Mini TR for another Boston Road Trip - updated Nov 22

We've been pretty lazy (that's really what vacay is for lol) these past couple of days.

My DD has a play at school coming up soon after we get back from vacay, and the teacher JUST emailed us right before we left for holidays that the kids have to have their costumes ready three days after we get back!!! UGH!! My DD (and I) are not at all enthused about having to run around looking for stuff on vacay. The good news...they are doing the Little Mermaid! My DD has two parts, one is one of Ariel's sisters so she needs a mermaid costume...that she can actually walk in. This would be easy if it was October but sadly...Party City doesn't have a huge selection in March!! The other part is a non speaking part of Ariel before she gets her voice back but is apparently wearing a wedding dress. We went to Goodwill and found a lacy dress for $7 that is gonna have to do. Still not entirely sure what we are gonna do about the mermaid sisters outfit...any thoughts welcome!

Last night no one felt like going out so we ordered food on Door Dash from Cheesecake Factory!! Yum!!! I got this pasta with shrimp scampi which was delish, plus the Banana Cream Cheesecake, also delish!

Today we did some more costume hunting and lounging around!! We ARE SO exciting lol. Tonight we are going out for dinner to RACKS in Mizner Park. It's this cute little area with a lot of outdoor restaurants and such. We usually bring our dogs because they let them sit with you if you get a patio table, so that's the plan.
My DD has a play at school coming up soon after we get back from vacay, and the teacher JUST emailed us right before we left for holidays that the kids have to have their costumes ready three days after we get back!!! UGH!!

Oy! Good luck!

The good news...they are doing the Little Mermaid!

Yay! And... should have some options there, no?

Still not entirely sure what we are gonna do about the mermaid sisters outfit...any thoughts welcome!

Check out Amazon? Do you have Prime? Bit more $$$ though.

Last night no one felt like going out so we ordered food on Door Dash from Cheesecake Factory!! Yum!!! I got this pasta with shrimp scampi which was delish, plus the Banana Cream Cheesecake, also delish!

Sounds yummy. :)
Good luck on the costume search! You can always take up crocheting and try to make one of those fancy mermaid blankets :)

OMG you are genius!! I don't crochet but actually my mom bought us one of these a few years ago when my DD was obsessed with Ariel and it's been stuffed in a closet...if I can find it this might actually do the trick!!

Also saw somewhere on the DIS that Touring plans rated our MK day at a 10/10 - no wonder we got stuck in the fireworks that night!

So at least there was a reason lol..that was really insane!

And @pkondz good idea re: Amazon Prime...we do have it and since we'll be in the US for another week it may even arrive on time lol
Yeah I would have liked to just stroll for another 5K and meet some more characters and just soak up the atmosphere a little longer! One day I'll try the 10K or the half!
My 10K last January was the first (and only!) I've ever done, and I didn't train enough (read: at all). Because of the incredible runDisney atmosphere and running through the park, it too went by SO fast! I did not feel exhausted, as I thought I might, and I literally was sad I hadn't signed up for the half and full when I crossed the finish line. You can definitely do it!!! :)
My 10K last January was the first (and only!) I've ever done, and I didn't train enough (read: at all). Because of the incredible runDisney atmosphere and running through the park, it too went by SO fast! I did not feel exhausted, as I thought I might, and I literally was sad I hadn't signed up for the half and full when I crossed the finish line. You can definitely do it!!! :)

Thanks for the vote of confidence!! Actually I have done a couple of halfs but have been battling one injury after another so that is why I only signed up for the 5K this time around. It seems like every time one injury heals I get another one...ugh.

You're welcome. :)

You're useful that way lol Also love online shopping when in the can get pretty much anything and fast too lol and usually with free shipping!!
Thanks!! No worries!! I'm glad you are here and catching up when you can! I'm doing the same when I can as well on everyone else's PTR's and TR's...I am trying to be a more consistent Dis-er and not just hang around when I have a trip coming up because that's just not nice lol

This morning my DD woke up with a cold...ugh. Stinks to have a cold on vacay...but I suppose better to have a cold in sunshine? Hope so! We have a snorkelling trip planned for tomorrow...but we'll have to decide today whether to go ahead with it or not if she isn't feeling up to it. I hope we don't have to cancel or if we do, I hope we can reschedule because we were all looking forward to trying another new thing!

