Lori & Eoghan's PJ/TR -5/1/09 SBP/Jiko/Morocco-TR updated 7/12 honeymoon pics added!

Lori your pictures just keep getting better! You made a beautiful bride and have made me so excited for our wedding. Your flowers turned out just beautiful too!!
I have been having such a bad day, so I was SOOOO happy when I saw you added another installment :goodvibes
I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with the floral person. Your flowers looked nice for your MK/EP photoshoot, but they did not look like your inspiration pic...the second round was much better! I would have been super emotional too!
I love your sweet ride:rotfl: I really don't understand cars, so when I got the Escape questionnaire, I had no idea what it was, so there is my answer! Oh, and I love that you had a wedding "stalker". I want one as well! I totally know what you mean about being on your own, and the disboard support is really important to a lot of us! I think that was really cute you were able to see a fellow disbride!
You all look so good too! I really didn't think I wanted a veil....but you are making me second guess that!!
Cool! I'm so glad seeing my update made you feel better! I so loved how my flowers came out!! I'm having them preserved actually, but not in the traditional way. I should get them back next month, so I'll post a pic then.
The support a Disney bride to be can find here is unlike anywhere else. I was so glad when I found this forum! (Thanks again everyone for your support! Even if you didn't realize you were supporting me!) :rotfl:
Guess what? I didn't want a veil OR a train at first! I had this idea in my head of wearing my hair down with a tiara, no train, no veil...well, you can see, that vision changed! It wasn't like I felt like I didn't look how I wanted, it's just the way things evolved, you know? I knew it would be hot and after talking to Patricia initially, I decided not to wear my hair down (because it gets very frizzy and I would be very uncomfortable), then while dress shopping my mom in her cute way basically let me know that she would like it if I wore a veil..and I did like trying them on in the store so....veil it was! Lastly, when it came time for dress alterations, I actually said to the seamstress, and I only want a sweep train. All at the same time, she, my mom, my niece and SIL all looked at each other and then me...they all thought I should keep the train and after looking at so many DISbride photos, I realized I LOVED the way trains looked in pictures and changed my mind and kept the train the way it was and didn't shorten it AT ALL! :goodvibes
I think I had a similar feeling when I saw the Roots for the first time on my wedding day. I had only met them twice, but I just felt so relieved and happy to have someone I knew and who understood what was going on be with me before I got to be with Patrick again. :goodvibes
I was SO excited that day when I realized we'd come upon your wedding, and then when you actually heard me and waved at us as you rode past, it was like seeing a celebrity and having them see you! :cutie:
Here's the link to my Wedding Crasher trip report on the page where the part about your wedding starts. This way people can see shots of all the amazing details at your ceremony site and the screen capture of where we ended up in your wedding video! :rotfl2:

aww...I love the way you talk about "...before I got to see Patrick again"! sigh. So romantic! I love watching you and Jensey in my wedding video!! (You made it into the long version as well!) :goodvibes

:banana: Yay update!! You know I love your TR! and thankyou for offering me your help, unfortunately we've had to push our date back a year due to our finances... But hopefully you'll still be around when I start my planning!
How exciting that you saw Carrie! Jensey's photos of that moment look great!
Can't wait to

And you know I love you loving my TR! :rotfl: Pushing back a year? No worries! Now you have even more time to plan! :thumbsup2
I'm sure I'll still be around...you can even PM me if you don't see me posting as much :goodvibes
Here's the thing...I wanted to book the Roots, but they were out of our budget, so I feel so lucky to have even a few shots that Jensey took and will be forever grateful to her! (Plus she's really sweet and awesome!)

Lori your pictures just keep getting better! You made a beautiful bride and have made me so excited for our wedding. Your flowers turned out just beautiful too!!

Thanks! I know how you feel because reading everyone's plans, really made me so excited as well! You'll see, the time will fly by! ;)
Let's start off with a couple of pics, shall we?


Ok, so what can I tell you about the ceremony? I’ll tell you about the main parts of the ceremony, but of course, interspersed were the words from our amazingly cool and well-spoken officiant, Rev.Miller. (www.uniquelyunited.com). Well, we started off with a mentioning of both my father and DH’s brother. Both of whom are deceased. DH’s brother passed away as a child from cancer. We had 2 memorial candles (one for each) placed on a table in hurricane holders (due to the breeze at Sea Breeze Point). Neither of our moms knew we were going to have the candles and I know they were happy we did.
Here's a pic of the table with the memorial candles:

Next, one of my nephews did a reading. “Apache Marriage Blessing”
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be the shelter for each other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be the warmth for the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before. Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your life together. And may your days be good and long upon the earth.
Treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship - as they threaten all relationships at one time or another - remember to focus on what is right between you, not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives - remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there. And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.

