Make a wish family files complaint

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I think the child was the wronged party. Both sides contributed. The behavior from either side, doesn't excuse the behavior of the other.

All indications are that the mother was out of control with her demands and her behavior. I highly doubt that the CM said what the mother claims, but quite frankly, I would applaud her if she had.

They should have been booted from the park banned for an extended period from returning.

And no, both sides didn't contribute to the event. The mother asked for something, she was told no, and she threw a tantrum. The only thing the CM contributed was performing her duties to keep people out of the shop that didn't have a wristband.
I think the child was the wronged party. Both sides contributed. The behavior from either side, doesn't excuse the behavior of the other.

I am trying to understand your logic, but I can't. The woman was told the store was closed, by her own admission it was 7:12 pm on a party night and also by her own admission refused to leave. The child was a victim of the actions of the vile witch who gave birth to him. I refuse to call her a "mother" because in my opinion a real "mother" wouldn't do what she did to her children.
All indications are that the mother was out of control with her demands and her behavior. I highly doubt that the CM said what the mother claims, but quite frankly, I would applaud her if she had.

They should have been booted from the park banned for an extended period from returning.

And no, both sides didn't contribute to the event. The mother asked for something, she was told no, and she threw a tantrum. The only thing the CM contributed was performing her duties to keep people out of the shop that didn't have a wristband.

All indications are that the mother was out of control with her demands and her behavior. I highly doubt that the CM said what the mother claims, but quite frankly, I would applaud her if she had.

They should have been booted from the park banned for an extended period from returning.

And no, both sides didn't contribute to the event. The mother asked for something, she was told no, and she threw a tantrum. The only thing the CM contributed was performing her duties to keep people out of the shop that didn't have a wristband.

:thumbsup2 Thank You!

I am trying to understand your logic, but I can't. The woman was told the store was closed, by her own admission it was 7:12 pm on a party night and also by her own admission refused to leave. The child was a victim of the actions of the vile witch who gave birth to him. I refuse to call her a "mother" because in my opinion a real "mother" wouldn't do what she did to her children.

:thumbsup2 I have tried to help this poster understand the situation as others, in the know, (and by the woman's own admission) that this woman was the one totally in the wrong, but I really don't think she wants to see it as it really was.
Cast Members are allowed to use their judgements. I work at one of the parks in ticketing and Guest Services. We, and the people working the gates, are allowed to bend rules if they should, in our judgement, be bent. I have even been known to mangle some rules when I felt it was necessary and have never had a supervisor take me to task for it.

But if a Guest is giving me a hard time I will stick strictly to the written policy. Although I would prefer to do what I can to assist Guests, I have had times in my eight years working for Disney that I have had to call Security due to Guest actions.
Cast Members are allowed to use their judgements. I work at one of the parks in ticketing and Guest Services. We, and the people working the gates, are allowed to bend rules if they should, in our judgement, be bent. I have even been known to mangle some rules when I felt it was necessary and have never had a supervisor take me to task for it. But if a Guest is giving me a hard time I will stick strictly to the written policy. Although I would prefer to do what I can to assist Guests, I have had times in my eight years working for Disney that I have had to call Security due to Guest actions.

And this is how it should be. Rudeness deserves NO pixie dust. I applaud you and the other CM's for not giving in to that type of behavior.
We where just at mnsshp on 10/24 and 27 cm did great job of clearing a path so people could exit. I know we exited at around 8 after dinner at bog, we even cheated as we exited the park just under the train station we saw headless horse man. They couldn't find picture we had ship to front. Took guy forever lol he keep saying sorry.

We were at the 10/24 party too! We arrived around 7PM even though we knew we could get in earlier because of dinner reservations / park hopping.

I will say that we have never been to a hard ticket event before. Everyone was super nice during bag check, and even though they didn't have someone out to take pictures at the gate, a kind CM took pictures of us at the entrance because we had forgotten to on our other visits to the park (yes, we were dumb). He went out of his way to make our day. In a chaotic crowd.

Re: the parade - I did not get to see the headless horseman (boo!!) but I have to say that people were so nice... we originally wanted to go to Frontierland to watch the parade, but got stuck somewhere around the restaurants / stores near the haunted mansion. People were sweet and kind enough to let my children through (and they are not young but they are tiny - they are 7 and 12) so they could be at the front of the sidewalk and watch the parade. I was really, really thankful for that. I was shocked they offered, because on usual MK nights I have had adults elbow my kids and get in front of them while we are trying to look at at the castle (another reason to book the dessert party!!).

