Lori & Eoghan's PJ/TR -5/1/09 SBP/Jiko/Morocco-TR updated 7/12 honeymoon pics added!

I think this one is my all-time fave from the MK shoot. I don't know why really, it just is.



Next up: EPCOT photo shoot and back to BW to continue to get ready for the wedding!

Okay I just want to say that I had poo-pooed the MK photo shoot until JUST NOW! Your pictures are AMAAAZING!!!:thumbsup2
Wow...your pictures just keep getting better!! Df and I are talking about doing MK and one other park but we can't decided. Your EPCOT pics are just gorgeous!

I just wanted to let you know that I've truly enjoyed reading your TR! What a fun time! And your pictures at MK and EPCOT were fantastic! You know, reading on these boards had me really concerned with the Disney photographers, but we had Amy and she was wonderful! It is kinda scary not knowing who you're going to get, but I'm so glad it worked out for both of us! I can't wait to read more! We're both June 2009 Disney brides! :bride::bride:


I rarely come out of lurkdom on here, but I just want to say that your photos are beautiful! I didn't want an MK photo shoot but your pictures are making me rethink that decision!

I'm following your TR with lots of interest, we're also hoping for a SBP/Jiko/Morocco wedding! :goodvibes So I was so pleased when I found your TR! Looking forward to reading more!

Emily :flower3:
WOW!! Everything is just gorgeous, even your bouquet!

Thanks! But wait 'till you see the "real" one! :goodvibes

Lori-your pics came out beautiful!!! isn't patricia great. i really loved her when she did my trial! so excited to see more:thumbsup2

Steph-Thanks! Patricia is awesome!! Do you have pics from your trial in your PJ? I will have to go check it out again...

I know I have said this before (when you posted your portrait link) but your pictures turned out amazing!!! I was on the fence about Epcot (even though its my fav park) but your pictures are inspiring me to save!!!!! Did you save money by doing the 2 of them together?

Thanks! Well, let's put it this way...I knew I wanted to get the MK pics and when you think about how adding on EPCOT only costs another $300, to me it was like saving $ by doing both. Not that I don't like the MK pics, but really, the EPCOT ones are (and can be) so much more visually interesting, you know? I think it's worth it, especially if EPCOT is your fave park, even if you just do EPCOT...

Okay I just want to say that I had poo-pooed the MK photo shoot until JUST NOW! Your pictures are AMAAAZING!!!:thumbsup2

Aww...gee. Thanks!:cutie:

AWESOME! You're making me re-consider not doing an EPCOT photo shoot...*sigh*

Totally seriously reconsider! :thumbsup2

Your pictures are awesome. Regina did a great job. I'm starting to feel better about DPS. I can't wait to see more wedding shots

Regina was great! I highly recommend her! I would request her again without a doubt!

Wow...your pictures just keep getting better!! Df and I are talking about doing MK and one other park but we can't decided. Your EPCOT pics are just gorgeous!

Thanks! I've been trying to follow along on your new PJ....have you decided on a second park for pics yet?


I just wanted to let you know that I've truly enjoyed reading your TR! What a fun time! And your pictures at MK and EPCOT were fantastic! You know, reading on these boards had me really concerned with the Disney photographers, but we had Amy and she was wonderful! It is kinda scary not knowing who you're going to get, but I'm so glad it worked out for both of us! I can't wait to read more! We're both June 2009 Disney brides! :bride::bride:


Hey Kim! Yeah, I had actually requested Amy, but got Regina. Then we did get Amy for our honeymoon shoot, but I wasn't so happy with the photos....but she was very nice to work with definitely!
I'm glad you're enjoying my TR so far! It's my first one EVER!!! :)


I rarely come out of lurkdom on here, but I just want to say that your photos are beautiful! I didn't want an MK photo shoot but your pictures are making me rethink that decision!

I'm following your TR with lots of interest, we're also hoping for a SBP/Jiko/Morocco wedding! :goodvibes So I was so pleased when I found your TR! Looking forward to reading more!

Emily :flower3:

Thanks Emily! Ooh!! If you have any questions about anything with your SBP/Jiko/Morocco wedding, please PM me or post to me here! There's not many who do that exact combo, but Jiko was awesome! Everyone LOVED it! ;)

Ok, everyone, my next installment is written, I just need to upload some pics to Photobucket, so expect a new installment this weekend for sure!

