May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 4

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More pics...Look at how big my Angel is getting...she's almost four months old and she has one ear up and one ear down. She looks so funny!



She is sooo adorable!!!

Don't you love the change of seasons though? I couldn't live anywhere that didn't have four seasons. I remember asking the natives on the Islands in the Carribbean, How many seasons do you have? They all said, Two...wet and dry.
:lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

Sounds like San Diego - and the reason we want back East again. I so miss fall and winter!!!!

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!

Did you guys see this:

Current wireless internet 'exansion' and rumored switch to Photo-Pass in October.

Would love the photo pass option! That would be great to be able to get all the pictures on a CD instead of trying to pack them so they don't get crushed or bent. :cool1: :cool1:
I have to post this VA Tech story that just came to me via e-mail from my is so uplifting!!

Jarrett Lane, a civil engineering major from Narrows, Va., was in Dr. G.V. Loganathan's classroom in Norris Hall when he was shot and killed. A senior and recipient of a special scholarship for engineering students, he had just celebrated his 22nd birthday in March.

His former teachers at Narrows High School spoke of him today in glowing terms, remembering him as a talented student, four-sport athlete, and valedictorian.

"He was an exceptional young man," said the school principal, Robert Stump. "Very quiet and humble, and very popular."

Mr. Stump said the small school of 330 students and the close-knit community of Narrows, which is 25 miles west of Blacksburg, was in shock over Mr. Lane's death.

"He was always one of the hardest workers," Mr. Stump said. "One time, after he'd had a good basketball game, he went up to the coach, and said, 'Coach, what do I have to work on so that we can be better. '"


This story will get no press in the main stream media. It's a story a little too religious. It's a story that might be a little too politically incorrect in certain editor's boardrooms; nonetheless it's a story that must be heard. It must be told.

On Sunday morning on April the 15th 2007, Jarret Lane was attending services at the First Baptist Church of Narrows, Virginia. It might have been a Sunday service like any other Sunday morning service: Sunday School followed by opening comments followed by Praise and Worship, followed by the Sunday sermon, followed by an altar call, followed by the benediction and dismissal.

But on this particular Sunday, during the altar call Jarrett Lane responded to a stirring, to a still small voice in his heart telling him to go forward. He stepped out of his seat, walked down the aisle to the front of the small Church and prayed with the pastor to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Jarret Lane had doubtless heard many times in his lifetime the admonition "this might be your last opportunity to accept Christ." It might have been easy to override the still small voice and leave for Sunday lunch, but instead he listened, No! He heard. He heeded. He obtained forgiveness. He experienced the Love and Grace of the Son of God. It was a glorious day for Jarrett.

Less than 24 hours later Jarret Lane was killed along with 31 other innocent victims by depraved and angry shooter Cho Seung-Hui on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

At my place of employment, the news of Jarrett's salvation came to me via E-mail. With tears in my eyes, I spread the news to several more friends who also wept with joy. Then I told some other friends from my Church in Pearisburg, Virginia. We all wept together! I watched very undemonstrative people become demonstrative and utter "PRAISE GOD!" as tears filled their eyes. There was something very special about this story, for you see this entire community has heard nothing but darkness, sadness, and news of despair and despondency. The repetitive scenes and endless discussions of death, injury, and insanity kept appearing on our television sets.

This blackness was followed by conversations, E-mails, phone calls and endless debates at work, home and play of the same darkness, which has so pervaded our community. This tiny pinprick of light, this story about Jarrett Lane has helped roll back the clouds, which have been hanging over us. It has brought us a ray of hope. Brought a smile to our faces. Replaced tears of sorrow and horror with those of joy and inspiration. May all of Christendom read this Story. May all Christians everywhere hear and rejoice. Grace, Grace, Sweet Grace!

Some one mile from the tiny town of Narrows, Virginia (where Jarrett was from), I along with about 100 other parents and friends had gathered at 9:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 18 2007 to send our High School kids on a 5 day Symphonic Chorale trip to Orlando Florida. The Virginia Tech shootings were still fresh and raw in every mind. I was moved beyond words to watch the students, faculty, and parents slowly form one huge circle, hands enjoined, in the Parking lot for prayer. Later I noticed that parents were hugging their kids a little tighter, a little longer, a few more times. They said, "I love you" and looked their kids in the eyes. I think Jarrett smiled. The darkness is lifting from our community. My prayer is that Parents and their Children everywhere will come to know Christ so that in the event that they send their Loved ones out one day, and it turns out to be the last day, that they will have obtained that beautiful hope that says "We shall embrace again one day". Jarrett Lane's dear mother has that hope. She has that assurance.

