Losing weight for Mickey

Okay, I'll admit I've only read a few of the posts on here, but you guys all sound so supportive!! I NEED to do this!!

My story:
Didn't start getting heavy until in my 20's. I lost 60 pounds right before meeting my DH and he didn't believe me when I told him I'd been fat! HAHA I had to go and prove it by gaining it back!! Anyway, after 2 more pregnancies (had my first child at 18), the weight just hung around. I would lose, get pregnant and gain it all back plus a lot more!

I lost 50 pounds about 4 years ago, but promptly put back on about 30 pounds. 2 years ago, my oldest DD was very sick for several months (we ended up losing her in May, 2006). Due to the stress (at least I thought so at the time), I started losing weight and had lots of other symptoms. After many different doctors and tests, I was finally diagnosed late last year with lupus, sjogren's, and liver damage that they still don't know if it's from the one of these diagnoses or totally unrelated. I started taking prednisone about a year and a half ago and felt SO much better immediately and started eating and eating and eating! I was off of it for a few months, got very sick again (vomiting, etc.) so was put back on. I'd lose 15-20 pounds pretty quickly when off the prednisone, but feel awful, and then gain 15-20 pounds pretty quickly when put back on it, but feel much better (except for the getting fatter part:laughing: ).

Well, I have slowly been getting better, am off the prednisone and have gained an additional 10 pounds! So now, I'm very close to where I was 4 years ago before I lost the 50 pounds! GRRR!!!

So here are my stats:
Type of Diet:not sure, possibly WW. That's how I lost the 50 pounds 4 years ago, and I still have all the info.
Exercise:none, right now. I've had moderate-severe fatigue, joint issues, etc. the last 2 years. I had just bought myself a bicycle, (and was going to Curves) a year before I got sick, and now I'd be scared to get on it! I don't always have very good balance while walking! I believe I'll try to start out by just walking in the neighborhood, try to increase gradually and see how I do.
Start date:Wellllllll, it was going to be May 1st. I haven't been as bad as usual, but not exactly good yet, either! I'll try harder!
Goal:about 50-60 pounds. I don't want to be TOO optimistic though, and get frustrated, so I'll be happy if I can do 20-30 by our next trip in September!:woohoo:
Weight at start of diet:still too embarassed to say!:guilty: :scared1:
Weight loss to date:don't know, too scared to get on the scale yet! I think I'll wait until Thursday, so it will have been a week since I started eating a little bit better!!

I am so very sorry for the loss of your daughter.

Have you considered consulting a nutritionist, that is as well versed as possible on the subject of lupus, in conjunction,with your most favorite doctor, to plan out for you, a diet and exercise regime?
I strongly recommend that recourse, for I would really hate to see you become frustrated, and disappointed by trying to go it alone.
Guess I'm not the only one NOT dieting this week! I just don't have the energy for anything anymore.... I'll be back at it again Monday... I swear!!

Don't worry about it, it is not worth the stress. You will do just fine, in due time.
One of the things that I like to do, is take one day, where I don't care how much I eat, nor what, or why. The longer one does stay within their plan, it is easier not to go overboard, if you give yourself that one day, but even if you still eat however you like, that is not a problem, for the other 6 days a week, you are staying within, on average, (or trying to, like some of us ;) )your plans.
Drinking 8 to 10 servings of water a day, (8 oz.) per serving, really does help to cut down on hunger, and it keeps you very well hydrated, which is great
for your skin, and kidneys as well. Sometimes, one really is not hungry, but rather thirsty.
At times, I will squeeze lemon juice into my water, to work as a natural diuretic. Which reminds me, I don't recommend any diet supplements that contain caffeine, or other stimulates, that might make a cop think you are a junky, (jumpy, jittery,anxious,hard to sit still,etc.) getting thinner that way,
isn't pretty.
Anyway, like I have said in the past, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP! for there are always plenty of people out there that are more than happy to do that for you! believe me I know all to well about that sort of thing!

BE A COACH...Think of your head as the coach and your body as your team. For success, all parts of the team need attention. Be a good coach. Encourage and praise yourself.

That same link will show you what on average, a good healthy weight range is for women.
Emphasis on the plus or minus 10% factor, for an Ideal weight range goal,and make sure to check out on the same page, your frame size, many people forget to factor that in, when determining a weight range goal that is right for them.
Good luck everyone

So far since I've started thinking positively and eating better I have lost 9 pounds!!! 10 more to go to be comfortable. 30 more to be pre-pregnancy weight. I'm striving for 20 more by disney in september.
I have come over to join ya'll. My new elliptical is to be delivered today and i am ready...again.

Name: Nicole
Age: 34
Location: North Carolina
Type of diet: WW (on my own)
Excercise: elliptical, weight training, pilates
Start date of diet: 5/8/08
Goal: 130
Weight at start of diet: 163
Weight loss to date: :sad2:

I really want to get to goal by Dec for our trip. I look at our Disney pictures and every year I get bigger in them. I lost all my extra weight 3 years ago and was 128 and I know I looked great...now...not then. So, I know I can do it and I want to do it, so I am ready!

