lola's adventure:from couch to 1/2 marathon!!!

Thanks for stopping bye eyore44, I can't wait to get the Wii set up and give it a try. I agree that some cross training can only help my strengh and will likely improve my running.

I successfully completed W4D1 yesterday. It wasn't easy but it felt so good when I was done. It's great to do something that I didn't think I could a week ago. I walked at 3.5 mph and mostly ran at 4.7 mph. I finished all the intervals for distance (although the last 1/2 mile felt really ugly). There are still some aches in my legs but much better than it was.

W4D1: 2 miles in 28:28 (14.14 min/mile pace)

My dad is visiting so we ate out twice yesterday. Overall I think I did pretty well.

B/L: egg white omlette with veggies and half slice of wheat bread with strawberry jelly
S: 1 slice of turkey (lunch meat)
D: Half a Cheesecake Factory Chicken Piccate.

My dad and husband both had delicious looking desserts. (The strawberry shortcake and the resses peanut butter cheesecake). I managed to resist completely which was very hard. But I know one bite for me is never enough and then it's a slippery slope to disaster. When it comes to sweets for me 1 is too many and 100 isn't enough.

I'm sad this weekend is almost over. My dad is leaving tonight. Tomorrow it is back to work and it will be another 2 weeks until my next day off. Plus I have to travel to San Francisco for the second week. I will miss my little girl a lot. Hopefully the hotel will have a good health club where I can get my runs in.

Ok, time to get ready to go to breakfast. Have a great day everyone!
Yesterday was a rest day for C25K so no run. Tonight will be W4D2.

B: strawberries
L: Greek salad with chicken
D: Grilled Salmon and sauteed spinich from Magiano's
S: SC ice cream sandwich.

We had dinner out at Maggiano's. I love their baked pasta dishes there. Especially the eggplant parm with a side of spagetti or any of the raviolli dishes. I was trying to make excusses to order one the whole time I had the menu. But when the waiter came I bucked up and ordered the grilled salmon. I was proud of myself but this weekend was the first time on my "diet" that I really felt deprived. I know I can have anything in moderation but I just had pasta at Cheesecake factory last night so I felt it wasn't really "moderation to get it again." Anyway I look at is as a minor success.

I am back on longer hours starting today after 2 weeks of relative relaxation (only 9 hour days). The next 6 weeks are going to be super ugly from a work stand point. I really don't get to come up for air again until the middle of October. It sucks and I just can't seem to muster any kind of positive attitude about it. :sad2:
Wonderful self control when eating out. :thumbsup2 You did great! How wonderful your Dad was able to visit. I hope you all had a great time.

Hopefully your long hours at work will go quickly. Try taking a break every once in a while and go for a brisk walk if possible. I work in a large building and make a point of walking to the restroom that is the furthest away from my office. Especially if I am reaching for a snack. Helps most of the time. If your hotel doesn't have a gym look for a shopping mall near by that you could walk in.
Great job on the salmon over pasta that is some control! Good luck on the job front -it will be the middle of Oct. before we know it!

Hi Linda and eyor44, thanks for the encouragement!

I completed W4D2 last night :yay:. I managed to finish all the intervals but had a really hard time with the last set. I seriously felt like taking extra walk breaks but then I tought about having to come on here today and tell everyone I didn't make it through. So, I guess this journal is giving my the accoutablility I need because I kept pushing and finished the runs. :thumbsup2 I walked mostly at 3.5 although I did slow down to 3.3 for a few seconds here and there. On the runs I just couldn't get a good rythum. I was running most of it a 4.7 mph but then I would feel like I just wanted to hurry and get the lap done so I'd do 5.0 for a few minutes then I would feel too winded and go down to 4.5. I thought I was running slower overall than W4D1 but I actually had a better overall time. Anyway, it was ugly and painful and I'm very glad I did it but I'm also very glad it's over. Hopefully W4D3 will go more smoothly.

W4D2: 2 miles in 27min57sec --> just about a 14 min/mile pace.

Breakfast: Banana
S: bag of grape tomatos
Lunch: Lean Cuisine chicken carbonara
S: peach and sugar free, fat free cappacino
D: half of cheesecake factory Chicken Piccate
S: SC ice cream sandwich

Tonight will be weigh in night at WW if I can get out of here early enough to make it. The scale at home is only down a little bit since my last weigh in so I am not expecting a big change and maybe none at all. We'll see.
Way to go on those workouts!!!:cheer2: You are doing a great job with the C25K program! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

You did a great job resisting the dessert and ordering the salmon!:thumbsup2

I'm sorry to hear that things are going to be super busy for you at work. I hope this busy time goes by quickly for you. :wizard:

Have a wonderful Wednesday!:hug:
Thank you for the encouragement Toystoryduo

Yesterday was rest day for running. Tonight will be W4D3. I'm having a hard time looking forward to my run tonight. I think it is because my last run was a tough one. I've read about how you are supposed to run slowly enough to be comfortable and talk without huffing and puffing. I'm not sure if there is a running pace that will allow me to do that but I guess 4.7mph is apparently too fast for me. I tried running at 4.5 mph but it feels akward b/c it is really slow enough to walk it. Anyway, I will get through it. Who knows, maybe it won't seem as tough tonight. I can't imagine how I will face W5 next week. It ends with a 20min run without walk breaks. :scared1: I'll get there sooner or later.

