Married, no kids right NOW thread!

Great idea for the "how you met" DH and I first met at orientation the summer before college. Had absolutely no interest in speaking to each other (well we might have said a couple pleasantries and that was it). We are both engineers, so in school, we had EVERY class together all 4 years (small school). Freshman year we couldn't stand each other!! We had a huge semester project that we were teamed up on (forced) along with another girl who had such a crush on him, I was disgusted bc all she could talk about was him!! We basically fought our way through that project - both very strong willed I guess you could say!

Sophomore year we ended up in the same remote dorm far from campus and ended up hanging out together (matter of convenience...) which turned into more! Junior year we ended up renting a house together with 2 other guys and as they say, the rest is history! We were married July 2007.
Kenny and I met online. It was 2000 in April and I was chatting with other people and someone bumped into the convo and goes, "Hi, my names Kenny, what's yours?" :)

A few weeks after we started chatting, we found out my mom's dad was dying. :sad1: He always saved his pennies and gave them to me me to use for whatever I wanted. :teacher: So, I went with mom to Kansas (that's where he lived) to be with him. I left Kenny with the number and didn't know if I'd ever hear from him again. To my surprise, he called a few days later while I was in the shower. LOL. We talked for an hour. He used yo his phone cards and kept getting them so we could talk.

I came back and we met in person. We dated for years and he was with me through the good times and hte bad. What cemented our relationship was in Feb. 2003, when two months after college graduation, I fell down two steps and crushed my tibia femur bone in my lower right leg. The dx didn't know if I'd ever walk again. I walked in 5 months. :yay:

Kenny and I were married June 17, 2006 in a lodge overlooking a lake. Our honeymoon was the WDW/DCL pkg. It was amazing! A year later, I started writing travel articles professionally for online companies which leads me to today. We've been together 10 years and married for 4 in June.

DH and I met in Oct 2000 when he was in the Army, a mutual friend introduced us. Actually, this friend had mentioned him to me in Dec 1999, but he was stationed at another base for a few months and all was forgotten, until the next fall, he had just broken up with his other GF and they introduced us and we were married in Dec 2001. We just celebrated our 8th Anniversary in Dec.

DH and I were both members of our college fencing club. I met him a few weeks into my Freshman year (he was a Sophomore), but he was on another squad and I had a high school boyfriend still and we just didn't think of each other that way. Fast forward a year and a half and I was sick to death of my on-again-off-again boyfriend, DH had broken up with his girlfriend (also a fencing team member) and I decided I was going to court someone new. I picked DH's best friend (also a fencing team member), and in the process of catching him found out that DH was also single. In the course of one long weeked (yes, there was fencing involved) I determined that DH's best friend, though lovely, was not for the one for me and that DH was.

Don't feel to bad for "our" best friend. He met a nice bridesmaid while serving as our best man and they're happily married.
I love all these stories!!

DH and I met in April 2006 when he was hired at my part time job. I thought he was old, creepy and weird! He was fun to talk to though so we did chat alot. I knew he was interested in me and I totally took advantage of that! If I was scheduled to work until midnight and he was scheduled to work until 9 I would call and ask him to stay until midnight for me so I didn't have to come in! He also covered all my shifts for me when I went on a last minute cruise! The night before the cruise was July 4th and I was working until close, he had left a few hours earlier. At closing he came back with some liquid courage in him and kissed me! The whole time I was on the cruise my best friend was taunting me about it, telling me I was going to marry this guy. And telling me if I really had no interest I needed to tell him instead of leading him on. When I got back I asked him to come to the day camp that I worked at. It was at a beach so he brought beach toys because he thought we were going to hang out :guilty: I told him it was not him....I just could not date anyone at that point in time. Of course I was dating other people! About a month later I was out on a terrible date that ended early and I decided to call him. We watched a movie and the rest was history! He proposed in front of Cinderalla's Castle a year and a half later and we got married six months later! Married for 1.5 years and I still love the old creepy weird guy!
:goodvibes Great Thread :thumbsup2

:wave: Hello everyone! My DH (31) and I (31)- until April 20th :scared: went to high school together. I had a major crush on him and used to stalk him in study hall :rolleyes1 He was a year behind and we dated briefly the summer after I graduated. Our summer romance ended when he realized I wasn't going to er... I wasn't fast enough for him and I moved out of town :(