Next, was the giving away of….ME! LOL….Now, this was kind of funny. For months and months before the wedding, my mom kept asking me who was giving me away. (It seemed that all her friends kept asking her!). Well, I had wanted to walk down the aisle by myself. It was a decision I had made actually while watching some other DISbride videos (one in particular) and besides I just felt if my dad wasn’t there to do it, I didn’t want anyone else doing it. (This is interesting in and of itself though, because I had always thought after my dad passed away that I would have my brothers walk me down the aisle). Many people asked if I would have my mom do it and that just didn’t feel right to me, to each his own, you know? Anyway, so when my mom asked me who was giving me away, I told her she was of course! But then she would get all confused because she knew I was walking down the aisle by myself. I told her that was correct, but when Rev. Miller asked who was giving the bride away, that she was to answer “ME!” LOL (or whatever she felt like saying) ;)
So, now we’re up to the giving away part and the Reverend asks “Who gives this beautiful bride etc…?” And there is complete silence! I look over at my mom and she is like totally clueless! (Bless my 84 yr old mom! LOL). Thanks goodness my nephew’s fiancé was sitting next to her and nudged her and said quietly something to the effect of “Mimi, that’s you…” And still I swear I heard my mom say “What?” It was like she wasn’t even paying attention! It was soo funny! It doesn’t sound it I know, but believe me, it totally was! So, anyway, my mom finally calls out “I do!” and everyone laughs…my mom is so cute sometimes (when she's not driving me crazy!) everyone loves her...anyway, it was a very nice moment actually. :)
DF and I had decided we wanted to do the “Presentation of Roses” to our moms. So, that came next. Then my niece (the other one, not the MOH) did a reading. She’s a bit shy and doesn’t especially like reading in front of people, so I tried to pick something short but something that we really liked:
~ By Sir Hugh Walpole ~
The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.

After some more awesome words from Rev. Miller, my other nephew did his reading:
Come join us in celebration, those who love sunshine on meadow
Who love shadow of the forest,
love the wind among the branches and the palacades of pine trees,
and the thunder in the mountains whose innumerable echoes flap like eagles in their eries.
Listen to this song of marriage. How, from another tribe and country came a young man, “give me as my wife this maiden, and our hands be clasped more closely, and our hearts be more united.
Thus it is, our daughters leave us, those we love and those who love us. When a youth with flaunting feathers beckons to the fairest maiden.
From the sky the sun benignant looked upon them through the branches, Saying to them, “oh, my children life is checkered shade and sunshine.”
The two figures man and woman Standing hand in hand together, with their hands so clasped together that they seem in one united. And the words thus represented are, “I see your heart within you.”
Sing them songs of love and longing
Now, let's feast and be more joyous.

Next we did our vows and the exchange of rings…immediately followed by….the Irish Loving Cup Ceremony. See, I guess in most modern weddings these days, there seems to be an extra part of the ceremony added in. The two most popular are the sand ceremony and the unity candle. Well, neither DF nor I liked those. So I did research as to what else we could do…first I found the handfasting ceremony which I liked but had trouble finding a ceremony which wasn’t too obviously pagan or wiccan in feel. If I could, we probably would have done it though. I was beginning to rack my brain…maybe we just wouldn’t do anything else? Then I remembered there is a Scottish drinking vessel with two handles…couldn’t remember the name of it and of course DF is Irish, not Scottish, but you know how the internet works, I searched for Scottish Drinking Cup and got the name “Quaich”. Then I searched for “Quaich” with wedding ceremony or something…I didn’t really come up with much. It seems it’s not really used for weddings. Hmmm….just for the heck of it I searched for Irish Loving Cup (because I had found out that the Quaich is called a Loving Cup). There was only one place I could find something, but it was PERFECT!!!! It was in some bride’s blog I found randomly on the internet...I loved the wording and so did DF (plus he liked the fact that he could have a drink! LOL). I had found a nice, pewter Irish Loving Cup online and had bought it months ago

