Just returned from the Magic where everyone got sick (ALSO CAN POST HERE)


DIS Veteran
Jan 29, 2002
I just got home a few hours ago (we docked today) and wanted to let everyone know what was going on as we got off the ship this moring. First of all, none of us even knew anyone was sick until Thgursday when we got notices in our staterooms to keep washing your hands since there were flu-like symptoms and gastro problems in 3% of the people. The enxt we heard about it was this morning when the Center for Disease Control gave us a survey to fill out before leaving stating whether or not we had any symptoms (DH & I didn't, neither did anyone we met) and what we ate, what we did, etc for the first 3 days. I saw in the Orlando newspaper at the airport today that they think it's something called the Norwalk Virus. Everything was sanitized on the ship and we saw them taking all sheet and towels out of every room to completely clean them before the Magic set sail again today. I'm sure the CDC and/or Board of Health (whoever regualtes ships) wouldn't have let her sail again if there were still probelms.
Do you think this was made into a bigger deal then it was? It sure seems like it. This isn't going to ruin my cruise in 1 week!
I'm cruising in a week too and I can honestly say that I haven't given this a second thought, and I'm cruising with a 17 month old and a 3 year old and WITHOUT my husband. If I got sick, it would be so awful...who would take care of my children? I cannot go there...I REFUSE to dampen my joy by fearing this illness. We all had our run of the flu here last week. It was just awful and really sounds a lot like those who sailed the Magic had experienced. It was obviously contagious, because it spread through our home like wild fire. We do enforce lots of handwashing, etc., but sometimes the inevitable just can't be stopped.
Thank you Lisa
way to go Linda - Laurie should see this - she was bumming today too
I am so happy to hear that you are not letting this get you down. I am not either. I will be there in a week, ready to have a great week of relaxation and fun with my kids! Yeah!!!!
We can't have Laurie all upset! She needs to be fun!!!! haha
Can't wait to meet you guys. I still haven't bought my green ribbon. I will do it this week, but in case I don't, I am counting on you wearing your tigger shirt Barb!
You know, I had the exact same symptoms last August!
I am on the same cruise as Tammy and I honestly haven't thought much about it either...I would still go even if I was cruising tomorrow! LOL...:)
Scott and I would have stayed on the ship and sailed again today if we could have! I think the media made it out to be bigger than it really was (Scott's mom said she heard someone thought it was terrorism since Holland America got it too..uh, I don't think so!!) I really think it was some kind of virus or flu bug that someone had and didn't know it. When you're in such clsoe quarters for such a long itme, you're bound to spread it... Disney did everything they could to keep things clean and sanitary and no one seemd upset at all! I even met a woman at the airport who's 14 year old son was horribly sick on THursday and the entire family (including him) seemd fine and happy.

Have fun on all your upcoming cruises! And keep a look out ofr Robin and Sean, the do family and adult entertainment and are HYSTERICAL!!!
Lisa, thanks so much for the update! :) I'm so glad you all had a great cruise and stayed well.
My family and I were all very sick for more than half the trip.
Three sick children at the same time made this the trip from hell for my wife and I. It's hard enough to deal with three children who are vomiting and have diarreha when you are feeling well
yourself, but when you have it too .... not much fun at all. I still feel the number of sick was much higher than anyone is really saying. It could be that they all did not go to the Medical Unit and fill out the form and decided to treat it themselves with ammonium AD and over the counter stomach meds. It was hard for me to find another mom or dad that could tell me that all of their children were well. Not saying any of this was Disney's fault and I think they tried their best to stop the spreading of it. Staff was very helpful and kind. Just made for my worst vacation ever. One child still sick today but hopefully by tomorrow, all will be well again. Probably will need a vacation next week to catch up on all the sleep I have missed.
Hope everyone feels better soon Zoop. Sorry to hear your vacation was ruined. Did you have any good days?
Last 4 were not!
Would I try crusing again with Disney, yes I would.
I believe this was just bad luck for us and I have confidence in Disney. They all worked so hard to keep our room clean and sanitized it at least three times. Once at 3:30am ! Always caring about us bringing us what ever we needed and wishing us a speedy recovery. Kids 14, 12 & 4 loved the clubs for the first 3 days. Would like to try cruise again someday for sure.
Zoop...sorry that your family had a miserable vacation. We are on the Magic next Saturday 11/30 sailing....did Disney do anything for all the people who got sick? It was reported in the papers that the people that got sick were getting another cruise on Disney....any truth? Hope all is well with the family...still is the best cruise line out there....
6 days to the "MAGIC"!
Just finished writting a letter to Guest Communications.
Saw on the Disney Cruise web sight that we will be compensated but have no idea what that will be. Will post it when I find out.
Have fun on your cruise. I'm sure all will be well on the Magic again. It really is a fun ship if your feeling well! Lots to do for the entire family.
Lisa.....glad you had a great time and did not get sick....Sean and Robin are really hysterical, aren't they. Did you happen to catch Robin doing the "little boy" routine in the game show Sailor Tales....he is an absolute riot. Their cohort Big John comes back on the ship today from his vacation...the three of them together are just too much!!!

Zoop....so sorry to hear your family was one of the "4%" that did get sick. I know what it is like being sick at home, but on vacation is really awful..get well soon...

Zoop, I'm so sorry your entire family was sick... :( I wonder if it was spreading mostly from the children's areas since you said all the parents you met had sick children or families as well. We had 2 children at our dinner table who didn't participate in the Oceaneer Labs or anything and they were fine. I hope your whoe family feels MUCH better soon. It's kinda weird how it seems most people you met on the ship were sick and no one we met were and we were all on the same ship. Since Scott and I were not sick, we were able to enjoy everything the ship had to offer for adults (no kids with us since it was our honeymoon) and we had a blast! We were pleased to see what they were doing during the cruise to keep things clean, they definitely go all out to make their guests feel as comfortable as possible.
ok lets say it came from the kids clubs - would it be possible to pinpoint if it was the lab or the younger club? Did most people who got sick have younger children?
DS10.5 is looking forward to being in the oceaneer lab this saturday. It would be nice knowing.
Barb, don't you care that my "club" kids could get sick.... only joking! Anyway, both my kids (4 and 5.5) go to the lab everyday for some kind of activity. So, even if it is spread through the "club", these "club" kids are still visiting the lab every day.... sorry Barb! haha


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