Live from HH 06/03-06/08 (now with link to pictures)

Yes, our oldest went down on the pier. He is at that age where he thinks he is too cool to participate in anything like that. AND he was embarrassed that we, his parents, would be dancing around like that. :lmao: That just made us want to embarrass him that much more.

Yes, they were out fishing yesterday as well. My oldest tried to see how many hooks and bobbers he could lose. If you look out the back of the lodge, you will see his handy work in the trees. :rotfl2: Still not sure how he got his line caught in the trees. Of course, it's too high for us to be able to get out.

Have fun on the beach. we will be out there before too long.
Friday afternoon update -

Well we're back home now. The week sure went by fast. In spite of the rain, we had a great time and it was nice having DS with us. He very rarely travels and like I said this was the first trip we've done with just the three of us since DD32 was born. He thoroughly loved HHI and especially all the great food. He commented this morning about what a nice, peaceful week it had been and he read a lot and enjoyed the time to just relax.

After I get settled down, I want to do a final update summarizing our dining experiences plus I will be uploading all my pictures and will post the links here.
Glad you all made it home safe. We just got home as well. So glad your DS had a really good time.
Final update -

Just some final thoughts about our trip last week to HH. Every trip is different and this one was no exception. This trip was about spending time with our son. We all had a great time in spite of some not so great weather. But one thing we did this trip, which we don't normally do, is we spent a lot of time just relaxing in our unit (2BR). We did a lot of reading and a lot of just talking and plain relaxing. And in the end, isn't that what a vacation is all about?

Food wise we ate at the following -

San Miguel's - We had a really good meal here on our first night. Usually DW and myself just split the Nachos, but this time I got a Taco Salad and DW and DS both got a combo with a Chile Relleno and Taco. All of it was delicious. We just love relaxing here and watching the boats at the marina.

Hudson's - We were not happy with Hudson's. Basically the worst meal of the week. Service was slow and DS's Shrimp and Grits were horrible. Plus he told the waiter this and the waiter acted like he could care less. We will not return.

Mrs. Wilkes (Jones St. in Savannah) - Our best meal of the week. Delicious country food cooked just like my grandmother used to cook.

Old Oyster Factory - Another great meal. I had the Tilapia with Shrimp cream sauce, DS had the grilled Mahi Mahi and DW had the Low Country Boil. We started off with the oyster combination. Everything we had was delicious. This restaurant continues to be our favorite restaurant on the island.

Sea Shack - We had to wait an hour to get in and all three basically had fried seafood platters. It was good, but frankly we have better fried seafood places right here at home. Not sure it was worth the hour wait. I'm sure we will return, but maybe just for lunch next time.

Well, that's it. Now to start planning next year's trip. Next year I am planning something different - two weeks at HH with a run up to Charleston for the weekend separating the two weeks. It should be great.

Okay, here are my picture links -

Pictures taken with my regular camera.

Pictures taken with my iPhone.

Thanks for the pictures, WolfpackFan. HHI is my favorite resort, and I loved looking at all the photos you took.
We are on our way home too. Had a great time except for the weather. That was our first time there and I loved it!

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