Thanks everyone for reading and following along! :goodvibes
So, we arrive back at BW. We immediately get out of our wedding gear (and hang everything up nicely!) ;) I did leave my headpiece and veil on though.
I put my “getting ready” outfit back on and DF puts his shorts and t on. We realized we were hungry since we hadn’t eaten anything yet, so originally we were both going to go down to the Bakery to get the good ‘ol breakfast sandwiches and I thought I’d go down with my veil and headpiece on, but then I decided not to. So, DF went down and got us coffee and sandwiches. I go next door and knock on my mom’s door. She’s all excited and asked me about the photo shoots. She asks where DF is and I tell her he’s getting us breakfast. He comes up a few minutes later. I wasn’t really hungry yet, so he had his and then laid down (since he, unlike me, has plenty of time to take a nap! He doesn’t have to get up until his brother gets there at like noon or 12:15!) I would have taken a nap, but I think I only had ½ hour or so, so didn’t bother.
I go back into my mom’s room with my breakfast sandwich and coffee. So, I forget what time it was exactly, but shortly thereafter my niece (MOH) arrives with her mom (my SIL). Then Patricia arrives at 10am. :yay: My niece has long hair and wanted it pinned up loosely on the sides and curly with loose, open curls. She’s like a size 0 and is 19 years old. She had never had her makeup done before and I think she was feeling a bit nervous or apprehensive about it, but I told her not to worry, Patricia was great and she is going to LOVE her! (This was at home before we left).
So, when Patricia arrived, she was her usual, friendly, cheerful, amazing self and everyone loved her right away! (I “heart” Patricia LeJeune!).:lovestruc
My niece came out awesome!! I know she (and her mom too) was really impressed! I think while my niece was getting done, my SIL’s mom stopped in. During this time my SIL’s mom said something to the effect of “well, if I knew everyone would come out looking so great, I would have had my makeup done!” I was glad that everyone was happy with Patricia. :)

Here's a couple of pics of my niece (and Patricia's in them too) getting "done":



Also during this time, I started feeling peckish, so ate my breakfast sandwich.

Also, after my niece and SIL got there, my SIL informed me that she was going to order some pizza because I couldn’t wait until dinner to eat. But I wasn’t really that hungry to be honest. ;)

Here's one more pic of DN almost done:

Anyway, my mom’s turn was next by this time it was probably about 11ish. I was a little worried about how my mom would come out to be honest. She’s very pale and you know, being 84, her face is you know, how can I put this nicely about my mommy…umm..I don’t know, you tell me. But I know you know what I mean, right? I didn’t want her to be all caked up or anything you know? I mean, I knew that wasn’t Patricia’s style, but I wasn’t sure how my mom would look. I mean, she does wear makeup sometimes, but not that much…ok, anyway, I have to tell you….my mom came out AMAZING!!!!
She didn’t look her age AT ALL!! I couldn’t believe it! And everyone loved what Patricia did with her hair. We didn’t want her to have that real, set, old lady look, you know? So, Patricia just used a curling iron. The look was modern and chic. When she was done, all I could think was…”You go Mommy!!!”
(And she looked even better live and in person!)

As Patricia was finishing my mom, DF’s mom arrived by town car (previously arranged through my wedding coordinator) DF’s brother went next door to DF so they could both hang and get ready together at their leisure.
DF’s mom has very short hair, and again, I wasn’t sure what Patricia was going to do with it to be honest with you, but she knew right when she saw DF’s mom. I think she just used the curling iron a little and teased it to give it some volume and used some product etc. DF’s mom also doesn’t wear like any makeup at all. So, she also wanted a natural look. But let me tell you, when Patricia was finished she looked glam! (I mean that in a good way! Tee hee). DF’s mom brought this feather thing to put into her hair and when she first showed it to us, I was a little frightened, but it actually really looked great in her hair. (I think these are really big in Ireland and the UK at weddings etc.).
Here's a pic of FMIL all done up:

So, while DF’s mom was getting “done”, the pizza arrived. Everybody had some and DF and his bro came over to get some as well. I think I did have a slice after all, but I know I didn’t finish it. After DF’s mom was done, she went next door to help the boys (tee hee) get ready. I hung out with my mom. I was starting to get antsy a bit though. I needed to put my dress back on and be ready, but I couldn’t get ready until the guys were out of the room. This sounds like this was crazy time, but it wasn’t really, somehow it all worked out! My SIL and niece had gone back to their room in BWV to get ready and then came back to help me get ready. There really wasn’t too much I needed, just some help putting on the dress mostly. I think everyone eventually went downstairs except for me and my niece (MOH). I think it was about 1ish at this point though I can’t remember exactly, maybe a little after. My wedding coordinator arrived to pin on the men’s boutonnieres and give the mothers their corsages. I know at 1:30 our wedding photographer, Randy Chapman and our videographer, Stan Severance would be arriving to photo/video everyone downstairs etc.
My wedding coordinator told me she’d call me after everyone left to walk down to Sea Breeze Point and it would be around 2ish.
So I waited and waited. I was getting VERY antsy. I was all ready to go, but there seemed to be some sort of delay. I think there was a wedding at Sea Breeze Point at noon and it was taking longer to tear that one down and put mine up then expected.
FINALLY Tanis (WC) calls and tells me it’s time! So, with my dress bustled, we head downstairs…