We shared the same group of friends and over the next 7 years we plagued our friends with questions about each other :rolleyes: He had gone into the Army shortly after we had broken up, spent a year on rotation in Korea and was stationed at Hunter in Savannah Georgia in Dec of 2002 when I received a phone call from him, he was home on leave and wanted to see me! We spent the entire week together inseparable. I cried like a baby when it was time for him to return to Hunter.
A few days after he left I found out he was going to be leaving for a rotation in Iraq soon. I bought an over priced last minute plane ticket and flew to Savannah so we could spent 3 more weeks together before he left. I didn't realize how much I loved him until we found ourselves standing on the beach at Tybe island freezing our butts off waiting for and hour for the sun to rise! He had wanted to be romantic, but had forgotten to check what time sunrise was :rotfl2: you really think a soldier would have known :rolleyes:, we still laugh about this, but to me it will always be the perfect sunrise.
I came home and a few weeks later he was gone. I received 2 phone calls and 4 letters (2 of which came AFTER he had returned home- gotta love military snail mail) over the next 8 months, but I wrote him every day. Even on the days I had nothing to say I would send jokes or riddles or the Sunday comics.
He came home safe, and ETS'd. He moved from Savannah to WI, we joke now that we did this wrong I should have moved there :rolleyes: closer to WDW!
He joined the National Guard and started working for a civilian company out of Milwaukee as an Airplane Mechanic. We were married at a court house in Orange County in April 2008 and in June 2008 his new employer sent him to live in Iraq for 13 months :eek: This is about the time I developed an intense love of WDW SOLO trips :rolleyes:
There was one bright spot to him working overseas, we were able to meet up during his vacation time and see parts of the world we would have never had the opportunity to see otherwise. In Oct 2008 we met for a Mediterranean cruise and then in Feb 2008 we met for a week in Aruba. Now he is on a 3 month rotating schedule, home for 3 in Iraq for 3 ect until 2012. He has email now and we chat on SKYPE and FB, and every once in awhile he calls. I wouldn't say it is easier, just better we still miss each other terribly and when he is home for 3 months we are inseparable and our friends tease us unmercifully. He is my best friend, the one person I can't wait to tell everything to. We email often, sometimes just to say I love you. And I still cry like a baby every time he leaves, then I dry my tears and throw myself into planning another trip to WDW. I have discovered that the best way for me to avoid wallowing in unnecessary self pity is to visit the happiest place on earth.

We are the oldest couple we know without children. And when I went to my class reunion I was shocked to find that of the women, I am the ONLY one left without kids! :scared1:
We both love children and would someday love to have some of our own. But right now his work schedule just makes it too impossible. He would miss out on way to much, and although he is ok with that I am not :lmao: Although he is NOT a WDW fan he gets why I love it so much, and with enough gentle prodding :drinking1 I have managed to get him to go on 3 trips with me since 2007!:cool1: Looking forward to clubbing him over the head and daging him down again in Aug for Sumernightastic!:wizard: AND to see HP (he likes IOA better than WDW because of the thrill rides :rolleyes: But I will take any excuse to get him down there! :yay:
Sorry for the long post:scared1:
:goodvibes Great Thread :thumbsup2

:wave: Hello everyone! My DH (31) and I (31)- until April 20th :scared: went to high school together. I had a major crush on him and used to stalk him in study hall :rolleyes1 He was a year behind and we dated briefly the summer after I graduated. Our summer romance ended when he realized I wasn't going to er... I wasn't fast enough for him and I moved out of town :(

