July's Summer Fun WISH Journey

I am beginning to enjoy them. But... it took some work. Its easier to be annoyed and disappointed that reboot is needed

perhaps I missed out on important lesson. It will sure keep me humble as there was time I thought I have it all figured out.
So in our very own live action reboots .... Are you enjoying your reboot? What character development have you or are you undertaking? What has surprised you about your updated self?

Well ... I feel I am well into the 5th sequel of my life - some of the characters were written out and settings have changed! I am now in the reboot process - as with some movie reboots - I don't feel I have quite hit the mark yet - some good things are there but I need more editing before I am ready for cinemas haha - including needing to cut the take-away food scenes dramatically! The biggest development I am undertaking is changing my approach to lifestyle, I am accepting getting older and the changes that brings, I am letting go of hurts/issues from earlier sequels, I am moving back into the starring role rather than playing a supporting actor for some time. What has surprised me in a good way has been finding friends on here who have been supportive and helped me to start to be kinder to myself as I undergo this reboot.

Bonus Question: How do you feel about all the live action remakes we are seeing from Disney? Which has been your favourite or which are you most looking forward to seeing? Has there been any you think they should have just left it alone?

I have mixed feelings ... when I hear they are doing it - I get nervous about the outcome. But I also liked the live action versions of Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. I have not seen Aladin yet - it has been one that I am worried about - mainly Wil Smith and Genie (I like him but just not sure ...) I have heard some good feedback from others, so I think I need to just watch it and see for myself. Lion King is out next week and again I face it with some dreaded anticipation.

DS18 and I disagree over the Spiderman actors. His favourite superhero is Spiderman. Whilst I have enjoyed all of the movies my favourite Spiderman actors are Toby Maguire and now Tom Holland. While DS likes Andrew Garfield best.
So in our very own live action reboots .... Are you enjoying your reboot? What character development have you or are you undertaking? What has surprised you about your updated self?

Bonus Question: How do you feel about all the live action remakes we are seeing from Disney? Which has been your favourite or which are you most looking forward to seeing? Has there been any you think they should have just left it alone?

I feel like I've lived about four different lives already. I'm working on my patience and growing into this parenting gig... It's really tough for me. I very much so have a love/hate relationship with being a stay at home mom. I'm very glad that for the first time in so long I feel healthy and many of my health issues are at bay. Makes focusing on what I find to be a difficult job (parenting two littles) a bit simpler.

I really liked Cinderella, was surprised that I also really like Beauty and the Beast. Maleficent was amazing and I'm looking forward to number 2. Don't watch the 'live action' animal based ones (Jungle Book, Lion King etc.) I found Mary Poppins 2 disappointing, but the original is one of my all time favourite movies. I will eventually rent Dumbo and Aladdin to watch have low expectations. I think it's intriguing to see the stories get a bit of a revamp and so far they seem to be doing okay.

So far I'm okay for the day, I did my yoga this morning, fasted until 11:30am. My avocado's were not ripe which threw my lunch plans for a loop and my youngest is on a nap strike so I had deli meat with tzatziki sauce, then ate the rest of my toddlers hotdogs from his lunch. Still keto just not amazing choices. I had my protein shake with coffee this afternoon for a pick me up and not sure what I'll do about dinner.
I am in for the month. I would like to get 45 minutes of activity a day and hopefully lose 1-2 pounds this month

I am on vacation this week. Just staying home though. I am not sure if I will be on the boards in the next few days so I am going to give my woohoo now. Dd had her follow up to her surgery. She is cleared for all activity as she feels comfortable. She is currently swimming. The dr. Was surprised that she was doing so good. She is doing so good that she doesn't need to do pt.
I didn't stop eating when I felt satisfied yesterday. I cleaned my plate at dinner. Tonight if it happens again I will put my plate away and tell myself I can finish later if hingry

Day 3. I am not tempted by calorie counting. Little bit by the scale maybe

I am intrigued by this journey and I am loving the feeling by "finally see the light". It feel right. It feels right to trust myself that I can do well
I'm happy to say that we survived having 9 girls camping out in our backyard for my daughters bday party. Glad that's over ;) Sorry I missed yesterday. I'll try to catch up...

