length of stay pass for us/ioa


a Dis board vulture
Feb 10, 2001
I have a conference in orlando in Aug. I booked at the PH. He found a rate for room and a pass good for the 7 days i will be there. The only thing that worries me is that he was not sure of the deal and had never heard of it. He did spell it out on the notes of the ressie. Has anyone had this "length of stay" pass at US and Ioa when staying onsite. I would rather not have a surprise when I get there. Thanks ahead of time for the replies.
We used the length of stay pass before we lived here and bought annual passes. It works great...just like at disney!

Have a great time!
We were going to do the length of stay too....until they came out with the Bonus Pass. It is good for 7 consecutive days and only 85.95. We also got the room 1/2 price using an entertainment card. You might want to check into these options as you could save some money.:)


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