Next up: Ceremony at Sea Breeze Point!
Yay! More update!

So that thing your DH's mom is wearing is a fascinator, and they are really popular in the UK and Australia. Hers even has some of the same kinds of feathers as mine! I get all happy now when I see ladies in fascinators. :teeth:

Patricia did a great job on both moms. I know what you mean - sometimes older ladies are given a heavy makeup mask cuz I guess people think it hides imperfections? :confused3 I think the natural look is MUCH nicer - both moms looked fabulous!
I think you made such a good decision doing your portrait session the morning of! I REALLY want to do that as well, but DF is apparently putting his foot down on how early he has to get up on our wedding day :rolleyes:

I agree, I love MIL's fascinator. I really want a similar one to wear for my ceremony!
I have more questions for you (I hope you don't mind!!!). I just talked to my WC, and I was trying to book my MK/EP shoot on a particular day, but due to grad night, it may not work out. She said, since DF and I are not separating to get them done on our wedding morning (which DF doesn't want to wake up early, but whatever). Anyway, how was the experience for you? Were you really tired the rest of the day? And did you have to pay Patricia twice for a travel fee? Thanks!!! Sorry for all the questions!

PS Please update soon! I have been waiting in suspense for your ceremony pics for so long :rotfl: I am also excited to see your Jiko reception!
Lori I am loving your pictures...but I need more!!!

Df and I are thinking MK and DHS if we do the shoot.
Yay! More update!

So that thing your DH's mom is wearing is a fascinator, and they are really popular in the UK and Australia. Hers even has some of the same kinds of feathers as mine! I get all happy now when I see ladies in fascinators. :teeth:

Patricia did a great job on both moms. I know what you mean - sometimes older ladies are given a heavy makeup mask cuz I guess people think it hides imperfections? :confused3 I think the natural look is MUCH nicer - both moms looked fabulous!

OH!! I thought (for some reason) that fascinators had a veil (ooh, wait that's a birdcage, right?) I'm obviously confused! :rotfl:

I'm so happy about how great the moms turned out! :)

I think you made such a good decision doing your portrait session the morning of! I REALLY want to do that as well, but DF is apparently putting his foot down on how early he has to get up on our wedding day :rolleyes:

I agree, I love MIL's fascinator. I really want a similar one to wear for my ceremony!

Doing it the morning of, although we were both initially worried about it, worked out best for us to be honest. I wouldn't have wanted to have my makeup and hair done again and we were just anxious to relax and get on with the honeymoon part of the trip! :banana:

I have more questions for you (I hope you don't mind!!!). I just talked to my WC, and I was trying to book my MK/EP shoot on a particular day, but due to grad night, it may not work out. She said, since DF and I are not separating to get them done on our wedding morning (which DF doesn't want to wake up early, but whatever). Anyway, how was the experience for you? Were you really tired the rest of the day? And did you have to pay Patricia twice for a travel fee? Thanks!!! Sorry for all the questions!

PS Please update soon! I have been waiting in suspense for your ceremony pics for so long :rotfl: I am also excited to see your Jiko reception!

Of course I don't mind! I hope I can answer them for you! Let's see, well, we really weren't that tired throughout the day, to be honest, it was like we didn't have time to be tired! Plus I know we must have been going on a bit of adrenaline! :lmao: I don't even think it caught up with me at all during the trip, (like the next day or whatever) If I'm remembering correctly, I was only charged one travel fee for Patricia.

ooh really?!?! In suspense? wow! tee hee. Well, I'm writing up the next few installments but as another poster said in a new thread recently, going through the pictures is hard! So, I will try to get something up in the next couple of days! :cutie: The Jiko was reception was great. It's such a stylish and chic restaurant, without being stuffy, you know? Plus of course, the food is AWESOME!!

Lori I am loving your pictures...but I need more!!!

Df and I are thinking MK and DHS if we do the shoot.

