Just had to post this! DH is finished!!!

Colleen A.

<font color=green>Disney Planning Maniac!<br><font
Sep 23, 1999
As some of you know, DH has been in a medical study since last Sept. Today, it is now week 48....and he is DONE!!! He had his final blood work done last night. We're waiting for the results today and then.....life can return to normal!!!:bounce: Yeah!!!!! I'm not sure he is going to know how to react when he feels "human" again!!:D :p :bounce:
Congrats to your hubby for finishing the study - Clinical trials are so important - Kudos to him for participating in it!!!!:cool:
I don't think I'd like to be in a study for that long! I don't have that kind of patience.
The study was for a medicine to treat his chronic illness. We went the traditional route last time only for him to have a relapse in 3 months. Say some prayers that the illness is undetected when the results come in!:)
My continued prayers and best for you both, Colleen. Hope all goes well for him. Big {hugs}. :sunny:
Saying prayers for him right now.

Congratulations on his finishing his study and good luck:D

Yay Colleen & Dennis! I know how hard this has been on him, and I will say a prayer that his results are good.
So glad to hear he has finished the study. I pray that the tests will come back with good results.
That's great! I imagine he's relieved to have it all finished now :)


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