Monsters At Work


Sep 27, 2020
Is anyone going to watch the new episode of Monsters At Work where Tylor is invited to a fancy dinner with Johnny Worthington, but it's on the same night, and at the same restaurant, as a party for Fritz?
Is anyone going to watch the new episode of Monsters At Work where Tylor is invited to a fancy dinner with Johnny Worthington, but it's on the same night, and at the same restaurant, as a party for Fritz?

So, I didn't realize that season 2 was airing on Disney Channel as opposed to premiering on Disney+. I will have to see if I can watch the first one and set my DVR! Thanks for mentioning it because it made me curious.
Okay, so I watched the four episodes and they have been great - even better than Season One. I love to see the characters from Monsters U and also the way they have positioned Laugh Energy as an alternative energy source that doesn't have full acceptance. It's very interesting.
I didn't even know this show existed! There's so much great tv out there. I'm definitely checking it out this weekend!


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