Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks: final update 12/29, p.98

Thank you. It's so very painful. I'm also flying out to CA this weekend for my cousin's funeral. I'm chalking up Feb 2013 to total crap.

I'm very grateful for the time we've had with Riley. He's been a total joy. I'm going to miss him so much. Joshua and I slept with him all curled up last night. The ground is frozen solid so we're going to cremate, not ideal, and then bury his ashes. There's no way DH could dig a hole.​

Sorry for your sadness. Some things in life are not easy...
just remember the joy Riley brought to you and your family.
Sorry about your cousin's funeral also.

Take care.
Just wanted to check emotions are all over the we're putting down our sweet Riley :sad1: He's been such a wonderful part of the family. It feels like my heart is on the outside of my body. My eyes are so red from crying. Just sitting here with him in my lap until its time to go, giving him lots of last puppy kisses.​

I am so very sorry! It is so very hard to lose an animal. :hug: Something about their innocence makes it so very hard to say goodbye.

I'm also planning the Disney Cruise for Joshua's bar mitzvah gift, just he and I. Got the okay from DH last night. Girls aren't thrilled but they understand. It'll be next January. I want to pet my puppy, read trip reports, and cry.

Bittersweet day for sure. :goodvibes

Well, that is one awesome gift, so happy planning!
Sorry for your sadness. Some things in life are not easy...
just remember the joy Riley brought to you and your family.
Sorry about your cousin's funeral also.

Take care.

:goodvibes Thank you. We're remembering Riley will hearts full of love. I miss him terribly but the warm memories help a little. Joshua asked why do we get pets if they are just going to die in 10-15 years. I replied, because we love, that's what we do. The joy far outweighs the pain. He's really trying to make ese of this in his 11 y/o brain.​

I am so very sorry! It is so very hard to lose an animal. :hug: Something about their innocence makes it so very hard to say goodbye.

Well, that is one awesome gift, so happy planning!

I agree. They want nothing but love and food and some play time. They are truly a gift.​
I just wanted to stop in and say I am so sorry for your loss. :hug:

P.S. I am behind on reading trip reports but I did note that you are planning a cruise with you DS! How totally awesome for the both of you!! What a very special trip that will be! :goodvibes
I just wanted to stop in and say I am so sorry for your loss. :hug:

P.S. I am behind on reading trip reports but I did note that you are planning a cruise with you DS! How totally awesome for the both of you!! What a very special trip that will be! :goodvibes

:hug: Thank you. The healing words mean a lot.

Were super excited even though its over 11 months away. But we love to plan. There's so much to learn.​
Awesome! :banana: Where are you staying? You have a spreadsheet specifically for Disneyland? :thumbsup2 Are flights expensive?

What part of Arizona? August is piping hot. I'd love to go to Hawaii too, have you been? I haven't. DH lived there for 6 months and loved it.

She is an amazing trip planner, I agree. One of my best friends went to Australia for a few weeks two NYE ago. Said it was one of the coolest places she's ever been. I'll ask where specifically she enjoyed. I know they went to Sydney and the rain forest.

Wow, Switzerland! When did you go? Was it to ski? I bet its equally as gorgeous in the summer. I check airfare too for numerous places, ya know....just in case. ;)

Its at a total stand still. :headache: We were set on Budva, Montenegro however we can't seem to agree on when. I want summer, less stress for us to leave the kids. He wants Sept as it's less expensive. Summer is pretty outrageous. I also said I'd be great with just about anywhere but he's being the picky one. With DS's bar mitzvah in October (which I planned for) and trip in December/January (which I didn't even think about), money may also be an issue. Lack of money stops me from doing all of the cool things I plan. :laughing: Of course I'm still getting my daily Kayak alerts.​

Disneyland -- For right now, I have reservations for Hojo's. The kids love the warer park there. However, it isn't set in stone....

My spreadsheet is for our whole Calif trip not just DL. It really helps us to plan out our days.

Flights are not expensive. Usually around $200 per person. Sometimes half of that!:goodvibes We like the Long Beach airport the best but Orange County is good too!

AZ -- "Piping hot" is an excellent description of AZ in August! I LOVE piping hot!!! Last August, I stayed at The Boulders in Carefree and it was wonderful!! I think my kids would get a real kick out of the desert landscape and wildlife! However, not sure if we will go or not....

Yes, I have been to Hawaii and that is probably my favorite place on earth!

Switzerland -- We didn't ski when we were in Switzerland. However, we saw a ton of kids going skiing/snowboarding and the trains even had little corrals inside to hold ski equipment. So, so cool!
Awww, thanks!

I really hope DH can pull that one off with bonus $$ as all our "normal" trip budget for then will be eaten up by the E's school band trip to Ireland, assuming they are both still in band (it does seem unlikely they will drop out at this point).

