It's kind of fun to do the impossible - Disney with a 1 month old *new 2/13/15*

Love the custom magic bands

Thank you! They were fun to make and turned out better than I hoped (and much better than I feared :rotfl:)

Great trip report - lots of good tips for my trip with 2 little ones

Thanks! If you have any specific questions let me know - lots of great advice here on the DIS in general but in trip reports especially!

Part 11 - MGM part 5: Fantasmically Frozen Fireworks!
Monday, September 25th​

So after our enjoyable, yet lengthy, meal - it was already time to head straight over to the Fantasmic! Theater. I still had some hope that I could hop on Tower of Terror quick but it was not to be as people were very much already streaming into the theater. Oh well.

We got to go through the FP+ line using our dining package vip tickets which made the walk much smoother and emptier down to the theater. Though, when we got to the stroller parking and found it 100% full and had to park our stroller at an auxiliary lot, that was the first sign it was going to be pretty crowded

We arrived inside the theater at the section we were directed to and it was a bit of a madhouse. It appeared that they had opened up the section to people without passes or at least people were trying to get in there or something, but with having the 3 kids to keep track of was a little hectic. Trying to get down the aisle was a bit like this:


But eventually we did make it down and were able to find a spot. It turned out to be pretty good spot - though, despite the fact we were 8-10 rows back, with the way the wind was blowing, we did get sprayed quite a bit with water. Wouldn't have been a big deal but Emma was a not a fan and Judi had to cover her pretty much the entire show.

But, compared to last year, when we were way off to the side, our view was pretty good:


As we were "enjoying" the pre-show entertainment we broke out the glow sticks/necklaces. The family next to us came back from looking to buy Disney glow toys but concluded they were too expensive. So we gave them some of our glow sticks. Weird thing was they never said "Thank You" or anything and then like 10 minutes into the show the entire family left :confused3

The show, like always, was awesome and Olivia was so into it shouting out all the characters as they appeared: "Sorcerer Mickey!!!" "Jasmine!!!" "ARIELLLLLL!!!!!!!" ... it was very cute.

Those that read my last trip report will recall that the battery for my camera died so I was reduced to using my cell phone ... with the results being fairly, um, not good pictures. This time I definitely got some better ones - though I was also trying to take plenty of video too.

But here are some pictures since clearly I have talked enough at this point:






... and then my favorite part - the Steam Boat Willie Charactermania!


I also used a bit of the video to make some animated gifs of a few parts:



After the show we started to make out way out of the theater, found the stroller ok, and followed the crowds which took us the exact way I wanted to go which was the back way that takes you a bit off-stage and puts you out right near the entrance and at the start of Hollywood Boulevard which is where I heard was a good spot to watch the Frozen Fireworks. Well, everyone apparently had the same idea so we didn't get a great spot - a bit off to the side - but we were able to see fine and given how tight a window it was in-between the end of Fantasmic! and the start of the firewworks, I couldn't complain.

This was our view and we could sort of see the screen too where they were showing the pre-show (you can make it out a bit on the right side):


I also took video of this and made an animated gif of part of the ending scene. You may notice that at the end they started to shoot snow off of the tops of the buildings for a very cool effect.

If you click on it it will take you to a larger video that I put up on YouTube:

CLICK ==> <==

We were starting to wear down a bit and wanted to avoid the crowds as best we could so basically right as the last note hit we left and walked to the car to avoid having to use the tram. We got back to the hotel room and had to spend a little time on the balcony on our first night there:


We also got to watch some of the Electrical Water Pageant:


It was a very full day and despite some hiccups with missing FP+ windows and dinner taking longer than anticipated, it was great to be in Disney and were very satisfied with what we had gotten accomplished - especially seeing both the Frozen Sing-Along and the Frozen Fireworks which were the priority for me as far as the Frozen Summer events went.

It was off to bed for us then as we had an early morning at Animal Kingdom!