I didn't get out of work in time to make the 7:00 WW meeting yesterday. I was pissed but what can you do. :confused3 There is a 6:30 meeting tonight and I will try to get there. I really want to weigh in since I'll have to miss next week's meeting at a meeting in San Fancisco. At least I'm doing pretty well staying motivated without my formal weigh in. I think the C25K and this journal have a lot to do with that!

Food yesterday:
B: Banana
S: Fat free, sugar free cappacino
L: Lean Cuisine apple chicken and rice
S: bag of grape tomatos and a peach.
D: green beans and chicken
S: SC ice cream sandwich.
Lolakat! Big, big hugs for you! You're doing so well...I love that you ordered the salmon on your 2nd dinner out w/ your dad...and that you skipped dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Understand that your body is really going to take time to adjust to the new changes in your exercise & eating if the scale is slow to go down, don't fret. I'm wondering if your Dad, because he doesn't see you every day, noticed a change in you. Usually, the body will change before the scale does...

It is so weird that you all are talking Wii Fit...My mom just bought me one last week! We're all on the same wavelength here, ladies!!
You are doing great. I hope you have a great run tonight. One thing I decided to do with WI is always wear the same outfit. Sounds weird, but then you get a real accurate reading week to week.
Thanks for stopping by ladies! And thank you for being my cheerleaders!!

Therriau4: My dad did notice the change. I guess I'm down about 17lbs since he last saw me. I also know clothes are fitting me differently so change is happening. I guess I'm just inpatient. I want the same instant gratification I get from stuffing my face with junk food. :rolleyes1

Eyor44: That's so funny. I used to have a WI outfit too! Now that I go straight from work it's not always possible.

Last night was W4D3. I made it through all the intervals and it less pain than W4D2. I slowed my pace even more. I "ran" at 4.3 mph and walked at 3.3-3.5. It feels like running in slow motion but I'm trying to head all the advice I"m getting to SLOW down and work on endurance not speed. I had a hard time getting my head in the game last night and really had to talk myself into sticking with in through the 1/2 mile intervals. I kept saying... "you can do this" over and over again out loud. Must have sounded pretty silly to my husband if he was listening. :rotfl2: I need to get better at having positive thinking. I should be happy with myself for finishing the intervals not disappointed at doing them slowly.

W4D3: 2 miles in 30.34 min: 15.17 min/mile pace (SLOW REALLY SLOW)

I did make it to WW weigh in last night basicly by just dropping some work stuff in someone else's lap and leaving. I lost 1 lb. My first reaction to that was ugghhh.... 1 lb..... all this for 1 lousey LB!! But really I am happy that I'm trending down and I know my body is doing the right thing. If I keep at this the weight will come off. I just need to be patient and consistant!!:thumbsup2.

Weight in weight 216.6
Last weight: 217.6
Starting weight (WW) 230.6
Net loss: 14 lbs

Real start weight: 244
Net loss: 27.4 lbs :cool1:

Food Yesterday:
B: Banana
S: fat + sugar free cappaccino
L: Lean cuisine swedish meatballs (this is a good one) and bag of tomatos
S: Berries
D: shrimp ceaser salad with fat free dressing
S: SC ice cream sandwich
Way to go on W4D3!!!:cheer2: You are doing a great job!!!:cheer2:

Congrats on losing a pound!:cheer2: You're almost at the 30 pound mark!!!:cheer2:

Hope you have a nice evening ahead!:hug:
:cheer2: you are doing great! :cheer2: that is one more pound GONE!!!:thumbsup2 The fact that your clothes are fitting differently is a huge indicator that you are going in the right direction.

and remember, you are building muscle. Muscle weighs more. and you are under the required time limit for the 1/2. :cool1:
I hate when my clothes feel like I have a tourniquet on so congrats on them fitting better.

Keep up the great work

Thank you for the encouragement ladies! I do hope I am building some muscle too. That would be great!

Yesterday was a rest night from C25K. Tonight will be W5D1. The 1/2 mile is still the longest interval but I do 3 instead of 2. I'm pretty sure I can do this one. I'm scared of W5D3 b/c they raise the longest interval to 3/4 mile. Hopefully I am ready for it!