So sorry to hear it. I hope it worked out in the end!
HI everyone! It's been a fun few days of vacay...but nothing as exciting as Disney to report on so haven't said much lol.

Highlights of the past few days...

My son, age 16, has been going to school in Utah..that's a long story for another day. But anyway, he has joined us in South Florida for a few days which has been nice. We went to the beach and the Deerfield Beach Pier which is always fun to watch a revolving cast of characters fishing and such. There's a great view from the pier of the beach and surrounding area as well as of course, out to see where you can often see the cruise ships off in the distance.

Last night we went to see Captain Marvel at the Ipic theatre. This place is an amazing experience. Every time we come to South Florida we make a point of hitting this movie theatre no matter if there is any movie worth seeing or not, because it's just an experience. They have basically Lazy-Boy seating, with roomy comfy seats that recline, and they have pillows and blankets. Then the sweeten the deal by having food and drinks available to order while you eat, as well as unlimited popcorn. And all that for less than it costs to see a movie at a regular theatre back home in Toronto. So that took care of dinner last night. I had this cesar salad but it was cool the way it was presented - basically the long romaine leaves and long crouton type crackers sticking out of a bowl of dressing so you could eat it while watching the movie!! A bit of a challenge not to spill the dressing on your lap, but pretty tasty!

Today we are planning to go to Gumbo Limbo, a cute little nature reserve nearby where they have sea turtle rescues and other critters.
My son, age 16, has been going to school in Utah..that's a long story for another day. But anyway, he has joined us in South Florida for a few days which has been nice.

Nice that he could join you. :)

watch a revolving cast of characters fishing and such.


a cast of characters...

casting for fish...

wearing casts...

I had to get that out of my system.

It was cast in stone.

This place is an amazing experience. Every time we come to South Florida we make a point of hitting this movie theatre no matter if there is any movie worth seeing or not, because it's just an experience. They have basically Lazy-Boy seating, with roomy comfy seats that recline, and they have pillows and blankets. Then the sweeten the deal by having food and drinks available to order while you eat, as well as unlimited popcorn. And all that for less than it costs to see a movie at a regular theatre back home in Toronto

Whoa! Nice!! The pillows and blankets are a nice touch.

Today we are planning to go to Gumbo Limbo, a cute little nature reserve nearby where they have sea turtle rescues and other critters.

I envisioned the turtles doing the limbo. Then again, how hard could it be?
Sounds like you are having some great R&R!

Thanks Donna!! Yes, we are! It has been a relaxing mix of fun outings, lounging around, and also packing up the house!!

Nice that he could join you. :)

It was really nice. I'm glad that for his visit the weather was mostly cooperative too. Now it's pouring rain.

a cast of characters...

Ha!! Seriously though...the people on the pier are a pretty varied mix of individuals. Some serious fishermen with these crazy tackle boxes (and equally crazy attire), tourists and locals...and just oddballs

I envisioned the turtles doing the limbo. Then again, how hard could it be?

Ha!! The name Gumbo Limbo does kind of bring on some images lol. They actually have a pretty cool little turtle rescue operation there, and the FAU students get to take care of the turtles. We talked to one of the students who was doing his masters and he gets to go diving and help with rescues and stuff...I was hoping it might inspire my children...not sure if it worked...
It was really nice. I'm glad that for his visit the weather was mostly cooperative too. Now it's pouring rain.

Get that dome up!

Ha!! Seriously though...the people on the pier are a pretty varied mix of individuals. Some serious fishermen with these crazy tackle boxes (and equally crazy attire), tourists and locals...and just oddballs

Sounds like a fun place to people watch

They actually have a pretty cool little turtle rescue operation there, and the FAU students get to take care of the turtles. We talked to one of the students who was doing his masters and he gets to go diving and help with rescues and stuff...I was hoping it might inspire my children...not sure if it worked...

That sounds interesting as heck! I know I would've been inspired!
I'll do a quick update for last couple of days!

Yesterday morning I had to get up ridiculously early (3:30am) to take my son to the airport for his return to school in SLC. There's only one direct flight a day from FLL to SLC at this time of year unfortunately and it departs at 6:45am. It was pouring rain as I drove him to the airport so I'm hoping that for him it made leaving less depressing to go back to where it's still winter. At least in SLC they actually have spring and it's coming soon, unlike in Toronto where it pretty much will go from winter to summer sometime in May....