Fantasmic! seating is crazy. I've never tried it with the VIP dinner tickets before, so I was a little surprised to read that it wasn't as smooth as I envisioned. I guess you can only do so much with that theater and people figuring they'll sit wherever they want. :confused3

Love the gif of the Steamboat Wille character montage. :thumbsup2

Oh wow, catching the Frozen fireworks right after Fantasmic....I'm sure that made for a pretty fun night. I'll admit, those Frozen fireworks look awesome. And the snow shooting off the building is a great bonus.
Cool! I love the animated gifs that you made from your video. It never crossed my mind to do that before :thumbsup2

A nice first day, and I love that you were able to see the water pageant from the balcony on your first night. That view is incredible!!!
I big puffy heart Fantasmic! :cloud9:

So weird that they didn't say thank you? I hand out tons of glow sticks, but I've always gotten a thank you! Strange. :confused3

Not a bad spot at all for the Fireworks!
Fantasmic! seating is crazy. I've never tried it with the VIP dinner tickets before, so I was a little surprised to read that it wasn't as smooth as I envisioned. I guess you can only do so much with that theater and people figuring they'll sit wherever they want. :confused3

Love the gif of the Steamboat Wille character montage. :thumbsup2

Oh wow, catching the Frozen fireworks right after Fantasmic....I'm sure that made for a pretty fun night. I'll admit, those Frozen fireworks look awesome. And the snow shooting off the building is a great bonus.

Everything was very smooth up to when we got to the stop of the actual seating area. maybe it was because we showed up only about 20-25 mins before show time but it was a bit hectic. The fact we had 3 kids (one a baby) and had just kinda rushed over from dinner and stuff probably didn't help us either

Thank you! That part, along with Wishes!, gives me the biggest Disney Feels ... like it is just so much Disney crammed in one place and the fact they have Steamboat Willie - where it really all started - driving the boat :cloud9:

It reall was awesome to get to see both - I am so thinkful that it worked out. The fireworks were so good part of me wished we had just focussed on that and not worried about Fantasmic! but getting to do both was just so perfect!

Cool! I love the animated gifs that you made from your video. It never crossed my mind to do that before :thumbsup2

A nice first day, and I love that you were able to see the water pageant from the balcony on your first night. That view is incredible!!!

Thanks Matt! I think I first got the idea in that embedding youtube on the DIS doesn't really work so it was a compromise - starting to get a bit better at figuring out how big I can make them, etc.

That is definitely one of the perks of a monorail resort with water views in that you can come back from the parks and relax but still get to see Disney experiences at the same time :goodvibes

I big puffy heart Fantasmic! :cloud9:

So weird that they didn't say thank you? I hand out tons of glow sticks, but I've always gotten a thank you! Strange. :confused3

Not a bad spot at all for the Fireworks!

It's funny that we had never seen Fantasmic! prior to our previous trip last October and now it is like a must do for us - I just loved it so much! It's like a really cool show with teleporting Mickeys and witchest and giant snakes and dragons and then there is like 90 Disney characters crammed in a boat going right by you. Plus the music is so darn catchy :goodvibes

It wasn't a huge deal or anything just though the whole thing was weird especially after they disappeared after the show started. Just odd

In my dreams were were slightly more towards the middle with less of a pole blocking our view of the Fireworks but beyond that I was very happy with what view we got ... the fireworks were soooo good!!
Great Fantasmic pics and gifs!

Awesome view of the EWP from your room!

You guys got a lot done for being your first day :)
Okay, how rude of that family not to say thank you and then they just left? Weirdos.

Holy goodness the quality of your Fantasmic pictures and the gifs. Five stars. 10/10. Would recommend ;)

And making both Fantasmic and the Frozen fireworks? I said it already, but that is super awesome. Especially with a decent view.

Add the water pageant in at the end and it just seems like a night chuck full of awesometastic times.
Sounds like it was a fantastic first day, except for missing Tower of Terror, of course.

I hate when people can't even say thank you when you do something kind. So rude.

Great Fantasmic photos! Very cool Water Pageant pics, too!
Glad you had such a nice meal at Brown Derby, despite the long wait and slow pace. That Cobb Salad is so yummy! Nice that they let you have 3 mini desserts now - I like that option! :thumbsup2

Glad you enjoyed Fantasmic and ended up with a decent view of the Frozen Fireworks (and snow). Nice bonus to catch the Electrical Water Pageant too.