…so without further delay I give you….
The Irish Loving Cup Ceremony
Rev. Miller: On this your wedding day, we celebrate the Celtic spirit of the Anam Cara. Anam Cara is translated from the Gaelic as “soul friend”. By entering in a partnership with your anam cara, you are joined in an ancient and eternal way with this person whom you most cherish. In everyone’s life there is a great need for an anam cara and so I ask you to toast one another by repeating in unison the following:
(Repeat in unison) Today I recognize you, my anam cara and ask that you become a part of me, in sacred kinship. With you, I have lost all fear and have found the greatest courage. I have learned to love and let myself be loved. With you, I have found a rhythm of grace and gracefulness. Love has reawakened in my life; a rebirth; a new beginning. With you my anam cara, I am understood, I am home.
Rev. Miller: And now, please drink to the love you have shared in the past.
(We each take a sip or in DF’s case, a gulp) ;)
Rev. Miller: Drink to your love in the present, on this your wedding day. (Another sip)
Rev. Miller: And drink to your love in the future and forever more…
(One more sip)
Rev. Miller: The Celts believed that the way you view your future actually shapes it. I now ask everyone here to take a moment to visualize a future for Lori and Eoghan. As a group, let’s think of the happiness in store for Lori and Eoghan. Let’s put their joyous future out to the universe.


After that, we do the declaration etc. and of course, the kissing!

And we are presented to our guests as Mr. and Mrs.! :D

Now, let’s see if I can remember this correctly…because a lot happens right after the ceremony. Hmmm…
I think the champagne toast was next…

then we had some wedding crashers drop by…That’s right, you guessed it, the big cheese and his lady! Tee hee.
Mickey and Minnie arrived to help us cut our cake, dance with us, take pics and mingle a bit. I have to just say here and now, the things that we added on to our wedding, though perhaps a bit expensive considering, I thought were totally worth it. First of all, with the MK and EPCOT photos, I mean, you’re having your wedding in WDW, it’s the only chance you would have to be the only guests in the park, get your photo taken in your wedding attire in front of Cinderella’s Castle, and really, you will never be able to have characters at a private event if you don’t have them at your wedding, I don’t know…I just felt like these were the things that were important to me to have, some girls spend the big $ on the dress, some the flowers, some the invites etc. I’ve said this before in an earlier post I know…
Anyway, when we first informed our families of our Disney Wedding and how we were going to have Mickey and Minnie there, of course we were laughed at. My SIL especially was like a stick in the mud about it (but that’s how she is sometimes). But I’ll tell you when the mice were there and for weeks afterwards she was saying how cute it was, how cute they were…
I think even though our families knew they were coming, they didn’t really know what to expect from the mice.
So, I don’t know what it was that initially made everyone turn around, but all of a sudden, here they come up the same “aisle” I walked up! Everyone started cheering and they were waving at everyone. To be honest I just wanted to run over to them and give Mickey a huge hug, but before I knew it, they were right there with us behind our cake table…We made some small “talk”


and then we did the cake cutting/feeding (and no, we did not do the smoosh it all over each other’s faces). After the cake cutting, we did our first dance to “A Whole New World”


and took lots of pics basically. Here are some of the best ones…remember…you asked for pics!
Mickey and Minnie kept helping out!! Mickey (pictured here) and Minnie kept fixing my train!

And it was Minnie who remembered I needed my bouquet for the pics!






While we were taking all these pics, I really have no idea what everyone else was doing! LOL…I think just mingling and drinking champagne maybe? I know eventually everyone was led down to the grassy area to have cake. I LOVED the way the chair covers and sashes came out!

You wouldn’t believe all the details that needed to be decided, I actually found it humorous at times, but I realize Disney Fairytale Weddings knows EXACTLY what they’re doing and why they do it (and why they asked me such detailed questions while planning!) We finally finish taking pics with Mickey and Minnie (we only have them for 30 mins total.) It’s really plenty of time, but seriously, when it was time to say “Good bye” I got all choked up and really would have preferred to just hang with them all day.


Next Up: Even MORE pics and the dinner reception at Jiko!
Once again, beautiful pics:goodvibes The Irish Love Cup ceremony sounds really nice! I know DF would have really liked it, but we already choose the wine box ceremony :confused3

Your Minnie and Mickey pictures are sooooo cute! I keep debating whether or not to have them! I really am not into Disney, just Disney World (if that makes sense) but seeing the amazing pictures you get, really makes me think I should have them :rotfl: Oh, and it is so cute your MOH's dresses matches Minnie's!