We shared the same group of friends and over the next 7 years we plagued our friends with questions about each other :rolleyes: He had gone into the Army shortly after we had broken up, spent a year on rotation in Korea and was stationed at Hunter in Savannah Georgia in Dec of 2002 when I received a phone call from him, he was home on leave and wanted to see me! We spent the entire week together inseparable. I cried like a baby when it was time for him to return to Hunter.
A few days after he left I found out he was going to be leaving for a rotation in Iraq soon. I bought an over priced last minute plane ticket and flew to Savannah so we could spent 3 more weeks together before he left. I didn't realize how much I loved him until we found ourselves standing on the beach at Tybe island freezing our butts off waiting for and hour for the sun to rise! He had wanted to be romantic, but had forgotten to check what time sunrise was :rotfl2: you really think a soldier would have known :rolleyes:, we still laugh about this, but to me it will always be the perfect sunrise.
I came home and a few weeks later he was gone. I received 2 phone calls and 4 letters (2 of which came AFTER he had returned home- gotta love military snail mail) over the next 8 months, but I wrote him every day. Even on the days I had nothing to say I would send jokes or riddles or the Sunday comics.
He came home safe, and ETS'd. He moved from Savannah to WI, we joke now that we did this wrong I should have moved there :rolleyes: closer to WDW!
He joined the National Guard and started working for a civilian company out of Milwaukee as an Airplane Mechanic. We were married at a court house in Orange County in April 2008 and in June 2008 his new employer sent him to live in Iraq for 13 months :eek: This is about the time I developed an intense love of WDW SOLO trips :rolleyes:
There was one bright spot to him working overseas, we were able to meet up during his vacation time and see parts of the world we would have never had the opportunity to see otherwise. In Oct 2008 we met for a Mediterranean cruise and then in Feb 2008 we met for a week in Aruba. Now he is on a 3 month rotating schedule, home for 3 in Iraq for 3 ect until 2012. He has email now and we chat on SKYPE and FB, and every once in awhile he calls. I wouldn't say it is easier, just better we still miss each other terribly and when he is home for 3 months we are inseparable and our friends tease us unmercifully. He is my best friend, the one person I can't wait to tell everything to. We email often, sometimes just to say I love you. And I still cry like a baby every time he leaves, then I dry my tears and throw myself into planning another trip to WDW. I have discovered that the best way for me to avoid wallowing in unnecessary self pity is to visit the happiest place on earth.

We are the oldest couple we know without children. And when I went to my class reunion I was shocked to find that of the women, I am the ONLY one left without kids! :scared1:
We both love children and would someday love to have some of our own. But right now his work schedule just makes it too impossible. He would miss out on way to much, and although he is ok with that I am not :lmao: Although he is NOT a WDW fan he gets why I love it so much, and with enough gentle prodding :drinking1 I have managed to get him to go on 3 trips with me since 2007!:cool1: Looking forward to clubbing him over the head and daging him down again in Aug for Sumernightastic!:wizard: AND to see HP (he likes IOA better than WDW because of the thrill rides :rolleyes: But I will take any excuse to get him down there! :yay:
Sorry for the long post:scared1:

That is a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed reading it. :)
SiamCrazy, That is such a sweet story.

All of you that have a spouse that isn't so into WDW, I feel for you, I didn't realize there were so many out there that didn't love it :rotfl: I am so glad my DH loves it as much as I do, in fact, Tuesday evening after he picked me up from work, he said we should just take off and go, despite the fact that my money is on my May trip :lmao:

He just found out yesterday that he may be able to get my May weekend off so he can go to WDW with me, he didn't really want me driving that far by myself. Iknow he didn't really want to miss a trip.

We don't care for Universal, although we have never been, but we may try to go to IOA sometime in the fiuture to see WWoHP, even though we aren't HP fans either.

We would love to go to Sea World sometime.

After my trip in May, I am going to start work on planning our 10th Anniversary trip for Dec 2011, I want it to be a hug, fabulous deal, because we didn't get a real honeymoon. If anybody has any suggestions, let me hear'um.

I hope to get in a long weekend at WDW in Dec 2010 and June 2011, but if I don't I guess it will be okay.

My Kenny is into Universal, not Disney. We comprimise; one part of our trips has something that isn't Disney just for him. We're going to Universal this fall to see WWOHP (it opens on the 18th of June btw, so I'll miss it this time I go. :headache:) But then we're going to Disney for the F& W festival! :dance3:

Well, guess what I head from my gyno today....the dreaded "I" word. Yup, infertility. :sad2: I am going to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist to see what can be done about my fibroids which may be causing it.

Well, guess what I head from my gyno today....the dreaded "I" word. Yup, infertility. :sad2: I am going to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist to see what can be done about my fibroids which may be causing it.


Sorry to hear that. :hug: Good luck with the endocrinologist.
:goodvibes Great Thread :thumbsup2

:wave: Hello everyone! My DH (31) and I (31)- until April 20th :scared: went to high school together. I had a major crush on him and used to stalk him in study hall :rolleyes1 He was a year behind and we dated briefly the summer after I graduated. Our summer romance ended when he realized I wasn't going to er... I wasn't fast enough for him and I moved out of town :(

