It's a Marshmallow New Year's!The End! Future trip?? 7.21.14 Update

The Night Lights Up!!!​

There were a few reasons I was very excited about this trip and those same reasons were things I was sure I did not want to miss!! And one of those special happenings was....well, about to happen!!!

(Warning: This was my first the pictures may be a bit on the obnoxious side!!!)

We finished up The great Movie Ride and began the trek back to Street of America. It was around 5:45 pm and I wanted to be there when the lights came on! I was about to experience the Osborne Lights for the first time! I had seen videos but, really, videos do not do this justice!!

We arrive to a mob of people as dusk is descending...

We wait about 10 minutes and the announcements begin!! And then the lights come on!!! In all of their spectacular glory!!

And then Keith says "So that's it...let's go".... What!?!?!?! :confused3 Are you kidding me!?!?! No that IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT IT!!!! :headache: So Keith and Chris go and find steps to sit on close to The Writer's Shop while Madison and I soak it all in! (Note to self: Don't take Keith and Chris when you want to enjoy every little single second of, well, anything!)

Madison and I decide to make our way through the crowd. It was extremely crowded but it never really felt that way. Everyone was in a good mood and even if you got in someone's way (or someone got in your way) it wasn't that big of a deal.

We manage a selfie again:

The subway is always one of our favorite photo ops and it seems the elves were enjoying it this night!

A crowd picture:

Continued in the following post...
SNOW!!! Now for some reason, I didn't realize this happened! I am shocked I didn't know this! I read and research so much, but then it was a good surprise so maybe missing out on reading something can be a good thing!! Thing is, the things I did know about--like the cat and razorback--I didn't bother with because of crowds and trying to not push it by leaving Keith and Chris on that stoop too long. Really it was all just means there is more for my next trip!!

We decided after about 30 minutes that we should go find Keith and Chris (plus it was time for our FPP for TSMM!). So, we make a slow walk out...

Hidden Mickey...there were 60 or 65 Hidden Mickeys and I found several. It would have been awesome to try and locate them all but alas that wasn't in the cards!

Yes...I had a really hard time letting go and moving on....

One last look at the crowd...

Oh look!!! Another Hidden Mickey!!

Oh, okay, we can leave, but first...just one more picture!!!

Yes! Thousands of lights dancing to Christmas enchanting!! It was awesome and fun and I can't wait to go back when I am not so awestruck!! But being awestruck is such a wonderful thing!! :cloud9:

Up Next...We try our luck at TSMM and an amazing dinner!!! Oh and thank you for indulging me with the pictures...I told you it was a it obnoxious!! :rolleyes1:rolleyes1
Great report, and super pics. You can NEVER have to many Osborne pics!
I didn't get to see the "turn on" this past trip (I did last time I was there for this time of year), but even seeing them for the second time still blew me away. Believe me, you would not hear "OK that's it" from me.

You know, even though it's crowded, it's a different crowded than for things like parades and fireworks. At least you can move around. Plus everyone's so happy.

Ahh the snow. Such a great addition to the lights. I agree, sometimes not knowing makes it all that much better.
As usual I'm late to the party but very excited to read about your trip. In your last report when you thought you would be there over Thanksgiving, I thought we might have a chance to connect because we were there Thanksgiving week and the week after but then, of course, you had to change your plans. Anyway, it was my second time to see the Osborne lights and I could walk around back there for hours. I think I did! :) Can't ever see too many pictures and yours are always so good! Very interesting to read your take on the magic bands since I've read (mostly) not so great reviews. We stayed off-site this trip so didn't participate in any testing. I don't know how I feel about having to plan so precisely...... Chris looks so handsome in his new uniform and you all look great. Looking forward to the rest!!
Great report, and super pics. You can NEVER have to many Osborne pics!

Thank you! I am so happy someone else agrees that there can never be too many! :goodvibes

Great pics! :)

Thanks!! :)

I didn't get to see the "turn on" this past trip (I did last time I was there for this time of year), but even seeing them for the second time still blew me away. Believe me, you would not hear "OK that's it" from me.

You know, even though it's crowded, it's a different crowded than for things like parades and fireworks. At least you can move around. Plus everyone's so happy.

Ahh the snow. Such a great addition to the lights. I agree, sometimes not knowing makes it all that much better.