The guys at the Delta check-in asked me if I wanted to go to the gate with my son. He's 16 and has travelled by himself before, so I wasn't expecting to, and usually he is flying from Canada so no way this would happen. But with it being a domestic flight they gave me a gate pass so I could go hang out with him until it was time to board his plane. We hung out, he got some snacks and before long it was time to board. Everyone was on the plane...except for one couple who was being paged and made everyone wait while they went to was just ridiculous. Although it's hard to blame them because the FLL airport has a pathetic supply of food outlets and it's always jam packed with ridiculous lines everywhere. So note to anyone...if you want food at FLL, get in line immediately once you clear security because you will be waiting until it's time to board your plane!! The good news is, there's a sign saying they are expanding the food options, and one of them will be Shake Shack!! Figures this happens now when my parents sold their place in South Florida and I likely won't be making as many trips to that airport!! son got on the plane and once the Starbucks people finally sauntered over after being paged, they closed the doors and the plane was ready to go...only now they had some kind of problem with the jet bridge and the plane couldn't leave until they could get it to move out of the sat there a while. I didn't want to leave until I knew the plane had actually left in case they had to get off or something, so I was hanging around and there was a really weird situation unfolding so of course I had to eavesdrop and now share with you guys.

There was this woman who walked up to the Delta gate CSR (you know the one you see right before you get on the plane) after they had closed the doors on the SLC flight that my son was on. I guess she was on stand-by, and the Delta CSR said that the plane is completely full and ready to go so she would have to get on the list for the next flight, which if she wanted direct would not be until the next day. She explained that if she wanted to get to SLC same day, she would have to take a flight to Atlanta and then transfer to one to SLC, and that she could do that but that there was some extra tax she would have to pay...for $4.39 (yes four dollars, 39 cents). The woman pulled out $5 and tried to hand it over, and the Delta CSR said "we don't take cash, you have to pay on a credit card" So the woman says "I don't have a credit card" So the Delta rep says "do you have someone you can call to get a cc number who will pay it for you?" She says yes I could call someone but I don't have a phone! Delta rep says "well the desk phone here only calls local so if they are local in FLL area you can call with that...but otherwise you can't" So they are standing there having this discussion while I eavesdrop and I was having this internal monologue.

Part of me thought "maybe I'll be a good samaritan and go over there and offer to pay her $4.39 on my cc" Because if they were gonna let someone over the phone pay, then I guess it doesn't have to be her card, but from a security perspective...that person would at least know who she is? And then I started thinking, "who goes to the airport with no phone or credit card?" and it was all just really weird.

Now let me share one more detail because I want to see if I'm the only one thinking this way and I'm a terrible person. The woman was wearing a burka - but not like any burka I've ever seen. I'm not trying to be racist or culturally insensitive here, and I hate myself for even having these thoughts, but the burka looked like a black and white quilt but burka style covering head and face except eyes and down the ankles. Is this a different type of muslim that I've never encountered? I'm curious here and would really like to know. But the worst part about this is, I had to ask myself, would I have second guessed just going over and paying $4.39 for some stranger to get on a plane if she had not been wearing that outfit? But then what if I did and she did turn out to have some nefarious intention? It was just a really weird situation and I wanted to share here because I know there are a lot of travellers here and wonder if anyone else would have thought the same thoughts.

I was saved from my internal debate when I watched my son's plane leaved the gate and decided I better get out of there before they started to think that "I" was some crazy person hanging around the gate for no reason, so I took my leave...but it left me feeling really weird.

So long story there...after that...we had to return the rental car...which I actually made a crack in the tail light yesterday and was hoping they wouldn't notice. They didn't. hope they don't come back to me with a big bill later!!

It's been raining pretty much solid for the past two days here in South are lounging around...

We did have a fun dinner last night at Benihana!! We sat next to a family from NYC and it was fun chatting with them while our chef tossed knives around and cooked our food. I got the chicken and steak, but they actually give you a few shrimp as an appetizer, but that turned out to be my fave part of the meal!

That's about it!! Tonight we are going to PF Chang's, another Florida fave for us!

He's 16 and has travelled by himself before, so I wasn't expecting to, and usually he is flying from Canada so no way this would happen. But with it being a domestic flight they gave me a gate pass so I could go hang out with him until it was time to board his plane.
That was a nice perk of having a domestic flight! Nice to have that last bit of time to hang out before he left.