Jarrett is home now. He's home. Thank God almighty He's home.

Please pray for our community.

Thank you - I have shared this beautiful story. Lisa
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful compliments about Samantha. Both my DH and I are both sad and excited for Sam, but yes, we do feel a bit jealous. Starting a new chapter of her life is such an exciting time. Make both of us wish we were back at the beginnings of our life after graduating from college.

I still haven't been able to catch up yet - did Samantha get the whole Major/minor thing worked out? I hope so. Lisa
What were you all up to last night - less than one page to 'catch up' on this morning!!!

Back to normal today after 2 weeks vacation and then the weekend and public holiday yesterday.

Could go to the gym, but maybe not! I have an exercise DVD to try out. I have had it since January and it is still in its case!:rotfl:
Well the plumbers are back to finish off the work from a month ago. I am sitting here again feeling guilty but there is nowhere I can go as they are everywhere at all the radiators!! At least they have sorted the long term problem.

Just 2 days and it will be 1 year exactly till we cruise away!:banana:
They've been here almost 2 hours now and I just can't get past them to go to the loo!!!

I have looked at all my favourite websites - nothing to do now except book another cruise!!!!!:lmao:
What were you all up to last night - less than one page to 'catch up' on this morning!!!

Back to normal today after 2 weeks vacation and then the weekend and public holiday yesterday.

Could go to the gym, but maybe not! I have an exercise DVD to try out. I have had it since January and it is still in its case!:rotfl:

Good Morning!

Not sure about everyone else, but for me, the DIS CRAWLED last night - very slow, so I gave up.
It was crawling before I went to bed over here too, but as we are having server problems I thought it was that. The Dis was worse than any other website though.

Don't blame you for giving up - it gets so frustrating waiting for pages to load.
What were you all up to last night - less than one page to 'catch up' on this morning!!!

Well, after class (where I was able to post a bit), I picked up Tyler from day care, where it took me about a 1/2 hour to convince him to leave. He sure loves playing there with his friends! Then since it was pretty late, we stopped at a bad place for dinner (Burger King----bad mom) and of course he played there a bit. By the time we got home, it was time to get Tyler ready for bed. Needless to say, my back yard is still full of branches that need to get picked up before I mow! :headache: Getting a little worried about finding time to do it! Might have to break down and pay the teenaged boy across the street to do that, just to get me started for the summer and then I can keep up after the initial mow. :guilty:
Hey from the great Magic Kingdom!!!

Just a quick check in to say hi. Wow....25 pages so far...there is no way I am catching up with those. So, I hope everything is great with everyone.

So far the trip has been great. I am hoping to download and share some pics later.

The crowds have been great. First night at the parks we got to MK at 4pm and left at 1130 (EMH) and were able to do every ride in the park except for Pooh and Dumbo! We even did some 2-3 times. It was great. The next day when we hit MGM we basically did the same thing...3x in a row on ToT (ok, not my girls....they decided against it this time much to mom's sadness). We were able to fill up a whole log on splash mountain and got a great picture after our 3rd try.

The new monster's Inc attraction was pretty good. That new technology amazes me still when they interact with the audience.

Hope everyone is doing great.

Today is our relax/pool day. I think we are heading to Saratoga Springs pool for a bit and then back to OKW's pool. Gotta hit as many water slides as possible. Then, off to Chef Mickey's for dinner and hopefully catching Wishes from up there. Wed is Epcot day with a break at the Boardwalk pool (the clown water slide is my kids favorite one).

I'll try and download some pics later.
Hey from the great Magic Kingdom!!!

Just a quick check in to say hi. Wow....25 pages so far...there is no way I am catching up with those. So, I hope everything is great with everyone.

So far the trip has been great. I am hoping to download and share some pics later.

