Just returned from the Magic where everyone got sick (ALSO CAN POST HERE)

yes of course Im sorry Linda - I do realize that all the kids are all over the ship - just wish we could pinpoint this as to what happened where
They did say on NBC news that Disney was giving refunds to anyone who was dissatified with this cruise. Just quoting the news, no further info.
I'm interested in seeing what the "compensation" will be, but knowing DCL, I think it will fair to those who were ill.

As for the number of people ill, I saw on CNN that the CDC announced the numbers, so I do believe that they would have to be accurate. I wasn't able to see the entire Matt Ouimet press conference but I firmly believe that he will ensure that those involved are fairly compensated. He really is what he appears to be, a caring, concerned gentleman, and the smartest thing Disney ever did was make him President of DCL.

Zoop, hoping you and your family are all right as rain soon, and everyone else who was sick on the cruise.
We just returned home from the "ill-fated" trip on the Magic. I've read several posts on here that say the media may have made it sound worse than it was. I have to say that if anything, the illness onboard was downplayed. There were 9 people traveling in our party and the first one to get sick came down with the symptoms in the middle of the night Sunday (Monday early AM). By Monday afternoon, we had talked to several people who had others in their party with the same symptoms (vomiting, diarreah, etc.) On late Tuesday, we were in the laundry room with two other moms who had sick children. The interesting thing was, everyone was told that they were "the only sick ones on the boat". No one was told about the problem until it showed up on CNN, then crew members insisted that it must have been picked up in St Maarten. The problem with that theory is that many people were ill before we ever docked at St Maarten. Don't get me wrong. This is our second cruise with Disney and it's a truly magical experience. They are a phenominal company and the crew members are excellent. This problem could have been handled much better. Saturday morning we were all expecting to disembark, they made us leave the staterooms but then woudn't allow anyone off the ship until around 9am. This meant over 1,000 people in the lobby of the ship for over an hour, while many people vomited in wastebaskets, on the floor,etc. They didn't bring any extra medical personnel onboard to help, they ran out of medication, it was a nightmare!! Disney knew about the problem on Wednesday when we docked in St Thomas and could very easily have had extra medical personnel and meds brought on board to help. I'll be very curious to see the final count from the CDC, I'm guessing it's much higher than Disney originally reported, not because Disney is hiding anything it's just than many people didn't go to the onboard doctor, they just stayed in their rooms until they felt better. To Disney's credit, they were taking amazing precautions to try to stem the spread of the illness, scrubbing handrails, serving food for us in the buffet line, etc. it's just too bad it was too little, too late.
uhoh - think they can actually get the illness of the ship? We leave in less than 4 days for Sat's cruise
Just a note, any returning 11/16 cruisers who want to share their experiences please do so on this thread, we are trying to keep these stories focused into a few threads.

Cindyluwho, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. :(
If people started getting sick Sunday night, isn't it possible that they brought it with them? I would think that 36 hours wouldn't be long enough... but, I am not a doctor....
When we first brought it to their attention on Thursday morning, we were told that maybe it was something that we brought on board with us. We had no idea at that time how widespread it really was. Later that day is when I began talking to other parents and finding out that LOTS of people were suffering from the same thing. No CM's could talk about it. It was obvious that they were told to keep it quiet All they could say was "See Guest Services." All the CM's I talked to were very apologetic to me and my family but claimed to know nothing about it. My state room hostess has worked on the Magic for three years and said she had never seen anything like it and would probably have to work more than 94 hours last week since she was so busy trying to keep our room and others in her area as clean as possible since so many people were getting sick and making her job very tough.
I felt sorry for her and left her a very nice tip. She really earned it.
Told by Disney Cruise Line today on the phone that I should be receiving something in the mail in the next 7 - 10 days about oompensation.... to be continued .....
Originally posted by nedleycan
If people started getting sick Sunday night, isn't it possible that they brought it with them? I would think that 36 hours wouldn't be long enough... but, I am not a doctor....

I was just thinking the same thing. I thought people were getting sick starting weds. but if they were sick actually on sunday they were only on the ship for like a day and a half. Were people sick on the last cruise that may have left their germs? I feel terrible for you. your description of 1000 people crammed in the lobby with folks vomiting on the floor was VERY visual. (and sounds VERY unsanitary) My regrets to your family that this turned out so bad for you!
I don't know how long the incubation period is for the Norwalk Virus, but for food borne illness it's 6-24 hours, I think. I'll be very curious to see what the CDC finds out.
We were on the 10/27/02 Wonder and I posted about this right after our return. I KNOW that the illness happened on the Magic but 2 days after getting back from the Wonder cruise while at WDW my 16 month old DS and my 4 year DS became seriously ill. Both had been in the kids clubs. I realize this is flu season but the rest of our cruising party came down with it with in 24 hours. I am sure we caught a "bug" on board but it was bad. It did not last long but was hard hitting. I think we are susceptible wherever there are large groups of people and children. I hope this does not spread or pick up pace on the Wonder like it did for us.
Copied from "Orlando Sentinel"

Norwalk virus: Contagious stomach virus named after Norwalk, Ohio where it was identifed in 1972 and has spread abroad ships, schools, nursing homes and other institutions.

