
<font color=blue>Doesn't give a ... darn<br><font
Jan 17, 2001
Hi! DH and I are taking a quick spur of the moment trip in May. It will just be the 2 of us & DS 5mo. I was wondering what rides I would be able to take him on, obviously nothing w/height restrictions, but, I'm not sure of others. I'd appreciate any feedback from someone who's taken an infant.Thanks. :)

My son was also 5 months on his first trip. He LOVED IASW! He was fascinated by all that was going on, the color, the movement. His older sister was three, so our family went on IASW, Peter Pan, Snow White, POC, Jungle Cruise, to Toon Town, the people mover, and more that I can't remember. He slept alot in his stroller, so I often sat with him while dh,dm and dd went on rides. I didn't mind, I was just happy to be out of the house!!! This gives me achance to plug what I believe is an underrated "attraction" at MK, the baby care station. Check it out, it's really nice.
You should be able to do anything at Epcot except TestTrack and Body Wars and the Maelstrom. You might want to skip Honey I Shrunk... and Cranium Command if the baby startles easily (the noise is very loud and sudden). The baby care center at Epcot is very nice also.
Yes, I also liked the baby care station at EPCOT. I also forgot to add that we took in alot of the show type attractions. I just made sure to sit in the back by the exit so I could take baby out if he started to fuss. Also, at Voyage of the Little Mermaid, they let me sit on a special bench while husband held our spot in line so I would not have to stand in crowd holding baby. Just ask if you need help, or have a concern about the attraction.


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