I cannot wait to see your pics of Jiko and AKL (you know I have been dying to see them)!!!
And you know I love you loving my TR! :rotfl: Pushing back a year? No worries! Now you have even more time to plan! :thumbsup2
I'm sure I'll still be around...you can even PM me if you don't see me posting as much :goodvibes
Here's the thing...I wanted to book the Roots, but they were out of our budget, so I feel so lucky to have even a few shots that Jensey took and will be forever grateful to her! (Plus she's really sweet and awesome!)

Yeah hopefully you will still be around! :goodvibes

DF & I were also looking into the Roots but when I found out how much they cost, there is just no way we can justify adding that much on (especially as we're only having an Escape wedding.) Randy's photos are awesome too though! He seems like a really fun guy to work with :)

Your ceremony sounded wonderful, and it's really nice to see Mickey & Minnie there! DF would love them to come to ours too but... I'm petrified of them!! :rotfl:

Looking forward to reading more :cloud9:
There is so much to love, I hope I remember them all!

I have watched your clip in STVS like 100 times, I'm getting married at SBP in a few days! It's just so beautiful!
I love your colors!- Those sashes turned out to be gorgeous, and I love how well Minnie coordinated with your beautiful flowers!
I literally wailed :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:when I saw that stalker photo of Carrie- that's priceless! (I think i need a distraction like that so I'm laughing and not messing up my make up on my wedding day!)
I love your dress:bride:- it's perfect for SBP and I love that picture with Mickey and the men with their feet crossed. And finally that picture with you guys and Mickey walking off into the distance is perfect! The caption should say "And they lived Happily Ever After!"
Once again, beautiful pics:goodvibes The Irish Love Cup ceremony sounds really nice! I know DF would have really liked it, but we already choose the wine box ceremony :confused3

Your Minnie and Mickey pictures are sooooo cute! I keep debating whether or not to have them! I really am not into Disney, just Disney World (if that makes sense) but seeing the amazing pictures you get, really makes me think I should have them :rotfl: Oh, and it is so cute your MOH's dresses matches Minnie's!

I cannot wait to see your pics of Jiko and AKL (you know I have been dying to see them)!!!

Thanks! Ooh! I came across the wine box ceremony while doing my research! It's very unique which I really like! :goodvibes
I was so excited that there was a Purple choice for Mickey and Minnie's wardrobe! Originally I was going to go with their default outfits because I love them so much, but I'm glad I changed my mind!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get to the Jiko and AKL pics! Those are up next I promise! :goodvibes

Yeah hopefully you will still be around! :goodvibes

DF & I were also looking into the Roots but when I found out how much they cost, there is just no way we can justify adding that much on (especially as we're only having an Escape wedding.) Randy's photos are awesome too though! He seems like a really fun guy to work with :)

Your ceremony sounded wonderful, and it's really nice to see Mickey & Minnie there! DF would love them to come to ours too but... I'm petrified of them!! :rotfl:

Looking forward to reading more :cloud9:

tee hee. I actually think it's kind of cute when adults are afraid of M&M! Think about adding a character if your budget allows...if only for more photo ops and to extend the whole ceremony/cake cutting time! ;)

There is so much to love, I hope I remember them all!
I have watched your clip in STVS like 100 times, I'm getting married at SBP in a few days! It's just so beautiful!
I love your colors!- Those sashes turned out to be gorgeous, and I love how well Minnie coordinated with your beautiful flowers!
I literally wailed :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:when I saw that stalker photo of Carrie- that's priceless! (I think i need a distraction like that so I'm laughing and not messing up my make up on my wedding day!)
I love your dress:bride:- it's perfect for SBP and I love that picture with Mickey and the men with their feet crossed. And finally that picture with you guys and Mickey walking off into the distance is perfect! The caption should say "And they lived Happily Ever After!"
Thanks! I've been lurking on your PJ! ;)
WOW! You're watched my sneak peek even more than me! LOL....I didn't think that was possible!
Yep, having Carrie "at" my wedding was like having another "character" there without having to pay! :rotfl: (Character in a GOOD WAY!)
Thanks for the dress compliment! I have to tell you, I just knew it was right for me and we wanted the Model A...and it wasn't until after the wedding and I really thought about it that I realized the look of the BoardWalk (20's Atlantic City) went really well with my dress and car idea!) I couldn't believe it actually! It all just came together visually/theme-wise and I didn't even try that hard! :)
That's one of my fave pics too!
We're going to get that pic of the 4 of us printed out and framed now since I've gotten SO many compliments on it!