First off...Welcome @*tinker*bell* :wave:

Topic Tuesday - I'm enjoying this reboot of my life. I actually feel like I got midway through filming and decided to rewrite the ending. I definitely felt like my character was stuck in a rut destined to live out the second half of her life as an unhealthy overweight, approaching obese mother/wife who just enjoyed watching others play sports and games. In her younger years, she was a fun-loving 3 sport varsity athlete who would rather play sports than watch them. So back to the drawing boards to rewrite the ending. Why can't this character live out her life the way she started...playing games, enjoying sports with her kids & husband, and just living life to the fullest. No more sitting around just watching. But now she is also running around in the yard playing games with her family, running with her husband, and staying fit to enjoy life, not just watch it!

As for the live action remakes...I'm always surprise. I was most excited for Cinderella and Beauty & the Beast. While I enjoyed both of them, I never really have a desire to watch them again. Jungle Book and Aladdin, I wasn't as excited for and I really enjoyed both of them. I especially liked Aladdin, so much that I want to go back to the theater with my sister and watch it again. @4Mickeys I was also very hesitant about Will Smith as Genie. But I thought he was great! @*tinker*bell* I also loved Maleficent, which was another that I wasn't really super excited about. So it almost seems like I am disappointed by the ones I look forward to the most and am surprised by the ones I am not as excited about. Makes me think that they are mostly affected by my expectation. So that brings us to Lion King. I'm super excited for this one, which now makes me nervous...

Now for Woohoo Wednesday - I'm getting my miles in! 6 miles each day this week (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday). At this rate, I should make my goal of "walking to Disney" before our trip. To do this, I have been going for a run each day, normal routine activities (shopping, walking the dog, etc) and then ending the day walking in place while watching tv/movies. Last night we watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in preparation for our first time to Universal later this month. So I walked in place during part of it until I got my 6 miles in.

Time to go get my run in before it gets too hot outside.
I am in for the month. I would like to get 45 minutes of activity a day and hopefully lose 1-2 pounds this month

I am on vacation this week. Just staying home though. I am not sure if I will be on the boards in the next few days so I am going to give my woohoo now. Dd had her follow up to her surgery. She is cleared for all activity as she feels comfortable. She is currently swimming. The dr. Was surprised that she was doing so good. She is doing so good that she doesn't need to do pt.
Woohoo for your daughter!
I love everbody's insights on the reboot question! I'm definitely in a similar boat as DH and transition to the "empty nesters" phase of our lives. In addition to healthy routines, I'm trying to include being more active in town events as part of the new version of me.

As for movie reboots, I tend to be an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" type.
Woohoo its Friday! And it seems that's pretty much all I've got for woohoo's today. I was up the middle of the night with a stomach ache, which came out of nowhere, then when I got back to bed Mike threw up, so I was up with him for a while. Between that and the cool damp weather, it was a prime snuggle-in-bed morning, but alas work beckoned.

There were also some fireworks going on in the neighborhood last night - they are illegal in the city but that doesn't seem to stop anyone and they can't police them effectively. I really wish they were totally illegal, not even sold. It's going to be crazy at the beach, like a war zone, so it's nice to be staying at my Sister's house and not venturing out. The weather is supposed to start clearing back up this afternoon, so it should be a couple of warm sunny summery days. Tonight I need to vacuum out the car and throw some stuff in to an over night bag, then it's hit the road at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning for the 2 1/2 hour drive, which I really do enjoy. I always say the exit off of the interstate south of Olympia is my favorite right turn anywhere.
Since I am probably the oldest in this group, I am on at least my sixth reboot! The current version is deciding on a retirement living arrangement-it’s time to sell that 5br, 2 story house that we’re tired of taking care of. We have our place at the beach and we’re thinking of spending more time here-adding a home office for my husband who still does consulting work. But I don’t want to be three hours away from my daughter and family, so need to have something small near her. Sigh.

Anyway, we’re having beautiful weather here in Ocean City and enjoying family time! So that’s my woohoo!
I am in for the month


I am on vacation this week. Just staying home though. I am not sure if I will be on the boards in the next few days so I am going to give my woohoo now. Dd had her follow up to her surgery. She is cleared for all activity as she feels comfortable. She is currently swimming. The dr. Was surprised that she was doing so good. She is doing so good that she doesn't need to do pt.