The virus is particularly troublesome to prevent because, unlike certain food-borne viruses found typically in just one kind of food, Norwalk can invade everything from water, salads and clams to eggs and cakes. The culprits behind some of the biggest Norwalk virus outbreaks in the United States: water, ice, fresh fruit and oysters.

Several outbreaks have been traced to raw shellfish, especially oysters. In Florida, four county health departments in 1993 investigated seven separate outbreaks that were traced to oysters harvested from Apalachicola Bay off northwest Florida.

Heating foods to cooking temperatures kills the virus.

The virus also can be spread in more than one way. Most commonly, it is found in stool and then spread when people don't wash their hands. It can be spread from person to person and to objects, although it's not known how long the virus remains active on surfaces.

Because the virus can be spread through the air -- usually by vomiting -- it spreads quickly in a contained environment such as a cruise ship or nursing home. The virus can begin spreading aboard a cruise ship from contaminated food or water that got the virus by sewage, or it can be carried aboard from the shore by an infected person.

Victims usually have the virus for up to two days before having symptoms. They can be contagious for up to several days after their symptoms have disappeared. People can shed the virus in stool for up to 21 days despite not feeling sick, Hammond said.

The best way to quash the virus is to wash hands with soap after using a bathroom, especially before handling food.
Hi - this is Shirley - I tried to keep up with the news locally so that I could pass it on - in fact I was up and down most of Friday nite and Saturday morn waiting to see what time the Magic was coming in ( I have a full view of the port from my patio) since the news kept reporting it would be coming in much earlier due to all of the illness that was on board -it did not arrive until regular time Saturday morn - the last count was 200 out of 2500 cruisers had experienced illness - Friday night and Saturday morn the weather was horrible here and I knew if the river had fury, I could only imagine what the ocean must have been like coming in - I watched Mr. Matt Ouimett on the local news live from Port Canaveral and I can assure you - we need a Matt Ouimett in all important positions throughtout the USA - he was determined to follow the problem to the end - I was not only very impressed with him, but proud that he stepped up to the plate of responsibility - we had several deliveries to the Magic Saturday and could see that every step to prevent further problems were being taken and an additional 200 people were brought in to clean, clean and more cleaning of the Magic before she left port again - I have no doubts that things won't be back to normal - I get upset with Disney sometimes over somethings that I experience with them, BUT I also have to be truthful when I see wrong being done right - Now I was not on this cruise but I can only imagine the worse of it all - am glad everyone is safely back home and I hope that Disney will compensate to full degree that it should (and I believe they will) - To anyone that may need help in the future ------if Norm or I can help --you know our numbers Ok -
My DH and I were also on this cruise and had the same experience as LisaFB and her DH. (It was nice meeting the 2 of you on Castaway Cay). We were not travelling with children either and did not know anyone was sick until the note was slipped under our door on Thursday morning. For dinner we had 4 other tablemates and none of them got sick. Our tablemates were a couple with their 17 year old daughter and a single person. The 17 year old did spend a lot of time in Common Grounds (didn't not get sick). She stated she hadn't known anyone was sick until they got the note, but after getting the note and paying more attention she did start meeting those who had gotten sick. Being a teenager and making friends at Common Grounds, she stayed up late almost everynight and she said on Friday night (2-3am) there were a lot of staterooms with doors open because room host/hostess were having to clean, strip the linen and re-make the beds due to passengers getting sick. On Friday and Sat. we did start meeting more people who had someone in their family that was sick. A majority of the people we met just had one person in the family that was sick. There didn't seem to be a pattern. We met families where one adult was sick and not the child, or the child was sick and not the parent. I realize that there were some families where everyone was sick, but we didn't come across those families. My DH and I didn't spend much time in the onboard pools. We did our swimming on our excursions. The only time we used the pool on board (the adult only pool) was the 2 days we were at port and had returned to the ship and the pool was empty. I feel bad for those that became ill because no matter where you are, being ill is horrible. For us, the trip was absolutely wonderful!!:D I felt pretty prepared because I had spent a lot of time on this boards reading and asking questions, but there was no way to prepare for how truely wonderful it is!!! When I have some more time, I do plan on writing a trip report (keep an eye out for it because my DH and I got to so something only 8 people get to do once a cruise & I will tell you all about it). Again our trip was fantastic and we will definitely be going on another Disney cruise.

