Lesli's Changing Life at 40 Journal

Lesli, you are doing so GREAT! I think it comes to a realization that our weight really affects our life & looking it it as more than just food is so hard. There are so many issues! We have to somehow learn to eat to live, not live to eat!

Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Way to go on the weight loss, Lesli!!!:cheer2: You are doing a great job!:cheer2:

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:hug:
Thanks ladies for stopping by. Julie, you are so right, it is really hard to look at how much being overweight affects our daily living. Much easier at times to let it go and numb it with more food.......But Not Anymore! Easy is never the best way. It will be easier for me to enjoy life, easier to feel good, and easier to love the person in the mirror if I just take the time to take off the weight.

Today, I am down another 1.4 lbs! Amazing! That puts me under the 220 mark. AND I AM NEVER GOING BACK!!!:banana:

I was thinking earlier that the only thing I have been really doing different this week is eating smaller portions, no snacking uncontrollably, and no eating late. There really is much to be said about portion control. So, knowing this won't keep me losing at this pace, I know that the next mountain to climb is exercise.:rotfl2:

Food yesterday was good. My day was thrown off a bit so lunch was very late. Knowing that I would be eating supper soon, I just opted for 1/2 pb sandwich on 7 grain bread and the 3 cookies planned for snack. Enough to keep me satisfied until supper without overdoing. Supper was 3 small red potatoes in garlic butter and a hamburger (no bun). Oh, yeah, forgot that I tasted a thin lemon cookie. Water was easliy 60oz.

This morning, the kids had an hour late start to the day, which was good considering that I was up late talking to friends. Not much sleep, but it's good and I will definitely turn in early tonight. Went to the church this morning to help set up for the youth mission trip chicken & biscuit dinner that they are doing to raised funds. Came home and DH was cleaning house!:cool1: Then he went to get the majority of all the groceries I need for tonight's party. So good to have help.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 1 c milk, 1 slice 7 grain toast w/butter, 1/2 c hot tea (very late)
AM snack - missed
Lunch - HC fresh mixers pasta & pepsi (need some caffeine today;))
PM snack - will skip since the rest of the evening's line up is off
Supper - chicken & biscuits, green beans, and maybe small dessert (but only if it is worth it) - this will be early so that I can get back home
Party food - sticking with veggies & fruits, cheese, crackers, etc. Everything I am serving will be light. I will not really have time to overdo on this since I am the hostess.

Goals today:
1. water 60 oz
2. Get to bed early

Everyone have a great day!
I agree, Lesli. Portion control is very important! :thumbsup2 I didn't realize how out of whack my portions were until I started doing WW.

Congrats on the weight loss!!!:cheer2:

Have a great day!:hug:
You're doing GREAT, Lesli! Portion control is a HUGE factor & NOT easy to get a handle on.

Hope you don't get any more snow for awhile.....or maybe til next winter!!

Have a great day!
Down another 1.4 lbs!:banana: That puts me in at 217.4. I was so excited when I realized that I need to now lose less than 70 lbs in order to make my goal. A far cry from the almost 80 that I needed to lose a few months ago.

Portions are still good and water is ok. Not where it should be, but at least it is there.

Mindless snacking is really not a part of my life right now. In fact, yesterday we had some chips in the house and I had some, only to take them right back to the pantry becuase they just didn't taste too good. Also had ONE onion ring last night and had no desire to eat another since the first was so greasy. Lost it's appeal.:cool1: I'll take what I can get.

Sleep hasn't been so good. I have been up too late most of this past week. Hopefully, I can get that under control a bit this week.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 3 chocolate donuts, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - missed
Lunch - missed (didn't realize this as I left for a meeting)
PM snack - sm piece of cake and punch (at meeting)
2nd PM snack - a few pieces of sausage and cheese, 2 cookies (guess it was like lunch)
Supper - 2 slices pizza

I notice that I am not really eating properly, but at the moment, when things are busy, I am thankful for the fact that I am not overeating and really don't have the desire. Food has taken a bit of a back seat and for the moment, I will relish in that.
Down another .6 lbs.! Feeling so good about that.

Just did a whirlwind trip to help a friend move back from TX to IL. A lot of laughs and a lot of fun. We did realize though that people just can't drive anymore. Whatever happened to using turn signals?

Food was good while gone
Busy day to day. Catch up more later.
Congrats on the weight loss!:cheer2:

I hope you had some nice weather while you were in TX! :sunny:

Have a great weekend!:hug:
congrats on the loss! You are doing GREAT!!!

Glad you had a good Texas trip!