The only "bad" experience we had all night for the party was the fact that one of the CM's grabbed my arm as I walked past her - I must not have heard her talking to me, but my family was walking in a group. As we entered the arm check area, I was following my husband and kids who were being checked for armbands on the left. But in the meantime, some CM on the other side (right side) she grabbed at my arm (hard) as I was trying to get in "line" with my family so we could stay together. She grabbed me so hard that I dropped everything I was holding, including our SLR camera. I was about to cry until I figured out that the camera was, in fact, OK. She did say she was sorry (once) but she was so busy that was all she could do. It just really upset me that I was getting grabbed at when I was in a short sleeve shirt and my bracelet was easily visible. That night was fun, but completely crazy.
What did she do, that we know for a fact?

This all seems to be gossip on both sides. Hopefully, Disney and MAW will work this out quietly.

I don't want to defend the woman who was there for her child's wish, though we don't really know what happened. I also won't compliment a castmember if they said something so judgemental. No one who doesn't have a position to protect seems to know what really happened. Everyone is just defending the castmember.

If she said what she's been accused of saying, it was really very bad customer service. If she didn't, then I'm sure this will all go away.

To try to keep an operation like Disneyland going you have to pour it in there. Its what I call Keeping the show on the road. Not just new attractions, but keeping it staffed properly& you know, never letting your personnel get sloppy& never let them be unfriendly. Thats been our policy all or lives. My brother and I have done that and that is what has built our organization. Walt Disney

I assume that Walt would have meant this to apply to Walt Disney World as well as Disneyland. I know it's very unpopular to mention Walt but I am anyway.

If you read the comments under the original story and also read this entire thread you will see where other cast members posted about this horrible family. Apparently the whole group, including the grandparents were horrible and demanding all week. They caused problems when they went to Animal Kingdom and according to a Universal CM that posted in the comments under the original Long Island story, they caused problems over at Universal too with their demanding, entitled attitude. Also in the comments under the Long Island newspaper story some of their neighbors posted that this is their usual behavior and the mom is really a piece of work and it had nothing to do with the MAW trip or having a sick child. Apparently the bank is trying to evict them from their home, because they haven't paid in like three years, nor do they pay their other bills, instead expecting others to contantly give them money. From what the neighbors say the dad is a dead beat dad that seldom works (and it has nothing to do with the sick child), just laziness. According to the people that actually know them, this family just expects everyone to support them and becomes obnoxious and demanding when they don't get what they want. It's a way of life for them and apparently they are fairly well known in their home town for their bad attitudes.
Vidia2 said:
I'm not asking what the mom did to ruin the night?

I'm saying that we don't know the facts. Many people believe the mother was lying except for this one part of her story? If this is true then he was crying to go into the store, according to her story.

We don't know the fact from either side but if the castmember insulted a guest then she was wrong, no matter the reason.

Agreed, we don't know all the facts but we have heard the story from the mother and from fellow CM's that were there that night and personally know the manager. And agreed, that if the manager said what she did to this mother it was in the wrong.

However, this is not something any manager would say unless they had every intention if quitting. Managers go through a brutal process to get selected. They are all very passionate people who care about every single Guest and CM. They are dedicated to their jobs and insuring that every Guest has a great visit. They are also beaten down at least once a week or even once a day by Guests that don't appreciate the work that goes in to running a Disney park. Long hours, short breaks, occasional horrible weather and verbally abusive Guests. You don't get major holidays off, there is no going home to see your family (there's your CM family, and they're all pretty awesome) and the occasional nights that you sleep in your car because by the time you drive home and back, you've slept for 2 hours.

My point is, would it also be fair to say if the mother did in fact curse out the CM and her manager, and the grandmother made threats to run them over with her ECV, that they were also in the wrong. No matter what the reason... Don't judge the CM because you've only heard one side of the story and don't have all the facts.
I believe that if I were a leader at MAW, I would be talking to my good partners at WDW, GKTKTW, etc, and talking to the family regarding my findings. It sounds like they may find the apology here needs to come from this family.
Even in customer service you sometimes have to call a spade a spade. The woman was trying to take advantage of her son's wish status. People like her get away with that behavior because no one calls them out on it. So even if the CM said that in a snarky way (which I doubt), I applaud them for doing so.
I guess I just don't agree that MAW should stay silent about this. And, no, they don't have to admit that giving this child a trip was out of line because of the mother's behavior, they couldn't know what she would do, but they can do the right thing now.

What would be so hard for them to stand 'beside' Disney in this? No one is saying they could know how this ungrateful woman would act. But, let's face it - this family WAS there in THEIR NAME. They should at least speak up and apologize to Disney and the CMs. I, and probably others, would respect them far more for doing the 'right thing', and be more ready to give to them in the future.