I am not sure what is wrong with my family members sometimes! :confused3 The lights were so amazing!! It's like the air is full of happiness and joy! I am missing it right now!

As usual I'm late to the party but very excited to read about your trip. In your last report when you thought you would be there over Thanksgiving, I thought we might have a chance to connect because we were there Thanksgiving week and the week after but then, of course, you had to change your plans. Anyway, it was my second time to see the Osborne lights and I could walk around back there for hours. I think I did! :) Can't ever see too many pictures and yours are always so good! Very interesting to read your take on the magic bands since I've read (mostly) not so great reviews. We stayed off-site this trip so didn't participate in any testing. I don't know how I feel about having to plan so precisely...... Chris looks so handsome in his new uniform and you all look great. Looking forward to the rest!!

You are never too late! Welcome to the party!!! :cool1:

I always seem to be there when no one else is! It would have been so great to meet up! I tend to take so many pictures and everyone rolls their eyes at me! Madison is the only one that really indulges me!! :rotfl2:

I really did like the Magic Bands and the is a little tedious planning every detail in advance but in some ways I liked it. I especially liked it since I could relax (rope drops weren't required) and I changed things a whole lot as you will soon see! ;)
Elsa needs to let up!!!

Well we had a few snow days thanks to this latest polar blast. I will just say that after driving on the icy roads...hats off to those that have to deal with snow and ice daily!!

We had a bit of winter wonderland that I am sure a whole lot of people are sick of seeing!!

And I even took a video of our little "blizzard":

I am very thankful we did not have the experiences Atlanta and Birmingham did! :scared1:

Osborne Lights Videos!!​
I also have a few videos from the Osborne Lights that I finally got uploaded!

Game On!!!​

I finally forced myself away from the lights and we found Keith and Chris right where we had left them. Then it was off to Pixar to use our FPP!

Buzz...My Hero!!!!

I'm not sure if this was new, but it was definitely not something I had seen in the past! And I thought it was super cute!!

For some reason we didn't do too well. Okay, so I never really do too well, but Keith usually does really good! We chalked it up to exhaustion!

This was mine and Madison's scores...she beat me.

Keith's score was low but still best in car!

And then it was over and time for us to head to Epcot for our ADR. We head to the front of DHS and I manage to get a few pictures and do a little window shopping. I love the vive at the front of the park!

I found this window display simply adorable!!

And who doesn't love my favorite Duck's nephews???

And then one last shot before we make our grand exit...

We exit and make our way past the Christmas tree...

And onward to the boat dock which had a long line. We miss the boat but know another is on its we wait...

Soon the boat docks and we load up! And then werelax as we make the ride to Epcot...

Continued in the following post, page 3...
And then....EPCOT!!!!!!​

Once we arrive, I want to see if we can make it to England and hear the Storyteller there. The Storytellers were another goal I had. I'd hoped to get to see at least 5. Since all of the Christmas activities at Epcot ended on 12.30.13, I really didn't have time to spread it all out!!

And we did make it just in time!!

Up next: "Why have we never eaten here before!?" Madison
This has seriously been the strangest winter ever.

I do think the Etch A Sketch is fairly new. I don't remember seeing it before my December trip.

The storytellers are a great add to World Showcase. I didn't watch them all, but I think I did see them all. So fascinating.
Hope that you're all bundled up and safe after this crazy weather passed through you way. We didn't get a single solitary snowflake or piece of sleet. :confused3

Yay for getting to see the Osbourne Lights! I can just imagine how hard it was to tear yourselves away from them. They always look so pretty in pictures.
Checking in!

Glad to see y'all had a safe trip there. And even if you did get going a little later than you wanted, y'all were still accomplishing a lot that night! :thumbsup2 The "snow" at the Osborne lights always makes me tear up. It just amps up the magic of it all, in my opinion.

I wish we would have actually gotten pretty snow during the storm this week. About 30 minutes north of us did but all we got was nasty, dangerous ice.
Great updates and pics.

Thank you!! :)

Wonderful update! :)

Thanks!! :)

This has seriously been the strangest winter ever.

I do think the Etch A Sketch is fairly new. I don't remember seeing it before my December trip.

The storytellers are a great add to World Showcase. I didn't watch them all, but I think I did see them all. So fascinating.

