least busy days at parks?


Earning My Ears
Jan 14, 2001
According to ticketmania's website, the busiest days in WDW are Mon,Tues,WEd. Is this true? Would it be best to go Fri, Sat and Sun? We arrive in Orlando Thursday evening, so of course, everyone would LOVE to hit the parks the very next day!

Which park should we do on each day? It's been 12 years since DH and I have been (except a day at Epcot last FEbruary). Where should we start in the MK? How would YOU plan your day (especially at MK) with the park hours in Feb (close anywhere between 6 and 8 pm)? We have 5 sons, ages: 9weeks, 5 , 6 1/2 , 9 1/2 and 11... Any advice and/or links to info would be great, since we leave in 11 days! :)
Hi there!

Of course, everyone is going to have a differing opinion on this subject, but I'll share my experiences....

First - the folks at Ticketmania are smokin' crack. The weekends are always the busiest, because that is when the locals can also go.

No matter what day you decide to do what, the best piece of advice I can give is to get to the parks when they open. Make a plan (if you are staying on premisis, your resort will have park maps), and head straight to a specific area or ride. Even better, fast past a ride you really want to ride (like the Pooh Ride in MK), and then hit a couple rides before doing the fast pass.

Then you have to factor in the parades - MK will probably only have their parade Fri and Sat night - and Sat night will more than likely be the busiest MK is during your trip. But - it's a must see parade!

In my experience, for whatever reason, AK seems to be busiest on Sundays. I don't know why this is, but I have been on other days and it is always packed by 10:00. So - if you go on Sunday - get there when it opens.

Your kids will have the most to ride in MK - you'll probably spend most of your time there. Scout out the location of all the Baby Stations - they are EXCELLENT when you are travelling with a very small one.

Also - make use of the Baby Swap. The CM's are very accomodating and a couple of the newer rides have nice sit-down areas for the person that is waiting with the baby. Kali River Rapids is the one that comes to mind. Also - there are rides that are great for taking a break - they entertain the kiddies and allow the adults to chill - Small World, TTC and Country Jamboree are three in MK.

I hope this helps! I'll be heading there myself in 12 days! Wah HOO! So - I hope you have a fabulous time and remember - you are on vacation! Have fun!!!


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