Ok, well, hold on, because here's more!
So, after we say Good Bye to our favorite mice, I dry my eyes and we sit down to have some cake.

Now, this was cool and I just have to point this out...I remember watching M&M walk away with their handler...NOWHERE IN SIGHT!! LOL...It was so funny! I'm sure she was somewhere, but not right with them and there they were! Mickey and Minnie just walking down the BoardWalk all by themselves! I kept thinking if I was a guest and I didn't realize they were there for a wedding I'd be like thinking that was the coolest thing ever! You know, just the mice, taking a stroll on the BoardWalk etc...
Anyway, here's our group eating cake so you can see the set-up etc...

and my flowers with the chair sashes-I LOVE this pic!

We chose Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter mousse for one layer and Yellow Cake with Fresh Strawberries and Mousse for the second layer. I got the Yellow and DH got the Chocolate. I distinctly told him to save me some and we’d switch, but when I went to switch, there was like NO Peanut Butter left in his slice! I got pouty :sad1: and he said “But it was so good, I just couldn’t stop eating it!” sigh. LOL. I figure one day, on a future trip, I’ll order the small cake from the BoardWalk bakery…(OOH! We’ll do that on next year’s trip in Sept! We’ll have a fridge then and my mom will be with us! That will work out great!)

Ok, so we eat our cake and then it’s time for the “staged exit”. (This is when the petal toss or bubble blowing takes place)




I think we took these pics at this point but I can’t remember exactly! LOL



You can see the hidden Mickey crystals on my bouquet stem here:



Again, all I can tell you is, I was like totally oblivious to every one of our guests once we got in the car and started to make our way down the BoardWalk to take MORE pics! LOL, I don’t even remember seeing them walk back to the BW! I was really in La-la Land! I think at this time our guests all make their way back to the BoardWalk lobby and the limo (that comes in our wedding package) starts making 3 trips back and forth from BW to AKL transporting everyone for our dinner reception at Jiko! (I’m pretty sure that’s what was happening anyway! LOL) We hop out of the car to take pics and back into the car to work our way down the BoardWalk.
We tried to make some friends-

and then moseyed down the BoardWalk to have fun with Randy!




By the time we were done, my feet were starting to kill me. And the heat! OMG!! It had to be in the low 90’s by then in the sun and both me and DH were dying! We finished up with some pics in front of the BW and then got in our Model A and made it over to AKL for our dinner reception…

Next up: Our dinner reception in Jiko's Wine Room and wedding photos around AKL!
Woohooo! More pics! The two of you are the cutest!!! You soooo deserve to be on the disney website for SBP!!:rotfl: (seriously though). I love the pics of you with the ducks too! They freak me out, so I would have had a picture running away from them. Randy did a fab job!
Oh Lori you just keep posting more beautiful pictures!! I love the purple!! And the pictures with the Boardwalk in the background are just beautiful!!
lori my fellow rockland'er-:lmao:-your pictures came out beautiful! you guys look so happy and liek you were having so much fun. your flowers look beautiful! can't wait to see more!!!
YEAH! An update!!! More! More! No worries...I'll wait! popcorn::

I'm glad you'll wait because I just realized how long it's taking me to write this TR!!:rotfl:
I think I just like taking my time and reliving the whole thing to be honest. I like having the whole day fresh in my head. :)

Love the new pictures! :goodvibes


Woohooo! More pics! The two of you are the cutest!!! You soooo deserve to be on the disney website for SBP!!:rotfl: (seriously though). I love the pics of you with the ducks too! They freak me out, so I would have had a picture running away from them. Randy did a fab job!

Thanks! LOL...The duck thing was soo cool actually! We saw the ducks following Rev. Miller down the BoardWalk and then somehow they started walking over to us and Randy told me to call to them and bend down like I had food. Being such animal lovers, you didn't have to ask us twice! It was just a special little moment on a fantastic day!
That being said, a photo of a bride running away from a mama and baby duck would make a great shot I think! ;) Randy did do a FAB job!

So pretty. I love the picture of the flowers right by the chair sashes.