I had no idea they cancelled the Hyperspace Hoopla! :sad2: That was such fun! (We saw it in 2010).
What an assume update!!! I LOVE the pictures and video! Wow those came out great!!!
Hey Phil. I need to let you know that I AM reading along.... just have not taken the time to comment yet.

I'm bummed that our normal end of summer vacation plans didn't hold out otherwise our dates would have aligned. ;)

I love the Contemporary views... and to see the Electric Water Pageant is a nice treat at the end of the day.

Bummer that dinner at HBD took so long Emma was almost potty trained... that's frustrating but at least you enjoyed the food... and the wine.. and the beer. ;)

We really enjoyed the Frozen nighttime spectacular. Every time we've seen it it was off to the side so your video is fantastic.
Sorry I got behind!

I can't believe you waited so long to be seated at HBD! You must have incredibly well behaved kids! :thumbsup2 We've done the fantasmic package twice, and both times were given an appetizer with the meal. Once was Mama Melrose, and once HBD. I assume that's the norm??

Great FAntasmic pics! Glad you got the chance to use the camera!

Frozen fireworks too???? What a night!
Great Fantasmic pics and gifs!

Awesome view of the EWP from your room!

You guys got a lot done for being your first day :)

Thank you! Way better than what I got last trip where you could maybe, kinda tell we were at Fantasmic! :rotfl:

One bonus of the room not being ready is we did get a bit more park time (which got eaten up by the long dinner, but I digress) so I felt pretty satisfied with what we did get to especially the Frozen stuff

Okay, how rude of that family not to say thank you and then they just left? Weirdos.

Holy goodness the quality of your Fantasmic pictures and the gifs. Five stars. 10/10. Would recommend ;)

And making both Fantasmic and the Frozen fireworks? I said it already, but that is super awesome. Especially with a decent view.

Add the water pageant in at the end and it just seems like a night chuck full of awesometastic times.

It was more the whole scene in that she made a big deal out of not getting light up toys as they were too expensive then tooks ours and then left a few minutes into the show - just odd

Thank you for that recommendation and the five stars! Definitely had some that I zoomed in too far though - oh well, baby steps each trip and by like 2019 I should have some great pics!

I was super glad to make both as I had nightmares (I assume we all have dreams involving Disney ... just me? Ok then) where we are trying to hustle out of the theater and we can kinda make out the fireworks that had already started, etc. I mean, clearly first world problems anyway, but I am very happy it worked out

I was very glad we got to see the Water pageant - and was a good view as we could see them do it at different spots and get different views of it. I know it is old technology and a little cheesy, but it just screams Walt Disney World vacation to me :goodvibes

Sounds like it was a fantastic first day, except for missing Tower of Terror, of course.

I hate when people can't even say thank you when you do something kind. So rude.

Great Fantasmic photos! Very cool Water Pageant pics, too!

Thanks Annie - yes it was a disappointment - but hopefully we can get on it in future trips and maybe by the Olivia will be willing to ride :thumbsup2

Was just a weird scene and then they left and I don't know, just odd to me

Thank you! :goodvibes
Fantasmic!! I LOVE IT!! It is like a stampede getting it though for sure.... Last year, we were right behind the rope and I had the baby and my DH had my oldest one and it was like we were getting ready for a race... LOL.... We kept telling the kids to hold on that we were going to have to make a mad dash and run like the wind.. LOL.

Speaking of last year, I noticed in your signature, your Oct 13 dates.. We missed each other by a DAY!! We were there Oct 19-24! I SO wish we were going to be there this year- at that time. Fall is my fav!

Frozen Fireworks... AHHHH...
Glad you had such a nice meal at Brown Derby, despite the long wait and slow pace. That Cobb Salad is so yummy! Nice that they let you have 3 mini desserts now - I like that option! :thumbsup2

Glad you enjoyed Fantasmic and ended up with a decent view of the Frozen Fireworks (and snow). Nice bonus to catch the Electrical Water Pageant too.

I had no idea they cancelled the Hyperspace Hoopla! :sad2: That was such fun! (We saw it in 2010).