I suppose the good news is that it does give my points a year to recover :rotfl:

It's true, you have an amazing gift for trip planning! ;)

How cool they could go to Ireland!
I am so sorry. I totally thought I replied. :blush:

Disneyland -- For right now, I have reservations for Hojo's. The kids love the warer park there. However, it isn't set in stone....

Is that the pirate area? I've read it's really cool. We stayed at HoJo's years ago and really enjoyed it. We had pizza delivered on our arrival night and watch the fireworks from the pool area. the view was a little obstructed but not terrible. Good enough to get that Disney feeling. :thumbsup2

My spreadsheet is for our whole Calif trip not just DL. It really helps us to plan out our days.

Very smart. I need to make a spreadsheet for our cruise but i'm really bad at anything Excel. :laughing:

Flights are not expensive. Usually around $200 per person. Sometimes half of that!:goodvibes We like the Long Beach airport the best but Orange County is good too!

Long Beach is my favorite too. Have you been since they refurbed it? I flew out this weekend for a funeral and was shocked when I got off the plane and walked into the terminal. It's lovely. They have a wine bar even and an outdoor area to relax.​

AZ -- "Piping hot" is an excellent description of AZ in August! I LOVE piping hot!!! Last August, I stayed at The Boulders in Carefree and it was wonderful!! I think my kids would get a real kick out of the desert landscape and wildlife! However, not sure if we will go or not....

I like piping hot too. Much more than freezing cold which we're living right now. :scared: I hope you go. We're supposed to go to Arizona this Spring break but i;m secretly hoping for a trip to California, not Disney focussed.​

Yes, I have been to Hawaii and that is probably my favorite place on earth!

That's what DH says too. One day I'll get there. :cloud9: What islands did you visit?​

Switzerland -- We didn't ski when we were in Switzerland. However, we saw a ton of kids going skiing/snowboarding and the trains even had little corrals inside to hold ski equipment. So, so cool!

Is it beautiful? DH had a layover there once. :rotfl: He gets mad when I say he's visited there. He says: I've been to the airport.​
We slept great after our Hungry Adventures in Epcot the night before. Today would be our last day and night in our wonderful THV. I wasnt ready to say goodbye but we were looking forward to our move to AKV tomorrow.

Our plans for the day included some much needed SSR pool time, possibly meeting Cynthia and her friends at the DIS meet, grilled Tri Tip dinner for the 11 of us at the THV, and then MNSSHP. We had a fabulous day planned.

We let the girls sleep in and took Joshua over to the High Rock Springs Pool. We didnt bring the big camera so Ive only got iPhone photos. As much as I wish I had more pics, it sure was nice not to stress about lugging that thing around and keeping it dry.

First stop after grabbing some chairs right by the pool: the bar. Admittedly I much prefer a few cocktails during the day vs during the night. Add water and sun and its an ideal day for me.


Bloody Mary time:



Joshua got a Virgin Pina Colada or Vir Colada as we called it in our bartending days. No photos.

The girls called and said they were on their way. Thank goodness because I was that woman saving lounge chairs. :blush: It wasn't crowded so my guilt level wasn't overflowing.

I strolled around and snapped a few photos:





Jenna et al were also coming over to chill at the pool with us. The plan was some early pool time, break to all go change into costumes, and then back to our THV for dinner. After my first Bloody Mary, I knew I wouldnt be making the DIS meet. We were on day 6 of the trip and it was really nice to just chill and not have to be anywhere.

The girls finally arrived, grabbed their Vir Coladas, and proceeded to do a little sun bathing:


Chloe isnt much of a sun lover and much prefers to be in the pool:





The High Rock Springs Pool is quite nice. We ate lunch at Artists Palette. Its a CS but doesnt really have a to go window. I think the HRS pool needs to add food to their bar menu. The bar only served chips. We would have bought more munchies had we not had to get dressed etc to go inside and order food. What we did order was delicious. We ordered:

Caprese Flatbread - Olive Oil, Roasted Garlic, Plum Tomatoes, Buffalo Mozzarella, Fresh Basil, and Reduced Balsamic Vinegar $10.69

Chicken and Spinach Flatbread - chicken, artichoke, baby spinach, Alfredo sauce, and cheese $10.69

And a chicken Casaer Salad which I dont see on the menu.

A little pool time fun:





And of course, it wouldnt be a day at the pool if Joshua didn't get totally into the pool party. Jenna's Chris really liked it too.




I know Michael took photos on his iPhone too but unfortunately, hes at work right now so Ill have to add those later.

After the pool, Jenna et al went back to their room to get ready.

Im going to lose my feeder card over this......we didnt end up making the Tri-Tip. :faint: We spent a lot of time at the pool just relaxing and enjoying each others company and didnt leave enough time to grill by the time we got back.

We ended up grilling the rest of the hot dogs and brats and still having a great dinner. I refroze the Tris and when we left put a note on them explaining that I had defrosted them and refroze but they were there to be taken or thrown away. I have no issue refreezing but I also eat pizza etc thats been left out overnight wothout issue. ;)

Up next: MNSSHP!
Looks like you had a great day at the pool. What a gorgeous day! I'm sorry I didn't get my nephews over to that pool last summer. It always looked so crowded so we used the Grandstand pool instead.