Part of me thought "maybe I'll be a good samaritan and go over there and offer to pay her $4.39 on my cc" Because if they were gonna let someone over the phone pay, then I guess it doesn't have to be her card, but from a security perspective...that person would at least know who she is? And then I started thinking, "who goes to the airport with no phone or credit card?" and it was all just really weird.

It was just a really weird situation and I wanted to share here because I know there are a lot of travellers here and wonder if anyone else would have thought the same thoughts.
I am distrustful (is that even a word!?) untrusting? eh, you get it! of every person I encounter at an airport, no matter who they are! So, I understand your internal struggle here. I probably would have thought about helping, too, and then I would have thought, I better mind my own business. I hate that I feel that way, too...product of the world we live in nowadays, I think.

We did have a fun dinner last night at Benihana!!
We LOVE Benihana!!! We usually go for my birthday each year in May. My son devours that shrimp appetizer--it's his favorite part, too, in addition to the fact that you only get the grilled corn if you order from the kid's menu.
Yesterday morning I had to get up ridiculously early (3:30am)

That meets the criteria.

unlike in Toronto where it pretty much will go from winter to summer sometime in May....

May? Really? Not April, surely?

But with it being a domestic flight they gave me a gate pass

Huh. Well... okay, yeah, that makes sense. They can't give you a gate pass for an international flight if they're clearing customs there (although they probably aren't doing that until Canada.) I know we go through customs in YYZ heading south, so you couldn't because then you'd have to go through US customs to see him off, and then Canadian customs to go back.

Everyone was on the plane...except for one couple who was being paged and made everyone wait while they went to was just ridiculous.


they are expanding the food options, and one of them will be Shake Shack!!

Oh, nice! That's one place I have yet to go to... and want to. son got on the plane and once the Starbucks people finally sauntered over after being paged,

Darn saunterers… just no respect for others at all.

the woman says "I don't have a credit card" So the Delta rep says "do you have someone you can call to get a cc number who will pay it for you?" She says yes I could call someone but I don't have a phone!

What? Who doesn't have a phone or credit card these days?

Part of me thought "maybe I'll be a good samaritan and go over there and offer to pay her $4.39 on my cc" Because if they were gonna let someone over the phone pay, then I guess it doesn't have to be her card, but from a security perspective...that person would at least know who she is? And then I started thinking, "who goes to the airport with no phone or credit card?" and it was all just really weird.

I would've been thinking the exact same thing.

Now let me share one more detail because I want to see if I'm the only one thinking this way and I'm a terrible person. The woman was wearing a burka - but not like any burka I've ever seen. I'm not trying to be racist or culturally insensitive here, and I hate myself for even having these thoughts, but the burka looked like a black and white quilt but burka style covering head and face except eyes and down the ankles. Is this a different type of muslim that I've never encountered? I'm curious here and would really like to know. But the worst part about this is, I had to ask myself, would I have second guessed just going over and paying $4.39 for some stranger to get on a plane if she had not been wearing that outfit? But then what if I did and she did turn out to have some nefarious intention? It was just a really weird situation and I wanted to share here because I know there are a lot of travellers here and wonder if anyone else would have thought the same thoughts.

So here's my 2 cents.

When you said she was in a burka (I have no idea about different colours or styles, sorry), I thought "Okay. Now the no phone or credit card might make sense. It's possible that she's not allowed to have them, given her attire." No, one does not necessarily follow the other, but it does at least make it more possible.
Having said that, my next thought wouldn't have been whether or not I should help her because of racism, but if it would be culturally allowed. Some cultures won't allow a woman to speak with another man. Then again... she wasn't being escorted so that probably (?) wasn't an issue. I think I would've approached and said something like "Excuse me, and I apologize if I am being insensitive or indelicate. But might I be able to offer some assistance?"

If the woman in the burka accepted. Done.
If the CSR explained what was owing, asked the woman if it was okay that I pay and the woman nodded or said yes. Done.
If the woman in the burka said no or shook her head. I would say something like "Forgive me for intruding." and leave... but not go too far in case the CSR talked her into accepting my help.

So long story there...after that...we had to return the rental car...which I actually made a crack in the tail light yesterday and was hoping they wouldn't notice. They didn't. hope they don't come back to me with a big bill later!!

Nope. You don't have to worry. You drop off the car and once you leave... there's no way they can prove that you did the damage. Maybe one of their staff backed into a pole? Maybe another car hit it after it was parked?

