It's time for some thinking again...


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
What is your favorite Disney Moment out side of the parks???

I just had one o mine. I meet up with Lisa (Tiggersmom) at the RV show in Boston. After we walked around looking at what you could have spent your money on instead of pins and we were saying good bye. She reached in to her pocket and handed me a pin I have wanted for awhile. Now I just need to figure out what to trade her but I'm sure I will have something. It was a great Disney moment...

Now how about you... Ever been hit with a little of the Disney magic outside the Parks?
Gee - I'm blushing - LOL!! I never thought I was a Disney moment.

My favorite Disney outside the park is a definite tie - 2 pin meets one at some pin peoples house in NH and one in MD. No sleep - lots of laughs - and lots of good fun. And I still have a wonderful picture of the next morning - some day maybe I 'll post that - LOL!!

Having 6 people on different phones calling for the August event - finally getting through. Never though 6 adults could be more excited than kids on Xmas morning. The poor CM never knew what hit her.
My favorite moment was being called to the other side of my office building to watch the Wonder sail past on it's way to dry dock for refurbishment. It was right across the river from my office and I looked at it every day while it was in port. Second favorite moment was looking at the Magic in the same drydock several months later.

Pat:smooth: :smooth:


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