Have a great weekend!
Thanks ladies for keeping me on the board.

I am taking the plunge again.......I might consider starting a new thread. At any rate, I have gone up a little again and although I am still under my heaviest, I am seeing that I really need to focus and get ahold of this weight issue NOW.

Last Friday, I was 220 lbs and today, I am down to 218.2. Something struck me the other day that I am just spinning in circles and really letting myself down by not continuing toward my goal. Also, I am seeing DD12 pick up some of the emotional eating that I am doing and that just really isn't good. How can I help her be at a healthy weight for her age and have her staying active if I am not the same way?

Also, I keep remembering when I had the energy to get all the things done that I wanted to get done around the house. It was easier to think clearly and feel more upbeat when I didn't have to worry so much everyday about having time to take the weight off.

It's funny that at the age of 43 you can start to remind yourself of the person that you forgot you were. I have spent 23 years taking care of someone else and pretty much allowed myself to not matter so much. I was no longer doing the things that I truly enjoyed since there wasn't time and kind of "forgot" what made me happiest, aside from the family. So here I am now being reminded of those things as I reconnect with really good friends whom I lost touch, watch some life long friends drift off into a different path, and meet new people with whom I now have more in common. It probably also helps that I have half the kids out of the house and before I realize, the other half will be gone as well.

So now as I truly begin to shape the last part of my life, it is time to get in order those things that are not working and attain those goals that I had long ago set (aka The Bucket List;)). I am being reminded everyday that I am a person, not just a mom and a wife. I know what makes me tick, I know what makes me me, so now it is time to physically see again the person that I see in my mind. Time to lose the weight, get in shape and be healthy. Time to learn those languages I wanted to learn, find a way to travel more, and build healthy friendships to carry me forth. The way I see it, I can continue on and just be miserable and depressed that somethings are not changing OR I can take charge and make the changes necessary to achieve the life I want.

It's definitely...take charge.

So weight loss is on the priority list. It's kind of like taking your paycheck to pay yourself first so that you have a future. Well, losing weight and becoming healthier is taking care of you so that you have a future.

Until tomorrow.
What an amazing post, Lesli!!!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 I can so relate to what you are saying!:hug:

I hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
Oh, Lesli, I could have written your last post, but i'm almost 50, not 43. It is so true!

You're going to do this. I know you are. We are all in this together! Hang in there!
Checking in quickly. I am down 3 lbs since last weeks post!:banana:

It's been really hectic with trying to wrap up the family book project that I have been working on. My deadline is in a few days......YEAH!........:scared1:......Hope I can make it. At any rate, I am thrilled to have lost anything since sleep has often been at 4am, up early, not eating at consistent times, and definitely no time to concentrate on exercise. But I have been trying very hard to watch what I am eating and drinking plenty of water. I am so excited about the fact that I am probably up to about 70 oz of water a day again.

I had to take a long hard look at life around me and what wasn't working. So now I am trying to fix those things slowly. Some of them include reducing time on the computer doing "useless" things. Not that I am a big gamer or social networking person, but we all can easily be distracted by things on the computer that are not productive. Let's face it, many of us rely on the computer for so much, for work, volunteer projects, communicating, etc. So I'm on the mission to make all computer time productive....just gives you a better mind set.

Also I took a long look at DD12, who is picking up really bad food habits. I just bought her some clothing and was shocked at how much didn't fit when trying on. I know that she has gained weight, but didn't realize how much. When I had her step on the scale, she told me it was the same as before, which I knew couldn't be since the clothing tells a different story. So I looked at the numbers and saw that she is already trying to hide what she is gaining. :sad2::sad2::sad2: My heart sank, as I realized that I have not set a good example for her. I have never really hid how much I have gained or lost, but I realized that at her age, she was embarassed and doesn't have the tools to understand what is going on. Yes, I need to and want to change this around. So it begins with me. She is my only child that struggles with weight, part due to her build, but a lot due to environment.

I don't think that I will get much help from DH as he keeps talking about losing weight then making excuses. He walks the treadmill, but thinks that should be enough. It is a bit depressing that he is not full in with me, but I guess I just have to do this myself. Hey, at least I will be the one looking hot in pictures by year end.;)

So yesterday, DD12 and I started working on our plan to get to a healthy weight together and have a healthy lifestyle. DS7 is in too, but I really don't have to worry about him. I think his metabolism is at warp speed and he loves healthy food. However, it is good for all three of us to work on this together. DD12 was excited that she has lost almost 1.5 lbs since a few days ago when we started to really look at the hard numbers. You can't change what you don't acknowledge.