We did have a fun dinner last night at Benihana!!

I've eaten there once. Didn't get to see the show, but the food was good. :)
Last night we went to see Captain Marvel at the Ipic theatre. This place is an amazing experience. Every time we come to South Florida we make a point of hitting this movie theatre no matter if there is any movie worth seeing or not, because it's just an experience. They have basically Lazy-Boy seating, with roomy comfy seats that recline, and they have pillows and blankets. Then the sweeten the deal by having food and drinks available to order while you eat, as well as unlimited popcorn. And all that for less than it costs to see a movie at a regular theatre back home in Toronto. So that took care of dinner last night. I had this cesar salad but it was cool the way it was presented - basically the long romaine leaves and long crouton type crackers sticking out of a bowl of dressing so you could eat it while watching the movie!! A bit of a challenge not to spill the dressing on your lap, but pretty tasty!

Sounds like a great place. :) Homey almost.

The guys at the Delta check-in asked me if I wanted to go to the gate with my son. He's 16 and has travelled by himself before, so I wasn't expecting to, and usually he is flying from Canada so no way this would happen. But with it being a domestic flight they gave me a gate pass so I could go hang out with him until it was time to board his plane. We hung out, he got some snacks and before long it was time to board.

I have heard that they are doing some limited allowances of gate passes now. I believe PDX (Portland) is among a few airports giving it a trial run. I think to use it for a parent traveling with their kid is a perfect use of it!

Part of me thought "maybe I'll be a good samaritan and go over there and offer to pay her $4.39 on my cc" Because if they were gonna let someone over the phone pay, then I guess it doesn't have to be her card, but from a security perspective...that person would at least know who she is? And then I started thinking, "who goes to the airport with no phone or credit card?" and it was all just really weird.

Yes, weird. Nufff said. suspicious enough that I'd have not gotten involved. And who knows, maybe gate agent, or the airline itself, has some of those rules in place just for this sort of situation- making the process just difficult enough to prevent nefarious plots (if there is one, and I'm not saying there was.)

Now let me share one more detail because I want to see if I'm the only one thinking this way and I'm a terrible person. The woman was wearing a burka - but not like any burka I've ever seen. I'm not trying to be racist or culturally insensitive here, and I hate myself for even having these thoughts, but the burka looked like a black and white quilt but burka style covering head and face except eyes and down the ankles. Is this a different type of muslim that I've never encountered? I'm curious here and would really like to know. But the worst part about this is, I had to ask myself, would I have second guessed just going over and paying $4.39 for some stranger to get on a plane if she had not been wearing that outfit? But then what if I did and she did turn out to have some nefarious intention? It was just a really weird situation and I wanted to share here because I know there are a lot of travellers here and wonder if anyone else would have thought the same thoughts.

Same thoughts. Best to not get involved because in the world we live in, if you are/were AT ALL involved and it DID turn out to be a scheme or worse, YOU would be hauled in in about as long as it takes for a pot of noodles to boil.
That was a nice perk of having a domestic flight! Nice to have that last bit of time to hang out before he left.

Yes it was really nice. Got to make sure he had snacks and reading material for the plane too!

then I would have thought, I better mind my own business. I hate that I feel that way, too...product of the world we live in nowadays, I think.

I know, I hate that I was even thinking not to help.

We LOVE Benihana!!! We usually go for my birthday each year in May. My son devours that shrimp appetizer--it's his favorite part, too, in addition to the fact that you only get the grilled corn if you order from the kid's menu.

I had no idea they had grilled corn...definitely want that next time!

May? Really? Not April, surely?

Well we had a couple of warm-ish days this week...but we also had snow so...not spring-like really...

Oh, nice! That's one place I have yet to go to... and want to.

Shake Shack is so good. I know the West likes their In-N-Out but I find Shake Shack soo much superior lol

Nope. You don't have to worry. You drop off the car and once you leave... there's no way they can prove that you did the damage. Maybe one of their staff backed into a pole? Maybe another car hit it after it was parked?

Phew!!! I was worried they'd be after me.

Yes, weird. Nufff said. suspicious enough that I'd have not gotten involved. And who knows, maybe gate agent, or the airline itself, has some of those rules in place just for this sort of situation- making the process just difficult enough to prevent nefarious plots (if there is one, and I'm not saying there was.)

Yup, agreed. It was just weird all around.


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