Leanne and Tim's pre-wedding report 06/07/08: 07/17/08 back rested and ready to begin


DIS Veteran
Jan 24, 2007
So I've finally decided to start a wedding report. I hopeing it will help with all the stress that's starting to build.
First let me introduce myself.
I am Leanne, 21 and am from Rustburg, VA. I am an EMT at the local hospital. My fiance is Tim, 25 also from rustburg and is an insurance rep for nationwide.
How we met...
He has been in fire and ems volunteer for 8 years. I have been in voluteer ems for 3 years. We met through me joining the local volunteer rescue squad. When I first joined the squad, I had just gotten out of a really bad relationship. Tim asked me on a date about 2 weeks after I joined, but I turned him down. He asked me again a couple days later, and I said no, but called him a little later that night, and asked if I could change my answer. The next day (when we were supposed to go on our date) I called him and cancelled telling him it just didn't seem right at this time. i don't want a relationship. A couple weeks later his sister in law invited me to go to the lake with her, tim's brother and tim. I accepted. While there we went to get lunch and that when I decided to give him a chance. While in line to get food at a store thats actually built over the water, I turned to him and asked if I could cash in my rain check for the other night. He gladly accepted, and we've been together ever since. We have definetly had our hard times. After we started dating I soon found out, one of his close friends also wanted to date me, and this caused a lot of tension b/t the two of them, and he began to do anything trying to get us to end our realtionship. It came close once or twice in the beginning, but they soon figured out they were fighting a lossing battle.
The proposal...
In fal of 06 I began asking my parents if we could take a trip to disney. We had been in 04, but I was sick and very septic, so I basically slept through the entire trip. Mom and dad kept saying we'll think about it, not right now, maybe for gradution in 2 years... yata yata yata. Around October I began asking again, and one day mom looked at me and said "why not, let go for spring break" I was in total SHOCK! At the time I was still on college. After DF learning we were going to be going to WDW he decided he wanted to take me to a nice dinner while there and asked me if I could eat anywhere in the world where would it be, and naturally I said cinderellas castle. At this time I had no idea they had dinner, so I laughed and said the living seas. About 2 weeks later df let me know he found out there in dinner at cinderellas catle. cha-ching we're in business now!!! As it gets closer to time for the trip, i keep asking df what day what time yata yata, and he always answers with, oh... i haven't made the reservation yet. WHAT!!! He never tells me for certain that we are eating there until we are about half way through our drive down. The day before we are supposed to go to CRT is our first day in the park, and while on the bus to MK df and I are talking and I was telling him my roommate at schools thinks I'll come back from spring break with a ring on my finger. This is when I wanted to cry, but not what you're thinking, he looks at me with the most sincere eyes and says I hope you're not expecting it, I want to get you what you deserve, and I just don't have the extra money right now. My bubble is now officially GONE! He have our day at MK which was wonderful especially being with df because it was his first trip since he was 6.