I'm working on more! It's tough! ooh! That might be cool! I have to go refresh my memory, but from what I can remember about your dress etc...you could get some really great pics at DHS. (In front of Brown Derby, Chinese Theatre, the gardens of ToT...)

Ok, hang in there everyone, I'm doing my best! It doesn't help that my computer at work does not have a DVD drive, so I can only load my pics to Photobucket at home...:mad:
I’m realizing I probably should have put these in the last installment, but here are some pics of what was going on downstairs while MOH and I were upstairs waiting for the “all clear”. Thought you might like to see…






So, ok, I must confess I was a little nervous. But maybe more excited than nervous actually. When we get downstairs, I see Tanis (actually, she sees me first and calls my name, because as an Escape bride, I did not get a planning session, so I had not met her yet and didn’t even know what she looked like!) Randy I think also started calling my name so I would look over at him and he could start taking my (with MOH) pics.
The first thing I have to tell you…oh wait!! I TOTALLY forgot to put this in my last installment! When DF and I had returned from our MK and EPCOT shoots, Tanis called me on my cell. She mostly was calling to check in with me, I told her I actually was going to call her in a little bit, I didn’t know how early I could call her. I told her the shoot went really well, except for my flowers were TOTALLY wrong. I told her what the bouquet looked like and what the issue was and also told her the woman who brought the flowers was not very nice or helpful at all and was actually kind of rude, :mad: (I know I didn’t say this earlier in my TR). She assured me she would take care of it and everything would be ok and not to worry and the bouquet would get fixed. To be honest with you, I was skeptical since the woman from the floral dept. seemed so insistent that they couldn’t change it. But I trusted Tanis and besides I was really pleading with her to make sure they came out right.
Ok, so my niece and I walk over to Tanis. I’m all excited to finally meet her and would have liked to have just sat and chatted with her for awhile, but of course couldn’t do that! LOL. So, she hands me my bouquet and apologizes for the mix up that morning. Let me tell you, I almost broke down in tears right there! The bouquet was exactly what I wanted! I couldn’t believe it! I thanked her over and over again and I was definitely getting all teary. She asked me for a hug.

I ended up finding out that immediately after Tanis talked to me that morning, she called Rosie who was my floral coordinator and told her what happened. So, Rosie did her magic and got it fixed and when I told Tanis (and later on Rosie) about how surprised I was about the attitude of the woman who brought me the original bouquet, they told me they had gotten prior complaints about the person and “things were taken care of”. I’m not exactly sure what that meant. I figure that CM was either written up or let go to be honest with you. I mean, the entire DFTW dept is fantastic and this particular person should not be talking to a bride the morning of her wedding the way she did.
Secondly, having never really had my picture professionally taken before, I felt really weird for like the first minute or so of Randy calling my name…”Lori, over here” etc. with the lens sometimes like right in my face...it was funny. But I felt like a celebrity! It was actually kind of cool. I think it wasn’t until then when I came downstairs with my niece and saw Tanis and Randy and Stan were there that I really started to feel special, like a real bride...
We take a bunch of pictures (which I have to tell you, there are some which I swear I don’t remember AT ALL taking! It’s really weird!)


Here's a pic of me showing my niece the hidden mickeys in her bouquet:

and then get into the Model A. It was very cool. (Well, actually it was hot as there of course was no AC in the car, but the car itself is amazingly cool-I mean, if you like vintage/antique cars, which I do and have since I was a little girl).
I couldn't stop smelling my flowers!!! LOL

We are escorted by a DFTW assistant walking in front of us all the way to Sea Breeze Point. This is one of the coolest parts of the day so far.
People started waving at us and I could hear parents telling their little kids “Look! There’s a bride!” and all these little kids were waving too. It was kind of a surreal experience for sure. Again, made me feel like a celebrity or something! LOL.
As our car passes by the BoardWalk Bakery and I’m looking out the window, I hear my name being called out…”Lori! Lori!” I turn and look because I was thinking to myself, “who is calling my name? Tanis? All of my family is at SBP….”
and you can totally tell by the look on my face in this picture the exact moment it clicks in my head that the person calling my name is….Carrie! (Lurkyloo!)

