Just back from HRH!


Mar 16, 2001
Couldn't wait to let you all know just how incredibly cool the HRH is! My trip report is posted.
These boards were so helpful! Thanks everybody!!!Patti :D
Hi Rosemary,
Please go to the Universal Trip Reports board to read my entries.
Hopefully, they will give you some insight into the world of IOA, USF and HRH! :)
Great trip report... made us almost feel we were back there. Check out our unique "volcano" experience in Margaritaville! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> Â
Oooops! I'm new to these boards, so I didn't think to look at trip reports first! Thanks so much for your reports. We are staying only two nights at HRH. The first eight days will be at WDW, AKL. Although I'm really looking forward to Disney, I think my husband is looking forward to USF and IO more than Disney. I, of course, being a woman am also concerned about the hotel, and you alleviated any fears I had.


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