Level of Crowds during early June...


DIS Veteran
May 3, 2001
For those of you who have visited right after school lets out - like the first week of June - what should we expect in crowds at parks and resort pools? We're thinking BC/YC area.
I'm considering this week too. I've read that historically, that's not near as crowded as the rest of summer and the holidays. However, in a recent post someone suggested that "gay days" has made that a more crowded week.
In 2002 we were there 6-15 thru 6-22. We have gone in late Oct. or early Nov. in the past and were a bit worried about the summer crowds. We were pleasantly surprised. The crowds were not bad at all. One of the good things about going in summer is that the parks are open later at night. We usually slept later in the morning and hit the parks in the afternoon/evening hours. We did take advantage of Speed Pass on the most popular rides, but the lines weren't bad at all. We stayed at AKL and the pool was never crowded. We did have A LOT OF RAIN but it everyone said it was unusual for that time of year. We would definately go again in June!
We were there this past May, the week before Memorial day and the crowds were very light. As the week ended the parks did start picking up. I don't know if you have kids and if they would be out of school by the week before Memorial Day, but the week before is great. Enjoy!!:)
Actually I think the "gay days" almost help the crowd control to a point. Alot of "families" will not attend during this time, (?) so the crowds are more managable. Also the large south american teenage tourist groups have not yet arrived, in early june.

We have been down before during early june, and if you research and know the party schedule of the gay day groups you can just alter parks, They plan a day at the magic kingdom so do epcot that day instead. There schedules are on there web sites. www.gaydays.com During the day at the magic kingdom I really did not have a problem being there with the large group, this was before "the internet, for us" so we did not know about this, gathering. BUT, Just as with any overly large group touring 1 park at the same time be it teenage cheerleaders, foreign tourist teens, or nite of joy people, etc... large groups give a different feel to being in the parks, you get the "take over thing" talking to each other through shows, taking over the entire food court areas, etc... they are just big groups, all togther. So I would recommend touring different schedules then what they have planned if at all possible.

Weather in june is really nice! Have a great time! :D MKY
My family and I were at the World for the first two weeks of this past June and we found it to be a pretty good time to be there. As a matter of fact, we have two trips scheduled around that time this year - the last week in May and the third week in June. We were actually planning a two week trip but a co-worker needed that week, so I moved my second week till later.

I think you will find the weather warm (80's to 90's) but it will not have reached the much more uncomfortable 90~100° temps of july and august. Like many before have said, hit the parks in the morning, take a break mid-afternoon at the resort, resort pool, or water park, and come back to the park in the evening cool and refreshed.

There are some definite advantages to this plan. We found that by afternoon the parks were their most crowded, and alot of the "park commandos" were getting somewhat cranky, along with their tired and hot children. At this same time many of the persons who crowded into the water parks when they first opened in the morning were leaving. You may draw you own conclusion on what to do with the information above ;) .

We used this several times on our trip. Grab a FP for Pooh with a four hour return - no problem ! A four hour return in this case, allowing for transportation time, means two hours swimming at Blizzard Beach !

Let's see - what else ? Take advantage of FastPasses (of course). Use a combination of inside and outside rides to give you cool periods during the day. For hot days, bring misters with you, and put ice in them before you leave the room. If eating in the MK, remember the second floor of Columbia Harbor House - most don't ! Same for the bathrooms there - you will often see lines for the first floor bathrooms there and empty stalls at the second floor ones. Plus, it's really neat to eat in the area that extends over the walkway between FantasyLand and AdventureLand - a great place to people watch in the cool :teeth: .

Most of all - Have Fun ! You can't see everything, and you can always come back.
Early June is a great time to visit. This year will be our 3rd trip in early June.

Our first visit in June which was in 2000, we were so surprised at how low the crowds were. We had gone in September for several years and were prepared for packed parks.
It is great! I love June! :) long park hours and crowds aren't bad at all
The 1st week of June has worked well for us on several visits. We visited WDW this past May/June (2002) and it was more crowded than we had seen in the past. I'm guessing that last year was an anomaly due to the effects on the travel industry resulting from the the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01. Many vacations were postponed for several months following 9/11/01. Also, WDW offered some great room rates in May and June last year.

Gay Days typically chooses the 1st Saturday in June as the day to visit the MK and plans other events around that date. This year, the 1st Saturday is June 7 and you can check the schedule noted by mkymouse4ever. My experience has been that crowds grow at WDW the 2nd week of June due to more schools being out and while the Gay Day activities increases the visitors to WDW during the 1st week, the 2nd and 3rd weeks are more crowded.

We didn't notice large groups of people touring together with the "mob mentality" due to Gay Day events. I have seen this with cheerleading groups and foreign groups. Most of the people who appeared to be visiting WDW in conjuction with Gay Days seemed to be touring in their own small groups of 2 to 6 people.
My family and I think the first week of June is a great time to go (been to WDW 3 times during this period). True, Gay Day at the MK is one of the most crowded of all days, but the other parks are very managable crowd wise. Many schools are not out yet, but summer hours are just begining. Days are hot, but not unbearable like in August. I say go for it and enjoy!


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