Laundry :( !!!


Born to be on Vacation
Sep 7, 1999
I know this is not a favorite topic but can someone give me information about the laundry facilities at fw such as how many washers cost ect.... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


[This message was edited by sunnyshine on 03-01-01 at 08:35 AM.]
I'm trying to remember when we were there last summer how much it was. I believe it was $1.50 for the washer and $1.00 for the dryer (it last's about 30 min.).

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

I to believe the cost for the washer was $1.50, but I cant remember about the dryer. My suggestion is to take your own laundry detergent and dryer sheets. Add these into the cost of washing and drying and this gets really expensive.
I usually buy the smallest box or bottle of detergent and throw a few dryer sheets in a ziplock bag.
At home I really hate doing laundry, but at FW I actually enjoy it. I take the kids to the pool, while the laundry is going I either swim with them or relax with a good book. A little quiet time for me(am I crazy or what????)!!!!! ;)
"I usually buy the smallest box or bottle of detergent and throw a few dryer sheets in a ziplock bag.
At home I really hate doing laundry, but at FW I actually enjoy it. I take the kids to the pool, while the laundry is going I either swim with them or relax with a good book. A little quiet time for me(am I crazy or what????)!!!!! "

Oh my too! :) I just bring a tupperware container with my detergent in it and a ziplock baggie with dryer sheets (though this time, I may just go ahead and get some laundry tablets). My kids are swimming, I am usually reading a book or the newspaper and doing the wash. :)

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

There are 5 washers and six dryers at each facility.



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