The crowds have been great. First night at the parks we got to MK at 4pm and left at 1130 (EMH) and were able to do every ride in the park except for Pooh and Dumbo! We even did some 2-3 times. It was great. The next day when we hit MGM we basically did the same thing...3x in a row on ToT (ok, not my girls....they decided against it this time much to mom's sadness). We were able to fill up a whole log on splash mountain and got a great picture after our 3rd try.

The new monster's Inc attraction was pretty good. That new technology amazes me still when they interact with the audience.

Hope everyone is doing great.

Today is our relax/pool day. I think we are heading to Saratoga Springs pool for a bit and then back to OKW's pool. Gotta hit as many water slides as possible. Then, off to Chef Mickey's for dinner and hopefully catching Wishes from up there. Wed is Epcot day with a break at the Boardwalk pool (the clown water slide is my kids favorite one).

I'll try and download some pics later.

Sounds like you are having a GREAT time!

We are all envious!

Can't wait to see those pics!
Kaylee - sounds like a great is the weather? It was in the 60's here this morning so I imagine it was a bit cooler in Central FL.....I guess I may have to pack a sweatshirt for everyone!
Kaylee - sounds like a great is the weather? It was in the 60's here this morning so I imagine it was a bit cooler in Central FL.....I guess I may have to pack a sweatshirt for everyone!

V...Sunday was horribly hot and then after the thunder storm (the reason all those non-seasoned Disney people bolted from the parks and left it empty for us!:lmao: ) the temp dropped. We were all so cold and of course we went on Splash 3x in a row and got hit by the blast of water from the other log going down the drop all 3x!!! What are the chances of that?!

They say it is supposed to warm up every day and by the end of the week be back in the 80's. Right now...I'd say bring a sweatshirt for sure as the wind is rather chilly. I'll let you know as the week goes on.
Kaylee, sounds like you are having a wonderful time and will become an experct DVC pool hoppper! That's a great DVC perk ::yes::

Karen, have you left for Disneyland yet? I couldn't remember which day you head out. Have a great time and let us know about the F&W at CA...anything we shouldn't miss when we're there for the DIS meet?!

I'm going to cook a hot breakfast this morning, as I'm having a tooth pulled today and probably won't feel much like eating for the rest of the day.
I still haven't been able to catch up yet - did Samantha get the whole Major/minor thing worked out? I hope so. Lisa

In a nutshell, she has had to take an English minor as there was not enough time for the appeals process to take place and her to walk at the end of May.
well, I have to (have to) get some work today so I need to cut my DIS addiction down a bit.
Tonight I am going to try and finish cleaning up the house. So far the girls room has stayed clean!! Yippee!! (but I have been trying to keep them out of it!) Last night Samantha took over my computer, she was on Noggin and my word....I guess I didn't realize just how good she is with a PC.....but now I have a feeling she will want to be on there more! She did have fun playing though!
Hi Everyone its been a long time since i have been around and sorry that i disappeared after the loss of my grandfather everything snowballed into one giant list of to do's and get dones for his service, and his estate, and such.

We were supposed to go to Florida in April but that got canceled, then we rebooked for Disney for 4 nights in June and then my Cousin decided her and her fiance were moving their wedding up and you guessed it we would be at the MK the day they get married so that trip got canceled.

But we ARE going to WDW for 7 nights instead this time in September with the Free dining. We will have a rental car so we may drive over to the port to take photos one day while the magic is there and wave as it sails away.

I can't believe its just a few days over a year away time is moving faster then i thought it would!

I read about the champagne girls thing and that sounds like fun I'd love to join so i'll pm the poster in charge of that if you all don't mind me joining?

Anyone else going to WDW or FL in September between the 11 and 18th?

Welcome back to the group!! My deepest sympathy on the loss of your grandfather. I can relate to the giant list as I faced the same one with the loss of my father in 2005. Time just seems to get away from you and the next thing you know, months have past.
oh I just checked the DCL it shows only cat 4...and for just two adults it's over $9k!!!


V...Sunday was horribly hot and then after the thunder storm (the reason all those non-seasoned Disney people bolted from the parks and left it empty for us!:lmao: ) the temp dropped. We were all so cold and of course we went on Splash 3x in a row and got hit by the blast of water from the other log going down the drop all 3x!!! What are the chances of that?!

We only rode splash one time in March, and don't you know, we got that spray drenching us on the only time? That has NEVER happened to me on Splash before, so we were shocked - and it was COLD!
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