I know!! I love it too! I don't know why but everytime I see that one, I smile...(yes, I'm a dork)

Oh Lori you just keep posting more beautiful pictures!! I love the purple!! And the pictures with the Boardwalk in the background are just beautiful!!

Thanks! I think the Boardwalk makes for a fantastic backdrop for photos (well, except for maybe the ESPN Zone!) :lmao:

lori my fellow rockland'er-:lmao:-your pictures came out beautiful! you guys look so happy and liek you were having so much fun. your flowers look beautiful! can't wait to see more!!!

Steph, my fellow Rocklander! Thanks! I have more coming up very shortly...
Ok, so just a few more pics I had forgotten about before it's on to AKL!

These are just some detailed shots I like plus I thought would be useful to brides-to-be...

Here is a (somewhat) closeup of of one of the floral arrangements on our archway floral swag...

Here is a cake closeup where you can see the yumminess! (But alas, not the chocolate/peanut butter layer)...


And last but certainly not least....the front of our Mickey Head fan...


Ok, now I promise...on to AKL and our Jiko dinner reception!!! :yay:
It was so funny…the Model A was going so slowly down the BoardWalk etc…that I just figured it would have to go slowly to AKL as well (as I know vintage cars can’t go as fast as modern ones etc.).
But our driver assured me, it (she) can go 45-50 no problem, and in fact “LOVES” I think it was 48mph! :lmao:
Anyway, so it was great riding in the Model A on the way to AKL! There are no windows so there was a nice (though warm) breeze and we were actually able to cool off a bit.
When we got to AK, basically Randy and Stan were taking shots of the Wine Room all set up and then took us around the lobby for pics/video. In the meantime, guests relaxed in the A/C and waited for the last trip of the limo to arrive with our remaining guests.
Here are some of our fave pics from around AKL…


This one is basically "our wedding portrait"


And although we look very serious....we actually really like this one...


Actually, the Black and White version of this looks even better, we just got an 8 x 10 of it framed in this nice black frame and DH keeps looking at it and saying..."...look at us...." tee hee.

I think I may have mentioned my footwear earlier in the TR, but if not...


This picture I absolutely love. I'm not sure how great DH looks, LOL, but it's a totally candid shot and I love the way the light came out and the way I'm laughing and holding up my dress...I don't know, you'll have to excuse my girlyness I guess...


Here’s the room set-up:


Here are some details such as menu cards:


and our placecard holders with placecards. The placecard holders were elephants, lions, zebras and hippos. There may have been one more animal to each set, I can't remember now...but...I LOVE them...


We ended up missing the very first course because we were taking pics, but the very first course was the Taste of Africa which some of you may be familiar with as it's on the regular Jiko menu.
What can I say, the dinner at Jiko was AMAZING! The service was absolutely outstanding as well. My niece (MOH) did a toast shortly after we arrived in the room…


Then it was on to the lovely dinner…this is what was served…(sorry, no food porn!)

After the Taste of Africa, there were individual sampler plates of Jiko's Selected Appetizers. The next course the guests got to choose between the Petite Barbecue Chicken Flatbread or the Chef's Market Appetizer Selection (which for some reason I'm remembering as Ostrich?!?!). Then the salad was the next course. It was a Tomato Cucumber Salad with Red Onions and Watermelon Vinaigrette. Then there was a soup (which I can't remember what it was).
Then there was an Intermezzo (which again I can't remember, sorry!) Then the choice of entree was as follows: Seasonal Lamb Presentation, Oak Grilled Filet of Beef, Market Fish with Maize Crust or Oven Roasted Chicken. The entrees were served with African-Inspired Veggies and Starches...

We took the dessert off the menu (so $4 off of the pp cost) since right after dinner we’d be heading back to EPCOT for our….IllumiNations Dessert Party!
The time had run out on the limo and Model A, so after dinner, we had two vans and one towne car take us back to EPCOT.

Next up: Our IllumiNations Dessert Party!
Ohh, your AKL pics are so beautiful!!! The Jiko wine room looks wonderful, and the food sounds really good! The place card holders are too cute! :goodvibes
I think I may have mentioned my footwear earlier in the TR, but if not...


and our placecard holders with placecards. The placecard holders were elephants, lions, zebras and hippos. There may have been one more animal to each set, I can't remember now...but...I LOVE them...


OMG, I love the sneakers! I lived off those things as a kid! :cool1: :thumbsup2

OMG, and I love the placecard holders too! So perfect! :thumbsup2


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