little change in July EMH schedule is messing up dining plans


Thanksgiving,a Birthday & our Anniversary 2017!
Jun 22, 2001
Ok so I saw the June thread about the EMH changes so I checked July just for fun and see that now on 7/6 it AM hours for MK and I have a Crytal Palace breakfast scheduled for 8:05 -- do you think I should change to a 10am breakfast take advantage of the Am lighter crowds (hopefully) Thanks Michelle
Originallyposted by bigsis1970

Ok so I saw the June thread about the EMH changes so I checked July just for fun and see that now on 7/6 it AM hours for MK and I have a Crytal Palace breakfast scheduled for 8:05 -- do you think I should change to a 10am breakfast take advantage of the Am lighter crowds (hopefully) Thanks Michelle

Hi can you please tell me where you went to check out the July EMH schedule??? I too am going from 7/2-7/9 and I didn't notice a change, perhaps I am not looking in the right place.

the site shows different MK extra magic hours than the link above...wonder which one is correct? I have been trying to guess what the hours will be for August since I can make my PS's now
Sure -- I went to the Walt Disney world website and typed in "Magic Hours" in the search and clicked the first one that came up and it listed them by month and am/pm for each park. Michelle
I have to make my Ar;s in June for my september trip .How am i going to plan now since i already used the previous emh schedules to plan my whole trip.I have the kttk tour schedule and already booked for a ehm evening Mk day :confused3
Hi mommacl,

Can you give the site address that you have checked is correct? You said the WDW site but I am not sure which one that would be?

I am going the July 10-19th and have also planned my trip based on what was published so I have to look into it as well.

Thanks. :confused3
If this change in schedule holds up thru September i will loose out in either one or both Mk days. On Friday evening i have already reserved a ticket for
the La Nouba show . :earseek:


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