Question? What does everyone eat for breakfast?
So today is Thursday. I've had a full week of not excersizing and not eating very well. I've had Burger King, Windmill cheese fries :scared1: and Dunkin Donughts. I weight myself this morning (after having 2 rice krispie treats and milk at 5.30am) and I'm exactly the same weight as last week :laughing: So whats the moral of this story.... Beats the hell outa me!!! :laughing: Next week I will start dieting again seriously - we are going to the Bronx zoo this weekend, so at least that will be some good walking, and maybe I'll be good and just get a salad while I'm there. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and a great Mothers Day!!

Together We Can Do This!
Guess I'm not the only one NOT dieting this week! I just don't have the energy for anything anymore.... I'll be back at it again Monday... I swear!!

Nope, not just you.
I found out I have mono a couple of weeks ago, and my muscles are just too darn tired to excercise.
Anyway, philosophically I don't want to think of this as "dieting" or not...I'm trying to be in a mindset that I'm taking better care of myself for the rest of my life, and that just means something different on a daily basis, KWIM? (although, since we've put off our vacation for a few months I may be in danger of slacking off once I'm healthy enough to work out.)
Anyway, try not to eat "just a salad", your body really needs some good quality protein to function properly...
The moral of the last week? It's okay to relax, with your regular workouts a week won't kill you. And the diet gods smile on a woman who loves cheese fries. ;)
Stacey I hope that you feel better real soon, like tomorrow. :)
I agree, not to think in terms of "dieting" for it is a four letter word! ;)
But rather, to do what is best for you as it pertains to eating habits and excercising.

"The moral of the last week? It's okay to relax, with your regular workouts a week won't kill you. And the diet gods smile on a woman who loves cheese fries. " ;)

I like that! and I agree! that is funny too. A sense of humor is a good thing to have because sometimes that is all that is left! ;)

Elliptical trainers are suppose to be very nice to use. Congratulations on your purchase! :) You can do it! Just remember do not use it as a cloths hanger! ;)

On the subject of breakfast, it is very important not to skip it, even if you only have time for a pop tart, or better still what I like to eat ( I love pop tarts)Atkins protein bars, they are filling, very low calorie, and sugar and fat is next to nothing.
I typically have cereal in the morning, with 2% milk, so it is easier for me not to go hog wild with the cereal, I use a measuring cup. I will serve on average one serving, sometimes two, like today, but this cereal is low calorie so I am good with it.
Sometimes I will have one slice of toast, with butter with my cereal, usually not though, normally it is cereal and I like to drink o.j. @ 1 serving. sometimes I have Gram crackers, with low fat chocolate milk, or o.j.
Sometimes toast with o.j., once in awhile I will eat bacon and eggs, I very much like Oscar Mayers center cut bacon only 25 calories a slice, and eggs are good for you, especially if they have extra omega fatty acids in them, eggs have that to begin with, but then there are those eggs that are supercharged with it, by way of feeding the hens a special diet. So that is what I eat for breakfast on average, for sometimes I will have a pancake or waffle. I like the chocolate chip Eggo brand waffles, you can buy for a very good price at Target.
My favorite cereals are: cocoa puffs, special k chocolatey delight, Market Pantry's Coco rageous (Target) raisin bran. There are others that I like too, mainly the type that have sugar in them, a little sugar in the morning is not a bad thing! :)
Forgot to add, that sometimes I will have oatmeal for breakfast.
We are returning to WDW March 2009 and I would like to lose 45 pounds by then. A couple years ago I used WW and it was great so I am going back to that. I graduate from nursing school May 16 so that will take some of the stress off I hope. During the past two years I have done nothing but sit in front of books and eat.

Age: 35
Location: Missouri
Diet: WW
Exercise: None right now. I am a nurse and walk tons but plan to start walking more now that the weather has warmed up
Current weight: 195
Goal Weight:150

For deciding to become a nurse, and for graduating on May 16, 2008! I think that is just wonderful and great!
Nurses do an awful lot of walking and standing, once you start your work as a full time nurse, I bet you almost anything, that not only will it be easier to lose weight, but also to keep it off!

Elliptical trainers are suppose to be very nice to use. Congratulations on your purchase! :) You can do it! Just remember do not use it as a cloths hanger! ;)

On the subject of breakfast, it is very important not to skip it, even if you only have time for a pop tart, or better still what I like to eat ( I love pop tarts)Atkins protein bars, they are filling, very low calorie, and sugar and fat is next to nothing.
I typically have cereal in the morning, with 2% milk, so it is easier for me not to go hog wild with the cereal, I use a measuring cup. I will serve on average one serving, sometimes two, like today, but this cereal is low calorie so I am good with it.
Sometimes I will have one slice of toast, with butter with my cereal, usually not though, normally it is cereal and I like to drink o.j. @ 1 serving. sometimes I have Gram crackers, with low fat chocolate milk, or o.j.
Sometimes toast with o.j., once in awhile I will eat bacon and eggs, I very much like Oscar Mayers center cut bacon only 25 calories a slice, and eggs are good for you, especially if they have extra omega fatty acids in them, eggs have that to begin with, but then there are those eggs that are supercharged with it, by way of feeding the hens a special diet. So that is what I eat for breakfast on average, for sometimes I will have a pancake or waffle. I like the chocolate chip Eggo brand waffles, you can buy for a very good price at Target.
My favorite cereals are: cocoa puffs, special k chocolatey delight, Market Pantry's Coco rageous (Target) raisin bran. There are others that I like too, mainly the type that have sugar in them, a little sugar in the morning is not a bad thing! :)
Forgot to add, that sometimes I will have oatmeal for breakfast.