more to come... my fingers hurt lol!
I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of your story..I love a good love story!
Plus, I'm a wedding junkie....;)
Ok... sorry it's been so long.. this wedding mess is NUTS!!!:scared: :upsidedow
The next day we get up and are going to Animal Kingdom since we are having dinner at CRT at 7:30. Nothing more is mentioned about a ring. DF was so fidgity all day. Very restless!. I got very agervating after a while. Anywhoo... He was rushing so at 1:30 he wanted to go back and get ready for dinner at 7:30. By 3 I was so tired of fighting with him about it I consent and we go back to the hotel. By 5 he's wanting to leave. Remember we are staying at shades of green at dinner isn't until 7:30. We leave around 6, and DF is practically dragging me everywhere as I wanting to take a picture here and there and here again, and looking in this store and that as we walk down main street. At this time it was getting dark and I def wanted pics with the castle at night. DF and Dad were practically running down main st as mom and I are lagging behind, with me having no idea whats gotten into them. Needless to say non of the pics taken before dinner have DF smiling. lol! We go to dinner and as we are waiting I keep telling DF I really hope we get to sit next to a window b/c I've read on here that's the best place to view the fireworks. We are called upstairs wherer when we enter the dining room see a table in the center being set and of course we are headed right for it, but then we walk past it and then I see a table for 4 next to the window!!! YEAH!!! I am so excited! This night could not get any better (or so I thought). The waiter is awesome! He brings our drinks, then Df says he's going to the restroom. First of all this is very unusual for him. He goes and he's gone for 30 mins. After the first 10 mins mom and dad keep saying I hope he's ok, I hope he's not sick, maybe we should go check on him... yata yata yata, and me the whole time having no idea what the deal is. He final comes back and he is very ancey and his is sweating SO BAD, and it is cold in this resturant. At this point I am scared he's sick, and he says no it was just hot in the bathroom and I had to wait a while b/c several groups were leaving. ok... whatever... So dinner goes wonderful (btw the salmon was the best I ever ate!) We order desert, and go back to chitchatting and the fairy godmother does her skit. She ask for birthdays, anniversaries, honeymoons, and newly engaged. This is it i think, if somethings going to happen it will be now. wait for it... wait for it... and nothing. So at this point I am certain I am not getting propsed to this trip to disney. A photopass photographer comes over as ask to take our picture, and I say sure. He snaps the first picture then our waiter comes from behind and sit a white covered platter down in front of me as he says your fairy godmother has a special delievery for you... when he removes the lid there is a glass slipper on a bed of pink rose buds. I look away. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!! As I'm watching the carousel go around Tim takes me by the hand and turns the plate around and says will you be my princess?!
I was in complete shock, I couldn't say anything, and I can NEVER say nothing lol! Needless to say the rest of the trip is nothing more than a blur lol...
Wedding planning coming up!
Oh bless him, what a lovely story.

Keep us updated with your plans :thumbsup2
What a sweet proposal :lovestruc We ate at CRT the night after our wedding and it is a very romantic place.
Very touching and thoughtful of your DF.

I can't wait to share the journey with you to your wedding day!

Good Luck!
How perfectly unperfect and perfect at the same time!!!;)

I love it!
So Ladies I need some help. I just recieved my unity candle from fariytale weddings, and it is not at all what I ordered. So I go and check their website, and what I ordered is not longer on the website. ERRRRR!!!! Then as I am looking at the reciept I notice the bottom says no returns no exchanges! No where on the website does it say this. This is 60 dollars!!!! It's not what I ordered, and the companies phones are down. WHAT DO I DO?! AHHHH!!!!!! I anyone else has delt with this company please HELP!!!
So Ladies I need some help. I just recieved my unity candle from fariytale weddings, and it is not at all what I ordered. So I go and check their website, and what I ordered is not longer on the website. ERRRRR!!!! Then as I am looking at the reciept I notice the bottom says no returns no exchanges! No where on the website does it say this. This is 60 dollars!!!! It's not what I ordered, and the companies phones are down. WHAT DO I DO?! AHHHH!!!!!! I anyone else has delt with this company please HELP!!!
I wish I could help...I've never used that company before, but do you have a print-out of your order? It should have the item you ordered and it's corresponding SKU or item number. That should help them figure out what the correct item is and send that along to you. If it's their mistake than the no returns/exchanges rule is void. If they hassle you, hassle them back. Most of the time they'll give in just to get rid of you. But don't borrow trouble- once the phone lines are up and you talk to them, it may all work out: they may recognize the mistake and work with you.
My grandmother's wise advice, (a former bill collector): write everything down. Everytime you contact them, the name of every person you've spoken/corresponded with, the time/date you spoke with them, what they said, direct quotes.
I hope this helps a little! :)
Thanks for the responce. I forgot to udate earlier today but anywhoo... they finally responded to me saying the item I ordered is discontinued, and that is the replacement. Well of course my response was this is unexceptible and i wanted to return it. They sent me the address to return it too, but I want to make sure they will credit my card when it is returned, and I havn't gotten a responce from that email yet....:rolleyes1 :eek: This is so flustering!!!:scared1:
I was wondering if that's what happened-a switcheroo- they could have called and told you. They were just hoping that you would get the one they sent and be fine with it.
Little buggers....:mad:
I hope you find one you like as much as the original...
Your proposal story is so sweet! :lovestruc I'm sorry your unity candle was discontinued. I hope they are helpful about crediting your credit card for the purchase price AND the postage both ways. Good luck!
Thanks everyone for the good lucks on the unity candle.

BTW: How do I change the name of my thread?


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