LI Debbie-You just paid DS's last tuition payment-what are you going to do?

LI Debbie

DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
I'm going to DISNEY WORLD!!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

My first trip as a Disney Store Castmember.

DH and I are leaving our twin 16 YO DS home with DS College graduate. I know, we are courting disaster! (LI Debbie thinking "Risky Business :eek: ) No, it really won't be that bad. The Grannies will be coming over on a daily basis to check up on and overfeed them.

We're going to split our week between PO Riverside and Coronado Springs-May 28-June 4. Anybody from this board gonna be in the World during that time? Has anyone stayed at either of these resorts?

Hope to earn a lot of webbies to help pay for the trip. WOO HOO!!
Li Debbie,
Have a great time!

DH and I are hoping for a quick four day trip also "kid-less", but we are going in early May.(Also my first as a CM!)
Have a wonderful trip!:bounce:
Hi Deb:

That's great. I know what a hard worker you are. My mother and I are going April 26 to May 10th. We can't wait. Especially since my Disney trip was cancelled in September. Have a great time. I am sorry we will be missing you there.
Congratulations!!! Since you paid off the tuition, who's paying for the trip??:D Dw and i are doing a solo next week, my parents are kicking us out of our house. Apperently we need a vacation from the kids, and them from us, more than we realize!

I am afraid that I can't relate to paying off a tuition as my kids are 10, 7 and 4...someday.
disneyokw-sorry we'll miss you. Have a ball. Say hi to your mom for me. We'll have to do another DIS ladies night out again soon.

Dave- I've heard that you and Jackie are doing a solo trip-didn't realize it soon soon. You'll have to write another trip report-we'll want to know all about it.

Who's paying for the trip? Well, since I'm a firm believer of eating dessert first, I'll spend all of my rewards money savings and worry about the rest of the bill tomorrow.

And as far as those college tuitions go-I have just one word for you-SUNY!!!
LOL Debbie!! Great title for your post! :)

I will be at Disney from April 22nd to the first of June...well not actually at Disney World, I will be at my Parents house in Clermont, but still only 20 minutes away!! :) Hope to see you there!! :)

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