Lindsay and Chris PJ! WP/Italy Isola/AAR...Disneyland Paris Honeymoon added 7-19

Great update, Caryn! This is fun to read about the wedding weekend from two different perspectives.

Those crazy Disney bride stalkers ;)
What do you mean Chris forgot his tux?

Ok this scares me but then again Caryn just said that Chris was carrying it around the bar so I'm guessing that's where it will be, I hope.

Oh my that rash - good thing you took pictures for evidence;) Thank goodness it went away.

I just have to say that I love having Caryn's version too, Caryn you are too funny.

Great update, I'm so glad your neck calmed down!!!! Maybe it was pre wedding nerve rash?

I really want to sleep together the night before our wedding as I know it'll make me a lot calmer, but my Jack wont have it at all! :sad2: A night of keeping my Mum and BMs awake then!

I think that you should explain to him that it's important to you that you stay overnight...
I have no idea where that rash came from. No idea. Needless to say I was not amused

I am loving your TR so far!! Keep 'em coming!! Your family is so amusing!
There's never a dull moment with us!

I'm glad the neck rash went away.

Looking forward to the next installment.
Me too! I would have been so stressed out if it didn't go away

In your pictures, were there tables set up outside the WP? What were they for?
There was this really cool corporate event happening at the same time as our ceremony. Diane told me about it at the rehearsal and mentioned that it wouldn't affect my event at all, but that they'd be out there. I didn't care, but I was thinking that some brides must really freak out about stuff like that

More more more!! :)

I really wanted to post this picture that Lindsay and I took before I left to go down to the breakfast.

You can see Lindsay's pedi!!!!
It was very pink - like my shoes -
Meg, email me that pic and i'llpost it

I saw the set up for the big corporate thing on the beach that night too. I was getting my nails redone at the Grand Spa. It did smell sooooo good and I wanted to crash it. I had no clue I could have crashed the wedding as well. :rotfl:
You totally could have crashed!

Great update, made me chuckle:goodvibes
Isn't caryn hilarious?

:rotfl: I wish my sister was 1/2 as fun as Caryn!
Never a dull moment with her

Great update, Caryn! This is fun to read about the wedding weekend from two different perspectives.

Those crazy Disney bride stalkers ;)
I don't think too many brides have their MOH posting...

Great update!

Ok this scares me but then again Caryn just said that Chris was carrying it around the bar so I'm guessing that's where it will be, I hope.

Oh my that rash - good thing you took pictures for evidence;) Thank goodness it went away.

I just have to say that I love having Caryn's version too, Caryn you are too funny.
The rash was not fun.
you know - everytime I re-read Caryn's post - my stomach hurts, more than when I work out with Obi (my personal trainer)- shes hilarious - very odd but hilarious! Her take on things is always just so ... different than everyone else's.
you know - everytime I re-read Caryn's post - my stomach hurts, more than when I work out with Obi (my personal trainer)- shes hilarious - very odd but hilarious! Her take on things is always just so ... different than everyone else's.

I think that's code for: She's a weirdo.
Wedding Day Continues

We all went over to my room and Chris showed up with Claudia. We straightened up for a little bit and waited for Beaute Speciale to show up. When we first walked into the room we noticed this from Laura Kidd at Disney Floral!!!


Caryn got started on Megan's makeup and it required some input from me because Caryn has a tendency to go overboard on makeup.


Mary also got started on her makeup

Dad showed up with some food and a newspaper (so that I could save the paper from the day of our wedding) and then he went back to his hotel to relax for a little while.

Beaute Speciale showed up

And they quickly did "boy makeup" on Chris. Then he proceeded to gather his things so that he could go. I was trying to get Caryn's iPhone to pull up my hair pictures, since I left them on the kitchen counter so I wasn't there to supervisor Chris leaving the room. I reminded him SEVERAL times to remember to take his tux. So Chris goes to leave and I kiss him goodbye knowing that the next time I see him, it will be at our staged first look.



So we get started! Claudia started with her hair and makeup by the girl who didn't introduce herself

And Mom got started with Lily. Megan showed Lily Mom's dress so that they could match something...


Mary brought some pink champagne (my pictures of this are at home. I may update later to add them) and we all had some. I really needed some champagne. I was getting a little bit stressed.

Megan got her hair done after Claudia (this is obviously the back of her head)

And then Mary went


Right around this time I was in the bathroom doing something. (Putting in my contacts? When I hear a lot of laughter. Apparently Chris came back into the room (and tried not to let me know) because HE FORGOT HIS TUX. Not for nothing, but HOW many times did I have to remind him... Apparently he remembered on his way to the car so at least he wasn't that far away.

Shortly after Chris came and left, my Disbrides came in to visit and we chatted and had some champagne. Caryn had put on Grey's Anatomy and when that was over we watched Twilight on her computer.