As it is (and like a PP) there are so many deserving charities out there, my $$'s are limited, and I will remember the ones that stand behind their actions and Name. Sorry, but this is cowardly on their part - sure, Disney is BIG, but it's the principle of the thing.
Thank you for articulating my thoughts. In the past, we have given generously to MAW because we truly believed in it. I know that one bad apple does not spoil (etc) but I feel MAW really owes Disney some back up on this. Judging by the 200+ comments on the news story, we aren't alone in our opinion-- even if we are on this site. Someone wrote in the news story comments that they have heard of parents pocketing the money instead of taking their children on the MAW trips. It's only a matter of time till cnn et al pick this story up and the damage is done. Disney is very near and dear to my heart and it has always made me smile to see the MAW kids being treated like royalty at WDW. Disney has so much bad press lately, MAW really owes them some support. Until then, they won't be getting any more money from me. Like you said, there are a lot of charities to choose from. It's always hard to decide on one, MAW used to be a no brainer for us. I'm going local this year instead-probably to something for animals. Horses and dogs are never entitled jerks.
Thank you for articulating my thoughts. In the past, we have given generously to MAW because we truly believed in it. I know that one bad apple does not spoil (etc) but I feel MAW really owes Disney some back up on this. Judging by the 200+ comments on the news story, we aren't alone in our opinion, even if we are on this site. Someone wrote in the news story comments that they have heard of parents picketing the money instead of taking their children on trips. It's only a matter of time till cnn et al pick this story up and the damage is done. Disney is very near and dear to my heart and it has always made me smile to see the MAW kids being treated like royalty at WDW. Disney has so much bad press lately, MAW really owes them some support. Until then, they won't be getting any more money from me. Like you said, there are a lot of charities to choose from. It's always hard to decide on one, MAW used to be a no brainer. I'm going local this year instead-probably to something for animals. Horses and dogs are never entitled jerks.

Neither are sick kids
I just read the article and as a former parent of a child with disabilities I do feel this woman was just taking advantage of the make a wish for her son. she replied to a comment a person made on the article where this person said and i quote:

"Joanne, you have been humiliated by your neighbors over this incident. Maybe, there will be a lesson for you....GRATEFULLNESS."

This was the mother's reply to that comment: "I don't feel humiliated. I be leave in what I did. I did it for the right reason. If you feel humiliated for me I feel sorry for you.
It was our last night there and the kids wanted to buy toys to remember the trip so we try and go into the store and the lady tells us "NO you need to go buy Halloween bands cause its past 7pm" ( by the way the bands cost $364 just to go trick or treating) so I say get the manger the manger heather comes out and says " how can I help you?" I said to her " we are here with make a wish and my son is a wish kid we understand its past 7pm (it was 7:12) but can we just go in the store to buy the kids toys? The manger turns to us and says and I quote " YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of your sons wish" now I was pissed !!! I said I'm what ? All I want to do is go in a store and buy my kids toys with my own money we were not asking her to buy the toys!! How dare her say " I'm taking advantage of my sons wish" she has no clue what I go through for PJ he has a port in his chest and he gets needles every other day to stay alive. Until she is in my shoes she should keep her mouth shut. Then we refused to leave I'm not going to have 3 crying kids cause we don't have a band on to buy toys. She called security on us they did nothing cause they knew how are you going to tell a make a wish kid he can't buy a toy they made us wait out side over an hour then they finally let is buy them toys, I made so many complaints and no one wants to appioligize for what she said to us do we went to the paper to get Disney's attention. Also if Disney partners up with make a wish the employes should be much nicer and know not to say things like that. That was disgusting what she said to us less"

The part that is messed up for me is that this mother has not only taken advantage of her child's illness but thinks she was right with what she was doing. besides she was given a few days of magic by make a wish and your going to tell me she couldn't come back to the park they day after or go to downtown disney? please she knew was she was doing and because of people like that others miss out on great opportunities for their special needs kids.
Thank you for articulating my thoughts. In the past, we have given generously to MAW because we truly believed in it. I know that one bad apple does not spoil (etc) but I feel MAW really owes Disney some back up on this. Judging by the 200+ comments on the news story, we aren't alone in our opinion-- even if we are on this site. Someone wrote in the news story comments that they have heard of parents pocketing the money instead of taking their children on the MAW trips. It's only a matter of time till cnn et al pick this story up and the damage is done. Disney is very near and dear to my heart and it has always made me smile to see the MAW kids being treated like royalty at WDW. Disney has so much bad press lately, MAW really owes them some support. Until then, they won't be getting any more money from me. Like you said, there are a lot of charities to choose from. It's always hard to decide on one, MAW used to be a no brainer for us. I'm going local this year instead-probably to something for animals. Horses and dogs are never entitled jerks.

I've been following this thread and I agree with the majority.

I decided to join to ask you if you will let MAW know the reason why you've decided not to donate this year?
So the mother tried to enter the store 15 minutes after it closed and was denied entrance. I'm guessing the mom didn't take no for an answer. Even if it's true what the CM was accused of saying, "You are taking advantage" , that's not horrible customer service. That's the truth!

Exactly :thumbsup2
Maybe there will be a new trend with all CMs telling guests what they really think. What a magical place that would be. LOL

Alternatively, maybe there will be a trend where a few self-important, entitled guests don't act like spoiled brats, and push the CMs past their limit.
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