

Earning My Ears
Aug 1, 2002

We'Re firstimers flying out to orlando on the 24th august. Can anyone tell us if there is a problem with mossies,also we're staying at Westridge villas on the 27 can anybody tell us any info about the area where we're staying?
It's a 5 bed executive villa and there's 6 adults and 4 kids in our party.

Thanks any info greatly appreciated.

Hi Molipa

You will have a great time. The end of August is probably me favourite time as long as you can stand the heat! The parks are less crowded as the US schoolchildren go back to school mid August.

Mosquitos - I wouldn't say they were noticeable, but if you are prone to being bitten you will need to take the usual reppelant etc. My daughter gets bitten all the time, but the rest of us obviously don't taste so good as we seem to be OK

Westridge is in an area with a lot of other residential areas. It is on the US27 at the end of the 192 - about a mile down. We stayed their last year and it was very nice - although everywhere I've stayed in Florida has been very nice!

Here is a map that shows the exact location

Mosquitoes ....nasty bits of a story for you...Health officials say the number of people with West Nile virus in Louisiana is now at 58, with four deaths.

The announcement came Friday morning at a news conference in Slidell. Officials say the potentially deadly virus has spread to virtually every part of the state, including New Orleans.
Earlier this week, health officials confirmed that an 83-year-old Baton Rouge woman had died from West Nile. The three most recent victims include two elderly men and a man in his mid-50s.

Meanwhile, Gov. Mike Foster has declared a statewide emergency, a move he said could help bring in federal money to fight the nation's second-worst epidemic of the virus.

Foster said he hopes the declaration will pave the way for federal cash to help local communities that are using up their money for mosquito spraying far faster than usual.

New York, where the first and worst epidemic occurred in 1999 and was followed by a smaller outbreak in 2000, got $5 million in emergency money in late 2000.

New Jersey, which also had an outbreak in 2000, also got $5 million that year.

West Nile can cause encephalitis, the potentially fatal brain inflammation, as well as milder illnesses.

Mosquitoes spread the virus from infected birds to humans, who can then develop deadly swelling of the brain.

Most people develop only flu-like symptoms and some don't get sick at all. Humans can't pass the virus to others.

jj......... :eek:
We've just returned from a two week trip and were also concerned about mosies. So we took the necessary sprays and creams. We stayed just off I-drive overlooking the Wet and Wild lake and did not use any of the potions we took. We didn't do any of the air boat rides which would probably exposed us more but we had no problems. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't take the advice of the rest of the DIS group however!

Most of the family does get bitten in England tho'
Originally posted by molipa

We'Re firstimers flying out to orlando on the 24th august. Can anyone tell us if there is a problem with mossies,also we're staying at Westridge villas on the 27 can anybody tell us any info about the area where we're staying?
It's a 5 bed executive villa and there's 6 adults and 4 kids in our party.

Thanks any info greatly appreciated.


A great repellant for the dreaded Scottish midge is Avons 'Skin So Soft' Moisturiser - perhaps this would work on mosies too????
Considering the amount of water, Disney itself seems to have a very effective antibug set up and rarely do I have any problems on Disney property ( this is from someone who mossies will FLOCK to). Generally around central Florida however there are a lot of mossies, particularly if you're near one of the many lakes that are about. Many people like the skin so soft Avon creme as it seems to repel them, or there are a number of bug sprays you can buy in one of the su[permarkets in Florida. I would also advise buying an antihistamine spray/lotion to help with any bites you may get. There is ane that I find works well and is convenient to carry around, although I can't remember the name of it, it's container is in a pen shape and you dab it onto any bites. It does help with any itching/swelling.
I would also add that serious illness caused by mossie bites is reasonably rare in central Florida and while not wishing to cause anyone to disreguard JJ's warnings about some of the nasties that are possible, underline the fact that it is unlikely for a bite to create a serious situation.

Welcome to the DIS by the way :)
Hi Molipa :wave:

I have never experienced any problems with Mossie's in Florida but have always taken Avon's Skin so Soft with us just in case. Took it to Cancun and it was brilliant! I read on the boards here some while ago that it is only the original scent that works too - dont know how true this is (Woodland Fresh Fragrance) but you want the Moisturiser - they do a Dry Oil Body Spray which is good and at the moment they have it on offer of choosing any 3 products in the range for £5 - which is an excellent offer.