One opinion I do want to express is that I feel Disney did the best they could to contain the virus and keep the outbreak from being worse (I think they could have been better prepared in terms of having medication on hand to treat symptoms - I was surprised to learn that). I realize that those who did get sick might disagree because of how horrible it was but considering the number of people on the ship, the fact that we were in a closed-in environment and the hundreds of "things" you could touch that had just been touched by someone caring the virus I'm surprised the outbreak wasn't worse. Disney was constantly cleaning at all hours of the day from the very beginning of the cruise. Again, our teenage tablemate being up late at night saw all sorts of cleaning going on and would tell us every night at dinner all the things she saw. She did notice that the cleaning intensified after everyone was told about passengers being sick.

On disembarktion day, we did fill out the CDC questionnaire (everyone was suppose to fill it out, but I don't think everyone did) so our answers will provide data from non-sick passengers to compare to the data of those that did get sick. Wish they could have given the questionnaire on Friday night when we were filling out all the other paperwork. We didn't know about the questionnaire until breakfast (8am) and our tablemates said one had been slipped under the door just before they had left their stateroom. We had already left our stateroom for what we thought was the last time, but we did go back to get the questionnaire. As others have stated, I will be curious to learn what the determine as the cause. Here is the website address they gave us on the cover letter of the questionnaire www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp
On the letter they said the report will be posted in several months and to check then. By the way the cover letter and questionnaire were generated by the CDC, not Disney.

Again, hope those that did get sick are feeling better and that this weeks cruise doesn't have any problems.
Heidica! It was great meeting you too!!! I agree with what you said
One opinion I do want to express is that I feel Disney did the best they could to contain the virus and keep the outbreak from being worse

From what I've been reading on the boards it really does seem like the majority of the people who got sick (again I'm basing this just on what I've read here) had close contact with children. I really think Disney did all they could possibly do considering we were in the middle of the Atlantic! I feel so bad for those of you who got sick, it must have been horrible! I personally don't think that Disney would have bene able to get more meds and/or medical personnel on baord while at St Thomas since they would have to be Disney personnel and I'm sure they have regualtions about how they get their meds. But from everything we saw, they seemed to do all they could do!

I also agree with what someone wrote earlier in this thread that if people were sick on Sunday, the virus (or whatever it was) may have been carried on board by someone and have nothing to do with the ship at all. Also, like Heidica said, when you're in lcose quarters and even 1 person gets sick, it's so easy to spread. Especially with tons of children (ie a child sneezes or wipes his noes with his hand as children tend to do, then touches a railing or elevator button, etc. 5 minutes later someone else comes and touches the same item with out knowing and boom.. that person is now also sick.)

Again, I feel horrible for everyone who got sick. It is just hard for those of us who didn't to fully imagine since we saw nothing of it at all, not even anyone getting sick in the hallways (which by the way I enver smeeled anything).

As for disembarkation day, we had the late breakfast and saw the line in the atrium (we were in Lumieres). I think the reasoning behind what they did was becasuse of all the extra cleaning they needed to do in the stateroom,s they needed us out of our rooms ASAP and we had to wait for the CDC to give us permission to leave the ship. Unfortunately, that was out of Disney's hands.

I would also be very interested in hearing from those who cruised on this ship to find out what the compensation will be.

thanks for the link to the CDC. For those that didn't look, this is what they had to say about the Magic:

Disney Magic
On the evening of November 21, the CDC was made aware of a reported 175 cases (163 passengers and 12 crew) of gastrointestinal illness, including vomiting and/or diarrhea, on the Disney Magic. The vessel holds 2,318 passengers and 988 crew. CDC is currently working with Disney Cruise Lines to investigate these reports. The vessel is on a cruise in the Bahamas, and will reach port in Port Canaveral on November 23. The cause of the illness has not been determined, but an investigation is underway and CDC staff will board the ship when it arrives in Port Canaveral.
We cruised on the Halloween cruise. I think this virus might have been around before the large breakout. When we returned home my husband came down with the exact same symptoms that are being described here. We drove straight home and that night and the next 2 days he was TERRIBLY sick. We wondered if he had picked up something while on board the ship. Now, after hearing this I really think he did. I also think that maybe it just wasn't reported before the Nov. 16th sailing because that seems like the cruise that it spread very rapidly.
Not everyone who gets sick reports it, and more than likely before Disney passed around the notice the ones that were sick probably thought that they were the only ones. Once it was made public that this was a problem, the numbers grew rapidly. I would think that more people started reporting their illness after that.
Again, I really think that this virus was going around well before this sailing, and I would be interested to hear from others that have sailed in the last 3 weeks that came home sick or got sick on the ship.
All in all, we had an awesome vacation. I'm sorry my DH got sick, but at least it didn't hit him until we arrived home that night!
Sue Ellen

We were on the Nov. 2nd cruise and my daughter was sick on Thursday with a very sick stomache and throwing up. She laid in bed all day with a trash can next to her. I know there were at least a couple other kids sick that day because counselors mentioned that she wasn't the only one but I don't think the numbers were anywhere near what they were on this last cruise.

A confined space with so many people and kids I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

Also, if it was the food as so many people are saying, all she ate the entire cruise were chicken strips, fries, ice cream and only drank water.


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