Food yesterday:
B: Banana
S: fat free sugar free cappaccino
L: Lean Cuisine honey chicken and rice (not bad but not a favorite)
S: green pepper and hummus
D: Pecan crusted chicken and asparagus.
S: SC ice cream sandwich

Today is crazy at work and I am feeling tired already. I'm going to have to dig deep to come up with the energy for my run tonight. 8 more days until my next day off which is also my daughter's birthday. I ordered her a power wheels barbie jeep last night. I think she'll love it. Can't wait to see her face when she gets to drive it. :love:
Congrats on week 5!!!!:cheer2: You are doing a wonderful job!:thumbsup2

Happy Birthday to your DD! :bday: I bet she will love her Barbie Jeep!:drive:

Hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
Lola you are doing a great job!

We have the Barbie car from back in the 90s when my kids were little- OMG they loved it!

Have a good weekend

Thank you ladies! We can't wait to give DD the car. Her whole birthday should be a ton of fun. She picked out a winnie the pooh theme and talks about it all the time. My in-laws will be in town too so it will be a "real party" for her!

I finished W5D1 last night. I really wanted to skip it but I mustered the energy to get on the tredmil and once i got started it wasn't so bad. The last of the 1/2 mile intervals felt tough but the first two I felt like I could have run a little bit farther. I hope I really can b/c W5D2 calls for two 3/4 mile intervals. :scared1: I kept it very slow. Slow and steady is my new moto. I plan to do run/walk intervals of 3:1 once I finish with the C25K and I think (hope) I can go faster with more frequent walk breaks. For now I'm just concentrating on building some endurance. I "ran" at 4.3 mph and walked at 3.3-3.5.

W5D1: 2 miles in 29.44 min: 14.72 min/mile pace

My hubby ended up stopping for take out from Cheesecake factory last night instead of cooking. I wasn't really planning on a "treat" but once it was there I just "had to" eat it. At least the 1/2 portion kept me within my point limit for the day

Food yesterday:
B: fat free sugar free cappacino
L: peppers and hummus
D: 1/2 portion cheesecake factory chicken piccata
S: SC Ice cream sandwich

It is a beautiful day here today and I'm not too thrilled to be stuck at work. I hope DH is taking DD to the park. He has a tendancy to keep her inside too much. I have to make time tonight or tomorrow to pack for my San Fancisco trip. I think I'm going to have to buy a new suit as my old ones are too big and look unprofessional. It's awsome to wear a smaller size but not so awsome to have to make time to run out and buy a suit under pressure.
Last night was a rest night and tonight will be W5D2. The run intervals go up to 3/4. Not sure how that will go since I've been sucking wind on the 1/2 mile but I'm going to give it a go!

Food yesterday:
B: Pear
S: fat free, sugar free, cappaccino
L: peppers and hummus
D: grilled chicken sandwich and spinich
S: SC Ice cream sandwich

Today is another fun day at work. Not too much to say about that. Tonight I have to get my stuff for the trip together and pack. I'm nervous because I don't know what fits me right now. I may have to run out tomorrow after work and buy a new suit. I'm going to be under a lot of pressure while I'm away and eatting out every meal will be tough on the diet. I'll just be hoping to get my runs in and not gain anything.
I'm very pleased to report that I made it through both 3/4 mile intervals for W5D2 last night. The second one was touch and go but I did it. :yay: W5D3 and the 2 mile straight run is looming in front of me. I'm pretty sure I could run for the 20 minute time interval but it will take me more like 30 minutes to do the full 2 miles. I know I will be no where near a 10 minute mile anytime soon. If I make it the 20 minutes I will consider it a sucess but I will try to push for the full 2 miles with no walk breaks. To make things more interesting I will have to do this run at the hotel in San Fran after a full day of traveling in from the East Cost. We'll see how it goes.

W5D2: 2 miles in 29:44: 14.72 min/mile

Food yesterday:

B: Blueberries
S: fat-free sugar free cappaccino
L: Lean Cuisine chicken mediteranian (not bad for 4 pts)
D: 1/2 CCF Chicken piccata that was left over from Friday
S: SC ice cream sandwich.

I have a CRAZY day of prepping for my trip today. Luckily I was able to dig a couple of suits in my new size out of the attic last night. I had to drive for 30 min this AM to get to a same day dry cleaner. It made me feel like I live on the moon. These things were just not an issue living in Philly. I have to put the final touches on my presentation and make sure everything else in is order. I tried to clean up around the house a bit last night b/c my in-laws are coming to stay with us and they arrive two days before I get back. I just know the place will be a wreck but :confused3 what can ya do.
Just joining in. Never heard of the C25k plan but it looks interesting. I've never been a runner myself, even when I was in shape! Congrats on the weight you've lost and being able to make good choices while dining out. That's my weakness! Look forward to reading more :)


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