We have already had another snow day!! This winter has been bizarre!! Yesterday it was 35 and tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60s! Weird!!

I really thing the Etch a Sketch must be relatively new. And I really agree about the Storytellers!!

Hope that you're all bundled up and safe after this crazy weather passed through you way. We didn't get a single solitary snowflake or piece of sleet. :confused3

Yay for getting to see the Osbourne Lights! I can just imagine how hard it was to tear yourselves away from them. They always look so pretty in pictures.

So since you posted this, our snow melted, it got pretty warm and then more ice/sleet/yuck came down/another snow day and even you got cabin fever!! But thankfully we have been nice and warm indoors!

It was so very hard!!!

Checking in!

Glad to see y'all had a safe trip there. And even if you did get going a little later than you wanted, y'all were still accomplishing a lot that night! :thumbsup2 The "snow" at the Osborne lights always makes me tear up. It just amps up the magic of it all, in my opinion.

I wish we would have actually gotten pretty snow during the storm this week. About 30 minutes north of us did but all we got was nasty, dangerous ice.

Oh my! Hello!!! :goodvibes Glad you're here!

We really did seem to be cruising through things so it was nice!! I really loved the snow falling!

It is weird how hit and miss the ice vs snow locals can be!

So sorry I have been MIA! I had really not planned to let things go so long! We have been busy with the end of soccer season and Madison's 18th birthday :sad1::sad1: And then we had some college visits to go and do. So when I'm home I have had to do things like cook and clean and not get on the computer! BUT I hope you'll hang tight and I will get an update soon! It is, after all, the best meal of our trip!!
Bon Appetit!!

After seeing Father Christmas in the UK, we walk to France for dinner! We were a little early so the guys found a bench and Madison and I wandered the shops!

TIP: If you need to know where any benches, stoops, curbs, or flat spots are to sit...Chris and Keith can tell you. Any park, any time, no matter what!! :rolleyes1

Beautiful France!! This is Madison's favorite country in World Showcase. She told me the other day that she thinks it is because it was the first country we went to on our first trip.

They had these huge ornament balls that had display windows. The displays were of the perfumes for sale in the stores. I tried to get a picture but the display is washed out...regardless, you can get the idea!!

We wandered into the perfume stores and then across the way to the one with the wine.

We then walked to the back of France where the bakery is and the Paris store (as we like to call it). They had these lit up stars hanging above which I thought were very nice!

After looking around a bit, we made our way back to the guys. This was taken from the bench they were sitting can figure out where they are now! :)

And the fountain...I love fountains!

Our ADR was for 8:20 pm and at 8 pm we decided to go ahead and check in. I am assuming everyone has figured out our destination: Chefs de France!!!

I pretty much have given away our thoughts since I quoted Madison saying "Why have we never eaten here before?!" and mentioning this as the "best meal of our trip"! Well, if it isn't good, that is a REALLY bad omen for the other meals I suppose! :scared:

I have made ADRs for Chefs de France so many times and cancelled so many times I can't keep count! We always have some conflict, we decide to not pay out-of-pocket for the meal or I get cold feet since I have read so many bad reviews! I have always sweated we would have rude servers or mediocre food or just a blah experience. Well, I am so thankful that this night was amazing!!!! (with one small exception that is not the restaurants fault...I'll get to that!)

So we have checked in and we get lucky that a party is called just as we walk into the sitting area, clearing a bench! Our view from our spot as we wait:

It wasn't a long wait at all and before we knew it, we were being led to our table! This was my view as we dined:

And around the table:

And a few pics of your "favorite" diners!! :rotfl:

After getting our bearings and ordering was time to peruse the menu!!!

Our waiter was awesome! He was so friendly and I had noted his name but now I cannot locate was like Rueban or something like that. Anyhoo...he was friendly and attentive but not overbearing. That was one concern wiped off the list of nervous concerns!!

We place our order and then the bread comes out. Warm, crusty baguettes...the butter just melted as it was lathered on...we indulged on the first loaf which disappeared way too fast. So our wonderful waiter brought out another loaf of warm crusty goodness!!!! I am such a carb/bread lover! I have to monitor my intake but this night...well, the monitor was off!!!