And then Caryn and I started at the same time with our hair.

I wish that Lily would have put me in front of a mirror to do my hair. It would have saved a lot of time. (Not like we were even close on time, but still... maybe I should re-phrase that and say it would have saved a lot of stress).

This is what my hair looked like the first time.


At this point I went to the mirror and I was just not pleased with it. Don't get me wrong, it was fine.... it just wasn't what I wanted.

So she sat me in front of the mirror (I have pics of this at home too... I'll have to do another update later) and I explained that the tiara needed to be moved closer to the front of my head, and that the poof needed to be higher and the front pieces shouldn't be so flat. So she moves the tiara up, but the poof isn't high enough and the front pieces are still pretty flat. So then she fixes the poof and Caryn and Mary stepped in and helped arrange my hair the way I wanted it. (I was starting to feel bad at this point because I didn't want to be "that" bride who makes everything a problem... but I was just so unhappy with my hair that I couldn't leave it the way it was.) Also during this time Caryn decided to sing to me (to the tune of Copa Cabana) "Her name is Bridey. Bridey Bridezilla." I was less than amused

While all of this was happening: Mary made me a sandwich and proceeded to supervise me eating it. (I didn't want to be a fainting bride) and all of the girls were standing out on the balcony eating. (Side note: I HATE the sound of crunching or chewing. I mean can't stand it. So of course my father bought carrot sticks. Um. No. Me + a high stress day + carrot sticks = disaster. So the eaters were told to go on the balcony.) While everyone was on the balcony, Mary came running in to get her camera. Apparently, some guy was dangling his kid Michael Jackson style over his balcony. They tried to take a picture but he had stopped by the time they got the camera. :confused3

I was finally finished and my hair was finally okay and the girls and Mom started to get dressed.




Something was wrong with Caryn's dress, so Mary helped her fix it.

We were running about an hour ahead of schedule so I was ready, but I couldn't get dressed or in my veil because Randy hadn't gotten there yet. I was getting nervous so I announced to the room that I was going outside to pace (I pace when I'm nervous). I went outside and took about 8 steps and there was Randy!!!

Coming up next: Flowers arrive and we start pictures.
DH can't stand the sound of chewing either, and it has rubbed off on me. Carrot sticks would have driven me over the edge as well.

I don't think asking to have your hair redone into a style you like is being a bridezilla. I mean, you will have the pictures forever.

As for the tux: Men.
Oh, Lindsay!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! If there is crunchy food anywhere near me I have to move!!!

My dad went through a phase of eating sticks of celery - WHOLE sticks! Can you imagine?

Sorry your hair wasn't perfect right away, but I'm glad you got it sorted.

Can't wait for more!!
DH can't stand the sound of chewing either, and it has rubbed off on me. Carrot sticks would have driven me over the edge as well.

I don't think asking to have your hair redone into a style you like is being a bridezilla. I mean, you will have the pictures forever.

As for the tux: Men.
I got some great advice when I was going back and forth on having a hair trial or not... they said that if I don't like my hair I should not get out of the chair. But after I was sitting there and I wasn't able to express myself I started to feel bad... I'm glad it turned out okay in the end!

sorry you had a stressful morning, looking forward to more photos
I think all brides feel stress on their wedding morning. Once the flowers came and Randy started snapping away, it got much better. I can't wait for the Randy pictures to come in!

Oh, Lindsay!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! If there is crunchy food anywhere near me I have to move!!!

My dad went through a phase of eating sticks of celery - WHOLE sticks! Can you imagine?

Sorry your hair wasn't perfect right away, but I'm glad you got it sorted.

Can't wait for more!!
Dad bought celery too.... :confused: Sometimes I just don't get him... I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a problem with chewing. During lunchtime at work I usually have to wear my headphones to drown out the sound.
More Wedding Day!

So when I went out to pace, I ran into Randy and greeted him happily! It was so nice to have Randy there as part of our day because both Chris and I felt really comfortable with him. He did Caryn's wedding and we did engagement pictures with him, so he felt like an old friend. Randy started snapping away (and I don't have his pictures yet, so I'll be sure to do a "Randy pictures" post as soon as I get them.)

Then, the flowers came!!!!!!! OMG I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT MY FLOWERS! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: This surprised me a little, because a.) I'm not really a "flower" person and b.) I had some nightmares that I would hate my bouquet. (I apologize that I don't have pictures of this... Randy has them) The flower man wraps my bouquet first and it was BEAUTIFUL. It was everything I pictured in my head and I LOVED it! (I'm so happy I had Keepsake Floral take it.) We had mailed Laura some lace from Mom's wedding dress and they wrapped the stems with that. It looked so beautiful. In my BEO, Laura noted that once my bouquet got there I would have a few things to attach to the handle. So I handed the man my grandfather's cameo (this is the one that broke at Caryn's wedding and resulted in Caryn's favorite picture of me that I'm sure she'll post) My great grandmother's wedding band (85 years old) My grandmother's blue ring, and of course, a framed picture of my cat Cordelia.