That's so great that you actually cooked out. When we were there in June I remember thinking how fun it would be to cook out, but its so stinking hot that the idea was quickly dismissed. October must have been wonderful!
Looks like you had a great day at the pool. What a gorgeous day! I'm sorry I didn't get my nephews over to that pool last summer. It always looked so crowded so we used the Grandstand pool instead.

That's so great that you actually cooked out. When we were there in June I remember thinking how fun it would be to cook out, but its so stinking hot that the idea was quickly dismissed. October must have been wonderful!

It really was a nice pool. :thumbsup2 The kids seemed to really enjoy it. Had we not had MNSSHP plans, we would have stayed longer. Next time we'll plan a full pool day at SSR with dinner at the Turf Club. I haven;t been to the grandstand pool, is it nice too?

It was a beautiful day too. We've only had one rainy trip to WDW and that was out first one 9/07. Even then it didn't rain all day. It'd go from sunny to stormy and back in a flash. it was very muggy though. I'm not sure I'd choose Sept. again if there were other options. May was pretty warm too so out of the 3x we've been October was my favorite so far. Great weather and F&W. :cloud9:

We used the THV grill twice. I don't know how to vacation anymore without a full kitchen. :blush: Even if we don't cook, I love the space. Did you stay in the THV? How did you like them?​
:rotfl2: You and UncleR can bond over the freezing/refreezing and eating stuff that's laid out thing.

I get scared after 15 minutes. She says I'm a bit freaky that way, and she says she's survived this long. :lmao:

So, do you refrigerate chocolate syrup? Just wondering... :lmao:
:rotfl2: You and UncleR can bond over the freezing/refreezing and eating stuff that's laid out thing.

I get scared after 15 minutes. She says I'm a bit freaky that way, and she says she's survived this long. :lmao:

So, do you refrigerate chocolate syrup? Just wondering... :lmao:

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: I'm with Uncle R. I do not refrigerate chocolate syrup.

Girl, I thaw and refreeze all the time. :ssst:

I hope someone took the tri tips. They were beautiful and would have been shameful to throw out. Michael thought I was insane for leaving a note but I know there are some freaky peeps when it comes to thawing and refreezing. :rolleyes1
:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: I'm with Uncle R. I do not refrigerate chocolate syrup.

Girl, I thaw and refreeze all the time. :ssst:

I hope someone took the tri tips. They were beautiful and would have been shameful to throw out. Michael thought I was insane for leaving a note but I know there are some freaky peeps when it comes to thawing and refreezing. :rolleyes1

UncleR and I had this whole disagreement over chocolate syrup after we moved in together. :rotfl2: I basically told her that she was going to die after eating non-refrigerated chocolate syrup, she told me she'd lived her entire life using it, and she'd never refrigerated it at all.

I blame my mother for my freaky foodie obsessions. :rotfl2: Plus, the warnings on the bottle make it sound scary.

We once left a whole package of hot dogs, water, and diet coke. I hope someone took it.
Yay an update! Those pics are great even though they are from your phone, they allowed me to pretend for a moment that I'm not in the windy, frozen, cold, snowy, sunless north:( I noticed on your PTR that your home sick today, I hope you are feeling better soon.
UncleR and I had this whole disagreement over chocolate syrup after we moved in together. :rotfl2: I basically told her that she was going to die after eating non-refrigerated chocolate syrup, she told me she'd lived her entire life using it, and she'd never refrigerated it at all.

I blame my mother for my freaky foodie obsessions. :rotfl2: Plus, the warnings on the bottle make it sound scary.

We once left a whole package of hot dogs, water, and diet coke. I hope someone took it.

Hope you left the hot dogs in the fridge. ;) My mutha is the same. She won't even eat leftovers. :snooty: I live on leftovers especially when Michael is working. :thumbsup2 If it weren't for leftovers, the kids and I would surely parish. I'm embarrassed to say how much we left. :blush:

Yay an update! Those pics are great even though they are from your phone, they allowed me to pretend for a moment that I'm not in the windy, frozen, cold, snowy, sunless north:( I noticed on your PTR that your home sick today, I hope you are feeling better soon.

:goodvibes Thank you. I feel okay as long as I'm laying/sitting down. The minute I get up, I feel loopy. :sick: I should be packing as we're going to Southern Utah for a soccer tournament tomorrow. Its about a 5 hour drive. DH is at the FD then going to Santa Barbara for an Abercrombie shoot. This is not the best weekend to be a solo parent. :sad1:

I feel ya on the cold and snowy and sunless and frozen. This is the longest winter ever.​
Looks like a lovely relaxing day by the pool. I don't blame you for not cooking the Tri-Tip. I would have preferred to stay by the pool too.

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