We shared the same group of friends and over the next 7 years we plagued our friends with questions about each other :rolleyes: He had gone into the Army shortly after we had broken up, spent a year on rotation in Korea and was stationed at Hunter in Savannah Georgia in Dec of 2002 when I received a phone call from him, he was home on leave and wanted to see me! We spent the entire week together inseparable. I cried like a baby when it was time for him to return to Hunter.
A few days after he left I found out he was going to be leaving for a rotation in Iraq soon. I bought an over priced last minute plane ticket and flew to Savannah so we could spent 3 more weeks together before he left. I didn't realize how much I loved him until we found ourselves standing on the beach at Tybe island freezing our butts off waiting for and hour for the sun to rise! He had wanted to be romantic, but had forgotten to check what time sunrise was :rotfl2: you really think a soldier would have known :rolleyes:, we still laugh about this, but to me it will always be the perfect sunrise.
I came home and a few weeks later he was gone. I received 2 phone calls and 4 letters (2 of which came AFTER he had returned home- gotta love military snail mail) over the next 8 months, but I wrote him every day. Even on the days I had nothing to say I would send jokes or riddles or the Sunday comics.
He came home safe, and ETS'd. He moved from Savannah to WI, we joke now that we did this wrong I should have moved there :rolleyes: closer to WDW!
He joined the National Guard and started working for a civilian company out of Milwaukee as an Airplane Mechanic. We were married at a court house in Orange County in April 2008 and in June 2008 his new employer sent him to live in Iraq for 13 months :eek: This is about the time I developed an intense love of WDW SOLO trips :rolleyes:
There was one bright spot to him working overseas, we were able to meet up during his vacation time and see parts of the world we would have never had the opportunity to see otherwise. In Oct 2008 we met for a Mediterranean cruise and then in Feb 2008 we met for a week in Aruba. Now he is on a 3 month rotating schedule, home for 3 in Iraq for 3 ect until 2012. He has email now and we chat on SKYPE and FB, and every once in awhile he calls. I wouldn't say it is easier, just better we still miss each other terribly and when he is home for 3 months we are inseparable and our friends tease us unmercifully. He is my best friend, the one person I can't wait to tell everything to. We email often, sometimes just to say I love you. And I still cry like a baby every time he leaves, then I dry my tears and throw myself into planning another trip to WDW. I have discovered that the best way for me to avoid wallowing in unnecessary self pity is to visit the happiest place on earth.

We are the oldest couple we know without children. And when I went to my class reunion I was shocked to find that of the women, I am the ONLY one left without kids! :scared1:
We both love children and would someday love to have some of our own. But right now his work schedule just makes it too impossible. He would miss out on way to much, and although he is ok with that I am not :lmao: Although he is NOT a WDW fan he gets why I love it so much, and with enough gentle prodding :drinking1 I have managed to get him to go on 3 trips with me since 2007!:cool1: Looking forward to clubbing him over the head and daging him down again in Aug for Sumernightastic!:wizard: AND to see HP (he likes IOA better than WDW because of the thrill rides :rolleyes: But I will take any excuse to get him down there! :yay:
Sorry for the long post:scared1:

What a great story!

Well, guess what I head from my gyno today....the dreaded "I" word. Yup, infertility. :sad2: I am going to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist to see what can be done about my fibroids which may be causing it.


I'm so sorry! My friends and I were talking the other day about having kids. We were saying when you are in high school they tell you how easy it is to get pregnant....but then when you want to it doesn't seem so easy! I wish you the best! If you ever need anyone to chat with free to pm me! The reproductive process is so emotionally draining!
I am 29 hubby is 28, we've been married for 5 years together for kids for a few more years. Love going on trips, hanging out and doing what ever we want when we want to:goodvibes Joining in on the discussion here....
What a great story!

I'm so sorry! My friends and I were talking the other day about having kids. We were saying when you are in high school they tell you how easy it is to get pregnant....but then when you want to it doesn't seem so easy! I wish you the best! If you ever need anyone to chat with free to pm me! The reproductive process is so emotionally draining!

Yeah, I thought about that many times when we were going through the treatments. Seems like those who don't need or really want children are the ones who have them.

I had to give up after the 3 IUI's, because it was way more emotionally draining than I was prepared for. And it was got really bad when I called the insurance company to see if they paid for anything and was told no, so I said something about mental health and was told those services are covered, are you kidding me, I can't believe you said that to me.

Thank you everyone!