All junk in the house is gone. I noticed that DD12 was sneaking alot of different things....ice cream and putting back that empty box so it looked like it was still there, chips, cookies......and last but not least Nutella (that is a crime to throw out, since I can easily do it in moderation). So out went everything. We now have very little in the pantry, but that is ok. I brought in more fresh foods and so far, they are doing fine with it. A little grumbling from DD12, but guess what? If you are hungry, you will eventually eat what is there.

I am going to also teach them the difference between a snack and a treat. We can thank the school system and organizations for making those words interchangeable. They truly are not. The other night, it was hot and with ball practices and this project I am working on, I took everyone out to dinner at the local hamburger place. Of course, the kids wanted ice cream, pop, etc. I told them, that if they take water to drink, then I could get them ice cream after their meal. Kind of a last day of school fun thing and it also made them think wisely about what they were going to eat. They did well with choosing (DD12 and I even split fries)....of course water won over the pop.:thumbsup2

Yesterday, we had a little PH pizza left and since they cut the slices so large now, I said one slice each. They of course were eyeing the last few slices. Then they came up with a plan....they would split the last slice of cheese and have watermelon. Ok, I can compromise on that. Last night's little treat was the old fashion strawberries or bananas with a little cream. They looked at it kind of funny, but loved it! Score another for mom! It's all about moderation and quality food.

I am feeling really good about getting to a healthy weight this time. Well, off to work on my project some more. Everyone have a great day and drink plenty of water!
Congrats on losing 3 pounds, Lesli!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Sending some :wizard::wizard: to help you with your book project.

My girls and I have been working on healthy food choices and exercising daily too.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:hug:
I am so glad you ladies are stopping by. It is encouraging to know that others know exactly how I am feeling.

Yesterday was a good day, but unfortunately, I didn't get as far on the book project as I had hoped. Oh well, it will be done as I doing all that I can to keep pushing through. Each day becomes a little more sleep deprived, but I figure that next week, I can rest a bit more. That and vacation is coming up, which will be much deserved since we couldn't get away last year.

Food yesterday was pretty good. Breakfast was a fried egg, toast and hot tea. Then I had a string cheese. Lunch was a small portion of taco salad. 2 crackers in the afternoon. A turkey and provolone sandwich on 7 grain bread was for supper. Much too late, I decided to have a small bag of chips and some pop....needed false energy. The day was ok in terms of calories, but the timing of the junk food was not good. Oh well, I still think it was a good food day. Also had 60+ oz of water.

Not much else to report. The kids are getting excited about making homemade smoothies today. Great way to get the necessary nutrition without the extra sugar and portion controlled. To them, it is like a treat. Funny how a healthy snack can feel that way.

Well, I am off to conquer the project. If I don't return tomorrow, you'll know that sleep got the best of me. However, if that happens, call in the troops and start taking about WDW....I'll be awake then.;)
Sending some :wizard::wizard: for the book project. I hope it's going well for you! :goodvibes

I hope you have a safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend!:hug:
Book project is done. Whew! It was tough to finish because there was so much more research that I wanted to get done, but reality is, I just didn't have the time. Oh well.

Weight is about the same as when I left. I have spent very little time on the weight loss project due to other things around here, but at least I am not flying back up the scale. Right now, I am battling trying to get on a good pace with everything in life. Almost overwhelming, so I need to break things down. The weight is important, of course, but then I also have so many projects around the house to finish, I also want to redo my office to make it more efficient and productive, plus so many other things here and there. Oh where to begin?

I am thinking the best thing to do is create some type of daily schedule that allows me to work on these different things. Of course, it doesn't help that I feel tired alot lately, but I think that is a combination of poor food choices and not breaking down my projects. I am getting plenty of sleep, so I know that isn't the problem.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/red peppers & cheese, banana, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - piece of Bavarian Cream breakfast bread (DD12 wanted to make for breakfast, but ended up being later)
Lunch - salad w/ turkey, craisins, almonds, little cheese
PM snack - yogurt
Supper - ????

Goals today:
1. 80 oz water
2. 15 min treadmill
3. create a daily routine

Well, I am off, trying to get that motivation to just keep pushing through. Hope everyone has a great day!
Congrats on getting the book done!:cheer2: As a reward, I think you should give yourself some time off to relax. :goodvibes

I know what you mean about the pace of life, Lesli. :hug: I'm trying to find that balance too. There are so many things to get done each day!:eek:

I hope you have a nice evening!:hug:


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