Lost Continent Character---Cannibal???


<font color = green>Zamp in the Lamp<br><font colo
Nov 11, 2001
Upon strolling through the Lost Continent this weekend, I saw a rather vicious character I had never seen before. It was a guy crouching on the rocks by Mythos. He was wearing what looked to be bondage:eek: , had fangs, long hair, and fake blood painted running down his mouth and chest! He growled at whoever walked by. Now is it just me or does this seem like it would frighten children???
could have been one of the bad guys from the Sinbad show. They are known to inhabit that area on occasion.:smooth:
DD is 8 and she was kind of afraid to have her picture taken with him, he growled at her but I convinced her that he wouldnt hurt her.

not hteo ne with long hair but the one with the skull mask scared my 9 yr old niece when we were there. He could tell she didn't want him coming near her but he kept on. The only way I could get her to walk through the same area again was I promised to sock him in the face if he did it again.
The firedemon and the zombie are both fr sinbad and they normally make alittle entrance a half before the last shw sometimes and they love jumping around on the rocks in front of Poseidon
Originally posted by ProfesserBaxter
The firedemon and the zombie are both fr sinbad and they normally make alittle entrance a half before the last shw sometimes and they love jumping around on the rocks in front of Poseidon

as long as they are toilet trained, let em run wild:smooth:


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