I am not an Avon rep - just happened to have a book delivered Saturday! LOL

Here is a contact number of Avon Cosmetics if you dont have an agent - 0845 345 8444. I have also ordered online before now too at

Westridge is lovely. We stayed in a villa here for our Millennium Trip and as said, it is on the 27, about 10 minutes south of the junction with the 192. We used to drive back to the 192 and use the new Publix there for our shopping.

If you carry on a little bit farther down the 27 you come to another shopping area and there is a big WalMart there.

We used to drop back onto the I4 to get to Disney - the 192 was horrendous at that time with road works etc - I think these problems are finished now though.

We loved it there and would just love to go back :)
Well i see there was a right up about Mossie's in the sunday Times.

It states

Dr Richard Dawood { author of travellers health} says that there is no treatment for west nile virus.and vistors should cover up. he goes on to say that 30 states have now got the virus since 1999...19 people have lost there lives..

I know when first posted about the West nile virus about 18 months no-one really cared and infact laughed at me,but hey you really need to cover up..

jj..... ;)
What is DEET? Is it something I should have in a repellant or something to be avoided?

I had a look in superdrug yesterday and none of the products there contained it.

I didn't get bitten in '98 except for our day trip to KSC but I'm seriously considering using protection this time.

By the way my eyes were sore for a while after I'd just been looking at the bottles in superdrug - that's without even opening the bottles!

Avon actually makes a "Skin so Soft" bug guard. You can see the entire line at this website:


Look for it under bug guard. It doesn't work as well as DEET, but it's safe for children. I really hate using DEET.

Florida has had a lot of rain in the past few months, so the mosquitos are particularly bad this year.

Another suggestion--don't wear any perfume or body lotion. It attracts the little monsters.

Have fun!
If you're particularly worried about West Nile Virus, go to the Centers for Disease Control's Website, , to read up on it. I believe they also have links regarding insect repellent.
NEW ORLEANS –– The nationwide death toll from the rapidly spreading West Nile virus climbed to 11 on Friday as two new victims were reported, one in Louisiana and another in Illinois.

The death of a 78-year-old Livingston Parish man was the eighth in Louisiana, where the mosquito-borne disease has hit hardest. The state also reported 62 new human cases, bringing the total this year to 147 in easily the worst outbreak in U.S. history.

A CDC West Nile expert, Dr. Lyle Petersen, said the disease's peak this year may not come for several weeks, and that "a lot more cases" could be reported before cooler weather kills the disease-carrying insects.

Petersen predicted 1,000 people could be infected this year and 100 could die.

cover up everyone...

When we checked in the Courtyard by Marriott (DTD) last week they gave a photocopied notice out saying that the virus was now in Florida and that Disney resorts were treated for mosquitos on a nightly basis, but as a precaution advised people to cover arms, legs, feet etc at dawn and dusk when the mozzies are more active and to use repellent containing deet.

We had bought some "OFF" at the beginning of our holiday and travelled to both coasts, and luckily none of us were bitten. I don't know if it was the repellent or just pure luck! As we drove around some drug stores were displaying signs advertising repellent with deet.
The Florida Department of Health is investigating whether the latest West Nile victim contracted the disease during an organ transplant. The sixty-three year old Miami man is the second confirmed human case in the state. He was listed in critical condition Saturday. The centers for disease control say, if he contracted the disease through an organ transplant or blood transfusion, it would be a first for that method of transmission.

jj....... :(
Wow JJ, i'm surprised you ever leave your house!!

We just returned in August and have to say that only myself & DS1 got bitten (as usual). WE used repellant most nights (specially as the night time shows/firework displays) and my son still got bitten on the bridge of his nose. The next morning he looked like the elephant man, and it lasted for 3 days.

So they are about, but not in vast numbers, and remember it only takes one to spoil a few days of your hols.

In 1999 we went on a trip to the everglade's, i ended up with 139 mosquito bite's, that was after putting on repellent, i had never felt so ill, it was an absolute nightmare.
Ohh i do Paula at least one or twice a year to the States but i always keep an eye on whats going on ;) . Plus i never leave home without my DEET...LOL....

jj.... ;)
As someone who suffers particularly badly with insect bites I feel compelled to contribute!

Holiday before last I went out at dawn (no insect repellant) to watch the sun come up over the lake at the back of our villa. Beautiful sight but boy did I suffer for the experience ... got bitten to pieces ! The mossies are very active at dawn and dusk.

I've never got bitten at Disney World but be particularly careful if you visit any of the national or state parks (Everglades, Blue Springs etc.) or go on an air boat ride - anywhere near water basically.

Last time we used Boots own brand insect repellant which contains 20% DEET. It seemed effective but check with a pharmacist if you need something to use on children.


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