we were 5.
I know rules are rules, but it seemed like this was a bit excessive.....
Wow......some of these things are unbelievable! Crackerman is just way beyond anything I ever want to see. I am so sorry anyone had to witness that.
Luckily aside from some pushy parade experiences like those already mentioned we've never had any problems at WDW.
I felt like I had to write about the older kid in stroller issue though. My DS is 6 and in May he asked us to rent a stroller because he knew he'd get tired trying to walk all day. I see nothing wrong with him using a stroller and I'm sure he will be using one again in Feb. I personally think that I'd rather the kids were comfy and riding than having a crabby time walking. Less people will be disturbed by a 6-9 year old in a stroller than by one walking and whining.
I have a couple from my trip last week :).

First of all there was the Drink Refill Vulture at Typhoon Lagoon. I bought a refillable mug with the new bar code on it. It was $10, but I wanted to make sure we stayed hydrated in the hot and sunny weather. Anyway ... I just swiped my mug and was filling it with ice when a woman came up next to me and stuck her paper cup under one of the spigots! I told her that she needed to have a mug with a bar code to refill her drink and she said "really?" and walked off.

The second was a pool CM at the Contemporary Resort. It rained much of the time we were at WDW and one rainy afternoon we hung around our resort instead of getting wet (again). I wandered down to the pool thinking that my 2 year old DD might want to swim since it finally stopped raining. The pools are supposed to be open as long as there is no lightning and the lifeguards can see the bottom of the pool. I asked a woman who was in a swim suit with 3 kids if she knew when the pool was supposed to open. She said she and the kids had been waiting for it to open for over an hour. Each time the CM would tell her 30 minutes, then 20 minutes, then "soon". Finally, the lifeguards look their stations and it looked like the pool was going to open soon.

The 3 children were jumping from one foot to another with anticipation to use the pool in front of the chain at the main entrance to the pool near the pool bar. They had been patient for a very long time. As the woman and I chatted she suddenly said "That little snot!" Then, embarrassed, "Excuse me!" It seems that the CM that she and the children had spoken to started to remove the chains that closed the pool starting with the chain to the right of the children and working his way around the pool counter-clockwise so that the very last chain opened was in front of the kids. "Snot" was far more polite than what came to my mind. The woman then turned to me and said "He's lucky my sister isn't here. She would really yell at him!" I was an innocent bystander and I was ready to rip his snotty little lungs out. I encouraged the woman to speak to the CM and call him on his petty behavior.
Euuwww.. the SM spit story and cracker man are disgusting:)

Night of Joy 99 was the most disgusting night at MK I have ever been to! There was garbage everywhere (cups and trash floating in the water in Small World and Pirates, soda thrown and dripping down the screens in Haunted Mansion and hold on to your stomachs- a dirty tampon laying on TOP of the trash can outside HM.) I wanted to cry for the CM's on clean up duty that night!
lets see...

when my roomate's (from the collage program) family and friends came down to visit, we were in the MK (right out side auntie gravities and the bathrooms over in tommrowland). and i was being hyper as always, and i was jumping aorund and talking... and then all of a sudden something hit me, i turned around and there was a middle aged lady being pushed in a wheel chair, when i turned around she yelled "move"!!! I was so shocked that i was hit in the arm and then yelled at to move (it wasn't crowed at all, and it was just after sun set)!!!! i said back after i moved "why did you hit me? you can hit people at disney world! (or atleast something to that exstent in a chipper voice)"

and then while i was working at blizzard beach at the cooling hut (right across from Snowless joe's locker and towl rentals) a female guest i was serveing was about to light up a cig. so i told her she would have to go to one of the smokeing spots and I told her were the cloest 2 were. well she was like... how long ago did disney put in smokeing areas? and i replyed "i believe a few years ago" and then she went on like... well thats dumb i never blow somke into people faces and yada yada yada.... oh boy did i really want to get in it with her about 2nd hand smoke (as u can probaly tell by now.. i'm a bit anti-smokeing). but remember it was disney, and i was a CM, i desided not to take the arguement any further........:rolleyes:

there was a few more i think.. but i try not to remember it... i remember disney for all the good moments :D
My DD recently took her two DN's to Typhoon Lagoon. Standing in line for one of the slides, a girl decided she was going to cut in front of the older niece. My DD saw this and looked at the girl and told her just what do you think you are doing? She told me the girl's eyes got as big as saucers. And skeedadled to the end of the line. She told me later that it just popped out without her even thinking about it.
One day when I was working in Geiger's Counter in Tomorrowland, I saw a guy smoking. As soon as he got within ear-shot (I couldn't leave the station) I directed him to the nearest smoking section which was just around the corner. He suddenly acted confused and held out his hands to show that he didn't have any cigerettes then walked away. I leaned over the counter to look at the ground where he had been standing. Sure enough, there was the cigerette butt. Grrrrrrr.

Another time, I was on parade duty for either the Electric Parade or Spectro, I forget which. Anyway, there was a woman standing on the outside of the ropes trying to video tape. A CM kept telling her to please step behind the rope, but she wouldn't listen. When the CM placed his hand over the lense of her camera, she called him an ******. The CM said thank you.
I think I've been extremely lucky on all of my trips so far. No rude stories <b>yet</b>, these are really fascinating to read :)
You should have a vote on the MOST Disgusting story. For me, Crackerman takes the cake! That fellow not only had chutzpah, but also a cast-iron stomach! :rolleyes:
Not rude but disgusting. We were watching the share a dream parade from the little path that goes back behind the castle, and we noticed Friar Tuck staggering somewhat crossing the bridge. Then we saw plain closed CM come up behind him, turn him around, and walk towards us behind that little restaurant. They passed withing about 5 feet of and it was quite clear from the smell that the Friar was overcome by the heat. I still cringe when I think about what it must of been like in that head. I suspect that is one custume that was discarded.
We were at WDW in June and did the Fantasmic dinner deal. When we went to the entrance for the show there was a line of about fourty people with passes to get in. We got in line and as we approached the CM a lady and her family of four walked past everyone to the front of the line. Another person in line pointed out there was a line behind us and she announced to everyone who would listen "we don't have to wait, we have a pass." I looked at her and said " thats great everyone in line has one to."
That did not deter her at all as she kept going and the CM at the gate let her through with her family. On the long walk to the seating area for the show her husband explained to her what had happened and all of a sudden they stopped obviously wanting to get away from everyone she had made the statement in front of.

As far as motorized scooters go I have no problem with them in the parks except when I was almost run over by about a 300 pound lady in one that was weaving in and out of people in Frontierland while yelling at the people in front of her to get out of her way. We caught up to her about two or three minutes later as she was buying ice cream at an outdoor stand. :confused:
The most disgusting thing we've seen happened while climbing one of the mountains at Blizzard Beach. We are a young family and we were going pretty quickly when we came up behind a rather large, older lady wearing a skimpy bikini. She was quite slow and we were quite polite and didn't try to rush around her. Needless to say we saw a lot more than we would have liked to.
Originally posted by disneyjunkie
This may not seem rude to others but since I'm a single parent it really drives me nuts.

I hate when parents spilt up during a character meet. One parent gets on line with the kids, while the other parent gets into another line. When kids are done in the first line, they join the second line with the other parent while the first parent runs to
a third line to hold a spot for the kids.

Since the amount of time the characters are out is limited this hurts the other kids and or adults waiting to see the characters.

To me this is the same as one person holding a place in line for a ride while the rest of the family is doing something else.

Actually, I think the idea sounds like a tremendous timesaver! Shuttling the child from parent to parent isn't a hardship, IMHO. (Now, I can't be biased about this, since I'm not a parent yet.)