Thanks for all the info. I have been doing cereal lately, but I love cereal and I do go hog wild. My old standby is a hard boiled egg, a light yogurt and some oatmeal, but lately I just haven't been in the mood!

I got the eliptical today and went for 20 long minutes! I hope I can keep it up!
Hey me too. I mean I am trying to lose weight for Mickey too! Oh and I will probably see you there in December. We are planning going to be there on the 7th and through the week.

I am using my Disney planning dvds to workout too. It's great motivation. Has me totally focused on why I am exercising in the first place. It's hard to stay focused with eating right. Just do your best to keep yourself focused all the time on MICKEY!!!

Good luck!!!
Everyone sounds like they are doing or will be doing just fine, and great! We all just need to keep up the good work, I happened to back slide a bit today, for I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies today, and several yesterday o.k. plus some of the dough! I like to bake them from scratch. :)
Now in all fairness, I ate two at lunch and two after dinner, the million dollar question is this: can I keep my two lips off of the last 3? (as a little smilie is rolling their eyes)
I've still been exercising this week, but we've had company (who's a really bad influence) and I haven't been as careful as I should have. I haven't been drinking enough water, and I've been snacking on the wrong things too much. I'm not going to weigh in for another few days, so hopefully I can undo some of the damage from the soft cheeses that I've consumed! I haven't been totally off the plan, but I've been pretty indulgent. Today is a big dessert cook of at work, and I'm bound and determined NOT to partake!
Hey Lily,

It sounds to me like you are doing very well over all, I know all to well about temptation foodie Island, it can be really annoying.
I believe the key is to not say no to everything that you like, but rather work on stopping eating when you trully are no longer hungry. This works for me, unless of course I backslide, and go on a mini binge, or just eat too much otherwise. But when I really pay attention to my stomach, when it tells me I am hungry or becoming so, then I eat what I like and as soon as my stomach tells my brain save the rest for another time, then that is what I do, and between that and getting enough exercise, things work out very well for me.
Don't deprive yourself at work today, take part in the foodie event, just sample what you are really interested in trying and forget the rest.
You can choose a day, each week where you don't care about what you are eating, or even how much, just don't make it a habit for the rest of the week, and get enough exercise during the week, even if it is simply walking, which by the way is suppose to be one of the best forms of exercise. That way, you don't feel guilty, and you will still be on a winning track.
Okay, so I "weighed in" a few weeks or maybe months ago and haven't done anything, maybe even possibly gained more. I put on shorts today and :eek: We're not going to Disney until October 2009 for my 40th b-day just myself and DD11(at that time) and I want to lose about 25 pounds. My goal is to eat out for lunch much less and not snack so much. I started today. We ate at Wendys and I did not get the big burger and no fries or frosty. I felt good about myself for the little achievement. :goodvibes My weight has been like a roller coaster. I am 5'0" so weight really shows on me. The way I look at it, I have 19 months to lose 25 pounds but I hope to just be maintaining by then. Thanks for letting me in!!
Hello Team Tinkerbell! :)

You can do it! and you can get off of that rollercoaster, I am on that same ride, so therefore know what it is like, to lose weight, and then at some point regain it, and back again, for me it is not yo -yoing, for I can keep the weight off for a year or longer, but then I backslide, and do the complete opposite of what works for me when getting rid of the weight.
Eating out less will save money, and calories too, however there are many good menu choice to be had, when watching calories, for example even if you do not follow WW as a general rule, some restaurants offer WW's menu selections. I sometimes will do that, and or either way eat what I like, and when I am satisfied I stop. I cut back on anything that is white too, such as added sugar, fructose, really anything that ends in ose, for it is a type of sugar. I eat less carbs, I will eat a little more protein, when I eat beaf, it is normally lean meat, any beaf that ends in loin is from the leaner part of the cow, so therefore if you feel like eating a lovely sirloin steak, do so with out any guilt, for it is not the real fatty part of the cow.
In addition, when I eat, I really try to chew my food at least 20 times,that way my tummy has more time to register to my brain that it is quite satisfied, and you can stop now please! :)
I am a big fan of taking leftovers home, that is the section that is left when you push the plate away from you and put that fork down for your stomach is satisfied.
Snacking less often, is a good goal to have, one might be surprised as to how to easily the calories can add up! especially if you are bored, or fill in the blank.

I did the math for your weight loss goal, within the next 19 months, you only need to lose @ 1.31 pounds. You can so do that and more,I am sure of it! :)


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