This is kind of hard to explain, but it was almost cathartic when I saw her. All the stress and planning and everything that goes into planning a Disney Wedding, well, I felt because I did it really all by myself with my planner and my mom and family didn’t really help or take too much interest, I had felt kind of alone at times :sad: …except for when on the DISbride board. And Carrie had really helped me out so much, just seeing her right then, it was like I felt this huge sense of relief. And also a feeling of great support. It’s very hard to explain, but basically I was so incredibly happy to see her at that exact second. It was almost like she knew how much it would help to see her right then and there.
Carrie was with Jensey Root of Roots Photography and Jensey snapped a few pics that day of Sea Breeze Point, the car and later, our Dessert Party in Morocco. If you check out Carrie’s “Wedding Crasher” TR, you can read her version of her “stalking” our wedding that day. Here's a pic of Carrie that Jensey took while they were "stalking" our wedding! ;)

I just want to say…I am very lucky that Jensey is the sweetie that she is and took these pics! :worship:

Lots of love goes out from me and DH to Carrie and Jensey! (My version of a shout-out if you will) :lovestruc

So, Randy is also shooting away the whole time we’re driving down the BoardWalk. Finally we get to Sea Breeze Point! I knew that all eyes would be on the car as it came up to Sea Breeze Point and me as I got out. And I have to tell you, it felt weird. I don’t like being the focus of attention really, I guess it’s a kind of stage-fright or somethingish. Tanis explains to me and MOH how to walk up the aisle and when to start walking (the “aisle” at Sea Breeze Point comes up from the side. Brides can walk straight up the middle, but it’s a much shorter walk and if you want the full effect and suspense etc., most walk up the side.) So, Tanis tells DN just to walk normally and how to hold her bouquet and tells her when to go.

Then it’s my turn. Tanis fixes my train, asks me if I’m ready, tells me to just walk normally and…..I’m off! Tee hee.

With the Escape Wedding package, a violinist is included, so the songs I chose for MOH and I to walk up the aisle to were: for MOH: What a Wonderful World and for me: So This is Love.
I felt like I was walking way too fast, but I didn’t want to walk too slowly either! LOL. So, here’s me walking up the aisle (you can hum So This is Love to yourself now if you like)…

The “aisle” kind of bends, so you don’t see everyone looking at you at first, until you’re almost to the end of the walkway, I tried to make eye contact with various members of my family, but I think I just was either staring blankly and smiling or looking down (but not too much).
I then looked up as I got to the beginning of the actual “aisle” right at DF. And I have to tell you from this moment on for the entire rest of the day, it was like all I could see was him. (Sorry, not to be overly mushy and whatnot, but really, it was like nothing else mattered the entire day.) I felt like it was just me and him. It was actually kind of weird now that I think about it, but in a good way of course. :lovestruc I felt like I was glowing, I don’t know if I looked that way on the outside, but I certainly felt like that on the inside…

Next up: The Ceremony
I have been having such a bad day, so I was SOOOO happy when I saw you added another installment :goodvibes

I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with the floral person. Your flowers looked nice for your MK/EP photoshoot, but they did not look like your inspiration pic...the second round was much better! I would have been super emotional too!

I love your sweet ride:rotfl: I really don't understand cars, so when I got the Escape questionnaire, I had no idea what it was, so there is my answer! Oh, and I love that you had a wedding "stalker". I want one as well! I totally know what you mean about being on your own, and the disboard support is really important to a lot of us! I think that was really cute you were able to see a fellow disbride!

You all look so good too! I really didn't think I wanted a veil....but you are making me second guess that!!
This is kind of hard to explain, but it was almost cathartic when I saw her. All the stress and planning and everything that goes into planning a Disney Wedding, well, I felt because I did it really all by myself with my planner and my mom and family didn’t really help or take too much interest, I had felt kind of alone at times :sad: …except for when on the DISbride board. And Carrie had really helped me out so much, just seeing her right then, it was like I felt this huge sense of relief. And also a feeling of great support. It’s very hard to explain, but basically I was so incredibly happy to see her at that exact second. It was almost like she knew how much it would help to see her right then and there.

I think I had a similar feeling when I saw the Roots for the first time on my wedding day. I had only met them twice, but I just felt so relieved and happy to have someone I knew and who understood what was going on be with me before I got to be with Patrick again. :goodvibes

I was SO excited that day when I realized we'd come upon your wedding, and then when you actually heard me and waved at us as you rode past, it was like seeing a celebrity and having them see you! :cutie:

Here's the link to my Wedding Crasher trip report on the page where the part about your wedding starts. This way people can see shots of all the amazing details at your ceremony site and the screen capture of where we ended up in your wedding video! :rotfl2:

:banana: Yay update!! You know I love your TR! and thankyou for offering me your help, unfortunately we've had to push our date back a year due to our finances... But hopefully you'll still be around when I start my planning!

How exciting that you saw Carrie! Jensey's photos of that moment look great!

Can't wait to

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