If the process is done efficiently (pens ready, page to sign prepared, flash on camera ready), I think the actual wait wouldn't be that significant. The only people who wouldn't benefit would be single parents, I guess.
People who think the rules don't apply to them:

---someone who litters steps from a trash can. (Take it, then ask the person, "Excuse me, I think you dropped this.)

---the idiots who stop in the middle of a row in any "fill every available seat" show.

---the smokers who don't follow the designated smoking areas on the guidemaps.

---line cutters who exclaim, "No speak English"

---last-minute parade shovers. (They can put their kids in front of me, but I draw the line at the parents trying to do so if I've staked out a spot in advance.)

---people who yell at cast members when it's obvious the cast member was not to blame for factors beyond their the weather.

Of course, there are lots of lovely people out there. I've had fun conversations with complete strangers while waiting in queues or parades. I know I have a lot of pet peeves, but hey, the rest of the time, it's magical. :smooth:
Originally posted by addicted_to_WDW
My problem with motorized carts is that *some* people think riding one gives them the right of way in all situations. Yield, people, yield!

I don't ride in the carts, but I've walked alongside people who do use them (and need them!) While they try to be consciencious "drivers", the majority of time, I've seen people in too big a hurry jump in front of them, not giving them time to stop the ECV.

Those things can't stop on a dime. I think people who walk around the ECV's should probably give them a wide berth to save being run over accidentally.

Of course, I have seen some pretty lousy ECV there are both sides of the issue to consider. :D
Cutting any line is rude; parades, food, rides, etc.

Our worst experience (not as bad as most) was a few years ago before our DD came along. We have always enjoyed character meets & hate it when parents with kids think they can cut in front of adults with no kids. One of these times (& it happened more than once) my DW almost cryed because we had waited patiently for our turn & were cut repeatedly by parents pushing their kids in front of us until the CM & character left. I know the CM is there to protect/guide the character & it was time for the character to take that much needed break, but a little crowd control (& courtesy) would have been nice.
Originally posted by BriarRosie

Actually, I think the idea sounds like a tremendous timesaver! Shuttling the child from parent to parent isn't a hardship, IMHO. (Now, I can't be biased about this, since I'm not a parent yet.)

If the process is done efficiently (pens ready, page to sign prepared, flash on camera ready), I think the actual wait wouldn't be that significant. The only people who wouldn't benefit would be single parents, I guess.

This wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't a time limit on how long the characters can be out.

Also the family I saw doing this took pictures of each child alone, not a group picture. This took time away from those of us that was waiting behind the grandmother. ( 3 kids came to join her one by one as they finished up with the character mom stood in line for).

Had they taken a picture of all 3 kids together my son and the child behind us could have gotten a turn.
As a security CM, I have interacted with many rude people..I can't count the number of times I've had smoke blown in my face while asking people to put out there cigarettes. I've also been SCREAMED out by folks who didn't want their bags inspected before entering the park. Have a GREAT DAY!
Sometimes characters bring out a lot of nastyness in adults. I saw a man pick up his 2 girls, tuck one under each arm and sprint over to where Snow White was. He almost knocked down more than one child on his way. Heaven forbid his little sweeties not get their pictures and autographs before anyone else.

It really annoyed me at Crystal Palace when parents let their kids come up to the characters when they were at our table. I have a picture with a strange child tugging at Eeyore while my son was getting his autograph.:rolleyes:

*character tip* go to Toontown right when they open. You'll see tons of characters with no lines while everyone else is still in Fantasyland:Pinkbounc
I've often wondered why rude and nasty people even go to WDW. They don't have anything in common with the Disney concept.

Perhaps there should be some sort of test to weed out anyone who can't get with the program. Just think of all the extra room there would be for nice folks like us. I know this might sound a bit arrogant, but that's how I feel.

P.T. Barnum used a sign "This way to the egress" to move people out of his museum. Maybe a "special ride" would be in order that would deposit rude and nasty people outside the park. Any ideas?


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