It really was a nice meal and some of the best food we have had at Disney - just at a rather slow pace. We were very happy about the dessert trio option - I think that is a great way to try different things without having to commit to just one that you may or may not like in the end.

Definitely worked out - though where we were standing wasn't under any of the snow fall, but we did get to watch it.

All the videos I have seen look like so much fun and something you could only see there - not sure why they got rid of the Hoopla :confused3

What an assume update!!! I LOVE the pictures and video! Wow those came out great!!!

Thank you! Definitely a marked improvement over last year :rotfl:
Hey Phil. I need to let you know that I AM reading along.... just have not taken the time to comment yet.

I'm bummed that our normal end of summer vacation plans didn't hold out otherwise our dates would have aligned. ;)

I love the Contemporary views... and to see the Electric Water Pageant is a nice treat at the end of the day.

Bummer that dinner at HBD took so long Emma was almost potty trained... that's frustrating but at least you enjoyed the food... and the wine.. and the beer. ;)

We really enjoyed the Frozen nighttime spectacular. Every time we've seen it it was off to the side so your video is fantastic.

Glad to see you here Brenda! :goodvibes

I know - it would have been great to meet up! Definitely have to figure out something in the future to have trips overlap.

Definitely was fun to come back home and start to rest/relax but still be able to see things like the Electrical Water Pageant or just the changing lights on the Castle, etc.

And while Emma is now potty trained Peter still isn't off course :lmao: Definitely enjoyed all of the food and beverages :thumbsup2

Really thought the fireworks and related parts were a lot of fun and, not surprisingly, really well done. Thanks!

Sorry I got behind!

I can't believe you waited so long to be seated at HBD! You must have incredibly well behaved kids! :thumbsup2 We've done the fantasmic package twice, and both times were given an appetizer with the meal. Once was Mama Melrose, and once HBD. I assume that's the norm??

Great FAntasmic pics! Glad you got the chance to use the camera!

Frozen fireworks too???? What a night!

Well, they behaved ok - definitely was starting to get to their breaking point by the time we got seated though. If the appetizer being included is the norm that is great - definitely clearly states on the Disney Website that it is just entree and dessert though :confused3

Thanks! Yeah, nothing special about the camera but certainly gets better nighttime/distance pictures than our cell phones!

Definitely worked out great that we got to see the Frozen Fireworks too. :goodvibes
Fantasmic!! I LOVE IT!! It is like a stampede getting it though for sure.... Last year, we were right behind the rope and I had the baby and my DH had my oldest one and it was like we were getting ready for a race... LOL.... We kept telling the kids to hold on that we were going to have to make a mad dash and run like the wind.. LOL.

Speaking of last year, I noticed in your signature, your Oct 13 dates.. We missed each other by a DAY!! We were there Oct 19-24! I SO wish we were going to be there this year- at that time. Fall is my fav!

Frozen Fireworks... AHHHH...

For all the great family things Disney does - there does seem to be places were there is a bit of the "running of the bulls" that you would think could result in some injuries for kids

How funny that we missed each other by a day! We love fall too ... well, Food and Wine Festival the most. I made a t-shirt that says: A salute to all of Walt Disney World ... but mostly the Food & Wine Festival :goodvibes

Not sure of our plans for next year but thinking we will try to do similar in fall of 2016 and then August of 2017 to get two trips out of at least one annual pass / TIW card. But who knows.

Fireworks were great!
Wow!! Your pictures of Fantasmic are amazing!!! Our pics are always dark and unrecognizable, lol!!

So, maybe it's just us because SOOOOO many people have this complaint...but we have never NOT just decided "Let's go see Fantasmic" and walk right in and take a seat. :confused3

Maybe it's our timing?? We've never done the package and have seen it 5+ times and never encountered the "stampede". I will just consider us lucky, lol!! :cool1:

Now, getting out??? That's a whole other story...MOOOOOOO!!!! Is definitely the thought that comes to mind. And the last time, when we were coming out of the Villains Unleashed Fantasmic, it wasn't a path out of the park, it went back in and was so much longer it seemed!


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