Anna, I am so sorry to hear that, I hope your RE has some good news for you.:hug:

My DH is the same way Anna, I have to plan in some non Disney activities for him or else he gets Grumpy and wrecks all our photopass pictures with his scowl:rotfl:

We LOVE Seaworld! Have you been to Discovery Cove? We did the dolphin swim in 2007 and my husband still talks about how relaxing that whole day was- compared to the commando portion of the trip that we spent in WDW :rotfl2:

Hope to visit DC and the New Aquatica park as well as IOA this summer. We have some time share points that need to be used before July 31 so we will be off property from 7/26- 7/30. Then we will see how long I can convince him to add on for WDW. ;)

you know the Golden Rule-She who makes the reservations plans the itinerary :lmao:

Has anyone been to the WDW water parks? We have a Noah' Ark (worlds largest water park ) here, so I have always skipped them, but now I think it might be good to show DH another side of WDW.

Suzanne, you are very blessed to have a Disney nut for a DH :) I think I like the challenge of converting mine ;) and his sarcastic sense of humor when it comes to anything Disney is kind of entertaining. I know if his work schedule ever changed so that I could drag him to F& W he would love it!
Seems like those who don't need or really want children are the ones who have them.


:sad2: Sometimes it does feel that way.Thinking about all of the amazing people out there who have to try so hard and suffer so much to start a family, It makes it very hard to stomach being around bad, neglectful parents who complain about how their children have wrecked their lives- that's for sure. There are a few of these gems in my DH's family and it makes it very hard to make it through family gatherings.
:sad2: Sometimes it does feel that way.Thinking about all of the amazing people out there who have to try so hard and suffer so much to start a family, It makes it very hard to stomach being around bad, neglectful parents who complain about how their children have wrecked their lives- that's for sure. There are a few of these gems in my DH's family and it makes it very hard to make it through family gatherings.

A friend of mine put it to me this way, you spend a lot of your life trying not to get pregnant, then when you want to you don't even know if you can. It's such a crap shoot. We don't yet have children and it still pains me to see parents who clearly don't want their children when there are so many people out there that would want nothing more than to have one. Good luck to all of you currently trying.:flower3:

Has anyone been to the WDW water parks? We have a Noah' Ark (worlds largest water park ) here, so I have always skipped them, but now I think it might be good to show DH another side of WDW.

Hubby and I usually do both the Disney water parks and he LOVES them. I will admit they are fun and have great slides but water parks aren't exactly my favorite thing in the whole world. I must say that the wave pool at typhoon lagoon is a lot of fun. We will be trying Aquatica for the first time this trip. We shall see.
Oh I'd like to join!!! I'm 30 and my Dh is 32. We have been married...well 3 weeks!! This is my 2nd and his first marriage and we couldn't be happier. We also met onlin, almost 2 years ago. DH got hooked on Disney our first trip last June and we've been 3 times since then. Our most recent trip being our wedding. We don't have any kids (yet) and being that we are in our 30's we aren't sure how long it will take to have one. Our next trip is planned for December for my birthday. I'm hoping to get sent down for work in May though...December is a long way off!! But we are building a house so we have our priorities, lol!!
Oh I'd like to join!!! I'm 30 and my Dh is 32. We have been married...well 3 weeks!! This is my 2nd and his first marriage and we couldn't be happier. We also met onlin, almost 2 years ago. DH got hooked on Disney our first trip last June and we've been 3 times since then. Our most recent trip being our wedding. We don't have any kids (yet) and being that we are in our 30's we aren't sure how long it will take to have one. Our next trip is planned for December for my birthday. I'm hoping to get sent down for work in May though...December is a long way off!! But we are building a house so we have our priorities, lol!!


and Welcome!
Has anyone been to the WDW water parks? We have a Noah' Ark (worlds largest water park ) here, so I have always skipped them, but now I think it might be good to show DH another side of WDW.

Suzanne, you are very blessed to have a Disney nut for a DH :) I think I like the challenge of converting mine ;) and his sarcastic sense of humor when it comes to anything Disney is kind of entertaining. I know if his work schedule ever changed so that I could drag him to F& W he would love it!

I love the water parks but DH does not so I haven't been in a long time! Converting my DH to a Disney nut took one trip I think! Although I think our honeymoon cemented it!

A friend of mine put it to me this way, you spend a lot of your life trying not to get pregnant, then when you want to you don't even know if you can. It's such a crap shoot. We don't yet have children and it still pains me to see parents who clearly don't want their children when there are so many people out there that would want nothing more than to have one. Good luck to all of you currently trying.:flower3:

Thankfully I am in a much better place emotionally right now because we just found out that one of our 7th grade students is pregnant. 7th grade :scared1: I can't even believe it! And she has decided to keep it!

MainStMandy congrats!


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