After that he brought in the BM flowers. They were phenomenal. I understand with flower balls, you either love them or you hate them. I love them!


I believe that my response to them was "We are SO COOL!!!" I could not have been happier.

So Randy started getting pictures of my dress and then we put the dress on. After we got the dress on Lily put my veil in. I loved my veil. Loved it. Caryn did everything that I asked for with this veil. He took a few more pictures and then told us to hang tight and he'd let us know when we could come out. Claudia and Randy went downstairs to take pictures with Chris's family. In the meantime Mary took some pictures of our family.

Me and My parents

My sisters and I

The whole family

While we were taking pictures Dad started talking about his Dad who passed away a few years ago. It was the only time that day that I started to cry... well this was an issue because Lily didn't spray my face!! I made sure not to blink so that I didn't have a tear issue and Caryn literally pulled down my botton eyelid and stuck a tissue in there to absorb my tears. We (not so nicely) asked my father NOT to do that again. Caryn sprayed my face with Model in a Bottle after this.

Finally, Randy called Mary and told her that we should come down. He said to walk towards the lobby and he'd meet us on our way. Okay, so down we go. This poor man was stuck behind us and we were making quite the racket, so we apologized to him... I put on my sunglasses :3dglasses and we went outside. (I bought special sunglasses just for this. My eyes are pretty sensitive to light and contacts and since we were going outside I thought "bride" sunglasses were key). There were people all over saying congratulations and pointing and showing their kids. We walked over to the pink flowers near the entrance to GF Cafe and I could see Chris with his back towards me. Randy told me where to stand and then said "Chris, there's someone here to see you" and Chris turned around. He looked so nice!

Me walking up to him

Not sure we were supposed to kiss BEFORE the wedding

Showing him my flowers

It was a little windy

At this point, Julian walked over to me (he's 4 and he was HILARIOUS the whole day!!) and said "Lindsay you look GOOOOORGEOUS." I said thank you and then he looked at my flowers and I asked if he wanted to smell them. He smelled them and said "These smell just like petunias!" Hysterical!

Then we started taking pictures.

I was whispering something to Mary here and my Dad got a picture of it. I love this picture and I may frame it

The guys

The girls

The girls trying to wrangle my veil

I think the veil might win

The bridal party


Zacky was very excited!

Around this point we started taking pictures on the beach and then we moved on to the fountain. The parents were dismissed at this point and they walked over to the WP. There was the cutest little girl watching us take pictures. She was jumping up and clapping and seemed just shocked that I waved to her and said hello. She was precious. After that we took a few more pictures with the guys and then they were sent out to the WP as well. Randy had all of us go inside and he took pictures of us thru the window and then he came in took a few pictures of us inside.

It was during this time that Diane realized that some of the flower balls were missing their flowers so she radioed ahead to have a flower person at the WP to fix them. I didn't know this was happening, but it did. I was sitting in the windowsill at this point and really enjoying sitting. My dress was heavy. I'm really happy that I started running before the wedding. It made it so much easier to hold up that dress. Finally it was time for us to walk over to the WP. Randy followed us and took pictures, including some of the monorail driving by. He also took pictures of me by the WP sign, because we were the only people having a wedding that day!

I'm so happy that we didn't get a limo. It was nice to have a short walk with my girls to the WP and we got neat pictures from it.

Coming up: The Ceremony
How frustrating with your hair, but at least you spoke up. I had to have my person redo part of mine too because I wasn't happy the first time around. Love the bead handles for the flower balls, they really are pretty. The pictures are beautiful! I have to ask is that the Swarovski Cinderella choker?
The flowers are beautiful, and you look gorgeous! Love all of the pictures!
Loving the flower balls! More please!

How frustrating with your hair, but at least you spoke up. I had to have my person redo part of mine too because I wasn't happy the first time around. Love the bead handles for the flower balls, they really are pretty. The pictures are beautiful! I have to ask is that the Swarovski Cinderella choker?

The bead handles were really nice... except for one thing. The beads were held together by small metal hook things (grommets?) Laura originally said that the metal things wouldn't be able to hold the weight of the flower balls (they were HEAVY) so she would have a sheer black ribbon to help. She did have the ribbon, but the metal rings started to come apart and almost everyone got a few scratches. I think that was one of the things that they fixed right before the ceremony. Caryn is using her black handle to make a necklace and bracelet!

The flowers are beautiful, and you look gorgeous! Love all of the pictures!
Thanks! I can't wait for Randy's pictures

I normally don't love the flower balls, but yours look great!
Thanks! I thought they were so different and just really fit in my wedding so well.

Those pictures are gorgeous!! I can't wait to read more!
More coming up!


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