James Gunn and offensive tweets

I personally do not object to Gunn being fired. The content (which I will comment on) was not something that has a place on Twitter. There is not context on what you write. To much opportunity to have your meaning misinterpreted or its meaning misplaced. Gunn should of realized that Twitter was not the place, and if he wanted to be edgy then found a different outlet for it.

Gunn though has taken everything professionally. He apologized years ago, he apologized now. His letter was good. He is not fighting his firing. I think he is doing everything right.

And if Disney wanted to rehire him I would welcome him back. I think the support that has been increasing says a lot and should not be discounted.

As for the content. Smarter people then me have looked into where the line is drawn. And smarter people have given there thoughts. So I will let the people smarter then me sum it up.

Gunn says they were all from ten years ago, which is not true. Some were from 5 - 6 years ago, which would have been right around the first GOTG movie went into production. Gunn should have known better. Disney should have probably avoided him all together or told him to delete the tweets years ago (because this came up before).

I don't feel bad for the guy. The tweets weren't funny. I do think it's interesting how we don't hold everybody to the same standard. Look at R. Kelly: dude had sex with minors, yet still has new albums come out. Roman Polanski gets standing ovations at the Oscars. Woody Allen is still making movies. Michael Richards, meanwhile, is still a pariah. Don't get me wrong, Richards was wrong. But do you see the serious lack of consistency here?
We live in an easily outraged society, where a person's indiscretions, mistakes, eff ups regardless of how many years ago are magnified regardless of how minor they are. We then have, people on both sides who take issues against a person, group, etc., based on their own personal leanings and will ostracize someone who they might not particularly like versus make excuses for those who do anything similar.
You're not down to live by mob rule of social media kangaroo courts?

I don't watch these films, don't know this director, haven't really looked into what these tweets said and have no dog in this fight. IMO if we don't start operating with the idea of due process being more than a stray thought we're sunk. We also have to start operating from a place where not all "crimes" deserve complete ruination of a person's life and livelihood and allow for people to change their ways and work their way back.
But none of it is about due process b/c there is no crime. It’s all about PR. If Disney thinks it may tarnish their image and hurt their bottom line they act on it. It’s not worth the risk for them or any company who makes a decision to fire someone who they think could tarnish their image.
We live in an easily outraged society, where a person's indiscretions, mistakes, eff ups regardless of how many years ago are magnified regardless of how minor they are. We then have, people on both sides who take issues against a person, group, etc., based on their own personal leanings and will ostracize someone who they might not particularly like versus make excuses for those who do anything similar.

It's not really about outrage and being offended as much as pretending to be outraged offended to get at "the other side". It's petty, childish and takes away from the things that should really be viewed as offensive.
It should be simple, if something actually bothers, upsets, outages, offends you, then express that, if you don't really care but it's your chance to needle some perceived "other side" in some way then let it go. Tit for tat pettiness is getting us nowhere.
The big picture here is bullying: An alt-right conspiracy theorist decided to punish Gunn for criticizing Trump, and he has successfully led some people to condemn Gunn as a human being. This is a nuanced issue in which Gunn's mistake was using cringe humor in the wrong venues years ago (and back them deserved some moderate level of reprimand) but we've been manipulated into going off the rails and painting a villainous picture of Gunn because that's the easier and more comfortable to do. Some of the responses in this thread are measured, but some are more like a pitchfork mob, with people condemning him who clearly haven't even read the relevant articles and are repeating rumors that are utterly untrue. This is what manipulative and hateful people want: for us all to be freaking out and attacking each other. Would you be so harsh with people you actually know? Would you fire everyone in your workplace who has played Cards Against Humanity, or laughed at Curb Your Enthusiasm, South Park, The Office, or Family Guy? Those are exactly the kind of humor Gunn used to be a part of, and while I personally hate that kind of humor, I won't hate or attack the entertainers who tried it, especially on the initiative of Mike Cernovich's political agenda. If you actually want to better know and judge Gunn as a person, start by hitting Google and seeing what Selma Blair, a woman who actually knows and works with Gunn, has to say.
The big picture here is bullying: An alt-right conspiracy theorist decided to punish Gunn for criticizing Trump, and he has successfully led some people to condemn Gunn as a human being. This is a nuanced issue in which Gunn's mistake was using cringe humor in the wrong venues years ago (and back them deserved some moderate level of reprimand) but we've been manipulated into going off the rails and painting a villainous picture of Gunn because that's the easier and more comfortable to do. Some of the responses in this thread are measured, but some are more like a pitchfork mob, with people condemning him who clearly haven't even read the relevant articles and are repeating rumors that are utterly untrue. This is what manipulative and hateful people want: for us all to be freaking out and attacking each other. Would you be so harsh with people you actually know? Would you fire everyone in your workplace who has played Cards Against Humanity, or laughed at Curb Your Enthusiasm, South Park, The Office, or Family Guy? Those are exactly the kind of humor Gunn used to be a part of, and while I personally hate that kind of humor, I won't hate or attack the entertainers who tried it, especially on the initiative of Mike Cernovich's political agenda. If you actually want to better know and judge Gunn as a person, start by hitting Google and seeing what Selma Blair, a woman who actually knows and works with Gunn, has to say.
And some think the "big picture" is humor about pedophilia.


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