Kids Opening Stateroom Doors!

Maybe it is just me, but I cannot image my kid doing this at 4. It was never even on my radar. A toddler yes, but a preschool aged child? Is it common for them to purposely open up the door and wander out? My sister was a sleepwalker and I could definitely see her ending up in the hall, but I would just assume a fully awake and functioning kid of that age would know better than to leave the room without an adult. I only have the one child, but she would never have done this at that age, and according to my nither would any of my siblings. We all knew what would happen if we did and had been taught how dangerous it was. It is common for kids that age to defy those kinds of safety rules and I am just not realizing it?

I don't think this is age in-appropriate at all... My son at 4 would have done it in a heartbeat if he wanted to find me... on our Carnival cruise (age 3.5) he left the dinner table (and we were seated right near the doorway) and disappeared out into the maze of lobbies, sitting rooms, dance clubs, etc... he was trying to get back to our room because he was tired! We had a full on chase through the boat w/security getting involved, etc... we finally cornered him in an elevator bank, thankfully no elevator had opened or he may have disappeared again!

The Fantasy's closet/bathroom doors do open out... we would open them and leave them all open, just so that there would be a noise should he try to leave... he was so tuckered out from all the fun that he slept through the night and we had no incidents, but I was "prepared!"


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