Before long, our entrees make their grand entrance! Madison, Keith and I made it very easy and order the same thing:

Filet de boeuf grille, sauce au poivre vert Gratin Dauphinois et haricots verts - Grilled tenderloin of beef with green peppercorn sauce original potato gratin of Savoy and green beans $34.99

The steak was cooked to perfection! It was very well seasoned and the sauce was delicious!! The potatoes were unbelievable! I could have had a 2nd helping. And the green beans were good...just green beans but very yummy!!! We pretty much cleaned our plates!

Chris went with something different:

Coquille St Jacques et crevette, gnocchis Provencales - sauteed scallops and shrimps served with gnocchis provencales $31.99

Chris ate all of it very quickly. He said it was extremely good, BUT he is a growing by who just finished basic training and the portion was not nearly enough. That's okay because he has room for dessert and a treat a few countries down!

Then the dessert menu was brought out!!

I ordered the Creme Brulee - Vanilla creme brulee served with a Madeleine

It was delicious!!

Madison ordered the Fraisier sur coulis de framboise, sorbet fraise - fresh strawberry and cream cake, raspberry sauce and strawberry sorbet

Madison sees strawberries and she is sold! This was very good in both our opinions! (We did taste each others desserts!)

And Chris ordered the best of all!!! The Profiteroles au chocolat - Puff choux with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.

This was divine!!! So wonderful!!! Even on full stomachs this dessert was devoured!

Overall this meal was great in every aspect! The service was great! The food was superb! The atmosphere was warm and inviting...very cozy! We will be dining at Chefs de France again! Madison has proclaimed this her favorite restaurant!

So what can make this experience not so great? Parents who give their children electronic games to keep them occupied but allow them to turn the volume ALL THE WAY UP! And they were right beside us!! The kids were well occupied and behaved but the constant "beep", buzzup", "ding", and "boopboopboop" was very annoying!!! And evidently glares from neighboring tables do not alert the parents to the total annoyance!! But, it did not ruin our time and only was as annoying as we allowed it to be. At least the kids weren't climbing, jumping and swinging all over the place. Things could be worst!

Continued in the following post...
We ate at a pleasant pace and never felt rushed. We were out by 9:30 pm. Not too shabby!!! Since this was New Year's week,Illuminations was scheduled for 10:30 pm. We settled the bill and decided to take a pit stop before heading on out.

Then we are off into the other countries! But first a few final looks at our new Top 10 restaurants!!

Wandering along World Showcase...we walk through Morocco...

And then we wander into Japan:

America is up next!!!

And the "golf ball" and Christmas tree across the way...

And then pretty Italy...

And then we arrive in Germany...home of the BEST caramel shop! Home of Keith's "Disney" beer! Home of Chris' pretzels! Home of some amazingly cute Christmas decorations!! Germany!!!

After the beer is downed, the pretzel devoured and the shops perused, we make our way to the exit. We left at 6:30 am and drove 7 hours to Orlando, we have been to Hollywood Studios where we rode TSMM, ToT and Muppets 3D, and made it to Epcot where we enjoyed an amazing meal and toured some of World Showcase. We are some tired little puppies!!!! And we still have several days to go!!

Continued in the following post...
And just as we get to the front, Keith suggests we ride Spaceship we do!!

Don't mind us...we're just passing through time!!

And then it is time to come back to Earth...traveling down....

Madison and i learn what our future holds!!

A really cool car!!!

With a neat-o dashboard!!

Funny side appears "my" fingers form the letter "L". The whole trip our "thing" was holding this L shape to our foreheads and saying "L for Love!". This comes from the movie "Dodgeball" and for some reason we have used it a lot lately!! When I posted this and noticed "my" fingers forming the "L" I thought it funny and ironic!! :rotfl:

And lots of floating in space, it appears!!

The eastern US seems to be well represented!

Then we played a few of the activities:

There was one where you used shuffle board type paddles to "push" electronic images around to power up the city. Depending on how much you did indicated the size of the Paris or Tokyo. It was really fun and we spent a good deal of time doing that particular game. No pics of it though since we were all trying to help that city out with their electricity!!

Shew! That was an update!! And reliving the day while ago really exhausted me!!! :lmao: But maybe it makes up for being MIA for two weeks!!

Up next is our Sunday and a very moving and beautiful evening!!



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