That is fantastic that she is doing so well - what a relief for you all. Enjoy those vacation days.

I have sence of huge relief that I am doing the best thing for me right now

I am so glad that you seem to be feeling a little less stressed with your new approach this week.

Woohoo its Friday! And it seems that's pretty much all I've got for woohoo's today. I was up the middle of the night with a stomach ache, which came out of nowhere, then when I got back to bed Mike threw up, so I was up with him for a while. Between that and the cool damp weather, it was a prime snuggle-in-bed morning, but alas work beckoned.

Feel better! Enjoy your weekend with your sister!

The Canadian geese are hoping for s handout!

Well, that would definitely be a view that I would want to spend more time with as well!
The Canadian geese are hoping for s handout!
What a stunning view!!! Geese scare the crap outta me... Ours are rather confrontational though.

Woohoo I finished up the laundry! And found a babysitter!!

I did my yoga this morning and stuck to good foods within my allotted eating hours. Only two more days until the weekend! I'm Canadian so our long weekend was last weekend.
Day 4

I am had bowl of fruit last night and than ... I had second. I had a look at my time of the month app and it made sense I crave little bit more so I decided I did the right thing. I try to stick to the Harvard plate for my meals or to what most qualified dietitians recommend.

So for today I have prepped
protein - greek yoghurt; fruit - mango and strawberries; fat few hazelunts; flavour lime zest and chopped up mint
protein - peri peri chicken breast, carb few boiled potatoes, veg salad lettuce shredded cabbage carrot and few baby tomatoes, healthy fat some olive oil
Snack -
i will change this next week but this week I have Spanish omelette and chopped up melon. Spanish omelette slice is potato, egg so it has the carb protein fat
Cajun salmon (got to have my healthy fats) not sure with what yet
post dinner snack is watermelon

It sounds like a lot of fruit and it probably is, and my portions probably could be looked at dinner time and the size of my snack after. I have different breakfast on the days I am home, yesterday it was slice of wholegrain toast, egg, 1/4 avocado and some chopped up cucumbers. I have barbacoa beef prepared in the freezer for Friday, I just need to remember to take it out. Cooked beef freezes well. I will make some cilantro (corriander) rice, we have different beans and fresh salsa. This week meal planning is going great. We will have some veg waste but much less than last week.

But I am happy that I am eating healthy without tracking. I still think tracking is great, but not so sure it's great to do long term. It's a good learning tool but I need to figure out way to eat myself that I can sustain and lately calorie counting was not producing the result I want. I also bought a new bowl I like and it isn't as big as our normal bowls/plates, but it is bigger than smallest we have and I feel it's good portion control

I was watching youtube video of one dietitian and omg, her portions look soooo tiny. I don't think this will ever be me.

I feel content that my meals are healthy and I am enjoying them. I feel happy that I am focusing on creating a happy healthy lifestyle. I feel grateful that I am shifting to better mental space, and positive that i will figure it out. I am grateful that I looked for the way forward myself, figuring out what works for me, instead of finding new plan. People say the 4 day of a new diet is usually hardest. It doesn't feel hard, I guess as i don't aim to create new diet but enjoying being healthy eater.

I wonder if in the end of the month the scale does not move in a way I like how will I feel. But I have a very strong feeling it will move in the right direction

I am not going to sweat too much about my slightly too big portion at evening time or the extra snack yet. It's nothing like I was snacking before this month and my portions are much better now so it's a progress. First 10 days, eat healthy and focus on habits - 10 k steps walks, 3 balanced meals and 1 or 2 snacks a day, cooking, enjoying my meals. Next 10 days I may look at can I eat/reduce my night time snack little.
@sjrec this view is stunning!

Actually now when I think of it I never made any attempt to try something new in terms of ways to manage my weight, and had such great feel about it on day 4! I am like yeah, I got this. This feels great, I am on a row, this is how it's suppose to be! I feel grateful that I woke up feeling like this. Also grateful that is summer and local store have delicious fruit in stock. This is going to be a good month. I am grateful for cutting down the places I talk about this and sharing it here, and for all of you that run the discussion month after month, even when it's quiet as I had this space to come back to.
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